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09-15 投稿



infrahyoid 发音


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infrahyoid 中文意思翻译



infrahyoid 短语词组

1、infrahyoid fascia ─── 舌骨下筋膜

2、infrahyoid muscle ─── 舌骨下肌

3、infrahyoid epiglottis ─── 舌骨下会厌

4、infrahyoid branch ─── 舌骨下支

5、infrahyoid region ─── [医] 舌骨下区

6、infrahyoid neck ─── 舌骨下颈

7、infrahyoid group ─── 舌骨下组

8、infrahyoid muscles ─── 舌骨下肌

9、infrahyoid compartment ─── 舌骨下室

infrahyoid 相似词语短语

1、infrared ─── adj.红外线的;(设备、技术)使用红外线的;对红外辐射敏感的;n.红外线;红外辐射

2、ichthyoid ─── n.鱼状的动物;adj.成鱼形的

3、infracted ─── v.违反;破坏;侵害(infract的过去式和过去分词)

4、infrahuman ─── adj.低于人类的,类人猿的;n.类人生物

5、infractor ─── n.违反;破坏

6、infra dig ─── abbr.有失体面(infradinitatem)

7、infrasonic ─── adj.[声]次声的;次声所产生的

8、infraposed ─── 不适定

9、infra-red ─── 红外

infrahyoid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is found the suprasternal space should be enclosed by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fasciae and the fasciae of the infrahyoid muscles, rather than the past opinion of the textbook. ─── 得出胸骨上间隙应是由颈深筋膜浅层和舌骨下肌筋膜围成,而不同于以往教科书中描述的由颈深筋膜浅层分为两层附着于胸骨形成。

2、Objective To improve success rate of infrahyoid myocutaneous flapreconstruction after res ectin of head and neck cancer. ─── 目的进一步提高舌骨下肌群肌皮瓣修复头颈部肿瘤术后缺损的成功率。

3、infrahyoid region ─── [医] 舌骨下区

4、Results Among 153 survival flaps, there were 55 infrahyoid myocutaneous flaps, 40 platysma flaps, 52 sternocleidomastoid flaps and 6 submental island flaps. ─── 结果术后153例皮瓣全部成活,其中舌骨下肌皮瓣55例,颈阔肌皮瓣40例,胸锁乳突肌皮瓣52例,颏下岛状瓣6例;

5、CT Diagnosis of Visceral Space Tumors in infrahyoid neck ─── 舌骨下颈部内脏间隙肿瘤的CT诊断

6、infrahyoid branch ─── 舌骨下支

7、infrahyoid muscles ─── 舌骨下肌

8、infrahyoid strap ─── 舌骨下带

9、Keywords Infrahyoid myocutaneous flap;Reconstruction;Mouth defect; ─── 舌骨下肌群肌皮瓣;修复;口腔缺损;

10、infrahyoid lymph nodes ─── 舌骨下淋巴结

11、The infrahyoid neck is a complex region of anatomy and pathology. ─── 舌骨下颈部的是一个复杂的地区的解剖和病理。

12、The area of infection was classified as (1) suprahyoid, (2)infrahyoid, and (3)transhyoid. ─── 我们依病灶的位置分为(1)舌骨上感染,(2)舌骨下感染及(3)穿越舌骨上下感染三种。

13、A Primary Investigation of the Infrahyoid Myofascia Flaps for Reconstruction of Defect from Oral Cancer Resection ─── 舌骨下肌筋膜瓣修复口腔癌术后缺损的应用初探

14、4 Magrin J,Kowalsri LP,Santo GE.et al. Infrahyoid myocutaneous flap in head and neck reconstruction.Head Neck,1993,15:522- 525. ─── 5梁青,王鹤鸣,张丽英.舌骨下肌群肌皮瓣应用解剖研究.中华口腔医学杂志,1987,22:175-177.(实用医学论文网整理

15、The spatial division of the infrahyoid neck into six discrete spaces is accomplished by three layers of the deep cervical fascia. ─── 空间划分为六个舌骨颈部离散空间是通过三个层次的颈深筋膜。一旦理解,病理过程在这个地区可以得到更好的特点。

16、Methods:The morphology,blood vessle,and nerve of infrahyoid muscles(40 cases or 80sides)were studied and measured by cephalocevical sample dissection. ─── 方法:对40具(80侧)头颈部标本的舌骨下肌群的形态特征,血管神经支配进行观测。

17、Keywords Infrahyoid muscles Anatomy Defect Myocutanousflap; ─── 舌骨下肌群;解剖学;缺损;肌皮瓣;

18、It is found the suprasternal space should be enclosed by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fasciae and the fasciae of the infrahyoid muscles, rather than the past opinion of the textbook. ─── 得出胸骨上间隙应是由颈深筋膜浅层和舌骨下肌筋膜围成,而不同于以往教科书中描述的由颈深筋膜浅层分为两层附着于胸骨形成。

19、Keywords submental island musculo-cutaneous flap;infrahyoid musculo-cutaneous flap;oral cancer;defect repair; ─── 颏下动脉岛状瓣;舌骨下肌群肌皮瓣;口腔癌切除缺损修复;

20、This study was designed to determine the entering sites of vascular pedicles of the infrahyoid muscles. ─── 本研究旨在确定进入网站血管蒂的舌骨肌肉。

21、infrahyoid muscle ─── 舌骨下肌(动)

22、A Primary Investigation of the Infrahyoid Myofascia Flaps for Reconstruction of Defect from Oral Cancer Resection ─── 舌骨下肌筋膜瓣修复口腔癌术后缺损的应用初探

23、The nerves of the infrahyoid neuro-muscular pedicle are mainly derived from the superior root of the ansa cervicalis. ─── 舌骨下肌群神经肌蒂的神经主要来自颈袢上根。

24、Abstract: Objective To improve success rate of infrahyoid myocutaneous flapreconstruction after res ectin of head and neck cancer. ─── 文摘:目的进一步提高舌骨下肌群肌皮瓣修复头颈部肿瘤术后缺损的成功率。

25、infrahyoid bursa ─── 舌骨下囊

26、Thesubmandibular glands lied superficial to the suprahyoid, and infrahyoid muscle groups, and were covered by the inferior portion of the parotid gland. ─── 颌下腺位于舌骨上下肌群上方,被部分腮腺下极覆盖。

27、Results:There are suitable thickness of infrahoid muscles,blood supply is from the superior thyroid artery.venous return of infrahyoid muscles is the superior thyroid vein. ─── 结果:舌骨下肌群各肌厚度均较薄,供应动脉为甲状腺上动脉,回流静脉为甲状腺上静脉,舌骨下肌群的神经支配来自颈襻分支。

28、Objective:To provide anatomical data for repairing oral maxillofacial defects with infrahyoid myocutaneous flap resection of malignant tumor. ─── 目的:为口腔颌面恶性肿瘤切除后采用舌骨下肌皮瓣修复的手术方式提供应用解剖学依据。

29、Infrahyoid artery ─── 舌骨下动脉

30、CT Diagnosis of Visceral Space Tumors in infrahyoid neck ─── 舌骨下颈部内脏间隙肿瘤的CT诊断

31、Use of infrahyoid myocutaneous flap in operation of head and neck cancer ─── 舌骨下肌皮瓣在头颈部恶性肿瘤手术中的应用

32、Results The deep cervical fascia was divided into four layers with the fasciae of the infrahyoid muscles being a single layer. ─── 颈深筋膜深层分为翼筋膜和椎前筋膜;

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