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09-10 投稿



cothurnus 发音

英:[ko??θ??rn?s]  美:[k???θ??n?s]

英:  美:

cothurnus 中文意思翻译



cothurnus 词性/词形变化,cothurnus变形


cothurnus 短语词组

1、cothurnus define ─── 科图努斯定义

2、cothurnus definition ─── 歌顿的定义

3、cothurnus meaning ─── 歌顿的意义

4、cothurnus wikipedia ─── 维基百科

5、cothurnus shoe cothurnus ─── 鞋

cothurnus 相似词语短语

1、cothurn ─── 科图恩

2、cothurni ─── n.悲剧风格;悲剧(cothurnus的变形)

3、cothurns ─── 科图恩斯

4、cornus ─── n.山茱萸;n.(Cornus)人名;(法)科尔尼斯

5、cothurnal ─── 耳蜗

6、churns ─── n.搅乳器(churn的复数形式);v.搅拌;搅动(churn的三单形式)

7、coturnices ─── 曲线

8、coturnix ─── n.鹌鹑属

9、sturnus ─── 椋鸟

cothurnus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cothurnus's vitallest expression is the common day that arise and set about us. ─── 最有生命力的悲剧表演就是每天在我们身边出没的平凡生活.

2、Introspecting the Moving in Theory of Western Cothurnus and the Theory of "Sorrow" and "Anger" in China ─── 西方悲剧理论搬入的反思和我国"悲"、"愤"理论体系的继承

3、12、Cothurnus's vitallest expression is the common day that arise and set abut us. ─── 最有生命力的悲剧表演,就是每天在我们身边出没的平凡生活。

4、Discussion Psychology Characteristic of Folk- custom in Four Cothurnus of Yuan Dynasty ─── 论元代四大悲剧中的民俗心理特点

5、Anyway, life is not a pure comedy or cothurnus, but more likely to be a combination process. ─── 不过,生活并非绝对的悲剧或者戏剧,而是悲喜交加的过程。

6、Life is not a pure comedy or cothurnus. ─── 生活并非绝对的喜剧或者悲剧。

7、Discussion Psychology Characteristic of Folk- custom in Four Cothurnus of Yuan Dynasty ─── 论元代四大悲剧中的民俗心理特点

8、In the Awkward Crack of East-west Culture--to Probe into the Causation of Fang Heng-jian's Survival Cothurnus ─── 在尴尬的东西方文化夹缝中--方鸿渐生存悲剧成因探析

9、I consider Forrest Gump was a cothurnus and feft heavy the first time I saw this film. ─── 而这一次虽然也替阿甘可惜,但更多的是替阿甘自豪和开心。

10、Introspecting the Moving in Theory of Western Cothurnus and the Theory of "Sorrow" and "Anger" in China ─── 西方悲剧理论搬入的反思和我国“悲”、“愤”理论体系的继承

11、In the Awkward Crack of East-west Culture--to Probe into the Causation of Fang Heng-jian's Survival Cothurnus ─── 在尴尬的东西方文化夹缝中--方鸿渐生存悲剧成因探析

12、Cothurnus's vitallest expression is the common day that arise and set abut us. ─── 最有生命力的悲剧表演,就是每天在我们身边出没的平凡生活。

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