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09-15 投稿



hookey 发音

英:[?h?ki]  美:[?h?ki]

英:  美:

hookey 中文意思翻译




hookey 短语词组

1、hookey pokey ─── 胡克·波基

2、play hookey ─── 逃学

3、blind hookey n. ─── 赌牌

hookey 相似词语短语

1、honkey ─── n.白鬼(黑人对白人的带有敌意的蔑称);白人

2、hokey ─── adj.做作的;虚情假意的

3、hooley ─── n.(Hooley)人名;(英)胡利

4、hooky ─── n.逃学;逃学者(同hookey);adj.多钩的;钩状的;(音乐)简单动听的

5、hooked ─── adj.钩状的;吸毒成瘾的;入迷的;v.用钩固定;捉住(hook的过去分词)

6、hockey ─── n.曲棍球;冰球;n.(Hockey)人名;(英)霍基

7、horkey ─── n.(Horkey)人名;(英)霍基

8、hooey ─── n.胡言乱语;傻事;int.真傻

9、hooker ─── n.妓女;渔船;n.(Hooker)人名;(英)胡克

hookey 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He's not your sort, who plays hookey at will. ─── 他可不像你,动不动就逃学。

2、"Jimmy is the Black sheep of his family. Apart from playing hookey, he is also shoplifting a lot." ─── 吉米总是给他家抹黑:经常逃学不说,还总去商店偷东西。

3、Whenever I got uncommon tired I played hookey, and the hiding I got next day done me good and cheered me up. ─── 只要我厌倦得厉害,我就逃学。第二天挨的揍对我也有好处,能给我鼓鼓劲。

4、"He's not your sort, who plays hookey at will" ─── 他可不象你,动不动就逃学

5、I'd made sure you'd played hookey and been a-swimming. ─── 我确定你逃学去游泳了。

6、He's not your sort, who plays hookey at will. ─── 他可不像你,动不动就逃学。

7、blind hookey ─── 赌牌

8、"Dad fetch it! This comes of playing hookey and doing everything a feller's told not to do. ─── “真是一团糟,都怪我逃学旷课,又不听话。

9、play hookey ─── vi. 逃学

10、Jimmy is the Black sheep of his family. Apart from playing hookey, he is also shoplifting a lot. ─── 吉米总是给他家抹黑:经常逃学不说,还总去商店偷东西。

11、However, her brother was not interested in reading and often played hookey, so her father asked her to supervise his brother to school. ─── 可哥哥对读书不感兴趣,总是逃学,于是父母让她每天监督哥哥去学校。

12、This comes of playing hookey and doing everything a feller's told not to do. ─── 这都是逃学、不听话造成的。

13、He'll play hookey this evening,* and [* Southwestern for "afternoon"] I'll just be obleeged to make him work, to-morrow, to punish him. ─── 今天下午他要是逃学,明天我就想法让他干点活,惩罚惩罚他。

14、Tom did play hookey, and he had a very good time. ─── 汤姆的确逃学了,而且玩得很开心。

15、A day, little boy is taking his beloved small red horse to come to amuse oneself of a green meadow. at this moment, came to be betted in vain, he forces little boy and his blind hookey. ─── 一天,小男孩带著他心爱的小红马来到一片绿草地玩耍。正在这时,来了一个徒赌,他强迫小男孩与他赌牌。

16、for playing hookey the day before , ─── 因为头一天逃学的事情。

17、He'll play hookey this evening, and I'll just be obliged to make him work, ─── 今天下午他要是逃学,明天我就想法让他干点活,

18、Tom did play hookey, and he had a very good time. ─── 汤姆真的没去上课,而且痛痛快快地玩了一场。

19、Jimmy is the black sheep of his family.Apart from playing hookey,hs is also shoplifting a lot. ─── 3吉米总是给他家抹黑:经常逃学不说,还总去商店偷东西。

20、Jimmy is the black sheep of his family.Apart from playing hookey,he is also shoplifting a lot. ─── 吉米总是给他家抹黑:经常逃学不说,还总去商店偷东西.

21、2.Jimmy is the black sheep of his family.Apart from playing hookey, he is also shoplifting a lot. ─── 吉米总是给他家抹黑:经常逃学不说,还总去商店偷东西。

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