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09-15 投稿



insolated 发音


英:  美:

insolated 中文意思翻译



insolated 词性/词形变化,insolated变形

动词过去式: insolated |动词第三人称单数: insolates |动词现在分词: insolating |动词过去分词: insolated |

insolated 相似词语短语

1、immolated ─── adj.献祭的;v.献祭(immolate的过去分词)

2、isolated ─── adj.偏远的;孤立的;孤独的;单独的;绝缘的;v.使……孤立;使……分离;将……剔出(isolate的过去式和过去分词)

3、inviolated ─── 不受侵犯的

4、insolates ─── vt.使曝晒

5、consolated ─── 安慰

6、insolate ─── vt.使曝晒

7、desolated ─── adj.荒凉的;无人烟的;vt.使荒凉;使孤寂

8、lineolated ─── 线条化

9、insulated ─── v.(使)隔热(或隔音、绝缘);(使)免受不良影响;(使)陆地成岛屿(insulate的过去式及过去分词);adj.有隔热(或隔音、绝缘)保护的

insolated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、insolated concrete structure ─── 孤立混凝土构筑物

2、The obvious inhibition effect of F~- ion on pitting of iron causedby Cl~- ion was observed. This effect could be explained by the formation of stable, insol uble complex FeF_3. ─── F~-对Cl~-引起的铁孔蚀有明显的抑制作用,可能是由于F~-能与Fe~(3+)形成稳定而难溶解的FeF_3配合物。

3、"The team put experimental roofs on top of metal insolated insulated boxes, to recreate green roof conditions. ─── 研究小组把一个试验的屋顶放在了有金属隔离的盒子的顶部,为了再现绿色屋顶情况。

4、Read from or write to a file in insolated storage ─── 读取或写入独立存储中的文件

5、If your feeling your friends and families insolated, resolve to write a personal letter every month. ─── 如果你因为远离朋友和家人而觉得与世隔绝,那就每个月写一封私人信件。

6、He took off the wet clothes and put them in the sun to be insolated . ─── 他脱下了湿衣服,将它他放在太阳下晒干。

7、Design and application on Insolated Gate Bipolar Transistor pulse chopper ─── 绝缘栅双极晶体管脉冲斩波器的设计与应用

8、This insolated insulated glass will make the inside of the building cooler in summer and warmer in winter. ─── 这咱玻璃具有隔热作用,可以使建筑内部夏天更加凉爽,冬天更加温暖。

9、Do not let mattess had insolated long, lest make,bed face fades. ─── 切勿让床垫暴晒过久,以免使床面褪色。

10、51. Turn off the transportation switch and have the lamp insolated for2 days before first using it. ─── 第一次使用时必须关闭运输开关暴晒两天后再打开运输开关使用。

11、No one be can be a insolated islands . Every one is part of an inland. ─── 1没有人是完全孤立的岛屿,每人都是构成大陆的一小块。

12、'"The team put experiment of experimental roofs on top of metal insolated insulated boxes, to recreate green roof conditions.The study compared products from 6 companies. ─── 中心把实验用屋顶设在绝缘金属箱上,去再现绿色屋顶的环境,用6个公司的产品作对比研究。

13、Design and application on Insolated Gate Bipolar Transistor pulse chopper ─── 绝缘栅双极晶体管脉冲斩波器的设计与应用

14、When air is basked in, best air is basked in in shady and cool place, or on opposite face, do not make sunshine point-blank, more unfavorable had insolated long. ─── 晾晒时,最好晾晒在阴凉处,或反面朝上,不要让阳光直射,更不宜暴晒过久。

15、Keep cloth and bedding clean, and the appliance used by patient should be insolated and sterilized by boiling water; ─── 保持衣服被褥清洁,患者用具要暴晒或煮沸消毒;

16、1 Samples shall be selected from the rock fragment auxiliary samples that have been named and insolated. ─── 1样品从描述定名且晒干后的岩屑副样中挑选。

17、"The team puts its put experimental roofs on top of metal insolated insulated boxes, to recreat recreate green roof conditions. ─── 小组把实验的房顶放到了金属的绝缘箱子上,来再创造绿色屋顶的条件。

18、A per several 噤s are really happy however, is you but negative the 咖 is the whole everything, fasten haven't insolated to be apart from oneself 咖 meaning same period to hope for an instant. ─── 一句一句几噤实在乐然,为你而负出咖一切一切,系一瞬间已经无晒距本身咖意义同期望。

19、I am here not is discuss black and profoundly green which nice, but argue to be insolated of antique bronze work color and smaller inconsistency of its of dust-colour. ─── 我在这里不是讨论黑与深绿哪个好,而是讨论被晒的古铜色与灰褐色的之间的更细微的差别。

20、He took off the wet clothes and put them in the sun to be insolated. ─── 他脱下了湿衣服,将它他放在太阳下晒干。

21、The time course,with which both the recovery of parameters of action potentials and the disap-pearance of TTX-resistant action potentials proceeded, was faster in EDL than inSOL. ─── 无论是动作电位的恢复还是抗TTX动作电位的消失,EDL肌纤维均快于SOL肌纤维。

22、Every family member sitting in the yard insolated ,even when it's dinner time like having supper in the summer which was also in the yard. ─── 一家人都在坐在庭间曝日,甚至于吃午饭也在屋外,像夏天的晚饭一样。

23、Samples shall be selected from the rock fragment auxiliary samples that have been named and insolated . ─── 1样品从描述定名且晒干后的岩屑副样中挑选。

24、Wire connecting cavity is insolated form function cavity.There are five terminals in the function cavity, three ones are phase, one is neutral, the fifth is earth, there is earth screw on housing. ─── 接线腔与元件腔分开,接线腔设有5个接线柱,其进线为3个相线、1个零线、1个保护线,壳外设有外接地螺钉。

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