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09-15 投稿



hematocele 发音

英:[h??m?t??si?l; ?hi?m?t??si?l; ?hem?t??si?l]  美:[?hem?t???si?l]

英:  美:

hematocele 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 积血



hematocele 短语词组

1、retro-uterine hematocele ─── [医] 子宫后血囊肿

2、pudendal hematocele ─── [医] 外阴血囊肿

3、scrotal hematocele ─── [医] 阴囊积血

4、parametric hematocele ─── [医] 子宫旁血囊肿

5、vaginal hematocele ─── [医] 阴道血囊肿

hematocele 相似词语短语

1、rectocele ─── n.脱肛

2、hematocyst ─── n.膀胱积血

3、nematocide ─── n.杀线虫剂(等于nemacide)

4、hematocyte ─── n.血球;血细胞(等于haematocyte)

5、hematocrit ─── n.分血器,血球容积(量)计

6、haematocele ─── n.囊内积血;阴囊血肿

7、spermatocele ─── n.[泌尿]精子囊肿

8、haematoceles ─── n.囊内积血;阴囊血肿

9、hematoceles ─── [医]积血;[病理]血囊肿

hematocele 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To explore the effect of manual elastic thoracic strap to prevent the formation of hematocele or dropsy after radical mastectomy. ─── 目的探讨自制弹力胸带预防乳腺癌根治术后皮瓣下积血积液的效果。

2、pudendal hematocele ─── 外阴血囊肿

3、hematocele retrouterina ─── 子宫后血肿

4、Objective: To observe the clinical effect on vitreous hematocele treated with combination of Chinese traditional and western medicine. ─── 目的:观察中西医结合治疗玻璃体积血的临床疗效。

5、Method: use the narcosis to cure pelvic hematocele syndromes 54 cases. ─── 方法:对54例盆腔淤血综合征的患者采用麻醉的方法治疗。

6、Male hematocele ─── 男性血囊肿, 男性阴囊积血

7、of hematocele in the gallbladder disappeared in 3 to 9 months after trauma. ─── 型。 胆囊积血完全消失最短时间在外伤后3个月,最长时间在外伤后9个月。

8、Hematocele of tunica vaginalis testis ─── 睾丸鞘膜血囊肿

9、Clinical analysis of 89 cases of anterior chamber hematocele after eyeball contusion ─── 89例眼球钝挫伤性前房积血临床分析

10、Objective To investigate the effective of of external ventricular drainage with primary intraventricular hematocele. ─── 目的观察脑室穿刺引流对老年人各种原因导致的脑室内积血的治疗作用。

11、Hematocele in Labyrinth Causing Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Guinea Pigs ─── 迷路内积血致感音神经性聋的实验研究

12、Female hematocele ─── 女性血囊肿

13、Conclusion To choose the correct methods, different conditions of massive hematocele in bladder can be treated quickly and safely. ─── 结论:根据患者的具体情况,合理选择处理方法可以及时、安全地处理多种病因引发的膀胱内大量积血情况。

14、hematocele peritubaria ─── 输卵管周围血肿

15、pelvic hematocele ─── 盆腔积血

16、The indirect CT signs of pancreatic contusion included peripancreatic effusion, hematocele and effusion of omental bursa, prerenal fascia thickening and effusion of abdominal cavity. ─── 胰周积液、网膜囊积血积液,肾前筋膜增厚,腹腔积液是胰腺损伤的间接征象。

17、Analysis of CT image for the traumatic hematocele at tentorium cerebellum ─── 外伤性幕区积血急性期的CT分析

18、Psychological nursing of vitreous hematocele combined with retina detachment ─── 玻璃体积血伴视网膜脱离患者的心理护理

19、Conclusion To choose the correct methods, different conditions of massive hematocele in bladder can be treated quickly and safely. ─── 结论:根据患者的具体情况,合理选择处理方法可以及时、安全地处理多种病因引发的膀胱内大量积血情况。

20、scrotal hematocele ─── [医] 阴囊积血

21、retro-uterine hematocele ─── 子宫旁血囊肿子宫后血囊肿

22、Gallbladder hematocele ─── 胆囊积血

23、Hematocele in Labyrinth Causing Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Guinea Pigs ─── 迷路内积血致感音神经性聋的实验研究

24、Objective To investigate the treatment of massive hematocele in bladder. ─── 摘要目的:探讨膀胱内大量积血的处理方法。

25、Hematocele of broad ligament ─── 阔韧带血囊肿

26、Keywords ventricle hematocele;lateral ventriculopuncture drainage;high intracranial pressure; ─── 关键词脑室积血;侧脑室穿刺引流术;颅内高压;

27、Treatment of massive hematocele in bladder (report of 35 cases) ─── 膀胱内大量积血的处理(附35例报告)

28、Objective Explores the entire vitreous body cutting in the vitreous body hematocele application. ─── 摘要目的探索全玻璃体切割在玻璃体积血中的应用。

29、Vitreous hematocele ─── 玻璃体积血

30、Experimental Study of SanXue MingMu TABLET on PVR Induced by Hematocele ─── 散血明目片抑制积血所致PVR的实验研究

31、parametric hematocele ─── 子宫旁血囊肿

32、Analysis of CT image for the traumatic hematocele at tentorium cerebellum ─── 外伤性幕区积血急性期的CT分析

33、Conclusion: It is better effect to pelvic hematocele syndromes treated by narcosis. ─── 结论:麻醉治疗盆腔淤血综合征效果好。

34、Keywords Biliary tract bleeding;Gallbladder hematocele;Ultrasound diagnosis; ─── 胆道出血;胆囊积血;超声诊断;

35、post-traumatic hematocele of tunica vaginalis ─── 外伤后鞘膜血囊肿

36、Eye traumatic vitreous body hematocele 15. ─── 眼外伤性玻璃体积血15只眼。

37、Excision of hematocele of tunica vaginalis ─── 鞘膜积血切除术

38、Comparison of Prevalence of Luteal Hematocele in Three Kinds of Infertile Women ─── 三种不同病因不孕症患者黄体血肿发生情况比较

39、vaginal hematocele ─── 阴道血囊肿鞘膜积血

40、Effect of Special Head Positions on the Outcome of Anterior Chamber Hematocele Caused by Blunt Trauma ─── 特殊头位对眼球钝挫伤致前房积血患者疗效的影响

41、retrouterine hematocele ─── 子宫后血囊肿

42、ventricle hematocele ─── 脑室积血

43、Shoutai Pill Added Other Herbs was Used to Treat Pregnancy with Intrauterine Hematocele 1 Case ─── 寿胎丸加味治疗妊娠伴宫腔积血1例

44、Purpose:Observe the clinical effect of pelvie hematocele synclromes by the narcosis therapy. ─── 目的:观察麻醉治疗盆腔淤血综合征临床效果。

45、Analysis of postpartum hematocele in uterine cavity in 692 parturients with term pregnancy and nursing ─── 足月妊娠分娩后692例宫腔积血的原因分析与护理

46、Conclusion:It is better effect to pelvic hematocele syndromes treated by narcosis. ─── 结论:麻醉治疗盆腔淤血综合征效果好。

47、Psychological nursing of vitreous hematocele combined with retina detachment ─── 玻璃体积血伴视网膜脱离患者的心理护理

48、Hyponatremia correlated closely with the localization of lesions in CT, the focus in brain ganglion (induding thalamus) and hematocele in the ventricles of brain caused easily hyponatremia. ─── 低钠血症的发生与CT所见的病灶分布密切相关,病灶位于基底节区(含丘脑)及脑室内积血更易发生低钠血症。

49、Method:use the narcosis to cure pelvic hematocele syndromes 54 cases. ─── 方法:对54例盆腔淤血综合征的患者采用麻醉的方法治疗。

50、peritubal hematocele ─── 输卵管周围血囊肿

51、Conclusion To choose the correct methods,different conditions of massive hematocele in bladder can be treated quickly and safely. ─── 结论:根据患者的具体情况,合理选择处理方法可以及时、安全地处理多种病因引发的膀胱内大量积血情况。

52、The treatment result evaluation of treating hematocele in front- cardiac atrium with combination of TCM and west medicine ─── 中西医结合治疗前房积血的疗效评价

53、We also probed examination of EOG to trumatic cataract, vitreous hematocele and contusion of optic nerve. ─── 本文还对外伤性白内障、玻璃体积血和视神经挫伤的EOG检查进行了探索。

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