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histologic 发音


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histologic 中文意思翻译




histologic 词性/词形变化,histologic变形

名词复数: histologies |形容词: histological |名词: histologist |副词: histologically |

histologic 短语词组

1、histologic pathology ─── 组织病理学

2、histologic grade ─── 病理分级

3、histologic anatomy ─── 组织学

4、histologic staining ─── 组织学染色

5、histologic type icd ─── 组织学类型icd

6、histologic specimen ─── 组织学标本

7、histologic findings ─── 组织学发现

8、histologic examination ─── 组织学检查

9、histologic lesion ─── [医] 组织损害, 显微镜损害

10、histologic accommodation ─── [医] 组织调节

11、histologic differentiation ─── 组织分化

12、histologic section ─── 组织切片

13、histologic reaction ─── 组织学反应

histologic 相似词语短语

1、histologist ─── n.[解剖]组织学家;[解剖]组织论学家

2、histologists ─── n.[解剖]组织学家;[解剖]组织论学家

3、histiologies ─── 历史学

4、histolytic ─── [医]组织分解的;溶组织的

5、nostologic ─── adj.老人学的;老年医学的

6、gastrologic ─── 胃学

7、hierologic ─── hierologic公司

8、histology ─── n.组织学

9、histological ─── adj.组织学的

histologic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pseudomembranous trigonitis usually inoles trigone and bladder neck.It may represent a normal histologic ariant and is not associated with increased risk for carcinoma. ─── 假膜性膀胱三角区炎常累及膀胱三角区和膀胱颈部,属于正常的组织学变化,癌变的危险性不大。

2、EAE rats treated with LMS showed higher mean maximal score,higher levels of CD4 and CD28 (P

3、Univariate analysis on the survival rate revealed that the number of positive nodes, tumor size, lymphatic permeation, tumor necrosis, histologic type, histologic grade, and age were significant prognostic factors. ─── 单一变数存活分析结果显示腋下淋巴结转移,肿瘤大小,淋巴管侵袭,肿瘤坏死,肿瘤组织分类,组织学恶性度,及年龄少于30岁是有意义之预后因子。

4、histologic pattern of the typical seminoma. ─── 典型的精原细胞瘤组织学类型。

5、The important prognostic factors of primary appendiceal cancer included histologic subtypes and the extent of dissemination. ─── 我们研究资料显示原发性兰尾癌重要预后指标包括组织病理分型及肿瘤散布范围。

6、The expression of VEGF in NSCLC was 64%,there was not significantly relationship between the expression of VEGF and histologic subtype,differentiation,p-TNM stage,and lymph nodal metastases(P>0.05). ─── 100例NSCLC石蜡标本中,VEGF阳性率为64%,不同p-TNM分期、淋巴结转移的NSCLC组织中,VEGF表达与NSCLC组织学类型和分化程度、p-TNM分期、淋巴结转移无明显相关性。

7、On the basis of this study, histologic examination in shoulder arthroscopy should be done at the discretion of the orthopaedic surgeon rather than being mandatory. ─── 本研究认为:在肩关节镜手术中进行病理组织学检查应取决于骨科医生的判定力而不应该是强制命令式的。

8、It is evident that the clinical evidence of severity of the lesion is as good as any qualitative histologic criterion. ─── 临床表现后果的严重程度一般是和组织学改变相一致的。

9、Materials and methods The histologic effects were evaluated retrospectivdy in 63 cases of NSCLC treated with bronchial artery infusion combined drugs mainly using cisplatin. ─── 材料与方法回顾性分析术前经支气管动脉灌注化疗的63例非小细胞肺癌的病理组织学疗效,分析组织学疗效与细胞类型和临床分期的关系。

10、Lateral aberrant thyroid rests may be found that are actually occult metastases with a benign histologic appearance. ─── 可以发现一侧迷走性甲状腺残余,实际上这是带有良性组织表观的癌的隐性转移。

11、All patients were females of 27 to 69 years old with an average of 59 6. Histologic types were divided into pure (20 cases) and mixed form (4 cases) according to the criteria of capella. ─── 患者平均年龄59岁。 组织学按Capela标准分为纯型20例及混合型4例。

12、Serum aminotransferase levels decreased in all patients and normalized in 5, and histologic evidence of inflammation decreased in all patients and disappeared in 2. ─── 所有患者的血清氨基转移酵素水平均降低,5名恢复正常。所有患者的组织学炎症反应减轻,2名患者完全消失。

13、Both benign and malignant endocrine neoplasms demonstrate some degree of cellular pleomorphism, so it is not easy to tell benign from malignant on histologic grounds alone. ─── 无论是良性内分泌肿瘤还是恶性内分泌肿瘤都显示一定程度的细胞异型性,因此仅从组织学上很难区分肿瘤的良恶性。

14、Invasive front grading is more valuable in predicting nodal metastasis, local recurrence and survival than conventional Broders '/WHO histologic grading system. ─── 对肿瘤侵犯前沿进行组织学分级,在预测淋巴结转移、局部复发、生存率方面的价值显著高于传统的对整个肿瘤的组织学分级;

15、Histologic examination showed the foci of compact and eosinophilic hyperkeratosis overlying a thinned stratum malpighii. ─── 因双手、足背和双下肢多发性淡红色角化性小丘疹18年就诊。

16、Methods The clinical, radiographic and histologic features of 5 cases with PERI and 4 cases with HGS were reviewed. ─── 方法回顾5例骨膜骨肉瘤和4例高度恶性表面骨肉瘤患者的影像学和病理学特点,并对临床治疗结果进行分析。

17、The clinical features, endoscopic findings, and follow-up were obtained and correlated with histologic features. ─── 同时得到了患者的临床特征、内窥镜检查发现和随访信息,且这些都与其组织学特征相关。

18、Histologic Pattern and Mechanical Properties of Tissue-engineered Tendon Implants for Tendon Defects ─── 工程化肌腱修复肌腱缺损后力学特性的组织学基础

19、Histologic diagnosis can be obtained by means of fine-needle aspiration of peripheral lesions. ─── 周围性病变的组织学诊断可以通过细针穿刺抽吸方式进行。

20、Women with multiple breast lumps but no histologic confirmation of a high-risk pattern should not be considered at high risk. ─── 有多个乳房肿块,但无高危型的组织学确认,不应视为高危性。

21、Peripheral ameloblastoma has the similar histologic characteristics of their counter part, mostly benign. ─── 不过,仍有恶性变化或转移的可能。

22、It was a kind of poor differentiation or undifferentiated carcinoma with special histologic expression, the majority of infiltration lymphocytes comprised T cells. ─── 其是一种具有特殊组织学表现的低分化或未分化癌,浸润的淋巴细胞以T细胞为主。

23、The diagnosis of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is made using a combination of serological, virologic, biochemical, and histologic markers. ─── 慢性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染的诊断需要将血清学、病毒学、生化学和病理学标记联合考虑。

24、The histologic study proved 61 prostate cancer(PCA),182 benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH), 12 atypical hyperplasia,6 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia(PIN), 2 tuberculosis (TB). ─── 263例前列腺穿刺活检中组织学证实前列腺癌(PCA)61例、良性前列腺增生(BPH)182例、前列腺不典型增生12例、前列腺上皮内肿瘤6例和前列腺结核2例。

25、Advantages of vascular anastomosis using CO2laser through a histologic examination[J]. ─── 引用该论文 邹本荣,刘铜军,谭毓铨,王浟,宗仁鹤.

26、The definitive histologic diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma seems difficult in the routine examination.Special staining methods and immunochemical analysis are useful for diagnosis of this tumor. ─── 同一般组织学检查要诊断出平滑肌肉瘤是不容易的,需再加以一些特殊染色和免化学检查才比较容检查出来。

27、Nottingham combined histologic grade ─── 乳腺癌组织学分级系统

28、In colorectal carcinoma, APC gene mutation was not related to size, location, histologic features and lymph node metastases. ─── 实验结果表明,APC基因在散发性大肠腺瘤与大肠癌中均有较高突变频率,两者差异无显著性;

29、This is the histologic pattern of the typical seminoma. ─── 典型的精原细胞瘤组织学类型。

30、Finally, investigators have noted correlations of proposed pathophysiologic processes in NASH with particular histologic features. ─── 最后,研究者注意到NASH的病理生理进展过程中具有一些特殊的组织学特点。

31、By permanent histologic examination there were 3 adenofibromas,1 adenomatoid tumor and 1 bilateral myomas of fallopian tubes. ─── 术后病理诊断输卵管囊性腺纤维瘤3例,输卵管囊性腺瘤样瘤1例,双侧输卵管平滑肌瘤1例。

32、Advanced neoplasia, defined as a tubular adenoma 1 cm or greater in diameter, a polyp with a villous histologic appearance, a polyp with high-grade dysplasia, or cancer, occurred in 418 subjects. ─── 末期肿瘤的定义,为管状线瘤,直径超过1公分,组织学上出现高度不规则的绒毛状瘜肉或癌细胞,而符合此项定义的患者有418人;

33、We present a case report of a patient with an extensive BCC with histologic documentation and probable bone metastasis of BCC. ─── 本病例报告,患者广泛基底细胞癌组织学文件和可能存在的骨转移的基底细胞癌。

34、The function of condyle cartilage is different from that of growth plate,such as embryogenesis, growth characteristics, histologic structure, final stage of chondrocyte, reaction of GF, and so on. ─── 二者行使的生理功能不同,在胚胎发生、生长特性、组织结构、软骨细胞的终末方式及对生长因子的反应等方面存在差异。

35、This report emphasizes the need for careful evaluation of any umbilical lesion and the importance of histologic diagnosis in case of doubt. ─── 该报告强调,需要进行认真的评估和任何脐病变的重要性病理诊断中有疑问的情况下。

36、Histologic examination revealed recruitment of leukocytes and loss of crypts in mutants, but not in wild-type mice, after 7 days on 2% DSS. ─── 在给予2% DSS 7天的时候,组织检查发现突变组白血球增加与小囊流失,但野生型则没有。

37、Lateral aberrant thyroid rests may be found that are actually occult metastases with a benign histologic appearance. ─── 可以发现一侧迷走性甲状腺残余,实际上这是带有良性组织表观的癌的隐性转移。

38、Based on these clinical and histologic findings, a diagnosis of rhabdomyomatous mesenchymal hamartoma was made.To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of this tumor in Taiwan. ─── 根据临床及病理的表现,我们诊断为横纹肌间叶错构瘤,我们相信这是台湾第一个病例。

39、Methods HPSA in stool of 62 patients were detected by ELISA, tissue samples were examined with histologic techniques (Warthin -Starry silver stain). ─── 方法经胃镜组织学法诊断的62例胃病患者,在未经治疗前取其粪便标本,采用ELISA法进行HPSA的检测。

40、To determine the visibility of the normal secondary pulmonary lobule on HRCT scans,the HRCT images of three fresh cadavers thorax were correlated with gross and histologic cross-sectional anatomy of the lung. ─── 为了明确正常肺小叶HRCT表现,本文仅将标本处理前的HRCT像与相应的横断大体标本、组织学切片行对照观察。

41、They adise clonality testing in cases with an inconclusie diagnosis or with unusual histologic, immunophenotypic or clinical presentation. ─── 他们建议在非确定的诊断的或者稀有组织学免疫表型的抑或临床表现的病例用克隆检查。

42、Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma is a rare, soft tissue tumor with a characteristic histologic appearance. ─── 摘要骨骼外黏液样软骨肉瘤是一种极少见从软组织长出的软骨肉瘤,它有组织上特殊的表徵。

43、Shinsuke H, Tomomi U, Yutaka K, et al . The value of power doppler imaging to predict the histologic components of benign prostate hyperplasia[J].Prostate,2002;53(2):168-74. ─── 杨柳平,王良圣,魏鸿蔼,等.前列腺移行带特异抗原密度检测前列腺癌的临床观察[J].中华泌尿外科杂志2000;21(9):530-2.

44、Histologic diagnosis is typically made from biopsy of an involved lymph node. A bone marrow biopsy is typically performed as well. ─── 对受累淋巴结进行活检是非常重要的,骨髓活检也是如此。

45、Histologic slide of reflux esophagitis.Note the elongation of dermal papillae reaching towards the surface (between yellow arrows). ─── 反流性食管炎组织学切片:示真皮乳头延伸至表层(黄箭头之间)。

46、Materials and Methods:21 cases of pulmonary lymphoma, confirmed by lung histologic biopsy or clinical diagnosis with superficial lymph node biopsy. ─── 材料与方法:21例肺淋巴瘤均经肺或浅表淋巴结穿刺活检或手术证实。

47、Liver Histologic Characteristics of Patients with HBV Associated Glomerulonephritis Long Time of Prednisone Treatment ─── 乙型肝炎相关性肾炎患者大剂量泼尼松治疗后肝组织学特点

48、I do not know why. Maybe I should not tell you I had histologic results in the beginning. ─── 我不知道为什么,我应该在开始的时候不告诉你们已经有了组织学结果。

49、Biopsy and histologic examination of skin lesions are usually very minor procedures, making histopathology an important component of the evaluation in many clinical situations. ─── 取皮损进行活检只是一个很小的操作,进行组织病理学检查是很多临床状况评价的一个重要组成部分。

50、Methods: The literatures about this lesion were reviewed, its clinical presentation, radiographic appearance, histologic features, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis were recapitulated. ─── 方法:通过对与该肿瘤有关的文献回顾,归纳总结髓内高分化骨肉瘤的临床、影像和病理学特点,以及诊断、治疗要点和患者预后。

51、Penetrative puncture resulted in a faster decrease in disc height, lower glycosaminoglycan content, and higher grades of histologic degeneration. ─── 全穿刺导致椎间盘高度下降,糖胺聚糖含量下降,和更高的豆状核变性。

52、The histologic damage to the lung and the pulmonary variables were significantly decreased in group C and increased in group D as compared with group B ( P < 0.05). ─── 与C组比较,D组PPI、W/D、BALFpro、PMPI和肺组织MPO、MDA、NT升高(P

53、Radiographic studies, histologic slides, and clinical records were reiewed, the features of those studies were tabulated, and prognostic features and the results of treatment were identified. ─── 本研究旨在描述其特定的临床表现、放射学及组织学特征,并从肿瘤学评估不同治疗方案的疗效。

54、"Soap bubble" sign of HD of bone might have some relationship with the histologic subtype. ─── HD形成皂泡状骨病变与病理亚型有一定关系;

55、Nearly all of these tumors have benign histologic characteristics. ─── 几乎所有的肿瘤都是良性的。

56、Methods The patients with a histologic diagnosis of breast cancer were eligible. All patients were treated with CMF/CAF and conventional radiotherapy. ─── 方法 病理明确的 3 8例晚期乳腺癌患者进入研究组 ,全组患者既往均行CMF/CAF方案化疗及常规放疗。

57、The animals were killed at six and twelve weeks, and the repaired rotator cuff was evaluated with use of magnetic resonance imaging, plain radiographs, histologic analysis, and biomechanical testing. ─── 在6和12周时处死动物,使用磁共振、平片、组织学分析、生物力学测试来评价修复的肩袖。

58、The histologic characteristics of the arterial wall are largely dependent upon the size of the vessel. ─── 动脉壁的组织学特点在很大程度上取决于血管的大

59、Objective To determine the types of caruncular neoplasma and investigate the correlation between clinical and histologic diagnosis. ─── 摘要目的探讨泪阜新生物的类型,临床诊断和病理诊断之间的联系,提高临床诊断水平。

60、Histologic structure of human umbilical cord vein and its clinical application value ─── 人脐静脉组织构筑及其临床应用价值

61、Careful tissue sampling and histologic examination are the major and simplest steps for the correct discrimination between a lipoma and an ALT/WDL. ─── 为了正确鉴别出脂肪瘤和ALT/WDL,认真细致的组织取材和组织学观察是主要的,也是最简单有效的的措施。


63、The expression of uPA were related to axillary lymph node metastasis and TNM stage,and the expressions of uPA were not related to age,tumor size and the histologic grade. ─── 乳腺癌组织中uPA的阳性表达与腋窝淋巴结转移和临床TNM分期有关; uPA的阳性表达与年龄、肿瘤大小、病理分级无关。

64、MVD correlated with the mvometrial invasion, histologic grades and the stages. ─── 子宫内膜癌组织中MVD与临床期别、肌层浸润深度及组织分级有关。

65、Chronic persistent hepatitis and chronic active hepatitis are histologic designations developed for autoimmune chronic hepatitis; they do not carry any prognostic value in chronic viral hepatitis. ─── 慢性稳定肝炎和慢性活动性肝炎是历史上命名自身免疫发展情况的;他们不说明任何慢性病毒性肝炎的预兆情况。

66、By this equipement, it is possible to preevaluate the depth but not the histologic type of cancer. ─── 2.胃癌侵犯地区其结构杂乱,且多半呈低回音,未波及处则结构排列完整。

67、MethodsThe patients with a histologic diagnosis of breast cancer were eligible. All patients were treated with CMF/CAF and conventional radiotherapy. ─── 方法病理明确的36例晚期乳腺癌病人进入研究组,全组病人既往均行CMF/CAF方案化疗及常规放疗。

68、Methods:Twelve cases with mammary hamartoma were analyzed retrospectively.To study the clinical material,mammographic,gross and histologic feature in detail. ─── 方法:对12例乳腺错构瘤病例进行回顾性研究,详细分析临床表现、病理及影像学特征。

69、No significant correlation with CD44v6 and histologic type, TNM and Dukes staging was noted,but it was significantly correlatied with lymph node and hematogenous metastasis. ─── CD44v6表达与肿瘤分型、Dukes分期及TNM分期无明显相关性,但与淋巴结转移和远处转移明显相关。

70、Histologic study of the temporomandibular joints after ovariectomy in rats ─── 大鼠双侧卵巢切除后颞下颌关节的组织学研究


72、The decreased expression of P27 protein was associated with histologic grading, tumor size, invasion and metastasis of SCS (all P0.05). ─── P27阳性表达率下降与组织学分级、肿瘤大小、肿瘤浸润及淋巴转移有关(P均<0.01),与年龄无关(P>0.05)。

73、Surgical debridement and histologic and bacteriologic studies are essential to make the diagnosis. ─── 为正确诊断,外科扩疮术并组织学及细菌学检查是必要的。

74、The 72 45 McAb of tumor associated glycoprotein(TAG) 72 antigen and two kinds of lectins PNA and DBA were expressed in large bowel carcinoma of different histologic patterns and transitional mucosa. ─── 应用肿瘤相关糖蛋白72抗原(TAG-72)的单抗72-45及两种凝集素PNA和DBA对不同组织分型的大肠癌及癌旁组织进行了研究。

75、The compound were implanted into the growth plate defects of proximal tibial of 8-weeks rabbits. After 4 tlu 8th and 16 th weeks, gross observation, X-ray, histologic examination were performed to evaluate the efficiency. ─── MSCs与PDLLA复合物,回植入8周龄兔胫骨上端骺板缺损模型中,术后4、8、16周时对双下肢行大体观察、X线摄片、组织学检查,评价此复合物修复兔骺板损伤的效能。

76、VEGF and MVD positively correlated with Dukes stage (P

77、Different patterns of enhancement (both for morphology and timing of enhancement) were observed for the different histologic types of adenopathy. ─── 不同的增强病人(包括形态学和增强的时间测定)需要观察病变淋巴结的不同组织学类型。

78、We found statistically significant and consistent correlations between viral load level or change and histologic grading and biochemical and serologic response. ─── 我们发现在病毒载量变化与组织学积分等级、生化学和血清学反应间存在着有统计学意义的一致联系。

79、Methods By examination of histologic of skin,an operation method was designed,retaining subdermal vascular network and removal of gross apocrine glands,to elimination axillary osmidrosis exfoliating. ─── 方法通过腋部皮肤组织解剖学观察,设计保留真皮下血管网行顶泌腺体剥脱的手术方法。结果随访186例手术患者,疗效:好,177例;

80、Chen YF, Wu EH, Liu GD, et al.Acute cerebral infarction: Early CT appearances and histologic findings in cat model [J].Chin J Radiol,1994, 28(12): 843-6. ─── [12]陈彦芳,吴恩惠,刘国栋,等.实验性急性脑梗塞早期CT表现与病理基础研究[J].中华放射学杂志,1994,28(12):843-6.

81、This tumor is a histologic subtype of sweat gland carcinoma. ─── 在1952年首次被提出,文献上仅有少数病例报告。

82、Reconstruction and histologic characteristics of bilayer skin substitute inoculated of human hair follicle cells ─── 人毛囊细胞来源双层皮肤替代物的构建和组织学特征

83、Distal ending of the peroneal nerve was also undergone histologic evaluation and morphometric analysis. ─── 同时取远端腓神经作组织学检查和图像分析。

84、The expressions of AMF or AMFR correlated positively with histologic grade and tumor stage( P 0.05). ─── AMF、AMFR高表达与乳腺癌组织学分级、TNM分期有关 (P 0 .0 5 )。

85、Other 13 cases were mistaken for caruncular tumors which identified for inflammation, amyloid degeneration, epitheliopseudotumor after histologic diagnosis. ─── 另有13例临床疑诊为泪阜肿瘤,经病理检查证实为炎症肉芽肿、淀粉样变性、假上皮瘤样增生等。

86、The histologic apperance of the papillary proliferation can have any of the features of papillary DCIS. ─── 乳头状增生的组织学表现可能具有乳头状DCIS的任何特征。

87、Histologic changes of different exercise patience on myocardial collagenous fibers in rats ─── 不同运动负荷大鼠心肌胶原纤维的组织学变化

88、Objective To study the relationship between P53 protein expression and histologic character of basal cell carcinoma(BCC). To clarify the mechanism of BCC and provide theoretical basis for clinical therapy and diagnosis. ─── 1目的 探讨 P5 3蛋白表达与皮肤基底细胞癌的临床及组织学特征之间的关系 ,以期阐明皮肤基底细胞癌的发病机制 ,为临床诊疗提供理论依据。

89、Following laser exposure, the samples were fixed in 4% glutaraldehyde and sent for histologic study using eosin-staining techniques for subsequent analysis with light microscopy. ─── 在激光照射之后,样本固定在4%的戊二醛中,曙红染色后用光显微镜分析进行组织学研究。

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