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09-14 投稿



immodestly 中文意思翻译



immodestly 同义词

bombastically |boastfully | pretentiously | conceitedly | ostentatiously | arrogantly

immodestly 反义词


immodestly 词性/词形变化,immodestly变形

副词: immodestly |名词: immodesty |

immodestly 相似词语短语

1、immoderately ─── adv.过度地,无节制地

2、immanently ─── 内在地;固有地

3、immodesty ─── n.无礼;不谦虚;粗鲁

4、modestly ─── adv.谨慎地;适当地

5、immodest ─── adj.不谦虚的;不庄重的

6、imminently ─── adv.紧急地,迫切地

7、immoveably ─── 永恒

8、modesty ─── n.谦逊;质朴;稳重

9、immoderacy ─── 不道德行为

immodestly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、3.A person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth, power, or importance, especially one made immodest or presumptuous by the change; a parvenu. ─── 新贵,暴发户一个出身低贱的人突然获得财富,权力或重要的位置,尤指此种变化后变得不谦虚或放纵无礼的;暴发户

2、Reports said authorities would refuse to approve immodest messages, but didn't say if any had been applied for. ─── 据说当局拒绝证实这个传闻,但是同时也没有声明人们是否可以申请。

3、Offensive to public moral values; immodest. ─── 无礼的;猥亵的冒犯公共道德价值观的;下流的。

4、A shy failure is nobler than an immodest success. ─── 一个羞赧的失败比一个骄傲的成功还要高贵。

5、In other words, a woman dressing immodestly may deliberately elicit a sexual reaction to her body.And she may attract men to view her body as an object of enjoyment. ─── 换句话说,女人不得体的穿着可能是故意引起男人们在情欲上的反应,让男人们将她的身体当作享乐的玩物。

6、men who had gone over to the enemy on the eve of battle made no secret of their recompense, and strutted immodestly in the light of day, in the cynicism of riches and dignities; ─── 一些卖国贼明目张胆地露面了,有些在某次战争前夕投敌的人完全不隐藏他们所得的赃款,并在光天化日之下,不顾羞耻,卖弄他们的可耻的富贵。

7、What an immodest and shameless person he is! ─── 他真是一个不正派的无耻之徒!

8、In the original picture, both women appeared with their heads uncovered, images which would be regarded as immodest and sexually provocative by the ultra-Orthodox. ─── 在原来的照片上,两名女性都没有包裹头部,这在极端正统派看来,有不庄重和性挑逗的意味。

9、an immodest dress ─── 过分暴露的连衣裙

10、Modesty differs markedly from society to society, and what is modest in one part of the world is immodest in another. ─── “掩体”这个名词对于不同的社会有不同的含义,在世界的某个地区认为是遮盖,而在另一个地区却不以为然。

11、Many old people find the bikini immodest. ─── 许多老年人感到穿比基尼式游泳服不正派。

12、2.Many people look upon American young men as brash,immodest,rude, ─── 许多人认为美国的年轻人傲慢,不谦逊,粗鲁

13、"It annoys me how pretty my voice is...that sounds incredibly immodest, but it annoys me how polite it can sound when perhaps what I'm singing is deeply acidic." ─── 我的声音那么甜美以至于把自己都惹火了。。。这听起来难以置信的厚脸皮。但是这真的让我发火,也许当我想狠狠地尖酸的唱歌时我的声音听起来还彬彬有礼.

14、immodest behaviour ─── 不雅的举止

15、Thick-faced; shameless; unprincipled; immodest ─── 颜之厚矣

16、It was not, however, what would have been called an immodest glance. ─── 不过,这又不是通常说的那种轻佻的目光。

17、A person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth,power,or importance,especially one made immodest or presumptuous by the change;a parvenu. ─── 新贵,暴发户一个出身低贱的人突然获得财富,权力或重要的位置,尤指此种变化后变得不谦虚或放纵无礼的;暴发户

18、overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself ─── 吃得过多或没礼貌地吃;狼吞虎咽大吃大喝

19、If I may be immodest for a moment, let me tell you about the latest book that I've written. ─── 恕我出言无状,请姑且容我谈谈新近的拙著。

20、7. There had not passed the least immodest word or action between us, oh, that it had been so to the last. ─── 我们中间未曾有过一点儿无廉耻的话或者举动。啊,如果一直这样有多么好啊!

21、5.overeat or eat immodestly;make a pig of oneself. ─── 你要是盲目地吃,很可能会吃得过多。

22、Taking off the heavy armor, Chuang Tzu sat down immodestly beside the desk in good taste. ─── 庄子也不客气将笨重的盔甲脱下来,大大方方地在边桌坐了下来。

23、overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself. ─── 吃得过多或没礼貌地吃;狼吞虎咽大吃大喝。

24、overeat or eat immodestly; ─── 吃得过多或没礼貌地吃;

25、Element ry School Children's Moral Evaluations of Modest and Immodest Behaviors ─── 小学儿童谦虚的道德评价

26、Immodest words admit of no defense, for want of modesty is want of sense. ─── 言谈傲慢,唯有一种解释:不够谦虚,来自缺乏见识。

27、7.A person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth, power, or importance, especially one made immodest or presumptuous by the change;a parvenu. ─── 新贵,暴发户一个出身低贱的人突然获得财富,权力或重要的位置,尤指此种变化后变得不谦虚或放纵无礼的;

28、I am immodest enough to think that I played an important part in her decision. ─── 我满以为自己对她的决定起了重要作用。

29、look or gaze with a sly, immodest, or malign expression. ─── 使用狡猾的下流的恶毒的眼神看。

30、I have blasphemed abominably by wearing an immodest dress contrary to the Holy Scripture and the canons of the Church ─── 余违背《圣经》及教会法典,衣着放肆,亵渎神灵。

31、51. Be not immodest in urging your friends to discover a secret. ─── 不要粗鲁地催促你的朋友揭露某个秘密。

32、Immodestly lies martyred with disgrace! ─── 忍辱含垢地藏着,熬受折磨和苦痛!

33、a bathing suit considered immodest by the local people ─── 当地人认为是不正派的游泳衣

34、At present, bosses rarely say what they think because it might disrupt the harmony, or be seen as immodest. ─── 时下,经理们都不敢直言不讳,恐破坏和谐气氛,落得个桀骜不驯之名。

35、immodest words admit of no defense, for want of modesty is want of sense ─── 言谈傲慢,唯有一种解释:不够谦虚,来自缺乏见识。

36、I can say, immodestly, that I have played this role on many project teams. ─── 我可以不客气地说,我已经在很多项目团队中担任过这个角色。

37、'Tell me, child. Was this touch immodest? ─── '告诉我,孩子.这触摸是否有违廉耻?

38、Unflinching crocodiles sprawl open-mouthed in beds of mud, displaying their immodest teeth. ─── 彷佛入定的鳄鱼张开大嘴趴在河床的烂泥里,展示??巧罹咄?残缘睦?荨

39、came shortly after a leading cleric warned that women who dressed immodestly disturbed young men and the consequent agitation caused earthquakes. ─── 而此前伊朗神职人员认为,衣着不端庄的女人引诱了年轻男子,从而导致地震频发。

40、And people were so immodest as to marry in their own homes. ─── 人们不因在家中成婚而害臊。

41、A running dog is shameless; an underling is immodest ─── 走狗无耻

42、Having or showing no feeling of shame; immodest or impudent ─── 无羞耻感的;无耻的;不要脸的

43、Was the American hostess` reply immodest, as it seemed to some of the Chinese? ─── 那们年轻的中国女翻译的回答是否像美国主人听起来那样"不够诚恳"呢?

44、the book was entitled, immodestly, 'All about Wisdom'. ─── 不谦虚点说,这本书的名字是《关于智慧》。

45、Thought accepts performance which others thinking highly of is immodest or bes arrogant and complacent. ─── 认为接受别人的恭维是不虚心或骄傲自满的表现。

46、4.look suggestively or obliquely; look or gaze with a sly, immodest, or malign expression. ─── 没有诚意的看;使用狡猾的下流的恶毒的眼神看。

47、immodest claims in advertising and promotion. ─── 在广告和推销上不谦虚的说法

48、cried the doctor, thunderstruck, for it had never occurred to him that the curiosity of a chaste woman concerning her unchaste sisters was so devouring.“How can you ask such immodest questions? ─── 幸亏他们在受审的时候都说那天晚上他们爱待在哪里就待在哪里,该死的北方佬管不着。

49、There had not passed the least immodest word or action between us, oh, that it had been so to the last. ─── 我们中间未曾有过一点儿无廉耻的话或者举动。啊,如果一直这样有多么好啊!

50、the book was entitled, immodestly, 'All about Wisdom'. ─── 谦虚点说,这本书的名字是《关于智慧》。

51、7. A person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth, power, or importance, especially one made immodest or presumptuous by the change; a parvenu. ─── 新贵,暴发户一个出身低贱的人突然获得财富,权力或重要的位置,尤指此种变化后变得不谦虚或放纵无礼的;暴发户收藏指正

52、7、Tunick climbs a ladder to give the immodest Mexicans their instructions for the shoot. ─── 图尼奇登上梯子告诉志愿者们如何在镜头前摆出他规定的动作。

53、“Economics,” it has been immodestly claimed, “really does constitute the universal grammar of social science” (Hirshleifer, 1985: 53). ─── 经济学毫不谦虚的宣称,它们组成了整个社会科学的通用语法。

54、9.Giving as unequals, we can easily develop an attitude of patronizing, immodest self-congratulation. ─── 如果以不平等的态度给予,我们就会很快摆出一副施惠与人的态度,会变得不可一世。

55、The harm done to liquidity in capital markets by turnover taxes may seem abstract when the banks' fortunes are reviving so immodestly. ─── 瑞典曾在上世纪80年代对股票、债券和衍生品交易课以重税,但这种做法导致了交易量的急剧下降,因此在1991年即遭废止。

56、But dressing immodestly hinders the possibilities for true love to develop, for it draws attention to her sexual values to such an extent that it overshadows her value as a person. ─── 但不得体的衣着会阻碍这种真爱的产生,因为它将男性的眼光都吸引到她的“性价值”那里,而她作为一个人的价值却被遮蔽。

57、The harm done to liquidity in capital markets by turnover taxes may seem abstract when the banks' fortunes are reviving so immodestly. ─── 当银行如此迅速复苏之际,交易成本对资本市场的害处也许看起来不那么明显。

58、a person of humble origin who attains sudden wealth,power,or importance,especially one made immodest or presumptuous by the change; a parvenu ─── 一个出身低贱的人突然获得财富,权力或重要的位置,尤指此种变化后变得不谦虚或放纵无礼的;暴发户

59、In 1581, Ivan beat his pregnant daughter-in-law for wearing immodest clothing, causing a miscarriage. ─── 1581年,伊凡击败他怀孕的儿媳,让她穿暴露的服装,造成流产。

60、But for women then, public meant immodest. ─── 但在那个时代对于女性而言,公众化意味着不正派。

61、She stole a glance at Martin, who was busy putting the boat about on the other tack, and she could have hated him for having made her do an immodest and shameful thing. ─── 她是可能怀恨他的,因为他竟使她做出了这样放荡可耻的事。

62、You're being immodest. ─── 你太不虚心了。

63、Many people look upon American young men as brash,immodest,rude, ─── 许多人认为美国的年轻人 傲慢,不谦逊,粗鲁

64、Even women (see above) show no respect, illegally-and immodestly-driving cars down streets. ─── 甚至连女子(见上图)也不守礼数,非法、狂傲地在街上开车。

65、7.Whistler was not just immodest, he was shamelessly vain. ─── 惠斯勒并不只是粗野无礼,而是自负无耻。

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