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09-15 投稿



inventorying 发音

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inventorying 中文意思翻译



inventorying 词性/词形变化,inventorying变形

动词第三人称单数: inventories |动词过去式: inventoried |形容词: inventorial |副词: inventorially |名词复数: inventories |动词现在分词: inventorying |动词过去分词: inventoried |

inventorying 常用词组

inventory management ─── 存货管理

inventory control ─── 存货控制;存货管理

take inventory ─── 实地清点盘存;编制...清单

inventorying 相似词语短语

1、inventories ─── n.存货(inventory的复数);详细目录;库存资产;v.盘存;概述;对清单上存货估价(inventory的第三人称单数)

2、inventoried ─── v.开列清单,将……列入清单(inventory的过去式和过去分词)

3、inventor ─── n.发明家;[专利]发明人;创造者

4、inventing ─── v.发明(invent的现在分词);创造

5、inverting ─── adj.反相的

6、inversing ─── adj.相反的;倒转的;n.相反;倒转;反面;相反的事物;倒数;逆元素

7、inventorial ─── 发明的

8、inventors ─── n.发明家;[专利]发明者(inventor的复数)

9、inventory ─── n.存货,存货清单;详细目录;财产清册;vt.给……开列清单

inventorying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Development of Portable Laser- based Instrument for Inventorying Stockpile in Coal Yard ─── 煤场便携式激光盘煤仪的开发

2、Keywords assessment design;methodology;inventorying and monitoring;multiscale;middle scale; ─── 评价设计;方法学;编目和监测;多尺度;中间尺度;

3、He sat in the car for a while, inventorying his wounds. ─── 他在车上坐了一会,仔细验看身上的伤处。

4、Establish locations, facilities, and equipment for receiving, inventorying, storing, and issuing supplies. ─── 为接收、清查、存储和分发物资设立场所、设施和设备.

5、But presents the double fault once more in the 8th game of Li Na, after melted 4 inventorying continuously does not have the fruit, is broken by the match. ─── 而在第8局李娜再次出现双误,在连续化解了4个盘点后无果,被对手破发。

6、cultural inventorying ─── 文化盘点

7、The ninth game, Feidler once faced 2 in his Serving Bureau to break a concurrently inventorying, nearly must lose one first. ─── 第九局,费德勒又在自己的发球局里一度面临着2个破发点兼盘点,几乎就要先丢一盘。

8、VCI recommends inventorying no more than a six month supply of VCI papers or film. ─── 防锈纸在仓库的库存时间最好不要超过6个月;

9、10. Within the staffing area itself, appraisal, inventorying, selection, and development are closely related . ─── 在任用的范围内,评价、储备、选择以及培养等过程都息息相关。

10、The man turned to the bartender, who fell silent under his sharp gaze and returned to inventorying the bottles of cheap, well liquor. ─── 那人转过身来,酒保在他锐利的目光下默默地回去盘点便宜好酒的空瓶。

11、The Book Inventorying Method Adopted by the Library ─── 图书馆的图书清点方法

12、He sat in the car for a while, inventorying his wounds. ─── 他在车上坐了一会,仔细验看身上的伤处。

13、This paper begins with an ontological exposition about urban culture,proceeds with antypological analysis of spatial culture and cultural inventorying of urban space,thus expounds and prop. ─── 文章通过城市空间文化的本体述要、城市空间文化的类型学分析和城市空间的文化盘点,深入探讨并提出了保护与建构城市空间文化或文化的城市空间的具体对策和途径。

14、Going on the market fired in 2008 the intermediate vehicle market to receive war of the official, what was following is to this year intermediate vehicle market inventorying and the summary. ─── 无论营销策略如何,产品力永远是基础,而悦动作为现代全球领先的第二工厂的第一款车,产品品质得到了有力的保障。

15、Then this week is also which how many model of handsets obtain most pursue hold Let us come careful inventorying. ─── 那么本周又是哪几款手机获得最多追捧呢?让我们来仔细的盘点一番吧。

16、What a shame it would be to spend your most creative moments inventorying the supply cabinet! ─── 把最具创造力的时间花在整理柜子上该多么遗憾。

17、In people respective inventorying this year's loss, is smiling the sound appears in everybody ear bank. ─── 就在人们各自盘点今年的损失的时候,一个笑着的声音出现在大家耳畔。

18、Establish locations, facilities, and equipment for receiving, inventorying, storing, and issuing supplies. ─── 为接收、清查、存储和分发物资设立场所、设施和设备。

19、Inventories these actors, is also is inventorying Xie Dao “the masterpiece”. ─── 盘点这些演员,也就是在盘点谢导的“杰作”。

20、The inventorying entertainment world's star withdrawal, many people have chosen “the eldest child marries is the merchant woman” the ancient home to return. ─── 盘点娱乐圈的女星退出,很多的人是选择了“老大嫁作商人妇”的古老归宿。

21、But serves in the match wins the plate bureau, the Chinese artificial flower with gold-foil clenched the teeth to save a inventorying, afterward succeeded breaks, pulled evenly 6:6 the score. ─── 但是在对手的发球胜盘局,中国金花咬紧牙关挽救了一个盘点,随后成功破发,将比分扳成6比6平。

22、Within the staffing area itself , appraisal , inventorying, selection, and development are closely related . ─── 在任用的范围内,评价、储备、选择以及培养等过程都息息相关。

23、Non pensate di diventare gli inventori del mondo. ─── 不要企图成为这个世界的创造者。

24、Costs incurred from holding or inventorying items; the costs for the capital invested in an item and the insurance, taxes, storage and handling/movement required while being held. ─── 持有货物或库存货物发生的成本:投资于货物的资本、保费、税项及持有时所需的储存与处理、运送费用。

25、In people respective inventorying this year's loss, is smiling the sound appears in everybody ear bank. ─── 就在人们各自盘点今年的损失的时候,一个笑着的声音出现在大家耳畔。

26、What a shame it would be to spend your most creative moments inventorying the supply cabinet! ─── 有时,你的身体会告诉你何时会心猿意马,何时会专心致志。

27、Snatches seven game of Feidler evenly after 5-5 has cashed the own second inventorying, thus by 8-6 first next city. ─── 抢七局费德勒在5-5平后兑现了自己的第二个盘点从而以8-6先下一城。

28、For inventorying this system, warm benzene is fed to the bottom of each reactor, and the top of each reactor is vented to the flare. ─── 这个系统的投料是将热苯加到每个反应器的底部,每个反应器的顶部排气口与火炬相连。

29、is responsible for warehouse turnover storehouse bookkeeping processing and the inventorying work, guarantees the data the uniformity. ─── 负责仓库进出库帐务处理及盘点工作,确保数据的一致性。

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