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disciplinarian 发音

英:[?d?s?pl??neri?n]  美:[?d?s?pl??ne?ri?n]

英:  美:

disciplinarian 中文意思翻译




disciplinarian 短语词组

1、disciplinarian culture ─── 纪律文化

2、disciplinarian perk ─── 纪律津贴

3、disciplinarian florida ─── 纪律严明的佛罗里达

4、disciplinarian theory ─── 纪律理论

5、disciplinarian jobs ─── 纪律性工作

6、disciplinarian oregon ─── 纪律严明的俄勒冈州

disciplinarian 词性/词形变化,disciplinarian变形


disciplinarian 相似词语短语

1、disciplinarily ─── 纪律地

2、disciplinaria ─── 学科

3、disciplinarium ─── 纪律处分

4、disciplinariums ─── 纪律室

5、disciplinarities ─── 对同一学科教材的研究;学科性

6、disciplinarity ─── 对同一学科教材的研究;学科性

7、disciplinarians ─── n.厉行纪律的人;严格的人;adj.纪律的;训练的

8、disciplinary ─── adj.规律的;训练的;训诫的

9、disciplinary panel ─── 纪律小组

disciplinarian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This GA-BP network model was used to study the technological disciplinarian of the ball mill process. ─── 经过理论检验和试验验证,证明了该模型的正确性,并应用GA-BP网络模型,对球磨过程的工艺规律进行了研究。

2、Research on Occurring Disciplinarian of Scale Insect Parasitized by Parasitical Wasp in Sophora japonica ─── 国槐蚧虫寄生蜂发生规律的研究

3、a strict disciplinarian; ─── 严格的训诫者;

4、Experiments showed that according to substantial equilibrium,we can get a small range of COD by studying the changing disciplinarian,and it can be used to rational judgment end-point of flax retting. ─── 对亚麻脱胶终点的定量判断进行了探讨,根据物量平衡原理,研究了脱胶过程中COD值随时间变化的规律,得出脱胶终点时的COD值范围,借此可作为一种定量判断亚麻脱胶终点的方法。

5、Terms for describing a disciplinarian, toady, dabbler, provocative woman, flag-waver, possessor of a one-track mind, freethinker, sufferer from imaginary ailments, etc. ─── 描述雷厉风行者、拍马屁、二半吊子、泼妇、大言不惭、一根筋、胡思乱想、幻想症疾病等各色人等的用语。

6、Columba's was a strict disciplinarian school run by Irish brothers. ─── 是一所有着严格纪律要求的学校,由一对爱尔兰兄弟经营。

7、The findings are the followings. 1.The homeroom teacher is a disciplinarian, who uses the rigid "domination" strategy, various methods and strict punishment to regulate students. 2. ─── 研究发现英语课堂上,带班教师负责秩序管理,以强势的主导策略,运用言语、眼神、表情等媒介及严厉的处罚掌控学生行为。

8、disciplinarian of the mine enrichment ─── 矿化富集规律

9、a rigid disciplinarian ─── 严厉执行纪律的人

10、exercise the role of disciplinarian. ─── 充当训练者的角色。

11、Discussion the specialty and disciplinarian of the aerial skill in freestyle skiing ─── 浅析自由式滑雪空中技巧项目的特点与规律

12、Objective To research the general disciplinarian and characters of ligustrazine injection. ─── 目的探讨川芎嗪注射液所致不良反应(ADR)的一般规律及特点。

13、A harshly demanding overseer; a disciplinarian. ─── 严格要求的监工;严格管理的人

14、Research on the Disciplinarian and Reliability of Failure Distribution of CNC Lathe ─── 数控车床故障分布规律及可靠性

15、Guy laughed: "I'm the disciplinarian in our family. Madonna is too much of a softie!" ─── 盖瑞奇笑说:“在家里,我就是扮黑脸的,她可非常温柔!”

16、a stern disciplinarian. ─── 一个严格的实施纪律者。

17、A famous player in his day, Drake was a strict disciplinarian and organiser and revolutionised the club at all levels, not just on the pitch. ─── 德拉克的球员时代非常出色,来蓝军后他对球队的训练和组织都非常严厉,并且在各个方面都对球队进行了变革,而不仅仅是在球场上。

18、An employer who expects the utmost from his employees, a severe disciplinarian ─── 想从雇员身上得到最大利益的老板,严厉的人

19、In accord with the disciplinarian of Chinese word developing, the word-building of abbreviation is a result of development of being disyllable. ─── 缩略语的词化顺应了汉语词汇双音化的发展规律,是汉语词汇双音化的延续和发展。

20、Study on the Disciplinarian of the College Student Breaking the Schools'Rules and the Corresponding Countermeasure ─── 大学生违纪现象及应对策略研究

21、movement disciplinarian of oil and water ─── 油水运动规律

22、By using the test result of an model s free vibrating frequency and vibrating form,the free vibrating characteristic and disciplinarian of curve arch bridge are analyzed. ─── 弯拱桥作为一种空间结构物,其自由振动也呈现出空间特性,通过对弯拱桥模型的自振频率及振型的测试,分析了模型的自振特性及自振规律。


24、Experimental study on strain distributing disciplinarian about the plane with a bore and its application ─── 板中孔应变分布规律的实验研究及其应用

25、a rigid disciplinarian; an inflexible law; an unbending will to dominate. ─── 严格的纪律;严格的法律;想要占优势的不屈意志。

26、Its theory elements is the growth characteristic of forage crop, the reactive disciplinarian for cultivation condition, and the rule of yield form. ─── 其理论基础是牧草饲料作物生长发育特性及其对栽培条件反应的规律性和产量形成的规律性。

27、According to the special forming mechanism, form characteristic and distribution disciplinarian, a new duplicate naming of “physiognomy of Jinbianqi” is put forward. ─── 按其特殊的形成机理、形态特徵和分布规律,提出了“金鞭溪地貌”这一新的复式命名。

28、The predicting result accords with the macroscopic geological disciplinarian and highly inosculating with actual drilling. ─── 预测结果符合地质宏观分布规律,与实钻结果吻合程度较高。

29、This article elucidates the Mi words systematically, and analyzes Chinese characters' developing disciplinarian from Mi words' apperception-showing meaning and pronunciation from the figure. ─── 摘要本文系统地梳理了“糸”字汇,从“糸”字汇的演变发展分析了汉字的发展规律-以形示义、形兼音义。

30、The paper considers that corporate governance is a increasingly developing dynamic process, its development keeps the life cycle disciplinarian of corporate governance. ─── 本文认为公司治理是一个不断发展的动态过程,它的发展应遵循公司治理的生命周期规律。

31、flowing disciplinarian ─── 流动规律

32、He's a good teacher but he's not much of a disciplinarian. ─── 他是个好教师,但却不是个很好的纪律执行者。

33、A primary study on the evolution disciplinarian of inorganic nitrogen content in typical lakes and reservoirs of Jilin Province ─── 吉林省典型湖库中无机氮含量变化规律初探

34、George Washington was a strict administrator, deeply religious, a stickler for rules, and a strict military disciplinarian. ─── 乔治·华盛顿是一位严厉的行政官员,他笃信宗教,坚持要求按规章办事,是个一丝不苟的严格执行纪律的军事家。

35、She has some old-fashioned values and can be a strict disciplinarian. ─── 她有一些守旧的观念,可能还是个严守纪律的人。

36、a rigid disciplinarian; an inflexible law; an unbending will to dominate ─── 严格的纪律;严格的法律;想要占优势的不屈意志

37、Occurrence disciplinarian and control technique of plum bacterial shot hole ─── 李树细菌性穿孔病的发生规律及防治技术

38、In order to play more important role in building constitutionalism, CCP should summarize historical disciplinarian and absorb experience and lesson of Chinese history . ─── 为了更好地发挥政党在我国宪政建设中的作用,我党应该总结历史规律,吸取百年宪政史中的经验教训。

39、In economic law, the basic principles of economic law are the guidance theory reflection the combination of economic disciplinarian and legal science. ─── 摘要经济法的基本原则是经济法规所体现的具有普遍意义的指导原理,是经济规律与法律科学结合的具体体现。

40、She's a very strict disciplinarian. ─── 她执行纪律非常严格。

41、Objective To investigate the relationship and disciplinarian between apoptosis and expressions of Bcl-2 and Bax protein after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in rats. ─── 目的 研究大鼠脑出血(ICH)后血肿周围细胞凋亡及其与凋亡相关蛋白Bcl-2和Bax表达的变化规律和关系。

42、After drawing the distribution isoline of pulsation kinetic energy, which is divided into four areas, the distribution disciplinarian of pulsation kinetic energy is expatiated. ─── 绘出了脉动动能分布的等值线图,把脉动动能的分布图分成4个区域,详细阐述了脉动动能的分布规律。

43、A league spokesman said NBA disciplinarian Stu Jackson was reviewing the incident. ─── 一联盟发言人称NBA纪检人员斯图.杰克逊正在审查这个事件.

44、Study on the variety disciplinarian of received signal in wait-receiving telemetry system ─── 等待接收遥测系统中接收信号变化规律研究

45、Though he was a rigid disciplinarian with a heavy swing to his boot, all but one of his children adored him. ─── 虽然他是一个刻板的循规蹈矩的人,并且具有很大的摇摆性,但除了他的一个孩子外,其余的都敬重他。

46、an exact disciplinarian ─── 严厉的纪律实施者

47、a strict disciplinarian ─── 严格的训导者

48、distributed disciplinarian ─── 分布规律

49、Searching and converging disciplinarian of genetic algorithm are discussed. ─── 最后对遗传算法的搜索和收敛规律进行了一些讨论。

50、The influence disciplinarian of scanning speed on tungstic electrode argon arc hardening effect on surface of boron cast iron was investigated. ─── 研究了钨极氩弧扫描速度对硼铸铁表面硬化效果的影响规律。

51、variation disciplinarian ─── 变化规律

52、The Application of Sediment Reverse Order Disciplinarian to Reconnoitre ─── 沉积倒序规律在勘探中的应用

53、The influence disciplinarian of air speed, material thickness and distribution mode on mixing behavior of particles in fluidized bed was gained, which provide with designing base of MSW Incinerator. ─── 得到了表观风速、料层厚度以及布风方式对流化床颗粒混合行为的影响规律,为流化床垃圾焚烧试验台的设计提供了依据。

54、It save time and availability to avoid tummy bug because of not disciplinarian bite and sup . ─── 既节省了时间,又有效减少饮食不规律导致胃病的发生。

55、The characteristic and disciplinarian of the form of Chinese new words and expressions ─── 汉语新词语形成方式的特点及规律

56、He's no disciplinarian,ie He does not or cannot maintain discipline. ─── 他不能维持纪律。

57、Occurrence disciplinarian and control of the Polyphagotarsonemus latus on vegetables in shelter ─── 保护地蔬菜茶黄螨的发生规律与防治技术

58、Study of the Design Disciplinarian of Big-space Building Form ─── 大空间建筑的形式创作规律初探

59、George Washington was a stern administrator , deeply religious , a sticker for rules and a strict military disciplinarian . ─── 乔治。华盛顿是一位严厉的行政官员,他笃信宗教,严守规章,是一丝不苟地严格执行纪律的军事家。

60、A rigid military disciplinarian. ─── 严格执行军纪的军官

61、So it is necessary to study the market disciplinarian of GIP and find the conjoint point of GIP and Geo-information Market. ─── 因此就需要对地理信息产品的市场规律进行研究,找到地理信息产品与市场的结合点。

62、Liu is the head disciplinarian and chief communicator. ─── 刘是主要的纪律管理者和首席的传达者。

63、In this paper ,we aim to study the influences of high pressure to biosystem, acquaint and master disciplinarian and specialty of biosystem ulteriorly. ─── 本文主题在于研究高压力对于生物体系的影响,进一步了解和掌握生物体系自身的规律和特点。

64、growth disciplinarian ─── 生长规律

65、High Yield Technique Summing-up on Rice Which Put Straw into Field for Four Years and Inseminate Disciplinarian for Three Years ─── 水稻四年秸秆还田三年摆栽高产总结

66、under the dictates of a rigid disciplinarian(Thomas B.Aldrich. ─── 在一个严厉的厉行纪律者的独裁下(汤姆斯·B·阿尔德里奇)。

67、Finally, following disciplinarian of market economy, the compensating mechanism for ecology environment should be established. ─── 三是遵循市场经济规律,建立生态补偿机制。

68、Thought validating of the test and the metrical dada, the result of model imitation can accurately reflect the disciplinarian of the main pollution at the section of yellow river in BaoTou. ─── 经核对总和实测验证,模型模拟结果可以准确反映黄河包头段主要污染物混合扩散规律。

69、George Washington was a stern administrator, deeply religious, a stickler for rules, and a strict military disciplinarian. ─── 我们和工会一道严格地执行规定,处分了长期违返纪律的人。

70、A harshly demanding overseer;a disciplinarian. ─── 严格要求的监工;严格管理的人

71、I would be called over to the chair and would then be taken over the knee of the disciplinarian. ─── 我会被叫道椅子那里,趴在惩罚我的人的膝盖上。

72、Under the dictates of a rigid disciplinarian ─── 在一个严厉的厉行纪律者的独裁下

73、Theoretical Basis For Discussing Disaster Disciplinarian--The Probability Of Extreme Climate Event ─── 探讨灾害规律的理论基础--极端气候事件概率

74、Soil Water Study of Afalfal Grass Water Consume Disciplinarian and Resume Effection while Grain-grass Rotation in the Arid Regions of Southen Ningxia ─── 宁南旱区苜蓿草地土壤水分消耗规律及粮草轮作土壤水分恢复效应研究

75、a stern disciplinarian; ─── 严厉的训导者;

76、She's a very strict disciplinarian. ─── 她执行纪律非常严格。

77、an exacting instructor; a stern disciplinarian; strict standards. ─── 严格的教师;严厉的训导者;严格的标准。

78、You needn't think you can try anything on with the new director,he's strict disciplinarian. ─── 你别想试探新主任,他是位纪律严明的人。

79、Studied to the Rock's Alteration Near the Mine and Disciplinarian of the Mine Enrichment of Hexi Gole Mine ─── 河西金矿围岩蚀变与矿化富集规律研究

80、The disciplinarian bawled against [at] him. ─── 这位训导员对着他大声呼喝。

81、“I admire anyone who is a disciplinarian if they know what they are talking about but I couldn't be one myself” he says. ─── “我羡慕那些自律的人,他们好像知道自己在说什么似的,可我做不了那样的人。”他说。

82、He has a reputation for being a strict disciplinarian. ─── 他有严格纪律执行者的名声。

83、Prandial composition: Strong and handsome disciplinarian is daily cookbook deploys formula to be: The adipose, adds high content carbohydrate of measurable protein, inferior content. ─── 膳食的组成:健美训练者每日食谱配备公式为:适度的蛋白质、较低含量的脂肪、加高含量的碳水化合物。

84、The mass transfer rate for solutes was increased with the increase of temperature,but the water loss didn't have the same disciplinarian. ─── 而提高温度可以加快传质速度,却不一定能提高物料的失水率;

85、Study on the disciplinarian of smail radish of lanxi's quality change during the course of pickling ─── 兰溪小萝卜在腌制过程中品质变化规律的研究

86、George Washington was a stern administrator, deeply religious, a sticker for rules and a strict military disciplinarian. ─── 乔治.华盛顿是一位严厉的行政官员,他笃信宗教,严守规章,是一丝不苟地严格执行纪律的军事家.

87、Disciplinarian analysis on factors affecting PVA average degree of polymerization ─── 影响聚乙烯醇平均聚合度主要因素的规律分析

88、The Red Edge Parameters Diversification Disciplinarian and Its Application for Nutrition Diagnosis ─── 冬小麦红边参数变化规律及其营养诊断

89、a good/strict/poor disciplinarian ─── 能严格/不能执行纪律者

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