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09-18 投稿


jounce 发音

英:[d?a?ns]  美:[d?a?ns]

英:  美:

jounce 中文意思翻译





jounce 网络释义

vt. 使颠簸;使震动vi. 颠簸,震动n. 震动,颠簸

jounce 词性/词形变化,jounce变形


jounce 短语词组

1、jounce stop ─── 跳跃停止

jounce 相似词语短语

1、jaunce ─── 策马腾跃;跃马前进

2、jounced ─── vt.使颠簸;使震动;vi.颠簸,震动;n.震动,颠簸

3、ounce ─── n.盎司;少量;雪豹

4、jouncy ─── adj.颠簸的;摇晃的;震动的

5、bounce ─── v.弹起;反弹;蹦跳;把小孩放在膝上颠着玩;上下晃动;颠簸行进;蹦蹦跳跳地走;退回(支票);试探地透露(主意);退回(电子邮件);解雇;逐出;威吓(某人)做;征求别人的看法;撞击;n.弹跳;弹力;活力;(突然的)上升;十足的自信;(头发的)弹性;碰撞

6、jouncier ─── 战栗者

7、jounces ─── vt.使颠簸;使震动;vi.颠簸,震动;n.震动,颠簸

8、rounce ─── n.手动印刷机把手

9、pounce ─── vi.突袭,猛扑;vt.扑过去抓住;n.猛扑,爪

jounce 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A little jounce rather than swaying. Put a little bump in your walk. ─── 颠一颠宝宝,但不要大力摇晃,走路时可以轻轻蹦一蹦。

2、I sat beside the window of the bus, the jounce made my head knock on the window,“pang!“ “pang!“, lasted ringing up, and what was in my heart was just happiness. ─── 我靠在车窗上,车体的颠簸让我的脑袋撞在玻璃上,“咣”“咣”,一直在响,而我满心荡漾的只有幸福。

3、Install the jounce bumper on the upper spring mount. ─── 在上部弹簧固定处安装避震器。

4、jounce stop ─── 振动限制器

5、The Vehicle Jounce phenomenon at bridge head is discussed and solution is presented. ─── 在继承原有的粉喷桩设计理论的基础上,根据新的设计思路提出新的设计方案。

6、Study on Influence of the Jounce of Ray Source on Image in Radiography System ─── 辐射成像中射线源低频震动对图像影响的研究

7、Install the jounce bumper on the upper spring mount. ─── 在上部弹簧固定处安装避震器。

8、Rebound and jounce damping capability ─── 回弹和颠簸减振能力

9、jounce distance ─── 震离

10、Rebound and jounce damping capability ─── 回弹和颠簸减振能力

11、In China, North to Harbin, South to Qingjiang one line, West to Wuzhong one line, East to Bohai Gulf island and northeast Border Line.People of wide area felt egregious jounce. ─── 在华夏大地,北至哈尔滨,南至清江一线,西至吴忠一线,东至渤海湾岛屿和东北国境线,这一广大地区的人们都感到异乎寻常的摇撼。

12、His tooth gave another red-hot jounce. ─── 他的牙齿又火辣辣地疼了一下。

13、Study on Influence of the Jounce of Ray Source on Image in Radiography System ─── 辐射成像中射线源低频震动对图像影响的研究

14、His tooth gave another red - hot jounce. ─── 他的牙齿又火辣辣地疼了一下。

15、In China, North to Harbin, South to Qingjiang one line, West to Wuzhong one line, East to Bohai Gulf island and northeast Border Line. People of wide area felt egregious jounce. ─── 在华夏大地,北至哈尔滨,南至清江一线,西至吴忠一线,东至渤海湾岛屿和东北国境线,这一广大地区的人们都感到异乎寻常的摇撼。

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