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immortalization 发音

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immortalization 中文意思翻译



immortalization 网络释义

n. 不朽,不减;不灭

immortalization 短语词组

1、immortalization technique ─── 不朽技术

immortalization 相似词语短语

1、immobilization ─── n.使停止流通,固定

2、immortalisation ─── n.不朽,不灭

3、amortization ─── n.[会计]分期偿还

4、moralization ─── n.教化;德化;用道德解释

5、pictorialization ─── n.图解;图示

6、memorialization ─── 纪念

7、demoralization ─── n.堕落;道德败坏;士气低落

8、abnormalization ─── 异常化

9、remoralization ─── 改造

immortalization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Chondrocyte;Immortalization;Simian virus 40 large T antigen gene; ─── 软骨细胞;永生化;猿肾病毒40;

2、Thereby establishing the immortalization of human mesenchymal stem cells. ─── 从而建立了永生化的人骨髓间充质干细胞.

3、Immortalization of human laryngeal epithelial cells induced by human papillomavirus type 16 DNA ─── 人乳头状瘤病毒16型DNA诱导的永生化人喉上皮细胞系的建立

4、On the Interaction between the Folklore and Legend of Saints with Respect to Immortalization of Ho Hsien-ku ─── 从何仙姑传说看宗教传说与民间传说的互动

5、Chromosomal Aberration and HPV18 E6,EPV18 E7 Expression in Esophageal Epithelial Cells during Immortalization and Malignant Transformation ─── 食管上皮细胞永生化及恶变中染色体异常和HPV18E6、HPV18E7表达

6、Interestingly, immortalization of postselection cells using various methods leads to a dramatic decrease in COX-2 expression. ─── 有趣的是,用不同的方法可以显著减少COX-2在后选择的细胞永生化过程中的表达。

7、immortalization hepatocytes ─── 永生化肝细胞

8、Advance in Hepatocyte Immortalization Strategies ─── 肝细胞永生化策略研究进展

9、Keywords hTERT;transfection;rabbit;chondrocyte;immortalization; ─── 转染;兔;软骨细胞;永生化;

10、Keywords hepatic stellate cell;cell line;immortalization; ─── 永生性;肝星状细胞;细胞系;

11、Meyerson M.Counter C.Eaton EN hEST2,the putative human telomerase catalytic subunitgene,is up-regulated in tumor cells and during immortalization 1997(4 ─── 黄文.张成.陈松林.张为西.姚晓黎.曾缨.黄慧.冯善伟.柳太云脑源性神经营养因子体外诱导骨髓间充质干细胞分化为神经元样细胞[期刊论文]-郑州大学学报(医学版)2004(8

12、Objective to explore the SV40-mediated immortalization, the related factors and their roles in cell immortalization. ─── 目的探讨SV40如何介导细胞永生化,与细胞永生化现象相关的因素及它们的作用。

13、Keywords SV40 T;Ovarian tumor/human;Sarcomatoid carcinoma;Cell line;Immortalization; ─── 卵巢肿瘤/人;肉瘤样癌;细胞系;永生化;

14、Keywords germline stem cell;proliferation;immortalization;haploid;Bovine; ─── 生殖系干细胞;增殖;永生化;单倍体;牛;

15、A Study on immortalization of osteoclasts ─── 破骨细胞转基因永生化问题的初步探讨

16、Kobayashi. “Achieving immortalization, a two-stage process, is not without challenges. ─── 达到永生,需要一个分为两步的过程,这充满了挑战。”

17、Reversible immortalization ─── 可回复性永生化

18、Keywords ovarian tumor;sarcomatoid carcinoma;cell line;immortalization;chemosensitivity; ─── 卵巢肿瘤;肉瘤样癌;细胞系;永生化;化学敏感性;

19、Molecular mechanism involved in immortalization and transformation of human esophageal epithelial cells Lung, Maria, Ph.D. ─── 香港大学医学院细胞生物研究室人食管上皮细胞永生化和转化的分子机制。

20、Progress of immortalization of parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cells ─── 肝实质细胞和非实质细胞的永生化研究进展

21、Keywords hepatitis B virus;EB virus;immortalization;B lymphoblast cell line(BLCL); ─── 乙型肝炎病毒;EB病毒;永生化;B淋巴母细胞系;

22、Someone say that the teacher is a candle, taking the conviction of the immortalization as us to illuminate headway of road, reflect our face continuously of investigate and investigate forward. ─── 有人说,老师是梯,以伟岸的身躯托着我们稚嫩的双脚一步步攀高、攀高;

23、Objective To explore the SV40-mediated immortalization , the related factors and their roles in cell immortalization . ─── 目的探讨SV40如何介导细胞永生化,与细胞永生化现象相关的因素及它们的作用。

24、For the sake of you of mission, for the sake of you of commitment, for the sake of the ideal of your immortalization! ─── 为了你的使命,为了你的承诺,为了你不灭的理想!

25、The objectives of this article are to review the research es for human cell immortalization and discuss the problems which may be encounte red in the application. ─── 永生化细胞在生物学研究方面,不仅提供了标准细胞,而且对于组织工程的研究也非常重要。

26、Keywords embryo,the first branchial arch,ecto-mesenchymal stem cell,differentiation,immortalization; ─── 胚胎;面突;外胚间充质干细胞;分化;永生化;

27、Telomerase is an attractive cancer target as it appears to be required in essentially all tumours for immortalization of a subset of cells, including cancer stem cells. ─── 端粒酶是一个很有吸引力的癌症靶点,它在所有包括肿瘤干细胞在内的细胞亚型的永生化中起关键作用。

28、Molecular mechanism involved in immortalization and transformation of human esophageal epithelial cells Lung, Maria, Ph. D. ─── 香港大学医学院细胞生物研究室人食管上皮细胞永生化和转化的分子机制。

29、The method of swamp buffalo mammary epithelial cells immortalization was also studied. ─── 实验二,探讨了水牛乳腺上皮细胞永生化的方法。

30、Keywords odontoblast,immortalization,cell line,telomerase reverse transcriptase,gene transfection,dentin sialophosphoprotein, human,cell culture; ─── 关键词人;成牙本质细胞;永生化;细胞系;端粒酶逆转录酶;基因转染;牙本质涎磷蛋白;细胞培养;

31、immortalization technique ─── 无限增殖化技术

32、Keywords Temperature-sensitive mutant of SV40;Neural precursor cell;Immortalization;in vitro;Immunocytochemistry;Rat; ─── 关键词SV40温度敏感突变体;神经前体细胞;永生化;体外培养;免疫细胞化学;大鼠;

33、Keywords EBV immortalization;phage antibody libraries;liver cancer;single-chain Fv; ─── EB病毒转化;噬菌体抗体库;肝癌;单链抗体;

34、Keywords Scaffold;Immortalization;Tissue-engineering;Flap; ─── 支架;永生化;组织工程;皮瓣;

35、Keywords EB virus. Nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. Senescence. Immortalization; ─── EB病毒;人鼻咽上皮细胞;老化期;永生化;

36、Keywords Human lung epithelial cell;Immortalization;Keratin;E-cadherin;Sub-diploid; ─── 人肺上皮细胞;不死性转化;钙黏着素;角蛋白;亚二倍体;

37、Keywords Mandibular condyle Chondrocyte Immortalization Flow cytometry Karyotype; ─── 下颌骨髁突;软骨细胞;永生化;流式细胞术;核型;

38、Application and Development of Immortalization and Disimmortalization of Cells in Cellular Implantation for Pain Therapy ─── 生物细胞的永生化和去永生化在细胞镇痛中的应用进展

39、Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a widespread human herpesvirus that mainly infects human B-lymphocyte and epithelial cells and causes the transformation as well as immortalization of B-lymphocyte. ─── 摘要:EB病毒是一种广泛分布于全世界的人类疱疹病毒,主要感染人类淋巴球以及上皮细胞,并造成B淋巴球的转形与不死。

40、Reversible Immortalization of Human Melanocytes Mediated by SV40 Large T Antigen and Cre/loxP Site-Specific Recombinase System ─── Cre/loxP位点特异性重组酶系统联合SV40LTAg诱导人黑素细胞可逆性永生化

41、Keywords immortalization;chondrocytes/cytology;cell culture; ─── 永生化;软骨细胞/细胞学;细胞培养;

42、Immunological separation and immortalization induction of rat precartilaginous stem cells ─── 免疫分选软骨前体细胞并诱导永生化的研究

43、Objective To explore the SV40-mediated immortalization,the related factors and their roles in cell immortalization. ─── 目的探讨SV40如何介导细胞永生化,与细胞永生化现象相关的因素及它们的作用。

44、Keywords Hepatic stellate cells;Cell culture;Immortalization; ─── 肝星状细胞;细胞培养;永生化;

45、sake of you of mission, for the sake of you of commitment, for the sake of the ideal of your immortalization! ─── 为了你的使命,为了你的承诺,为了你不灭的理想!

46、Keywords immortalization;chondrocytes;cytoskeleton;tissue engineering; ─── 永生化;软骨细胞;支架;组织工程;

47、This world always hasn't to expect but meet of warmth, always have already living ed immortalization of hope. . . ─── 这个世界总有不期而遇的温暖,总有生生不灭的希望…

48、Keywords difluoromethylornithine (DFMO);cervix;immortalization;neoplasms;cell cycle; ─── 二氟甲基鸟氨酸;宫颈;永生化;肿瘤;细胞周期;

49、Immortalization of human marrow stromal cells by transferring hTERT gene and induction of differentiating them into neuron-like cells ─── 转导hTERT基因致人骨髓基质细胞永生化及向神经元样细胞诱导分化的研究

50、Keywords induced differentiation;cervix;immortalization;HPV; ─── 诱导分化;宫颈;永生化;HPV;

51、Keywords bioartificial renal tubule assist device;multiple organ dysfunction syndrome;acute renal failure;immortalization;gene transfection; ─── 生物人工肾小管;多脏器功能衰竭;急性肾功能衰竭;永生化;基因转染;

52、Kobayashi. "Achieving immortalization , a two-stage process, is not without challenges. " ─── 达到永生,需要一个分为两步的过程,这充满了挑战。

53、Keywords human ovarian tumor;serous adenocarcinoma;cell line;immortalization; ─── 人卵巢肿瘤;浆液性腺癌;细胞系;永生化;

54、This world always hasn't to expect but meet of warmth, always have already livinged immortalization of hope.... ─── 这个世界总有不期而遇的温暖,总有生生不灭的希望。。。。

55、Study on immortalization of swine umbilicus veins endothelial cells ─── 猪脐静脉血管内皮细胞永生化的初步研究

56、Experimental study of hTERT gene transfection-induced immortalization of neural stem cells ─── hTERT基因转染人神经干细胞向永生化细胞转变实验研究

57、Keywords condyle;chondrocyte;immortalization;SV40;rabbit; ─── 髁突;软骨细胞;永生化;SV40;兔;

58、Keywords immortalization;skin tissue engineering;rotary cell culture system;microcarrier; ─── 永生化;表皮组织工程;旋转生物反应器;微载体;

59、Keywords EBV immortalization;phage antibody libraries;nasopharyngeal carcinoma;single-chain Fv; ─── EB病毒转化;噬菌体抗体库;鼻咽癌;单链抗体;

60、EBV immortalization ─── EB病毒转化

61、Keywords esophageal epithelium;immortalization;biphasic differentiation;cytogenetics;precancerous phase; ─── 食管上皮;永生化;双相分化;细胞遗传学;癌前阶段;

62、Keywords precartilaginous stem cells;immortalization;simian virus 40; ─── 骨骺干细胞;永生化;猿肾病毒40;

63、Keywords cell;immortalization;telomerase;senescenc e;crisis; ─── 细胞;永生化;端粒酶;衰老期;危机期;

64、DNA immortalization chains ─── DNA永生化链

65、Thereby establishing the immortalization of human mesenchymal stem cells. ─── 从而建立了永生化的人骨髓间充质干细胞。

66、Virtue: Physical law has been confirmed, such as universal gravitation law, substance immortalization law, solid state, liquid state and gaseity. ─── 三)德--物理定律已经被确定,如万有引力,物质不灭定律。物质的固态、液态、气态等。

67、cell immortalization ─── 细胞无限增殖化

68、Keywords mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs);immunomodulation;Banna Minipig Inbred Line (BMI);immunogenicity;simian virus 40 (SV40);immortalization; ─── 间充质干细胞;免疫调节;版纳微型猪近交系;免疫原性;猴病毒40;永生;

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