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09-18 投稿


impertinently 发音

英:[?m?p??rtn?ntli]  美:[?m?p??t?n?ntli]

英:  美:

impertinently 中文意思翻译



impertinently 网络释义

adv. 不切题地;不恰当地;不礼貌地

impertinently 短语词组

1、impertinently frank ─── 无礼的坦率

impertinently 词性/词形变化,impertinently变形

副词: impertinently |

impertinently 反义词


impertinently 同义词

irreverent | brazen |impudent | wise | pert | insolent | disrespectful | brash | orthogonal | or | cheeky | saucy | contemptuous | fresh | immaterial | forward | forwards | smart | impolite | discourteous | sassy | overbold | rude | extraneous

impertinently 相似词语短语

1、impermanently ─── 无常地

2、impertinency ─── n.鲁莽;无礼;不对题

3、impenitently ─── adv.不知悔改地

4、impertinent ─── adj.不恰当的;无礼的;粗鲁的;不相干的

5、impertinences ─── n.鲁莽,无理;不恰当

6、impertinencies ─── n.鲁莽;无礼;不对题

7、impertinence ─── n.鲁莽,无理;不恰当

8、impatiently ─── adv.无耐性地

9、pertinently ─── adv.适切地

impertinently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To stare at impertinently, flirtatiously, or amorously. ─── 挑逗性注视失礼地、轻浮地或色迷迷地盯着看

2、To speak or act impertinently. ─── 没有礼貌地说话或行动

3、I cannot bear to have you think me impertinently curious. ─── 使您认为我的好奇心是无礼的,这是我不能忍受的。

4、If apply credit policy impertinently to won't bring profit to the enterprise not only, still can cause an enterprise to bear heavy responsibility, can procrastinate even break down whole industry. ─── 假如不恰当的运用信用政策不仅不会给企业带来好处,还会造成企业背上沉重负担,甚至会拖垮整个企业。

5、most impertinently surrounded by pirates ─── 莫名其妙地被一群海盗包围了

6、impertinently known better than Jesus Christ. ─── "你们看那天上的飞鸟",它们的主要任务就是服从体内生命的律,神便照看它们。

7、I told him so, and he impertinently replied: "Well, they are better now than when they were new. " ─── 我告诉他这一点,他竟然说什么:“这些衬衣现在比新买时还要好。”

8、Because be bought impertinently, AMD company is in a kind of awkwardness at present in. ─── 因为不恰当的收买,AMD公司今朝正处于一种作难之中。

9、The second interpretation seemed the more likely, for the first was impertinently frank, and Marguerite could never have accepted it, whatever opinion she had of herself. ─── 第二种在感情方面解释的可能性似乎要大一些,因为第一种解释是唐突无礼的,不管玛格·丽特对自己有什么样的看法,她也是不会接受的。

10、Well, you should be patient, since you have no rights to impertinently ask for something that you are not paying for. ─── 这个,你必须要有耐心,你没有权利无礼要求你没有付出代价的任何东西

11、Otherwise, decorate a likelihood impertinently to leave sequela to bridal chamber. ─── 否则,不恰当的装修可能给新房留下后遗症。

12、Impertinently bold; impudent and saucy. ─── 无礼的厚颜莽撞的;放肆的和无礼的

13、Well, you should be patient, since you have no rights to impertinently ask for something that you are not paying for. ─── 这个,你必须要有耐心,你没有权利无礼要求你没有付出代价的任何东西。

14、The second interpretation seemed the more likely, for the first was impertinently frank, and Marguerite could never have accepted it, whatever opinion she had of herself. ─── 第二种在感情方面解释的可能性似乎要大一些,因为第一种解释是唐突无礼的,不管玛格丽特对自己有什么样的看法,她也是不会接受的。

15、Because be bought impertinently, AMD company is in a kind of awkwardness at present in. ─── 因为不恰当的收买,AMD公司今朝正处于一种作难之中。

16、I cannot bear to have you think me impertinently curious ─── 使您认为我的好奇心是无礼的,这是我不能忍受的。

17、The problems in making PowerPoint slides include too many characters in a single slide,too many presentations in a class hour,lacking or impertinently employing of multimedia materials,deficiency in aesthetic feeling,etc. ─── PowerPoint制作方面的问题主要有:单页幻灯片文字太多,每课时幻灯片页数过多,多媒体资料缺乏或应用不当,缺乏美感等。

18、I told him so, and he impertinently replied: "Well, they are better now than when they were new. ─── 我告诉他这一点,他竟然说什么:“这些衬衣现在比新买时还要好。”

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