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09-14 投稿



ferrum 发音

英:[?fer?m]  美:[?fer?m]

英:  美:

ferrum 中文意思翻译



ferrum 短语词组

1、ferrum reductum ─── [医] 还原铁

2、ferrum collosol ─── [医] 铁溶胶

3、ferrum citricum ammoniatum ─── [医] 含氨枸橼酸铁, 枸橼酸铁铵

4、ferrum hausmann ─── 费鲁姆·豪斯曼

5、ferrum sulfuricum oxydatum solutum ─── [医] 硫酸铁溶液

6、ferrum sesquichloratum ─── [医] 三氯化铁

7、ferrum sulfuricum siccum ─── [医] 干燥硫酸亚铁

8、ferrum pulveratum ─── [医] 铁粉

9、ferrum trichloratum ─── [医] 三氯化铁

10、ferrum citricum ─── [医] 枸橼酸铁

11、ferrum tartaratum ─── [医] 酒石铁

12、ferrum subcarbonicum ─── [医] 碳酸亚铁

ferrum 相似词语短语

1、ferri- ─── n.铁(26号元素);n.(Ferri)人名;(意、西、葡、英、俄)费里

2、ferrous ─── adj.[化学]亚铁的;铁的,含铁的

3、ferrule ─── n.套圈;金属箍;金属包头;vt.给…装金属箍

4、fermium ─── n.[化学]镄

5、ferret ─── n.雪貂;白鼬;(尤指在封闭或狭小空间中的)搜寻,查找;搜寻者;v.(翻箱倒柜地)搜寻,寻找;搜出,查获某物;用雪貂猎鼠(猎兔);不断地烦扰、纠缠;担心;n.(Ferret)(法、美、西、英、巴)费里特(人名)

6、ferbam ─── n.[农药]福美铁;[有化]二甲胺基荒酸铁

7、dertrum ─── n.上嘴端;喙肿

8、ferric ─── adj.铁的;[无化]三价铁的;含铁的;n.(Ferric)人名;(法)费里克

9、ferrugo ─── 费鲁戈

ferrum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ferrum redactum ─── 还原铁

2、Effects of Wort Containing Abundant Ferrum and Zinc on Metabolic Byproduct of Beer Yeast ─── 富铁、富锌麦汁对啤酒酵母代谢副产物的影响

3、Multielement Analysis of Ferrum Aluminum Silicon Alloy by ICP-AES ─── 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定硅铝铁合金中的多种元素

4、Results:The ratio of the energy provided by dietary protein,carbohydrate and fat was relatively appropriate.But the intake of dietary calcium,ferrum,vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 were very low. ─── 结果:孕妇膳食三大产热营养素的热能供给比例基本适宜,但钙、铁、维生素B1、维生素B2的摄入量较低。

5、Why Chinese people usually lack of calcium and ferrum? ─── 二、为什么中国人容易缺乏钙和铁?

6、ferrum dextran ─── 右旋糖酐铁

7、Keywords Residual titration;Cemented carbide;Ferrum Nickel and Cobalt;Determination; ─── 返滴定法;硬质合金;铁.镍和钴;测定;

8、The FAAS is applied in systemic analytical of iron ore to successfull y determme total ferrum content and manganese oxide. ─── 将火焰原子吸收分光光度法应用于铁矿的系统分析,成功地测定了全铁和氧化锰。

9、Chocolate contains the protein, calorie, ferrum, Vitamin A and other Vitamins. ─── 巧克力含蛋白质,卡路奇,铁质,维生素A及其它维生素.

10、contents of ferrum ─── 铁含量

11、Ferrum Vitriolum ─── 硫酸亚铁, 硫酸低铁[抗贫血药]

12、Double Wavelength Spectrophotometric Simultaneous Determination of Ferrum and Nickel in Aluminum Alloy ─── 双波长分光光度法同时测定铝合金中的铁和镍

13、A method for the determination of ferrum content in cobalt based alloy dust by Air-C 2 H 2 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry was set up. ─── 建立了一种用空气-乙炔火焰原子吸收法测定钴基合金喷粉中铁含量的分析方法,探讨了硅对铁测定的干扰机理,对用氯化钙作为硅干扰铁测定的释放剂进行了试验。

14、Spinach, broccoli or parsley are perfect healthy baby food, they are source of Ferrum (which milk alone can not accomplish), electrolyte and chlorophyll. ─── 无论是菠菜,椰菜或者是芹菜的成分都是非常适合作为健康婴儿食物。

15、ferrum citricum ammoniatum ─── [医] 含氨枸橼酸铁, 枸橼酸铁铵

16、carrier-bound iron(ferrum) ─── 载体结合铁

17、Determination of Ferrum and Copper in Water Sample with Slotted Quartz Tube by Atom-Trapping Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ─── 石英缝管捕集原子吸收光谱法测定水样中的铁和铜

18、ferrum pulveratum ─── 铁粉

19、A Study on Application of Negative Absorption spectrophotometry in Add Colour Spectrophotometry and Determination of Frac Ferrum ─── 负吸光度法用于生色法的研究及痕量铁的测定

20、We investigate numerically refraction of shock waves at ferrum- beryllium (Fe-Be) interface. ─── 用数值方法研究铁-铍介质界面上的激波折射现象。

21、An industrial mixing wastewater from an economic developmental area was treated by ferrum aeration and neutralization flocculation process. ─── 对某有机有毒酸性工业混合废水,采用铁刨花曝气还原加中和絮凝沉淀法进行预处理研究。

22、ferrum sulfuricum oxydatum solutum ─── [医] 硫酸铁溶液

23、ferrum sulfuricum siccum ─── [医] 干燥硫酸亚铁

24、Keywords dual-wavelength compensation spectrophotometry;destructive interference;real absorbance;alzarin red S;ferrum; ─── 双波长补偿光度法;相消干扰;真实吸光度;茜素S;铁;

25、A new method to determine ferrum in anhydrous hydrazine by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry was set up. ─── 建立了测定无水肼中铁含量的石墨炉原子吸收法。

26、The FAAS for determination o f total ferrum content and manganese oxide in iron ore was described. ─── 提出了火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定铁矿中全铁和氧化锰的方法。

27、Keywords Disinfection by-products;Haloacetic acids;Trihalomethane;Formation potential;Water distribution system;Advanced oxidation;Ferrum reducing; ─── 消毒副产物;卤乙酸;三卤甲烷;生成潜能;输配水;高级氧化;铁还原;

28、Results: Levels of lead (Pb) had significant difference between boys and girls, but copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), ferrum (Fe), or Cadmium (Cd) had no significant differences. ─── 结果:男女儿童之间铅含量有差异,但铜、锌、钙、镁、铁、镉含量无差别。

29、Keywords photo degradation;ferrum complex;photosensitizer;ultraviolet oxidation; ─── 光降解;铁络合物;光敏剂;紫外光氧化;

30、Experimental investigation in ferrum removal from oilfield wastewater by electrochemical method ─── 油田污水电氧化除铁的试验研究

31、Keywords Zine;Ferrum;TCM;Virus;hepatitis B-duck; ─── 关键词锌;铁;中药;肝炎病毒;乙型;鸭;

32、Detection of Cuprum Zinc Ferrum Calcium Magnesium by Flame atomic absorption spectrometry ─── 火焰原子吸收法测定血清铜锌铁钙镁

33、Analysis is made on the formations of wave girder hot-dipped galvanization disfigurement, resulting from silicium and ferrum, and provided the preventions. ─── 分析了高速公路波形梁热镀锌的主要影响因素,如硅、铁对热镀锌的影响,并据此提出了防治措施。

34、Keywords Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry;Ferrum aluminum silicon alloy;Elemental analysis; ─── 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法;硅铝铁合金;元素分析;

35、ferrum subcarbonicum ─── [医] 碳酸亚铁

36、symbol from Latin: ferrum (iron). ─── 名称由来:Anglo-Saxon: iron;

37、Pisces' cell salt is ferrum phosphate, which is iron. ─── 磷酸铁在双鱼座的饮食里发挥着重要作用。

38、Keywords dithiolate;substitution phenanthroline;ferrum;complex;photosensitivity; ─── 二硫纶;取代菲咯啉;铁;配合物;光敏性;

39、Existing form of ferrum in brine system and its analysis of influence ─── 盐水系统铁的存在形态及其影响分析

40、Determination of Ferrum and Copper in Water Sample with Slotted Quartz Tube by Atom-Trapping Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ─── 石英缝管捕集原子吸收光谱法测定水样中的铁和铜

41、Sextus Tarquinius sum;ferrum in manu est; ─── 我是塔克文,现在手上拿着武器。

42、Experimental investigation in ferrum removal from oilfield wastewater by electrochemical method ─── 油田污水电氧化除铁的试验研究

43、A electronanalytical Iropping method for the letermination of Ferrum in red iron ore is de-cribed.The method is simple .reliable and fast for the letermination of lots samples. ─── 该文介绍了一种用自动电位滴定法测赤铁矿中全铁含量的分析方法。该法简便、快速,适合大批样品分析。

44、ferrum reductum ─── [医] 还原铁

45、The present study determine d the amount of binding copper zinc and ferrum in human erythrocyte membrane by using flame AAS. ─── 本文用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定红细胞结合铜、锌、铁含量。

46、Ferrum Hausmann ─── 富马酸亚铁, 富马酸铁, 富血铁, 反丁烯二酸铁[抗贫血药]

47、Keywords phosphate rock;ferrum;alumimum;colorimetric method;continuous determination; ─── 磷矿石;铁;铝;比色法;连续测定;

48、Keywords Aumotic;electronanalytica dropping;Ferrum;red iron ore; ─── 自动;电位滴定;赤铁矿;全铁;

49、Determination of ferrum, nickel, calcium, magnesium, sodium and vanadium in the residual oils by inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy method ─── 电感耦合等离子发射光谱法测定渣油中铁、镍、钙、镁、钠、钒金属元素

50、FeCl_3 - K_2 Cr_2O_7 volumetric analysis is used for the determination of metal Ferrum in vanadium residue, which abstains from the use of mercury, simplifies device, improves the speed of analysis. ─── 采用三氯化铁一重铬酸钾容量法测定钒渣中的金属铁的含量,消除了汞害,简化了装置,提高了分析速度,适于工业分析。

51、ferrum - carbon internal electrolysis ─── 铁炭内电解法

52、ferrum hypophosphorosum oxidatum ─── 次磷酸铁

53、This article analyzed the current difficulty in fabricating ferrum red infiltrated glaze and created a new way to carry out the ferrum red infiltrated glaze indirectly. ─── 本文通过对目前玻化砖铁红渗彩釉的技术难点的分析,另辟新路,找到一种间接实现铁红渗花的方法。


55、The content of the available ferrum enhanced by recycled straws, but that of the available zincum, copper and manganese had no changed obviously in soil. ─── 秸秆直接还田提高了土壤的有效铁含量,但对有效铜、有效锌和有效锰含量影响不大。

56、This article introduces a rapid analysis and adjustment of the copper and ferrum impurities in nickelage solution. ─── 本文主要介绍了镀镍液中杂质铜、铁的快速分析和调整方法。

57、polymerized aluminum ferrum chloride ─── 聚合氯化铝铁

58、Ferrum Derrum ─── Iron Dextran

59、iron(ferrum)saturation of serum transferrin ─── 血清转铁蛋白的铁饱和度

60、A study of the effect of removing ferrum and manganese from water by bio-oxidation pool ─── 生物氧化池对水体中铁、锰去除效果观察

61、Keywords ferrum;potassium fluoride;disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic;volumetric method; ─── 铁;氟化钾;乙二胺四乙酸二钠;容量法;

62、Existing form of ferrum in brine system and its analysis of influence ─── 盐水系统铁的存在形态及其影响分析

63、ferrum (Ⅱ) complex of dithiolate and phenanthroline ─── 二硫纶和邻菲咯啉铁(Ⅱ)配合物

64、ferrum sesquichloratum ─── [医] 三氯化铁

65、The results of wastewater through ferrum carbon aeration treatment demonstrate agreat increase of pH value and decrease of the dosage of acid and FeSO 4,and the operation cost. ─── 废水经铁碳曝气处理后,pH值有较大的提高,同时产生较多的Fe2+,可省去酸和FeSO4的投加量,降低运行费用。

66、Conjuration: “Facio, Voco, Ferre” = “This I do, I call, ferrum” ─── 咒法系:“我制造,我呼唤,武器”

67、Clinical significance of detecting trace elements copper, zinc, ferrum, calcium in the faeces from children with hepatolenticular degeneration ─── 肝豆状核变性患儿粪便铜、锌、铁、钙测定的临床意义

68、iron(ferrum)deficiency anemia ─── 缺铁性贫血

69、ferrum collosol ─── [医] 铁溶胶

70、Correlation of Bone Mass Density with Serum Selenium, Zinc, Ferrum, Calcium, Plumbum, and Alkaline Phosphatase in 95 Children ─── 儿童骨密度与血清硒、锌、钙、铅及碱性磷酸酶水平的关系:附95例报告

71、Objective to establish a spectrophotometry method for determining the contents of ferrum in ferrous succinate tablets. ─── 目的建立分光光度法测定琥珀酸亚铁片中铁的含量的方法。

72、silicon-oil based ferrum magnetic liquid ─── 硅油基复合磁性液体

73、Ferrum(Fe)-carbon(C) internal electrolysis method was applied to the treatment of organic chemical wastewater. ─── 采用铁炭内电解法处理有机化工废水,分析了主要影响因素,确定了最佳工艺参数。

74、Keywords ICP-AES;Ferrum aluminum silicon alloy;Multielement; ─── 硅铝铁合金;多元素;

75、Double Wavelength Spectrophotometric Simultaneous Determination of Ferrum and Nickel in Aluminum Alloy ─── 双波长分光光度法同时测定铝合金中的铁和镍

76、ferrum tartaratum ─── [医] 酒石铁

77、Keywords Water source;Microbe sticky mud;Manganese;Ferrum;Water pollution; ─── 水源;微生物粘泥;铁;锰;水质污染;

78、Preparation of Ferrum Infiltrated Glaze ─── 铁红渗彩釉的研制

79、Researching of application of polymerized aluminum ferrum chloride producing with high-iron red mud and discard the hydrochloric acid ─── 工业废酸与高铁赤泥制取聚合氯化铝铁的实验研究

80、investigate numerically refraction of shock waves at ferrum-beryllium(Fe-Be) interface. ─── 研究铁-铍介质界面上的激波折射现象。

81、The level of calcium and ferrum... ─── 冠心病不同证型存在客观指标差异。

82、Abstract: This article analyzed the current difficulty in fabricating ferrum red infiltrated glaze and created a new way to carry out the ferrum red infiltrated glaze indirectly. ─── 摘要: 本文通过对目前玻化砖铁红渗彩釉的技术难点的分析,另辟新路,找到一种间接实现铁红渗花的方法。

83、ferrum citricum ─── 枸橼酸铁

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