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09-14 投稿



incombustibility 发音

英:[?nk?mb?st??b?l?ti]  美:[?nk?mb?st??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

incombustibility 中文意思翻译



incombustibility 相似词语短语

1、combustibility ─── n.燃烧性;[热]可燃性

2、incompatibility ─── n.不相容;不协调;不一致

3、incomputability ─── n.不可计算性

4、incommutability ─── 不可交换性

5、incombustible ─── adj.不燃性的;n.不燃性物质

6、noncombustibility ─── 不燃性

7、incompressibility ─── n.[流]不可压缩性

8、incorruptibility ─── n.清廉;不腐败;不能收买

9、incombustibly ─── 不燃

incombustibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Testing method for incombustibility of thin materials for buildings ─── 建筑用细薄材料的不燃性试验方法

2、Keywords incombustibility;flame retardant;rigid polyurethane foam;camouflage material;military;material; ─── 阻燃;阻燃剂;硬质聚氨酯泡沫;军用;伪装材料;

3、Quality of the carpet not fade, mildew, moth and processing continued incombustibility guarantee. ─── 优质的地毯有不褪色、防霉、防蛀和不续燃性的加工处理的保证。

4、It is a large bottle of oxygen gas or other non-incombustibility boost gas to another gas bottle filled. ─── 它是将大储气瓶中的氧气或其它非燃性气体升压充填到另一储气瓶内。

5、Testing method for incombustibility of internal finish material and procedure of buildings ─── 建筑物的内部装修材料及施工方法的不燃性试验方法

6、Gypsum flakeboard is a gypsum board with reinforcement by wood flake. It has a higher MOR and MOE, good fire resistance and incombustibility. ─── 石膏刨花板是用木刨花增强的石膏板,它有较高的MOR和MOE,优良的耐火性和不燃性。


8、The incombustibility of the military rigid polyurethane (PU) foam materials was studied. The optimum formula of compound flame retardant was determined by screening and orthogonal test. ─── 为提高军用聚氨酯硬质泡沫迷彩伪装材料的阻燃性能,对各种阻燃剂进行了筛选并进行正交复配试验,确定了复配阻燃剂的最佳配方。

9、Testing method for incombustibility of thin materials for buildings ─── 建筑用细薄材料的不燃性试验方法

10、degree of incombustibility ─── 不燃性程度

11、The coating has good incombustibility, namely incombustible even in a temperature as high as 1200 centigrade. ─── 度牌氧化改性矿物涂料具有无机物之特性,其抗温性能特别好,不但在1200摄氏度的高温下不会燃烧,而且阻燃。

12、Testing method for incombustibility of internal finish material and element of buildings ─── 建筑内部装潢材料及结构耐火性能测试方法

13、Testing method for incombustibility of internal finish material and element of buildings ─── 建筑内部装潢材料及结构耐火性能测试方法

14、A rigid PU foam with high incombustibility and oxygen index > 34 was prepared.Its camouflage performance was kept well. ─── 在不影响材料伪装性能的基础上,制得了氧指数在34以上的高阻燃性聚氨酯硬质泡沫。

15、Testing method for incombustibility of internal finish material and procedure of buildings ─── 建筑物的内部装修材料及施工方法的不燃性试验方法

16、3.Overlaying untreated veneers on the fire-retardant particleboard will make it fail in grade 3 incombustibility of CNS 6532 surface test . ─── 3.如在可通过CNS 6532耐燃三级标准之粒片板表层贴上未处理之单板后,会使其无法通过耐燃标准。


susceptibility 英[s??sept??b?l?ti] 美[s??s?pt??b?l?ti] n. 易受影响或损害的状态,感受性;感情(脆弱之处);磁化系数 名词复数:susceptibilities [例句]And those effects can be particularly telling during certain windows of susceptibility.在敏感的窗口期间,那些影响可以特别地显著。

in perspective是什么意思?

in perspective 英[in p??spektiv] 美[?n p??sp?kt?v] adv. 正确地,显示在脑海中,符合透视法地; [例句]If you can be a sympathetic listener, it may put your own problems in perspective.如果你能充满同情心地倾听别人的说话,也许就能够正确地认识自己的问题。

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