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09-06 投稿



Grecianize 中文意思翻译



Grecianize 相似词语短语

1、grecianizing ─── vt.使希腊语调;译成希腊语;使希腊化

2、grecianise ─── 希腊人

3、cretinize ─── v.(使)变成白痴

4、greisenize ─── 云英化

5、grecianises ─── 希腊人

6、to grecianize ─── 希腊化

7、grecianizes ─── vt.使希腊语调;译成希腊语;使希腊化

8、grecianized ─── vt.使希腊语调;译成希腊语;使希腊化

9、grecianised ─── 希腊的

Grecianize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Grecian profile ─── 鼻梁笔直的脸部侧面轮廓

2、characterized by a love of Greece and Grecian things ─── 具有喜爱希腊和希腊的事情特点的

3、And setting nought by the honours of their fathers, they esteemed the Grecian glories for the best: ─── 他们毫不尊重本国的尊严,一心崇拜希腊的光荣。

4、Grecian and halterneck styles hopped happily between styles for 500 BC and 2005 AD. ─── 希腊式和露背装风格在公元前500年和公元2005年之间愉悦得跳跃。

5、Grecian Foxglove ─── 毛地黄(玄参科)

6、Roman art generally follows Grecian tradition, competes to imitate Grecian art in the aspects of sculpture, drawing's subject matter, forms and so on. ─── 古罗马艺术大体上延续了希腊传统,在雕塑与绘画的题材内容、表现形式等方面竞相模仿希腊艺术。

7、Grecian Shoemaker ─── 橙纹黑蛱蝶(蛱蝶科)

8、He talked and debated with the Grecian Jews, but they tried to kill him. ─── 奉主的名放胆传道,并与说希利尼话的犹太人讲论辩驳;他们却想法子要杀他。

9、With the Grecian attacks and the many conversions, idolatry would be swept away from the coastal area of Palestine (9:7). ─── 有些非利士人并入了犹大地,也开始事奉上帝,偶像也要从非利士的地域中被扫除出去(9:7)。

10、Architects often tacked majestic facades with Grecian columns onto existing Buildings; Banks and institutions became imitation Doric temples; ─── 建筑师经常在已存在的建筑物正面增加希腊式的柱子,银行和公共机构模仿多立斯神庙的建筑。

11、It is similar to the other visions but gives supplementary information about the Medo-Persian and Grecian periods. ─── 这个异象和其它的异象有相似处,乃要补充有关米底亚--波斯及希腊时期之事。

12、characterized by a love of Greece and Grecian things. ─── 具有爱希腊和爱希腊的事情特点的。

13、I feel the soul of Sobek lashing inside you, go on! Bring this cursed Grecian temple to the ground and Sobek'll surely reward you! ─── 我感觉到索贝克的精神充满了你的身体,加油?彻底毁了这邪恶的希腊神庙,索贝克一定会奖赏你的!

14、"Ode on an Grecian Urn" shows the contrast between the permanence of art and the transience of human passion. ─── “希腊古瓮颂”展示了永恒的艺术与短暂的人类热情之间的对比。

15、!Those damn Grecian mercenaries, the King's coins jangling in their pockets, sacked the temple of Sobek and killed all the priests. ─── 那些唯利是图的可恶希腊人,君王的钱币在他们的口袋里咣咣作响,他们还洗劫了索贝克神庙,杀了所有的牧师。

16、The high-level residence here, column of corridor of Grecian having copy, buckish golden entrance door, only ability meets marvelous Gates to be here, if he is a Chinese. ─── 这里的高层住宅,有仿希腊式的廊柱,浮华的金色大门,只有了不起的盖茨才会住在这里,如果他是个中国人。

17、Ancient Grecian Humanist Spirit Gestated Scientific Spirit ─── 古希腊人文精神对科学精神的孕育

18、One of them hopped about on one leg in his long white nightgown, and the other stood on a chair surrounded by the clothes of all the children, and declared he was acting Grecian statues. ─── 一个穿着睡袍单腿地跳来跳去,另一个站在椅子上宣称自己在扮演一尊希腊雕像,而椅子的周围堆着孩子们的衣服。

19、White grecian gowns appeared to be the order of the day as Sienna Miller proved in this elegant dress. ─── 西耶娜·米勒的这条雅致长裙证明了白色希腊款礼服是当下最流行的款式。

20、Sage'Pursuit in Grecian Era--Competition between Three Schools and Common Target at Calmness ─── 希腊化时代哲人的追求--三足鼎立、同求宁静

21、Sun drenched colours like a faded Grecian fresco. Delicate and precious, restful and feminine shades of pale blue, chocolate, skin tones with an accent of a warm gold. ─── 太阳浸染的色彩宛如沧桑的古希腊壁画。浅蓝色、巧克力色和皮肤色的阴影精巧而珍贵,安静而娇柔,与暖暖的金色相得益彰。

22、A wide, low-pitched gable surmounting the fa?de of a building in the Grecian style. ─── 山墙按古希腊的风格,置于建筑物正面之上的宽而低的山形墙

23、Grecian slippers ─── 拖鞋

24、And though poor Amy slept with a patent clothespin pinching it, she could not attain the Grecian effect she so much desired. ─── 尽管可怜的艾米在睡觉时用一只特制的衣服夹子夹住它,也无法达到她所要求的高鼻子的目的。

25、Taiwan's most popular local comicker Selena Lin's "Selena's Comic School", "Selena's Grecian Eudaemon Tarot", "Flower Ring" became a hit in the market. ─── 2004年在梦梦少女漫画月刊上连载作品的国民漫画小天后林青慧,再创漫画新风气!

26、grecian laurel fruit ─── 月桂子

27、If afterwards she does not like it, there will be time to try the Grecian. ─── 要是弄好后她不喜欢,还可以改成希腊式嘛。

28、With the Grecian nose, the low broad forehead perhaps goes better. ─── 要配希腊鼻子吧,额头低点可能好看些。

29、Hebraic and Hellenism is the genesis of west culture. Opposability and tensility between Grecian philosophy principle and Christianism notion is the causation of great achievement of west culture. ─── “两希文化”构成西方文化的源渊,希腊哲学原则和基督教观念这两种对立思想和张力,正是西方文化伟大成就的动因。

30、Will she have a Grecian nose, or one tip-tilted like petal of rose? ─── 她将拥有一个希腊式鼻子,还是要个玫瑰花瓣似的翘鼻头?

31、On Helen's cheek all art of beauty set,And you in Grecian tires are painted new:Speak of the spring and foison of the year; ─── 试为阿都尼写生,他的画像不过是模仿你的拙劣的赝品;尽量把美容术施在海伦颊上,便是你披上希腊妆的新的真身。

32、In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. ─── 1那时,门徒增多,有说希利尼话的犹太人,向希伯来人发怨言。因为在天天的供给上忽略了他们的寡妇。

33、Grecian architecture ─── 希腊建筑

34、Among the Grecian and Latin tribes these rites held a conspicuous position. ─── 在希腊部落和拉丁部落中,这些宗教仪式占有突出的地位。

35、Grecian art ─── 希腊艺术

36、Ode on a Grecian Urn ─── 希腊古瓮曲

37、What the Roman and Grecian multitude could not hear, after the lapse of ages a few scholars read, and a few scholars only are still reading it. ─── 那是古罗马和古希腊平民闻所未闻的,时代迁流,潜心诵读它们的学者已成稀有,而今唯少数学者亦不辍研读这些作品。

38、hishandsome Grecian profile ─── 他那古希腊式俊美的侧面脸形.

39、Ancient Chinese Joss House and Grecian Fane--On Their Spirit of Culture and Art ─── 古明堂与希腊神庙--论中西方文化艺术精神之表征

40、Grecian honeycomb ─── 菱形蜂巢组织

41、Renaissant art and culture means the renaissance of ancient culture, that is, Grecian and Roman culture. ─── 文艺复兴艺术与文化是对古希腊罗马文化的复兴。

42、But I had no time to enjoy my newfound sanctum for I ran into a crocophile bent on purifying Egypt of every "Grecian" stain! ─── 但我没时间欣赏这新发现的圣地,我被鳄鱼困住了,因为它们要净化埃及,把希腊人当污点除去!


44、Have you not learned enough of Grecian fraud to be on your guard against it? ─── 你们对希腊人的诡计知道得还不够吗?

45、[NIV] In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. ─── 1[和合]那时,门徒1增多,有说2希利尼话的犹太人向希伯来人发怨言,因为在天天的供3给上忽略了他们的4寡妇。

46、9:29 He talked and debated with the Grecian Jews, but they tried to kill him. ─── 29 奉主的名、放胆传道.并与说希利尼话的犹太人、讲论辩驳.他们却想法子要杀他。

47、8.Chinese Dunhuang Buddha And Grecian Cupid who are ideal images of Chinese and Western woman regard as distinct goddesses of two nations. ─── 希腊爱神与中国敦煌菩萨作为两个不同国度、不同类型的女神,是中西方各自女性的理想形象。

48、For a young Chaldean you're a real bleeding heart. Shake hands with a Grecian and you better count your fingers! Death... too good for them! ─── 对于一个年轻的卡尔迪亚人来说,你的确是个有血性的人。和希腊人握手,你最好看看有没有少了根手指!死,太便宜了他们!

49、One of the best options around is the strapless Maxi dress, allowing for all the flowing beauty of a Grecian Goddess with the revealing strapless style. ─── 其中最佳选择就是无肩及地长裙了,它能让女人们展现出如同希腊女神般清新飘逸的灵动之美。

50、Grecian foxglove leaves ─── 毛花洋地黄叶

51、Ode on a Grecian Urn. ─── 希腊古瓮之歌。

52、"I had been told, but would not credit it, that the Grecian slave I have seen with you here in this very box was the daughter of Ali Pasha." ─── “我听人说过,但我不相信,我不相信在这个包厢里见到过的和你在一起的那个希腊奴隶说是阿里总督的女儿。”

53、A triangular element, similar to or derivative of a Grecian pediment, used widely in architecture and decoration. ─── 三角楣饰广泛用于建筑物和装饰物上的一种类似或衍生于古希腊山形墙的三角形物

54、Grecian era ─── 希腊化时代

55、 双语使用场景

56、His works, melodic and rich in classical imagery, include The Eve of St.Agnes, Ode on a Grecian Urn, and To Autumn, all 1819). ─── 而现在的宇宙有着多种能量和几十种粒子,从星球、银河系到蒲公英、大象和济慈的诗文,包罗万象。

57、Grecian lane ─── 希腊小庙

58、Grecian type antenna ─── 倒V型天线

59、grecian quilt ─── 双面床单布

60、Ode to a Nightingale Ode to an Grecian Urn Isabella ─── 希腊古瓮颂伊莎贝拉

61、Grecian pitch ─── 希腊式屋面坡度

62、A jonquil, not a Grecian lad. ─── 他不再是那个昔日的少年。

63、Sobek told me: kill all the Alexandrian Grecians! Kill all the Egyptian Grecians! Free the Nile from the Grecian yoke! Men, women and children, may the crocs devour them all! ─── 索贝克告诉我:杀光亚历山大的希腊人!杀光埃及的希腊人!把尼罗河从希腊的束缚中解救出来!无论男人,女人,小孩,让鳄鱼吞了他们!

65、and to have desired a plank bed and skin, and whatever else of the kind belongs to the Grecian discipline. ─── 我渴望承受生活的磨砺,对古希腊风范的生活种种兴趣盎然。

66、Architects often tacked majestic facades with Grecian columns onto existing buildings; banks and institutions became imitation Doric temples ─── 建筑师经常在已存在的建筑物正面增加希腊式的柱子,银行和公共机构模仿多立斯神庙的建筑。

67、Grecian nose ─── n. 悬胆鼻

68、The volume also contains his four great odes: "Ode on Melancholy", "Ode on a Grecian Urn"."Ode to a Nightingale", "Ode to Psyche";his lyric masterpiece "To Autumn" and the unfinished poem "Hyperion". ─── 这部诗集包括他著名的四首‘颂’,‘犹豫颂’,希腊古瓮颂‘,’夜莺颂‘,’普塞克颂‘以及他抒情诗的代表作’秋日颂‘和未完成的诗作’希波里恩‘。


70、What do I know of the Grecian affair? ─── 我怎么知道希腊的历史?

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