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fluidizing 发音


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fluidizing 中文意思翻译



fluidizing 词性/词形变化,fluidizing变形

名词: fluidization |动词现在分词: fluidizing |动词过去分词: fluidized |动词过去式: fluidized |动词第三人称单数: fluidizes |

fluidizing 短语词组

1、fluidizing agent ─── [化] 流化剂; 流态化剂; 流化气体

2、fluidizing system ─── 射流装置

3、fluidizing reagent ─── 流态化试剂

4、fluidizing tank ─── 流化槽

5、fluidizing reactor ─── [化] 沸腾焙烧炉

6、fluidizing solid ─── 流化固体

7、fluidizing drying ─── [化] 流化干燥

8、fluidizing point ─── 流化点

9、fluidizing capacity ─── 流化能力

10、fluidizing dryer ─── [化] 流化式干燥器

11、fluidizing air ─── 流态化空气

12、fluidizing apparatus ─── 流态化装置

13、fluidizing air system ─── 流化空气系统

14、fluidizing cooler ─── [化] 流化式冷却器

15、fluidizing grid ─── 流化格栅

16、fluidizing bottom ─── 流化底部

17、fluidizing medium ─── 流化介质

18、fluidizing velocity ─── [化] 流化速度

19、fluidizing mixer ─── 流化混合器

fluidizing 相似词语短语

1、fluoridizing ─── 用氟化物处理

2、fluoridising ─── 氟化

3、feminizing ─── vt.使……女性化;具有女性风度;vi.女性化;雌性化

4、fluidifying ─── v.液化;(使)成流体(fluidify的现在分词)

5、albitizing ─── 钠长石化

6、liquidizing ─── vt.使液化;vi.液化

7、acidizing ─── v.(使)变酸,酸化(acidize的现在分词)

8、fluidising ─── v.(使)(细粒固体)液化;(使)成流体(fluidise的现在分词,fluidise等于fluidize)

9、faradizing ─── v.用以感应电刺激

fluidizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The improvement in injecting system includes:adopting "single tube-distributor" route,using widely fluidizing technique,adopting dense-phase transportation technique and developing the messuri... ─── 广泛应用流化技术;采用上出煤喷吹工艺以实现浓相输送以及煤粉单管计量和调节等。

2、fluidizing drying ─── [化] 流化干燥

3、fluidizing air ─── 流态化空气


5、The air plenum under the grid at the base of the furnace distributes primary air to the fluidizing nozzles in the furnace floor. ─── 空气充满物质的空间在格子之下在火炉的基础分配对火炉地板的液化喷嘴的主要空气。

6、fluidizing dryer ─── 流化式干燥器

7、The R1 value determined by the new method can be well correlated with E-cat unit cell size and acid site density, and is consistent with the product distribution obtained from fixed fluidiz... ─── 该方法得到的R1值与催化剂的平衡晶胞、酸中心密度有较好的相关性,与固定流化床的结果相比,趋势基本一致,可用于预测裂化催化剂上反应所得催化裂化汽油的质量。

8、The curve of that changes gently,feasilble to control the combustion intensity in the fluidizing zone. ─── 整条换热曲线的变化比较平缓,易于流化床浓相床内换热。

9、On the Present Status of Fluidizing Direct Reduction in China and the Development in Continuous Steel-making ─── 试论我国流态化直接还原的现状及其在连续炼钢中的发展

10、Keywords smelting;import zinc concentrate;ingredient;fluidizing roasting; ─── 锌冶炼;进口锌精矿;配料;沸腾焙烧;

11、fluidizing point ─── 流态化点

12、fluidizing mixer ─── 液体化搅拌机

13、Water content, gelatinization rate, starch content, fat content and nitrogen content of the fluidizing treated rice were analyzed, and compared to that of steam treated rice and crude rice. ─── 该文对高温流化大米、蒸煮大米和未处理的原料大米就水分含量、糊化率、淀粉含量、脂肪含量、含氮量5个方面进行了对比测定。

14、Analysis of Fluidizing Unloading of Aluminum Oxide Railway Tank Car ─── 氧化铝铁路罐车流态化卸车分析

15、Based on the analysis of technical economics,either the fluidizing drying or microwave fluidizing drying is the ideal selection. ─── 从技术经济综合分析,沸腾干燥和微波加热干燥是理想的选择。

16、fluidizing reactor ─── 沸腾焙烧炉

17、fluidizing gas ─── 流态化气体

18、fluidizing agent ─── 流化介质流化剂

19、Reconstruction of Gold Ore Fluidizing Roasting System ─── 金矿原矿沸腾焙烧系统的改造

20、As the system is in modular design, customers may add it with the two-stage air conveyor, fluidizing bed ,etc. as options according to the process requirements. ─── 由于系统采用了模块化的设计,用户还可根据工艺要求选配二级风送、沸腾床冷却等形式。

21、A mathematical model for computing FCC catalyst fluidizing regeneration process is presented. ─── 介绍了一种用于计算催化裂化催化剂流化再生反应过程的数学模型。

22、It has been discovered by the investigation that the greater the effective area of immersed material layer of the filtration element, the greater the minimum fluidizing speed. ─── 实验发现,过滤元件浸入料层的有效面积越大,最小流化速度越大。


24、Minimum Fluidizing Speed of a Fluidized Bed with Built-in Filtration Elements ─── 内置过滤元件流化床的最小流化速度

25、initial fluidizing point ─── 流化始点

26、fluidizing system ─── 射流装置

27、fluidizing velocity ─── 流化速度

28、The experimental results showed that the bed temperature and the adhe-sive concentration and especially the fluidizing gas velocity had great influence on the granule's strength. ─── 结果表明,在本实验范围内,流化气速对颗粒强度的影响显著,床层温度、粘结剂浓度对颗粒强度也有较大的影响,而且均是非单调的。

29、Keywords zinc concentrate;fluidizing roaster;start-up;bed charge;SO2-bearing gas;emission pollution;environmental protection; ─── 锌精矿;沸腾焙烧炉;开炉;底料;二氧化硫烟气;排空污染;环境保护;

30、The adsorbability and selectivity of the copper ion imprinted polymer is tested by the method of static adsorption and fluidizing adsorption. ─── 采用静态和动态法分析研究铜金属离子印迹聚合物的吸附性能和选择性。

31、Superficial velocity was the minimum fluidizing velocity or the minimum turbulent velocity, while energy or deviation changed suddenly. ─── 起始流化速度和起始湍动速度分别是判断固定床向鼓泡床、鼓泡床向湍动床转变的重要参数。

32、fluidizing ammonification ─── 流化氨化

33、reduction experiments have been done in reactor of fluidizing pre-reduction, using the orthogonal design means. ─── 采用正交设计法进行了流化床还原试验。

34、Experimental results show that the higher the pressure drop of gas distributor is, the better the fluidizing performance of fluidized bed is. ─── 结果表明,气体分布器阻降越大,流化性能就越好。

35、While the cement admixed with fly ash of low ignition, fluidizing furnace of boiler and... ─── 而当低烧失量粉煤灰、沸腾炉渣和矿渣作混合材时,水泥具有良好的使用性能。

36、Pulsed fluidizing ─── 脉动流化

37、fluidizing chlorination slag ─── 沸腾氯化渣

38、When cotton stalk and bed material are well mixed, the minimum fluidizing velocity can be achieved by experiment. ─── 并通过实验求得此工况下床层的临界流化速度。

39、5.Yangquan anthracite combustion test was conducted on a SEU-PFBC plant.Studied was the effect on combustion effidency of fluidizing speed. fluidized bed depth and temperature. ─── 在SEU-PFBC装置上进行了阳泉无烟煤燃烧试验.研究了流化速度、床层深度和床层温度对燃烧效率的影响。

40、The minimum fluidizing velocity and operating fluidizing velocity were obtained by experiments at cooling conditions. ─── 通过冷态流化实验,得到了最小流化速度和操作流化速度。

41、In this process, the pyrolyzer uses generally the self-generated pyrolysis gas as the fluidizing gas. ─── 在这个过程中,热解反应器通常利用自身产生的热解气作为流化介质。

42、and bed material are well mixed, the minimum fluidizing velocity can be achieved by experiment. ─── 并通过实验求得此工况下床层的临界流化速度。

43、The initial fluidizing gas velocity decreases with increasing of temperature and with decreasing of surface energy of silica nanoparticles. ─── 流化停止后二次团聚体解体,此时纳米二氧化硅的团聚行为与流化前无明显差异;

44、Aim: To analyze the factors affecting the fluidizing lipoid. ─── 摘要分析了影响流化磷脂流变特性的因素。

45、It intuoduces the tech-economic effects about transforming chain furance to fluidizing bed,provides conditionsFor faulty coal use. ─── 介绍链条炉改成沸腾炉的技术经济效果,为改善链条炉操作性能,为劣质煤的推广应用,提供了完全可能实现的途径。

46、The influences of fluidizing gas flow rate,pressure,pressurizing gas flow rate and total conveying pressure drop on the solid-gas ratio and the solid mass flow rate were investigated. ─── 分别在不同的输送差压、充压风量和流化风量等条件下进行了输送试验,考察操作参数对煤粉质量流量和固气比等气力输送特征参数的影响。

47、minimum fluidizing velocity ─── 起始流化速度

48、The new technique for soybean phospholipid concentrate production, such as fluidizing, bleaching and homogenizing before drying, drying with instant drying agent, and rapid cooling-deodorization-homogenization after drying, was introduced. ─── 介绍了大豆浓缩磷脂在脱水前进行流化、漂白、均质和脱水中添加“快速脱水剂”,脱水后进行急冷、脱臭、再均质的磷脂生产新工艺。

49、The mixing index was employed to investigate systematically the effects of spouting gas velocity and fluidizing gas velocity on the mixing. ─── 同时引用统计学中相对标准差这一混合指数,系统地考察了喷动气速和流化气速对颗粒混合行为的影响。

50、Increase in spouting and fluidizing gases are helpful for particle mixing, for the time for full mixing status decreases and particles are better mixed in these cases. ─── 增加喷动气速度和流化气速度均有助于颗粒混合,使颗粒达到完全混合的时间减少且混合更均匀。

51、The CENTUM CS 1000 application to the control of a cycling fluidizing bed boiler ─── 1000在循环流化床锅炉控制中的应用

52、Cause Analysis and Retrofitting Measures of Bearing Overtemperature of Slag Cooler Fluidizing Fan of 135 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler in Yunhe Power Plant ─── 运河发电厂135 MW循环流化床锅炉冷渣风机轴承超温原因分析及改造措施

53、The fluidizing characteristics and powder discharge process of gas fluid bed reactor with Hypol process were described. ─── 介绍了聚丙烯流化床反应器流化特性和卸料过程;


55、In this paper, fluidizing pre-oxidized is studied for accelerating reduction rate of Da Bie Shan magnetite in two-stage smelting reduction. ─── 在二步熔融还原中,为探索提高大别山区磁铁矿还原反应速度,研究了流态化预氧化处理问题。

56、A mathematical model for computing FCC catalyst fluidizing regeneration process is presented. ─── 介绍了一种用于计算催化裂化催化剂流化再生反应过程的数学模型。

57、Keywords fluidizing carburization; mathematics model; carbon transfer coefficient; ─── 流态化渗碳;数学模型;碳传递系数;

58、fluidizing air system ─── 流化床送风系统

59、Meanwhile, the increasing spouting gas velocity and fluidizing gas velocity promote particle mixing and but mixing worsen once the gas velocity exceeds certain velocity for the examined condition. ─── 增大喷动气速和流化气速均促使颗粒混合均匀,但过大的气速反而抑制了混合质量的进一步提高。

60、Experimental study on fluidizing and pulsating characteristics of a self-pulsating fluidized bed ─── 自激式脉动流化床流化脉动特性的试验研究

61、Brief Discussion on Coking on Top of Suspension Chamber of DG Circulation Double-Bed Fluidizing Boiler ─── DG型循环双床沸腾炉悬浮室顶部结焦浅议

62、Fluidizing transportation is a commonly used technique in vacuum transportation unloading system of bulk cement. ─── 流态化输送是目前散装水泥气力输送卸料普遍采用的技术。

63、Keywords : fluidization;fluidizing state;phase holdup; ─── 流态化;三相;相含率;状态;

64、critical fluidizing air blast ─── 临界流化风量

65、The effect of changing the fluidized-bed temperature, fluidizing velocity and the bed height on performance is discussed in detail in this paper. ─── 本文重点讨论了粉煤流化床内蒸汽使煤气化时气化温度、流化速度及料层高度三因态对煤气产率、蒸汽分解率、容积气化强度及煤气质量诸气化指标的影响。

66、An electric pusher device for fluidizing granular-layer dust remover belongs to the technical field of the machine. ─── 一种沸腾颗粒层除尘器用电动推杆装置,属机械技术领域。

67、Under the same spouting condition, the height of dense-phase spouted fluidizing zone and the bed pressure caused by forward nozzles is higher than those caused by angled nozzles. ─── 采用不同的喷口结构时,在相同的载料量下,直向喷口的密相喷动区高度更大,而且床内各测点的平均压力大于采用斜向喷口时的相应测点压力。

68、Whereas the viscosity of fluidizing lipoid also increases while the mass percentage of mineral salt increases with the rise of temperature. ─── 随着磷脂的质量百分数增加,流化磷脂的粘度也随着增加;随着无机盐的质量百分数增加及温度升高,流化磷脂的粘度下降。

69、Fluidizing transportation is a commonly used technique in vacuum transportation unloading system of bulk cement. ─── 流态化输送是目前散装水泥气力输送卸料普遍采用的技术。

70、fluidizing apparatus ─── 流态化设备

71、fluidizing chlorination ─── 沸腾氯化

72、Due to fluidization, the static bed of sand particles expands and the height of the expanded bed depends upon the fluidizing velocity. ─── 由于硫化作用,静态床沙粒的膨胀和膨胀床的高度主要取决于硫化速度。

73、Keywords fluidized bed;high temperature;IHI ash;minimum fluidizing velocity; ─── 流化床;高温;IHI灰样;最小流化速度;

74、fluidizing reagent ─── 流化剂

75、Keywords spout-fluid bed;hydrodynamics;voidage;spouting velocity;fluidizing velocity; ─── 喷动流化床;流动模型;空隙率;喷动速度;流化速度;

76、fluidizing cooler ─── 流化式冷却器

77、incipient fluidizing velocity ─── 初始流化速度

78、Fluidizing technique offer a solution to this problem. ─── 提出用流态化技术来解决这一关键技术。

79、Directional or non-directional fluidizing nozzles arc available. ─── 方向或非方向的液化喷嘴可得的弧。

80、Several situations of abnormal fluidizing of circulating fluid bed ─── 流化床锅炉非正常流化的几种状态

81、The Research on Mechanism of Acceleration of Reducting Caused by in Fluidizing Pre-oxidized of Da Bie Shan Magnetite ─── 大别山磁铁矿流态化预氧化加速还原机理研究

82、The experimental method with coal static combustion and cold ash fluidizing is proposed to get the intrinsic ash formation data and attrition data. ─── 利用静态燃烧然后冷态流化实验方法,可以得到给煤的成灰及磨耗参数并提出煤种的本征成灰概念。

83、This paper introduced the mechanism of mixing and segregation for binary particles, determination of segregation state, mixing index and minimum fluidizing velocity. ─── 介绍了双组分颗粒混合与分离机理、分离状态的判定、混合指数和最小流化速度。

84、Applying of Pneumatic Fluidizing Discharging Grain Technology in Steel Bin ─── 风力流化卸粮技术在钢板仓中的应用

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