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09-11 投稿


brutalized 发音

英:[?bru?t?la?zd]  美:[?bru?t?la?zd]

英:  美:

brutalized 中文意思翻译




brutalized 词性/词形变化,brutalized变形

名词: brutalization |动词过去式: brutalized |动词现在分词: brutalizing |动词第三人称单数: brutalizes |动词过去分词: brutalized |

brutalized 短语词组

1、brutalized glass ─── 残暴的玻璃

2、brutalized definition ─── 残酷的定义

3、brutalized doom ─── 残酷的厄运

4、brutalized meaning ─── 残酷的意义

5、brutalized synonym ─── 野蛮的同义词

6、brutalized define ─── 残忍的定义

brutalized 相似词语短语

1、brutalize ─── vt.残酷地对待;使像野兽般残忍,使变得残酷无情;vi.变粗暴;变残忍

2、brutalised ─── 残暴的

3、brutalizing ─── vt.残酷地对待;使像野兽般残忍,使变得残酷无情;vi.变粗暴;变残忍

4、brutalise ─── 使变残忍;残酷对待

5、brutalities ─── n.无情;残忍;暴行(需用复数形式)

6、brutalizes ─── vt.残酷地对待;使像野兽般残忍,使变得残酷无情;vi.变粗暴;变残忍

7、ruralized ─── vt.成田园风味;田园化;过田园生活;使农村化;vi.在农村居住

8、brutalises ─── 残暴

9、bestialized ─── vt.使行动如禽兽一般;使野蛮

brutalized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、O'Brien was a large, burly man with a thick neck and a coarse, humorous, brutal face. ─── 奥勃良壮实魁梧,脖子短粗,面孔粗鲁残忍,又挺有幽默感。

2、He confessed the brutal truth. ─── 他供认了事实真相。

3、To many, football seems like a very brutal sport. ─── 在许多人看来,橄榄球是一项非常粗野的运动。

4、Russia's own brutal war in Chechnya made it particularly twitchy. ─── 俄罗斯自己在车臣发起的残酷战争也让它烦躁不安。

5、Without activists, the world would be full of gulags, torture prisons, brutalized, silent spouses and children. ─── 没有他们的努力,世界将充满了劳改营,监狱酷刑,以及备受摧残而保持沉默的配偶和子女。

6、Taiwan Aboriginal brutalized by Japanese military ARE DEFINITELY NOT Japanese. ─── 受尽日军廹害的台湾原住民族,绝不会是日本人。

7、The brutal truth is that it can kill you in matter of minutes. ─── 不幸的是,它只需几分钟就能够杀死你。

8、He didn't say anything, brooding on the brutal luck of his life. ─── 他一声不吭,暗自思忖着一生倒霉的命运。

9、His tactics were brutal but effective. ─── 他的手段粗钝却有效。

10、They're brutal people behind their civilised veneer. ─── 他们表面上温文有礼,骨子里却是野蛮残忍。

11、NATO's invasion of this independent country is a brutal violation of human rights. ─── 北约对这个独立的国家的侵略是对人权的野蛮侵犯。

12、A fierce, brutal, or cruel person. ─── 凶暴、粗野或残酷的人

13、Nor can I blame them. They live in a brutal economy. ─── 但我也不能责怪他们,因为他们生活在残酷的经济时代。

14、Sexual abuse during conflict is just one of many ways women and girls are brutalized and denied their fundamental rights, he said. ─── 他说,战争期间的性虐待只是妇女和女童受到残暴对待并被剥夺基本人权的众多形式之一。

15、Form where I stand, it is brutal. ─── 就我来看,拳击很野蛮。

16、He remembered Sonny as being sometimes casually brutal but essentially warmhearted. ─── 他想到桑儿性情暴躁,但本质上仍不失为一个好人。

17、Now the issue came with blunt and brutal force. ─── 但在现在,问题却来得那么直截了当而粗暴。

18、He was brutalized by the experience of being in prison. ─── 牢狱生活使他变得残暴了。

19、She left six weeks later a rape victim after being brutalized in an alley by a knife-wielding gang. ─── 6周之后,她身为一个强奸受害人而黯然离开了,此前,她在一条小巷遭到了一个持刀团伙的粗暴对待。

20、The usual alternatives in the Java language look brutal by comparison. ─── 与此相比,通常的Java语言替代方案看起来是残酷的。

21、He pushed her violently away with brutal words. ─── 他骂骂咧咧粗暴地推开了她。

22、A brutal round of partisan finger-pointing followed the vote. ─── 一场野蛮的党派间的指责在表决后展开。

23、She has to face the brutal reality. ─── 她不得不去面对冷酷的现实。

24、From REACTIVE to BRUTAL OFFENSIVE ATTACK! ─── 从被动反应到凶残的主动进攻!

25、Children were rent from their mothers'arms by the brutal soldiers. ─── 凶暴的士兵强使孩子离开母亲的怀抱。

26、The brutal truth of the mass layoff really shook everyone. ─── 大批裁员的残酷事实让大家都很震惊。

27、Drink brings out the beast in him,ie emphasizes the brutal part of his nature. ─── 他酒后兽性大发.

28、He was known for running a brutal extortion racket. ─── 他因干过一起残忍的敲诈勒索而出名。

29、He has a brutal desire to kill his wife. ─── 他有了杀死他妻子的凶残念头。

30、For more than a decade, the Kremlin has waged a brutal war to prevent the secession of the republic of Chechnya. ─── 俄罗斯为阻止车臣共和国独立,打了十多年残酷的战争。

31、Her heart sickened at the thought of this brutal indignity. ─── 她一想到这件蛮横无礼的事,心里就不舒服。

32、At this almost brutal speech Morrel turned deathly pale. ─── 听到这段几乎近于残酷的话,莫雷尔的脸顿时变成了死灰色。

33、The inmates cowers under the brutal lash. ─── 囚犯们在粗暴的体罚下畏缩了。

34、His brutal treatment of his wife will always be a blot on his escutcheon. ─── 他虐待自己的妻子,这将永远是他名誉上的污点。

35、Nor was it a bad thing to want to rid the world of a brutal tyrant. ─── 对于想把残忍的暴君从世上除去的人,这是个不错的情报。

36、If you hold an unpopular belief too vociferously, you can be trampled, brutalized, ostracized, lynched. ─── 如果你过于标新立异地抱守某种不合时宜的观念,你可能会遭到排斥、践踏甚至摧残。

37、Toulon, France. The chain gang, overseen by brutal warders, works in the sun. ─── 1815年,法国土伦。戴着镣铐的囚犯们,在冷酷的看守的监视下,在阳光中劳动。

38、Try as I might, I couldn't stomach this brutal certitude. ─── 尽管我有善良的愿望,我也不能接受这种咄咄逼人的确凿性。

39、However, 19 year-old Beira actually soberly saw the brutal reality. ─── 不过,19岁的贝拉却清醒地看到了残酷的现实。

40、It was brutal of him to do that. ─── 他做那种事是很残忍的。

41、But time is callosity, the market is brutal. ─── 但时间是无情的,市场是残酷的。

42、He was brutalized by his former experience. ─── 以前的经历使他变得残忍。

43、He was a thief and a brutal man. ─── 他是个贼,是个惨无人道的人。

44、The brutal slave owner gouged out the slave's eyes. ─── 凶残的奴隶主剜掉了奴隶的双眼。

45、Amid the brutal, ugly cacophony of war, Lilli Marlene always struck a sweet and tender note. ─── 在残酷丑陋的战争喧嚣中,丽莉·玛琳总是用她那温柔甜蜜的音符去抚慰人们心灵的创伤。

46、Who sobers compared to who, therefore who is more brutal than who... ─── 不知道去哪家点痣 不会留疤痕了噢...

47、Chandler: Oh, yeah, that hug looked pretty brutal. ─── 哦,是啊,那个拥抱看起来残忍极了。

48、Also, chow yun fat dials down his performance as a brutal emperor with a stolid temperament. ─── 同时,周润发用冷淡的性格来演出一个残忍的皇帝.

49、n. The sparkle made by the collision of rocks burned forests and beasts fled away and brutalized human beings. ─── 山石撞击出的火花也把山林燃着,野兽仓皇出逃,残害人类。

50、A brutal winter in the Arctic. ─── 北极的严冬

51、In the countryside, the land reform continued at a wiser and less brutal tempo. ─── 准备工作做得十分周到,而且并不仅限于军事方面。

52、The jaw was aggressive, brutal, heavy. ─── 下腭带有挑衅意味、野蛮并且粗壮。

53、he was brutalized by his former experience . ─── 以前的经历使他变得残忍。

54、His brutal temper made everyone feel very ill at ease. ─── 他暴虐的脾气让每个人都惴惴不安。

55、With brutal honesty she told him she did not love him. ─── 她冷酷地直接告诉他,她不爱他。

56、His personality was stunted by the brutal treatment in his childhood. ─── 儿童期间受到的虐待对他人格的形成构成了障碍。

57、He said that an expansion of operations would signal a global commitment to a country brutalized by 23 years of war. ─── 他说,这样做等于发出一个信号,即国际社会对一个遭受23年战争蹂躏的国家承担义务。

58、Some people feel that American football is a brutal sport. ─── 一些人认为美式足球是一项粗暴的运动。

59、By dint of fleeing and blushing,you will become brutalized. ─── 你老这样开溜,老这样脸嫩,你会变成个憨子。”

60、He delivered a verbal protest against their brutal acts. ─── 他对他们的野蛮行为向他们提出了口头抗议。

61、This, then, was a world of savage repression and brutal predation. ─── 因此,这是一个野蛮镇压和残酷掠夺的世界。

62、I don't say these things because I believe in the "brute" nature of man or that men must be brutalized to be combative. ─── 我不说这些事情,是因为我相信残忍的人类本性或是人必须要残忍以具有竞争力。

63、Children were rent from their mothers'arms by the brutal soldiers . ─── 凶暴的士兵强使孩子们离开他们母亲的怀抱。

64、He told me all the details with brutal frankness. ─── 他告诉了我所有的细节,坦白得有点严酷。

65、Although reality is brutal, that also is the truest, want to learning to face! ─── 你会让自己活在美丽的记忆里..还是坚强的面对现实的好?

66、An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment. ─── 压倒性的大多数投票废除那个残酷的刑罚。

67、History of the most brutal boxing competition begins! ─── 史上最残酷的拳击比赛开始了!

68、Winter in the South Pole is brutal. ─── 南极的冬天是极其寒冷的。

69、The people have been kept down for years by a brutal regime. ─── 人民多年遭受野蛮制度压迫。

70、But Tanggula is brutal callosity. ─── 但唐古拉又是残酷无情的。

71、The competition for this job is brutal. ─── 对这个工作的竞争很残酷。

72、In humans things not are always as brutal and explicit. ─── 在人类中,事情不总是如此残忍和明显。

73、The people all over the world are opposed to the brutal colonial rule. ─── 世界人民反对残酷的殖民统治。

74、The other problem with Alaska is the brutal weather. ─── 严酷的天气是另一大问题。

75、Gadhafi brutalized people for 42 years. ─── 卡扎菲残暴统治人民长达42年。

76、His mode of life was evil and he was more brutal even than his cruel father. ─── 他的生活方式是邪恶的,他比他那严酷的父亲还要残忍。

77、The world has always been brutalized by people who claim to be bearers of the "true" morality. ─── 世人总是受到那些自称“真正”道德观的维护者们的野蛮对待。

78、The crime her brother had convicted of was especially brutal. ─── 她的哥哥曾被判定的罪行特别残忍。

79、If low-minded, brutal people will act like themselves, what am I to do? ─── 如果卑鄙下流的恶人非这样做不可,我又有什么办法呢

80、Our people are brutalized and killed, and I lost 21 of my family members in one day . ─── 我们的人民是摧残和杀害,在一天我失去了我的家人21。

81、He has been brutalized and belittled by her cutting remarks. ─── 她的刺人话语,使他受到严厉的指责和贬低。

82、Valentine Gersbach, her lover, was a charming man, too, though in a heavier, brutal style. ─── 她的情夫瓦伦

83、Oh, yeah, that hug looked pretty brutal. ─── 哦,是么,那个拥抱看起来还真绝情呢。

84、Her baby was rent away from her arms by a brutal bandit. ─── 她的婴儿被一个野蛮的强盗从她怀里抢走。

85、She came from Kusaba desert, one of the most brutal places in the world. ─── 她来自于苦萨巴沙漠,这世界上最严酷的环境之一。

86、The Islamist regime of General Omar al-Bashir is brutal. ─── 奥马尔?巴希尔将军领导的这个伊斯兰政权是残忍的。

87、The brutal afternoon sun scorched my face. ─── 午后骄阳烤得我脸孔绯红。

88、Drink brings out the beast in him, ie emphasizes the brutal part of his nature. ─── 他酒後兽性大发.

89、Children were rent from their mothers' arms by the brutal soldiers. ─── 凶残的士兵把孩子们从母亲的怀抱中夺走了。

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