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09-06 投稿


obelisk 发音

英:['?b(?)l?sk]  美:['ɑb?'l?sk]

英:  美:

obelisk 中文意思翻译



obelisk 网络释义

n. 方尖碑;方尖塔;[印刷] 剑号;疑问记号

obelisk 词性/词形变化,obelisk变形

形容词: obeliscal |

obelisk 短语词组

1、double obelisk = double dagger

2、obelisk neopets ─── 方尖碑

3、obelisk ror2 ─── 方尖碑ror2

4、fagus obelisk ─── 水青冈方尖碑

5、obelisk on mars ─── 火星方尖碑

6、obelisk definition ─── 方尖碑定义

7、obelisk on mars moon ─── 火星卫星方尖碑

8、obelisk the tormento ─── 折磨者方尖碑

9、obelisk the tormentor ─── 折磨者方尖碑

10、obelisk dc ─── 方尖碑

11、obelisk theme ─── 方尖碑主题

obelisk 相似词语短语

1、obelia ─── 薮枝虫;[动]薮枝螅

2、obeism ─── 肥胖

3、obelises ─── v.加上剑号(等于obelize)

4、obeli ─── n.短剑号;疑问记号(obelus的变形)

5、obelised ─── v.加上剑号(等于obelize)

6、obelise ─── v.加上剑号(等于obelize)

7、obelisks ─── n.[建]方尖碑(obelisk复数)

8、obelism ─── 肥胖

9、Nobelist ─── n.诺贝尔得奖人;诺贝尔奖金获得者

obelisk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He thrust his pole out ahead of them and pushed them away from a towering green obelisk. ─── 他把篙抽上来撑了一下把他们带离了一个屹立的绿色尖碑。

2、Sethi: Let the name of Moses be stricken from every book and tablet.Stricken from every pylon and obelisk of Egypt. ─── 塞提:摩西的名字,将被从埃及的每一本书籍和木刻上抹去,将被从每一座塔门和方尖碑上剥落;

3、We left Pantheon and walked to Piazza Navona, a place full with baroque style. You can see lot of baroque masterpieces there. At the plaza, stood an obelisk and 3 fountains. ─── 我们离开万神殿,走到了这拉沃纳广场。在这个充满了浓厚罗马巴洛克气息的地区,放眼望去皆是巴洛克天才们的作品。这广场上有3座喷泉和1个方尖碑。

4、The obelisk is build in memory of those who die for their country ─── 这座方尖塔是为了纪念那些为祖国献身的人而建造的

5、There was more than enough force to hoist the obelisk,the total air time only twenty-five seconds. ─── 很轻松地就抬起了方尖石,而且只用了25秒钟。

6、Then he turned left and followed the brass line due north toward the obelisk. ─── 接著,他向左转身,沿著铜线向北面的方尖碑走去。

7、A humble token of the fight, yet a more interesting one than the granite obelisk, may be seen close under the stone-wall which separates the battle-ground from the precincts of the parsonage. ─── 牧师住宅,四围有石墙围绕,墙外就是古战场,墙脚有坟一座,坟很简陋,没有花岗石碑那样使人注意,可是也是美国独立战争的古迹,而且更富于意义。

8、Champs Elysees at both ends, the obelisk on the Place de la Concorde, star-shaped square of the Arc de Triomphe, on the number of conquest and subjugation, humiliation and the glorious story! ─── 香榭丽舍两端,协和广场上的方尖碑,星形广场上的凯旋门,有多少关于征服与被征服,光荣与屈辱的故事!

9、Problem areas such as these are also ideal locations for accent objects such as an obelisk, a stature or even topiary bushes. ─── 诸如这些问题也是理想地点,例如一个物体口音方尖碑,一个圆锥形的气势甚至草丛。

10、obelisk; cenotaph ─── 纪念碑

11、as soon as you touch the obelisk , signs appear on its surface indicating where you can find one of the dragon nests. ─── 就在你触摸方尖塔的一刹那,塔面显现出一些符号,告知你寻找龙之巢穴的方位。

12、The obelisk of Buenos Aires, one of the main icons of Argentina, was built to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city. ─── 该方尖碑是为纪念布宜诺斯艾利斯建城400年而建,如今是该国的标志性建筑之一。

13、Does this building have any connection with the new Obelisk building (previously known as Dark Pylon)? ─── 这个建筑和尖塔有什么关系?

14、i heard that there exists an advanced protoss building named Dark Obelisk, which unlocks production of Dark Templars. ─── 记得星灵有一个用来解锁黑暗圣堂,叫做黑暗尖塔的高级建筑。

15、The tower itself is delicately proportioned, resulting from the small site and slender floor plate, like an Obelisk marking the site. ─── 塔本身是微妙的比例,产生的小网站和细长楼板,像方尖碑标志着网站。

16、Fortresses construct the Blood Obelisk to increase the ferocity of their town defenders. ─── 要塞城建造血塔来提高其城镇守卫的战斗力。

17、Those would be unlikely to bear fruit, however, since if Paris satisfied Beijing's claim it would have to return half the objects in the Louvre, not to mention the obelisk in the Place de la Concorde. ─── 然而,这也未必会有结果,因为如果巴黎满足北京的主张,它将不得不归还卢浮宫一半的收藏,更别说协和广场的方尖碑了。

18、After going round a knoll to see the Boundary Obelisk, we had a swim at Kau Leng Chung Beach. ─── 看过屿南界碑后,于狗岭涌沙滩分别下过咸淡水。

19、The Juggernaut is GDI's Artillery unit and can shoot from a far distance which makes them very useful against defensive structures such as the Obelisk of Light, Storm columns, and Sonic emitters. ─── 神像是GDI得炮兵单位,它可以从远距离攻击,这使它在对抗防御建筑(如光能塔,风暴柱,音波塔)时非常有用。

20、3、The Obelisk is the most powerful tier 3 structure. ─── 光明石碑是威力最大的3级炮塔,4下打掉一座音波炮,还可以用光束炮冲能。

21、Right in front of the Pantheon, there is an obelisk. ─── 万神殿的正面有个方尖碑。

22、Obelisk Guard Tower ─── 激光警戒塔

23、The obelisk was brought to Rome from Egypt by the emperor Gaius Caligula at the Middle Ages. ─── 这个方尖碑是中世纪时由罗马皇帝GaiusCaligula从埃及古都带回罗马的。

24、Inside Saint-Sulpice, Silas carried the heavy iron votive candle holder from the altar back toward the obelisk. ─── 圣叙尔皮斯教堂中,塞拉斯从圣坛上取下烛台,走回方尖碑前。

25、The shadow of the obelisk spanned the terrace ─── 方尖塔的影子落在平台上。

26、A picture taken before the obelisk far away, beyond the great canyon. ─── 大峡谷对面高大的方尖石塔,因为遥远才显得较小。

27、The cloak ability has been removed from the Obelisk. ─── 方尖碑以前的隐形场能力被移除了。

28、Starfall Obelisk is legendary now, increased goldcost by 150, cooldown to 30 sec, increased AoE, increased duration by 1 second, increased damage done to buildings (33% -> 40 ─── 冰女,巫师,魔术之城(变羊)和珊瑚雕像现在对机械单位有效,增加了潮汐护卫冷却时间1秒,伤害减少270点

29、You may want to print an obelisk here to draw your reader's attention. ─── 你大概需要在这里印个短箭号来引起读者注意。

30、His black obelisk, discovered at Kalhu, records many military exploits of his reign. ─── 他的黑色方尖石塔,发现于卡拉,记载了他统治期间的军事扩展。

31、The cold stone of the mysterious obelisk guards its secrets. ─── 神秘方尖塔上的冰冷岩石保守着它的秘密。

32、The arrival of this stranger at the base of the obelisk was a signal from the brotherhood. ─── 陌生人来到方尖碑的基座边是教友们发出的信号。

33、Hong Yueliang climbed on top of the British obelisk. ─── 红月亮爬上英国方尖塔顶。

34、The tower itself is delicately proportioned, resulting from the small site and slender floor plate, like an Obelisk marking the site. ─── 塔本身是微妙的比例,产生的小网站和细长楼板,像方尖碑标志着网站。

35、This variety also makes a good choice for a small obelisk or pillar as the growth is not so vigorous that it will overwhelm the structure. ─── 该品种还为一个小尖塔或支柱,一个不错的选择的增长并非如此蓬勃,它将压倒结构。

36、Also, how effective are the Obelisk's Shield and Energy Recharge abilities? ─── 还有,尖塔的护盾蓄能和阿古斯之链是怎样起作用的?

37、Here and t here rose a white or silvery figure in the waste garden of the earth, here and there came the sharp vertical line of some cupola or obelisk. ─── 不过当我看到他们红润的小手去触摸时间机器时,我只是随即做了个表示警告的动作。

38、, the monument to our first President, George Washington, dominates the skyline.It is a very tall obelisk. ─── 我们早就在一些合作领域中取得了突破,包括从医治脊柱对裂到预报恶劣天气和地震等。

39、Dark Obelisk does not build DT ─── 黑暗方尖碑不做黑圣堂

40、How long did it take to complete the 555-foot Egyptian obelisk, topped with a 3,300-pound marble capstone and a 9-inch pyramid of cast aluminum? ─── 要建造这个高555英尺的埃及式方尖碑,上头还要加上重达3300磅的大理石顶盖,并且以9吋厚的铝来制作尖端的金字塔顶,需要花上多长的时间呢?

41、The Obelisk's shield regeneration is currently at a 1:1 ratio and the energy transfer ability is at a 2:1 ratio (Obelisk energy to unit casting energy). ─── 方尖塔的护盾修复能力是1:1效率,而能量传递的效率是2:1(方尖塔的能量传递到补充的单位能量)。

42、AI Matariya OBelisk ─── 马塔里亚方尖碑

43、At the base of the Sulpice obelisk. ─── 在圣叙尔皮斯方尖碑的基座处。

44、An obelisk near a camping ground for scouts serves as the school's symbol. ─── 营地附近的童军精神堡垒是学校的象徵。

45、Far away on the last spur, there was a glittering obelisk . ─── 远处,在最后一个山峦上闪烁着一个方尖塔。

46、and on this side of the river an obelisk of granite has grown up from the soil that was fertilized with British blood. ─── 河的这一边,竖有一块花岗石的石碑,那里的土地正浸透了英国人的血。

47、As soon as you touch the obelisk, signs appear on its surface indicating where you can find one of the Dragon nests. ─── 就在你触摸方尖塔的一刹那,塔面显现出一些符号,告知你寻找龙之巢穴的方位。

48、If you are 100% efficient with probe buff, your first Obelisk should never have extra energy for the use of other abilities. ─── 如果方尖塔的能量100%都用来发动质子充能技能的话,那么你的第一个方尖塔将不会有多余的能量来释放另外的技能。

49、This is an active ability that drains energy from the obelisk but is a similar concept to the one suggested. ─── 这是一个主动技能,需要消耗方尖塔的能量。

50、The obelisk is built in memory of those who died for their country. ─── 这座方尖塔是为了纪念那些为祖国献身的人而建造的。

51、a piazza and an obelisk under an umbrella of pine trees; ─── 广场和方形尖塔荫庇在松树林之下;

52、The Obelisk still has the probe buff, but now also acts as a shield generator, and still has Argus link to transfer energy as well. ─── 方尖碑仍然可以给探针充能,同时也可以给神族的其他单位补充离子护盾,它还可以通过“守护之链”技能来给其他神族单位补充能量。

53、Protoss currently has the Shield Battery ability on the Obelisk, which recharges the shield of the target friendly unit or area. ─── 答:在神族的方尖塔这个建筑上,现在有了护盾充能的技能,这个技能可以加快它附近的单位护盾的回复。

54、The Obelisk is the new name for the Dark Pylon, and the Dark Shrine is the new name for the Dark Obelisk. ─── 方尖碑的前身其实就是“黑暗水晶塔”,然后以前的那个“黑暗方尖碑”现在改名叫做“黑暗神坛”。

55、Yesterday, in the Mojave Desert, they put their theory to the test using a nylon kite, three pulleys and an obelisk that weighs nearly four tons. ─── 昨天,在莫家乌沙漠,他们用一只尼龙风筝、三个滑轮组和一个近4吨重的方尖石来检验他们的理论。

56、London obelisk ─── 伦敦方尖碑

57、Sethi: let the name of moses be stricken from every book And tablet. stricken from every pylon And obelisk of egypt. let the name of moses be unheard And unspoken, erased from the memOry of man, fOr all time. ─── 塞提:摩西的名字,将被从埃及的每一本书籍和木刻上抹去,将被从每一座塔门和方尖碑上剥落;摩西的名字,将永远不再被提起,永远从人类的历史和记忆中消失。

58、Blue dusk, nightfall, deep blue night.In the darkness of the dome they wait, their pushedback chairs, my obelisk valise, around a board of abandoned platters. ─── 夜幕降临了,蓝色的薄暮,湛蓝的夜晚,他们在黑暗的穹隆下等待着,杯盘狼藉的餐桌周围,是他们那推到后面的椅子和我那只方尖碑形手提箱。

59、Far away on the last spur , there was a glittering obelisk. ─── 远处,在最后一个山峦上闪烁着一个方尖塔。

60、In my opinion, both recharge abilities are very useful, but often times it is better to build a second Obelisk when you can afford it to then use those abilities. ─── 在我的看来,这两个补充技能都非常好用,不过最好在你可以有足够资源来制作第二个方尖塔的时候才来用这两个技能。

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