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09-18 投稿


sarracenia 发音

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sarracenia 中文意思翻译



sarracenia 短语词组

1、sarracenia leucophylla ─── 白叶苦荞

2、sarracenia trichome ─── 鸡血藤毛

3、sarracenia rubra ─── 红色瓶子草

4、Sarracenia purpurea L. ─── [医] 瓶子草

5、Sarracenia purpurea ─── [网络] 紫瓶子草;紫色瓶子草;紫即时通讯软件

6、genus Sarracenia ─── [网络] Sarracenia

7、sarracenia of south america ─── 南美洲的瓶子草

8、sarracenia addiction sarracenia ─── 成瘾

9、Sarracenia flava ─── [网络] 黄瓶子草;黄喇叭;黄猪笼草

10、sarracenia psittacina ─── 鹦鹉螺

11、Sarracenia minor ─── [网络] 小瓶子草

sarracenia 相似词语短语

1、Saracenical ─── 撒拉逊语

2、sarracenias ─── 瓶子草

3、Saracenic ─── 撒拉逊人

4、barracudina ─── 梭鱼

5、sarraceniaceous ─── adj.瓶子草科的

6、carrageenin ─── n.角叉胶,角叉菜胶

7、parascenia ─── 帕拉塞尼亚

8、sarcopenia ─── 少肌症

9、Carracci ─── n.(Carracci)人名;(意)卡拉奇

sarracenia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some Sarracenia species do not take well to being self pollinated.To get good quality seed you need to cross pollinate flowers of two non-clones of the same species. ─── 有些瓶子草的种类不适合自花授粉,想要得到好的品质的种子,你必须选择同种但是不同株(也不能是同一母株无性生殖来的)的花授粉。

2、Sarracenia are very tough plants and they should recover quickly. ─── 但是瓶子草是很强健的植物,它们很快就会适应过来的!

3、Sarracenia are very tough plants and they should recover quickly. ─── 但是瓶子草是很强健的植物,它们很快就会适应过来的!

4、Sarracenia purpurea L. ─── [医] 瓶子草

5、Sarracenia flowers usually appear in the spring slightly ahead of or with the first pitchers. ─── 瓶子草的花通常在春季,比第一个瓶子稍微早一点或者同时出现。

6、The tried and true way of germinating Sarracenia seed is to cold stratify the seed for 4 weeks. ─── 真正有利于瓶子草种子发芽的方法,是让种子在湿冷积层的环境下待4周左右(比较常听到6周的说法)。

7、Sarracenia belongs to the family Sarraceniaceae, which also contain the closely allied genera Darlingtonia and Heliamphora. ─── 瓶子草属于瓶子草科,此科也包含了亲源关系相近的眼镜蛇瓶子草和太阳瓶子草。

8、The tricky part of growing Sarracenia indoors or a greenhouse is how and when to acclimate them to life outdoors. ─── 在室内或温室栽培的瓶子草,何时、如何适应室外的环境呢?

9、Juvenile Sarracenia can be raised in a terrarium under lights for two to three years before they need to join the adults and start the cycle of seasons. ─── 种在生态缸的未成熟的瓶子草,在两三年内会持续生长,然后才加入成熟瓶子草的行列,开始随著季节周期变化。

10、Sarracenia are fairly easy to grow from seed if you have patience. ─── 基本上,只要你有耐心,瓶子草会是很容易栽培的。

11、Sarracenia purpurea rhabdovirus ─── 瓶子草弹状病毒

12、Sarracenia tend to inhabit permanently wet fens, swamps, and grassy plains. These habitats tend to be acidic with soil made up of sand and Sphagnum moss. ─── 瓶子草往往居住在长年潮湿的沼泽、湿地、平原,这些栖地的土壤通常为酸性的,由沙和水苔组成。

13、Sarracenia are considered easy to grow and are widely propagated and cultivated by gardeners and carnivorous plant enthusiasts. ─── 瓶子草被认为是比较好种的食虫植物,被园艺和食虫植物爱好者广泛繁殖和栽培。

14、Sarracenia are fairly easy to grow from seed if you have patience. ─── 基本上,只要你有耐心,瓶子草会是很容易栽培的。

15、Put the pots into a terrarium with some air circulation.Or if the weather is mild, just put them outside in a sunny location with your other Sarracenia. ─── 把花盆放在通风的生态缸,如果气候适合,也可以直接把花盆放在室外充满阳光的环境,和其他瓶子草住在一起!

16、Sarracenia flowers usually appear in the spring slightly ahead of or with the first pitchers. ─── 瓶子草的花通常在春季,比第一个瓶子稍微早一点或者同时出现。

17、sarracenia purpurea ─── 瓶子草

18、There are all sorts of claims about quick methods of germinating Sarracenia seeds.DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR SEEDS. ─── 有一堆自称可以让瓶子草快速发芽的方法,但是不要浪费你的时间和种子去尝试!

19、The flower of Sarracenia purpurea is purplish to red, although it is green in the anthocyanin-free form (described below). ─── 紫瓶子草的花为紫色至红色,但是缺乏花青素的品种是绿色的(下面会提到)。

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