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09-10 投稿



embanking 发音


英:  美:

embanking 中文意思翻译



embanking 词性/词形变化,embanking变形

动词过去式: embanked |动词现在分词: embanking |动词过去分词: embanked |动词第三人称单数: embanks |

embanking 短语词组

1、embanking materials ─── 路堤材料

embanking 相似词语短语

1、e-banking ─── 电子银行

2、embasing ─── 刺绣

3、embarring ─── vt.囚禁;阻遏(embar的变形)

4、embalming ─── v.以香料或药材为尸体防腐;使不被遗忘;使充满香气(embalm的现在分词)

5、embaling ─── 打捆;打包

6、banking ─── n.银行业;银行业务;银行家的职业;筑堤;v.把钱存入银行;做银行家;在…边筑堤(bank的现在分词)

7、emballing ─── 包装

8、embarking ─── v.上船,登机;着手(embark的现在分词)

9、embailing ─── 防腐

embanking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、submerged embank ─── 漫水路堤

2、Keywords Superhigh fill, Unsaturated flow, Wetting deformation, Composite foundations, Two parameters model, Embanking methods; ─── 超高填方;非饱和流;湿化变形;复合地基;双参数模型;填筑方法;

3、embank a river ─── 修筑河堤

4、to embank a river ─── 筑堤断流

5、porous embank ─── 透水路堤

6、embank ment ─── 路堤

7、ZHU Xiang, HUANG Xiao-ming, DENG Xue-jun.Research of reinforced embank mechanism[J].Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2000, 17(1): 1-4. ─── [4]朱湘, 黄晓明, 邓学钧. 土工格栅加筋路堤机理研究[J]. 公路交通科技, 2000, 17(1): 1-4.

8、Case Study of Backfilling the Embank with Fly Ash ─── 粉煤灰做路基填料的试验研究

9、The Analysis of the Design and Construction Techniques of the Critical Banks And Dams along the Yellow River Embank ─── 黄河大堤险工堤坝设计与施工技术分析

10、Analyses of the Causes and Countermeasures for Sluice Deterioration of the Sea Embank in the Eastern Zhejiang Province ─── 浙东海塘上水闸病害成因分析及对策

11、highfill embank ─── 高填土路堤

12、For lack of the theoretical calculation method at present,the skew bridge backwater is simulated in adopting circle pier and embank uncompressing river through hydraulic models. ─── 桥梁建设多在天然河道进行,当桥墩阻水面积占河道过水面积的比例较小时,可以不考虑桥墩壅水影响。

13、outer embank ─── 港口外堤

14、Research on critical gradient for erosion of expressway embank slope based on energy method ─── 基于能量法的高等级公路路堤边坡冲刷临界坡度研究

15、Control of Soft Soil Foundation Deformation Rate during Embanking by Large Geotextile Bag ─── 大型土工织物充填袋筑堤时软土地基变形速率的控制

16、Experimental Study on Contact Stress of High - Speed Railway Embank -ment in Soft Soil ─── 高速铁路软基路堤基底接触应力试验研究

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