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09-14 投稿



wittily 发音


英:  美:

wittily 中文意思翻译



wittily 短语词组

1、wittily designed ─── 设计巧妙

2、wittily crafted sentence ─── 妙语连珠的句子

3、wittily craft ─── 机智的手艺

4、wittily crafted ─── 巧妙制作

wittily 相似词语短语

1、dirtily ─── adv.龌龊地;下贱地

2、dottily ─── 圆点地

3、grittily ─── 坚韧不拔

4、wittolly ─── 机智。

5、unwittily ─── 不知不觉地

6、shittily ─── 卑鄙地

7、wittingly ─── adv.有意地

8、fattily ─── 富含脂肪的

9、cattily ─── 敏捷地

wittily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、John Maynard Keynes himself gently and wittily reproached the president for unnecessarily antagonising business. ─── 约翰-梅纳德-凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes)本人曾委婉地批评罗斯福,不必要地与企业对立起来。

2、He reasoned very wittily but not convincingly. ─── 他的推论十分机智但不能令人信服。

3、It is their speciality to the assurance of character and the assurance to detail, their work is grave and elegant, do not lose authority however wittily wind model. ─── 对品质的保证和对细节的把握是他们的擅长,他们的作品庄重典雅,俏皮却不失大家风范。

4、They were all good, but Bush was especially effective, and wittily generous to me. ─── 他们讲得都很好,不过我对老布什总统的讲话的印象尤其深刻,我觉得其言语诙谐。

5、"Every kiss 10 yuan " salesgirl also replies wittily. ─── “每吻十元”女店员也俏皮地回答。

6、Mondeo-Zhisheng perfectly represents a group of business elites who live their lives and do their jobs with ease, gaining victory wittily and gracefully, thus ultimately scoring better achievements. ─── 福特蒙迪欧-致胜,完美的代表了这样一个以“致”取胜的商务精英群体,在现代生活和工作中游刃有余,借助智慧一击致胜,“赢得机智、赢得漂亮”,最终达致新的成就高度。

7、Yu Youjun wittily requested the presence of hundreds of reporters to the shareholders, investment funds ready to prospects for the secondary securities market. ─── 于幼军风趣地请在场的数百名记者转告广大股民,准备好资金投资到前景看好的二板市场。

8、The tale wittily explores the interaction and tension between reality and imagination. ─── 这篇故事机智地探讨了现实和想象之间的联系和对立。

9、However, the spirit of the south and solemnity of the northern topology are wittily integrated, which is rather rare. Moreover, the two adopted western painting techniques. ─── 但是,南宗的灵动与北宗严峻的山形巧妙结合,在绘画史上是少有,更何况,两者是由一只西洋画笔调和的。

10、2. he would wittily chime into our conversation. ─── 他会机智地在我们的谈话中插嘴。

11、This procedure adjustments River County Magistrate Zhaomin wittily described as : first love after marriage. ─── 对这一程序的调整,浦江县县长赵敏风趣地喻为:先谈恋爱后结婚。

12、However, Jay wittily placed photos of his mom all over the MV, in a way, letting his mom star as the MVs female lead. ─── 不过,杰伦巧妙地将与妈妈的许多合照放在MV中,使妈妈成为独一无二的女主角。

13、wittily ad. ─── 机智地;

14、he asked himself plaintively , then arose to respond cleverly and wittily to a clever and witty toast. ─── 他痛苦地问自己。然后他站起身来对于一个聪明风趣的祝酒辞作出了聪明风趣的回答。

15、They were all good, but Bush was especially effective, and wittily generous to me. ─── 他们讲得都很好,不过我对老布什总统的讲话的印象尤其深刻,我觉得其言语诙谐。

16、Because still have these white, grey, black notting have the element of colour tendency, wittily " harmonic " give outstanding visual perception to suffer. ─── 因为还有白、灰、黑这些无色彩倾向的元素,适度而机智地“调和”出不同凡响的视觉感受。

17、But Tiberius objected and said rather wittily , “What will you do if you have eleven Caesars? ─── 但反对和留而风趣地说, “什么你如果你有11凯撒?

18、Renzhijiang wittily used a sparrow and crow analogy to explain the problem : blackboard, drawing a sparrow and a crow, the teacher asked the students which is playing, which is only crow? ─── 对这一现象,任志强认为:目前正处于政府宏观调控时期,消费者不知下一步的房产政策将如何变化,持币观望很正常。

19、However, Jay wittily placed photos of his mom all over the MV, in a way, letting his mom star as the MV s female lead. ─── 不过,杰伦巧妙地将与妈妈的许多合照放在MV中,使妈妈成为独一无二的女主角。

20、I manage to finish some metres behind them in fourth place, with another rider who wittily secured third place. ─── 在离他们身后一米多我获得了第四名,另一个机智的车手获得了第三名。

21、For example, the distinguished scholar Liang Qichao once said wittily, "I always stand for interest-ism. If you broke down Liang Qichao's stuff into its component parts, there would be nothing left except an element named 'Interest'." ─── 例如,梁任公先生就说过:“我是个主张趣味主义的人,倘若用化学化分‘梁启超’这件东西”,把里头所含一种元素名叫‘趣味’的抽出来,只怕所剩下的仅有个零了。”

22、Renzhijiang very wittily said a sparrow and crow story : Sparrow is beside the raven, crow is beside mahjong, the policy is expected to different people, no one will tell you the specific answers. ─── 任志强很风趣地讲了一个麻雀和乌鸦的故事:麻雀旁边是乌鸦,乌鸦旁边是麻雀,对于政策的预期各人有所不同,没有人会告诉你具体答案。

23、Bennett Reimer, a famous music educator in America, has explained elaborately and wittily the idea of EIM in his representative work " A Philosophy of Music Education". ─── 美国著名音乐教育家贝内特·雷默教授在他的论著《音乐教育的哲学》一书中阐述了他的“音乐脱盲”理念,这是本文写作的原始灵感。

24、I used to be much convinced and admire him for that he could describe the miseries in life so wittily. ─── 我曾经深以为然,并且佩服他把人生的可悲境遇表述得如此轻松俏皮。

25、as she couldn't understand me she would wink wittily, and nearsighted people won't do this very often. ─── 因为有时候她听不懂我说的话就俏皮地眨眨眼睛,这不是近视的人经常会做的动作。

26、It got dark at last. Stars in the sky is blinking their bright eyes wittily. The house of farmers began to light up. ─── 天终于完全暗了,天空里星星俏皮地眨着明亮的眼睛,农家的灯光也次第亮了起来。

27、act swiftly and wittily;Mysteriously appear and disappear ─── 神出鬼没

28、Plus he is able to wheel on a formidable array of expert witnesses, both living and dead, to speak wisely and wittily in support of his views and generally jolly things along. ─── 加上他善于借助权威言论(在世与不在世的都有)证明自己的观点,他显得既精明又不失机智。

29、Even Mr Cameron, speaking wittily at the book's launch last week, could not make his "Conservative means for progressive ends" line sound snappy. ─── 甚至连卡梅隆先生本人,上周在发行这本书时也无法流利的表达他的“出于改良目的的保守党主张”。

30、Scores of primary school students and retired grandpas and grandmas found the use materials from the houses and wittily made the dollies for the race. ─── 社区里的几十位小学生以及退休大伯、大妈,都找来家里的废品,开动脑筋精心制作了小车来参赛。

31、9 see joke: Edison invented a large number of things in scientific domain not only, all sorts of peculiar problems that still are good at answering reporters wittily to put forward. ─── 9看笑话: 爱迪生不仅在科学领域里发明了大量东西,还善于机智地回答记者们提出的各种古怪的问题。

32、The sequence homology of our hALR compared witti rat ALR and humanALR recently reported were 86.5% and 99.2%, respectively. ─── 与大鼠ALR和最近报道的人ALR序列比较同源性分别为86、5%和99.2%。

33、They have just been pulling our legs very wittily . ─── 他们不过是跟我们开个非常诙谐的玩笑罢了。

34、as she couldn't understand me she would wink wittily , and nearsighted people won't do this very often. ─── 因为有时候她听不懂我说的话就俏皮地眨眨眼睛,这不是近视的人经常会做的动作。

35、Quindera changes it wittily into: I feel so I am here. ─── 昆德拉俏皮地改为:我觉故我在。

36、By fighting against the tyrant wittily and bravely, Huang and his men finally win... ─── 黄和小狮子与对方斗智斗勇,以绝技将顾等人消灭。

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