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09-14 投稿



demising 发音

英:[d??ma?z??]  美:[d??ma?z??]

英:  美:

demising 中文意思翻译




demising 词性/词形变化,demising变形

动词过去式: demised |动词第三人称单数: demises |动词现在分词: demising |形容词: demisable |动词过去分词: demised |

demising 相似词语短语

1、devising ─── 发明

2、demisting ─── v.除去(汽车玻璃上)的雾,给……除雾(demist的现在分词)

3、demonising ─── v.把……妖魔化;使成为魔鬼(同demonize)(demonize的现在分词形式)

4、itemising ─── vt.详细列明(等于itemize)(itemise的变形)

5、despising ─── vt.轻视,鄙视

6、demersing ─── 累加

7、remising ─── 再刺;让渡(remise的现在分词)

8、demixing ─── n.分层

9、demitting ─── vt.辞职;开除;vi.辞职

demising 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Browse Demi Moore Wallpapers gallery ─── 浏览黛咪摩尔壁纸库

2、demi glove ─── 无指尖手套, 半指手套

3、We also formulate score by rules of four levels and try to find out demi quantu of deficiency cold zheng from the yang deficiency of five zang organs. ─── 制定出轻、中、重度、极重4个等级的评分细则,从五脏阳虚探讨虚寒证的半定量化研究。

4、She sort of looks like Demi Moore in this picture. ─── 她在这张图里看起来有点像黛米·摩尔。

5、Cold Kitchen Demi Chef de Partie ─── 冷厨厨师副主管

6、It only seems like a spinoff from the Demi Gods and Semi Devils novel. ─── 这片子拍成神化群魔乱舞了,所有人物打架比超音速战斗机对战还强。

7、Lately he's the favourite actor of David Cronenberg, the handsome, nordic man Viggo Mortensen (aka Aragorn in the epic Lord of the Rings and the blue-eyed corporal, taunting Demi Moore in G.I. ─── 近来,作为DavidCronenberg最青睐的男演员,长着一张北欧脸孔又帅气的ViggoMortensen在David的新片中饰演了一个名叫NikolaiLuzhin的的俄罗斯黑帮成员。

8、However, on one occasion Demi noticed how the professor looked at Jo. ─── 不过,有一次迪米注意到贝教授望著乔的样子。

9、Browse Demi Moore Photos gallery ─── 浏览黛咪摩尔照片库

10、Accelerating the venous circmfluence through the demis ,therefore reduces puffiness around the eyes,remoces black eyes,lifts canthus,removes the crow's-feet ─── 通过真皮层促进静脉回流,水肿冲散,达到消除眼袋,祛除黑眼圈,提升眼角,去鱼尾纹。

11、Randy dreamed of going on a date with Demi Moore. ─── 蓝迪梦想和黛咪。摩儿约会。

12、Famous people getting married here includes Micheal Jordan, Bruce Willis and Demi Moore.The wedding chapels offer spectacular settings for the most elaborate of traditional Las Vegas weddings. ─── 有很多名人曾经在此订下婚约,当中包括米高佐敦,布斯韦利士和狄美摩亚等。

13、Petits fours and demi tasse.Yes,sir. ─── 精美小饼和小杯黑咖啡,是的,先生。

14、demi londres ─── 轻缩绒粗纺细呢

15、The Investment of Intangible Assets and The Profit Sharing Rate in Demising ─── 无形资产投资与转让中利润分成率的确定

16、C:I'll take just coffee,demi tasse,please. ─── 我只要咖啡,一小杯黑咖啡,请。

17、I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers. Demi nama Tuhan aku minta dengan sangat kepadamu, supaya surat ini dibacakan kepada semua saudara. ─── 我指着主吩咐你们,要把这信念给众弟兄听。

18、Example: Demi Moore, 45, snagging hubby Ashton Kutcher, 29. ─── 比如45岁的黛咪·摩尔追求29岁的艾什顿库奇。

19、Browse Demi Moore Pics gallery ─── 浏览黛咪摩尔桌面库

20、Demis shell ─── 转管炮

21、They rub shoulders in the magazine with other best dressed couples such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, and Viscount and Viscountess Linley. ─── 他们与布拉德·皮特和安吉莉娜·茱丽、黛米·摩尔和阿什顿·库切尔以及林莉子爵及子爵夫人等夫妇共同登上《名利场》杂志的“最佳穿着排行榜”。

22、28 For instance, Hu Buxie living in the age of Yao threw himself into river because of refusal of Yao's demising to him. ─── 例如尧时的狐不偕,他因为不愿接受尧的让位而莫名其妙地投河自杀。

23、And he who swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits upon it. Dan barangsiapa bersumpah demi sorga, ia bersumpah demi takhta Allah dan juga demi Dia, yang bersemayam di atasnya. ─── 指着天起誓的,就是指着神的宝座,和那坐在其上的起誓。

24、a movie starring Tom Cruise and Demi Moore ─── 由汤姆 克鲁斯和黛米 穆尔主演的电影

25、This is a group for all the people who love Demi Lovato! ─── 这是个对外公开的群组。任何人都可以加入并邀请他人加入。

26、demi section ─── n. 半剖面图(半节)

27、This is the official group for Demi Lovato fans.. so if you like Demi join this group! ─── 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。

28、Click Here! See Demi Moore Nice Picture Gallery ─── 点击这儿查看黛咪摩尔简介资料

29、A malin,malin et demi. ─── 对付恶棍,比他更恶。

30、Western Kitchen Demi Chef De Partie ─── 西厨厨师领班

31、Very sorry,we don't serve demi tasse in this coffee shop.We serve coffee,only in regular cup,sir. ─── 非常抱歉,本咖啡店不提供小杯黑咖啡,我们只提供一般杯的咖啡,先生。

32、The heroine is played by Demi Moore. ─── 女主角由黛米 穆尔扮演。

33、Passing a beer garden I saw a group of cyclists sitting at a table.I took a seat nearby and ordered a demi. ─── 经过一个设有座席、供应啤酒的花园时,我看到一群骑自行车的人围坐在一张桌子边。

34、Demi Lancers are representative of the trend in the latter medieval period of reducing the amount of overall armour, while improving the remaining armour to protect vital areas. ─── 素质:高级类型:城市专业部队轻枪骑兵是中世纪晚期骑兵风格的体现,他们弃用沉重的全身甲,代之以重要部位的加强盔甲。

35、Digging into cultural value of tourism products, improving visitors' demising value, positioning cultural leisure and marketing the whole are the ways to improve the competence of urban tourism. ─── 挖掘旅游产品的文化价值,提高游客的让渡价值,进行“文化休闲”定位,走整体营销之路,是提高城市旅游竞争力的重要途径。

36、Demi Chemical Co.,Ltd. Located in Gunagdong Province,China.Was established in 2003 with a factory area of 30,000 Suqare meters.Itproducts. ─── 珠海得米化工有限公司成立于2003年,地处中国珠海市,占地面积3万平方米,是国内专业从事高分子吸水材料的研发和生产的高新技术企业。

37、The Investment of Intangible Assets and The Profit Sharing Rate in Demising ─── 无形资产投资与转让中利润分成率的确定

38、Moore Demi ─── 黛米·摩尔

39、demi john ─── 细颈坛

40、Bruce Willis and Demi Moore finally got divorced. They are another example of the futility of marriage between big stars in Tinseltown. ─── 布鲁斯威利和黛咪摩儿终于离婚了。他们再次证明了好莱坞大明星们视婚姻如儿戏。

41、During the interview Demi Moore, who is married to a much younger man, American actor Ashton Kutcher 30, talked about her health. ─── 在采访这个嫁给了比自己年轻的30岁男演员库特的她时,她介绍了她的养生之道。

42、Browse Demi Moore Pictures gallery ─── 浏览黛咪摩尔图片库

43、Browse Demi Moore Desktop gallery ─── 浏览黛咪摩尔相片库

44、For instance, I like to watch movies played by Dustin Hoffman,Tom Cruise,Tom Hanks,Demi Moore orMeg Ryan. ─── 但一般来讲,主要还是喜欢看好莱坞的喜剧片和动作片。

45、Cruise starred in A Few Good Men with Jack Nicholson and Demi Moore, the well received military thriller earned Cruise Golden Globe and MTV nominations. ─── 在那里,他每日以热狗和米饭充饥,搜寻着每一个试镜的机会,“就像丛林中的一头野兽”。

46、Actress and singer Demi Lovato came to the public's attention after starring alongside the Jonas Brothers in the 2008 Disney Channel original movie Camp Rock. ─── 这部电影的唯一亮点就是其中贯穿的音乐。由于是一部音乐题材的电影,歌曲就占了电影绝大部分的时间。

47、“That is cruel, how can you even compare Aum with Demi Moore? [several space down] Demi Moore is more muscular than Aum 555 [a picture of Demi Moore semi-nude was inserted into the comment box]. ─── 搞笑的是有人贴了张DemiMoore的半裸照片,很嘲地说:“这太没天理了,你怎么可以把Aum比作DemiMoore?

48、C:I'll take just demi tasse and also Cognac. ─── 我只要小杯黑咖啡,也要法国白兰地。

49、W:You take just demi tasse,and you banana split and coffee in a regular cup.All right,sir. ─── 你只要小杯黑咖啡,你要香蕉一份以及咖啡一杯,就这么多了,先生。

50、charter by demis ─── [经] 光船租船

51、Two demi tasse,and a bavarois for the child.Yes,sir. ─── 是的,先生,两小杯黑咖啡,水果牛奶巧克力给小孩。

52、C:We'll have two demi tasse coffees and a fruit bavarois for the child. ─── 我们要两小杯黑咖啡,给孩子水果牛奶巧克力吧。


54、The picture of the two proud parents was followed by wedding photos taken of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore at No. 2 that fetched $US3 million in October 2005 from OK! magazine. ─── 位居其后的是阿什顿·库彻尔和戴米·摩尔的结婚照,这张于2005年10月登上《OK!》杂志的照片卖价300万美元。

55、demising wall ─── 让位墙

56、Since leaving the trucker hat behind and marrying Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher's fashion sense has taken a turn for the better. ─── 自从艾希顿.库奇脱掉卡车帽并与黛咪.摩儿结婚以来,他的时尚感变得更好了。

57、28 For instance, Hu Buxie living in age of Yao threw himself into river because of refusal of Yao's demising to him. ─── 像尧时的狐不偕,不受尧的让位莫名其妙地投河而死。

58、Browse Demi Moore Images gallery ─── 浏览黛咪摩尔墙纸库

59、Bruce Willis and Demi Moore finally got divorced. ─── 布鲁斯威利和黛咪摩尔终于离婚了。

60、Paul Henri Demiéville ─── 戴密微(1894-1979),法国人,汉学家,曾来华执教。

61、demi continuous ─── 半连续的

62、For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged. Sebab kamu semua boleh bernubuat seorang demi seorang, sehingga kamu semua dapat belajar dan beroleh kekuatan. ─── 因为你们都能一个一个的申言,为要使众人有学习,使众人得勉励。

63、Browse Demi Moore Posters gallery ─── 浏览黛咪摩尔海报库

64、C:French pastry and demi tasse,please. ─── 请给我法国包子和一小杯黑咖啡。

65、demi column ─── 半柱

66、But as God is faithful, our word toward you is not yes and no. Demi Allah yang setia, janji kami kepada kamu bukanlah serentak ""ya"" dan ""tidak"". ─── 但神既是信实的,我们对你们所说的话,就没有是而又非的,

67、Fresh and frozen demi carcass pork ─── 鲜、冻片猪肉

68、PLACENTA-HUMAN also increases oxygen utilisation in the organs and demis tissues. ─── PLACENTA-HUMAN还能增加氧在各器官组织的利用率。

69、Celebrities like Demi Moore said she they were rooting for her. ─── 众多名人像黛咪摩尔说她会支持苏珊。

70、5.With less armour and little to no armour on the mount, Demi Lancers are more mobile and cheaper to equip than their fully armoured counter parts. ─── 由于更少的装甲甚至没有装甲,半身甲枪骑兵较全装具的同类兵种更机动而且更便宜。

71、demi drap ─── 轻缩绒粗纺稀呢

72、What's behind the big belly baby boom Some credit must go to celebrities who haveblazed a very public trail during their pregnancies, such as Britney Spears and Demi Moore. ─── 造成这股大肚子婴儿潮背后的动力是什么?部分要归功于布兰妮和黛咪摩尔等名女人怀孕时大张旗鼓、推波助澜。

73、I write this title just for Demi Q. ─── 课程快要结束,到了考试期。

74、"tian long ba bu" ("Heaven Dragon The Eighth Episode" "Demi Gods and Semi Devils") promo... ─── 刘亦菲,刘涛,天龙八部,天龙八部,林志颖,片花,胡军,胡军,陈好,高虎

75、On Radom Fixed Point Theorem of Demi -compact Random 1 - set Contractive Map ─── 关于半紧随机1-集压缩映射的随机不动点定理

76、United States Information Agency has vanished from the establishment to demis with the time background it is closely linkde. ─── 美国新闻署从建立到消亡都与它所处的时代背景有紧密联系。

77、demi infinite tape ─── 半无穷带

78、Demi was very interested in engineering and tried to build many things. ─── 迪米对工程很有兴趣,会试著建造许多东西。

79、Willis was married to actress Demi Moore from 1987 until 1998. They have three children. ─── 1987-1998年威利斯曾与女演员黛米-摩尔结婚,膝下有三个孩子。

80、Demi tasse and Courvoisier Napoleon.Just a moment,please. ─── 小杯黑咖啡和柯瓦拿破仑,请稍等一会。

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