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09-18 投稿


pinion 发音

英:[?p?nj?n]  美:[?p?nj?n]

英:  美:

pinion 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 小齿轮



pinion 网络释义

n. [机] 小齿轮;翅膀,鸟翼vt. 绑住,束缚;剪掉鸟翼使不能飞

pinion 短语词组

1、internal pinion ─── [化] 内小齿轮

2、rack-and-pinion ─── 齿轮 ─── 齿条副, ─── 齿条和小 ─── 齿轮

3、armature pinion ─── [机] 电枢小齿轮

4、pinion shaft inside bearing ─── [化] 小齿轮内侧轴承

5、pinion and ring gear ─── [网络] 小齿轮和齿圈

6、lantern pinion ─── 灯笼式小齿轮,针轮小齿轮,滚柱小齿轮

7、pinion shaft outside bearing ─── [化] 小齿轮外侧轴承

8、pinion rack ─── [化] 啮合齿条

9、planetary pinion ─── [机] 行星小齿轮

10、rack and pinion ─── [机] 齿条与齿轮

11、pinion and crown wheel ─── [网络] 锥齿轮副

12、rack and pinion jack ─── [机] 齿轮千斤顶

13、pinion drive ─── [化] 齿轮传动

14、pinion ratio ─── [化] 传动齿轮比

15、rack and pinion adjustment ─── [机] 粗齿调整装置

16、pinion gear shaper ─── [机] 刨齿机

17、pinion shaft ─── [化] 小齿轮轴

18、pinion cutter ─── [机] 齿轮形刨齿刀

19、pinion head ─── [医] 粗对光器, 粗螺旋

pinion 词性/词形变化,pinion变形


pinion 常用词组

pinion gear ─── 小齿轮;行星齿轮

rack and pinion ─── 齿条与齿轮

drive pinion ─── 传动小齿轮;织小齿轮;驱动小齿轮;主动小齿轮

pinion 相似词语短语

1、minion ─── n.宠儿;宠臣;部下;奴才;受人崇拜者;adj.[古语、罕用语]精致的;优雅的;娇美的;漂亮的;n.小黄人(卡通角色)

2、pinioned ─── v.捆住,缚住(双臂);固定住;剪去……的飞羽(pinion的过去式及过去分词);adj.有翅膀的;被捆住的

3、pinions ─── n.[机]小齿轮;翅膀,鸟翼;vt.绑住,束缚;剪掉鸟翼使不能飞

4、pinon ─── n.矮松;矮松果;n.(Pinon)人名;(法、意)皮农

5、pinyon ─── 矮松

6、opinion ─── n.意见;主张

7、opinions ─── n.意见;评价(opinion的复数);舆论

8、minions ─── n.奴才;宠臣(minion的复数);n.Minions,小黄人大眼萌(电影)

9、inion ─── n.枕骨隆突;[人类]枕外隆凸尖(脑后枕骨外的突出部分)

pinion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、internal differential compensating pinion ─── 内差速补偿小行星齿轮

2、New “X” servo motor, new spindle bearings, new pinion & gear drive in 2007. ─── 2007年配新“X”伺服电机,新主轴轴承,新小齿轮和齿轮驱动。

3、Mark the propeller shaft and pinion yoke, or pinion flange, for installation reference. ─── 在传动轴和传动轴轴轭、或小齿轮轴轭上作标记,作安装的参考标志。

4、The driving power enters the differential through the drive pinion on the end of the propeller shaft. The drive pinion is meshed with a large ring gear so that the ring gear revolves with the pinion. ─── 也就是说,驱动力是从传动轴末端的传动齿轮输送到差速器的。传动齿轮与一个很大的冠状齿轮啮合,传动齿轮驱动冠状齿轮。

5、pinions also turn with the pinion shaft. ─── 齿轮也和行星齿轮轴旋转。

6、intermediate reduction pinion ─── 中间减速过齿轮

7、The Generation of Face-Gear Drive with Helical Pinion ─── 基于斜齿小齿轮的面齿轮的齿面生成研究

8、From the mightiest lever to the tiniest pinion. ─── 从最大的杠杆到最小的齿轮。

9、Air to Port B forces the pistons inwards, causing the pinion to turn clockwise while the air is being exhausted from Port A. ─── 压缩空气有B口输入,使左右活塞向中心移动,输出轴顺时针方向转动,两活塞中间的空气由A口排出。

10、Remove the universal joint strap bolts at the pinion shaft yoke. ─── 在小齿轮轴轴轭处拆卸万向节扣夹螺栓。

11、jack and pinion rack preloading ─── 千斤顶预压

12、"If the pinion rotates about a fixed axis, the rack will move in a straight path." ─── 如果小齿轮绕固定轴转动,齿条则沿直线运动。

13、The results from calculating show that the precision of the replaced tooth is quite good, while it is much easier for the manufacture of the pinion cutter. ─── 实例证明,该方法能获得足够的齿形精度,而给插齿刀的制造带来了方便。

14、1. Who is the most respectable economist in China in your pinion,why? ─── 你认为在中国谁是最值得尊敬的经济学家,为什么?

15、Change and Repair of the Pinion in Gear-box ─── 变速箱小齿轮改造修复

16、The pinion shaft runs in porous bronze bearing bushes. ─── 小齿轮轴运行多孔青铜轴承衬套。

17、rear axle bevel pinion flange ─── 后桥主动伞齿轮法兰

18、Who is the most respectable economist in China in your pinion, why? ─── 你认为在中国谁是最值得尊敬的经济学家,为什么?

19、bevel drive pinion ball bearing ─── 主动小锥齿轮滚珠轴承

20、external differential compensating pinion ─── 双差速器外主动齿轮, 外差动补偿齿轮

21、Loss of air pressure, the stored energy in the springs forces the pistons inwards, the pinion turns clockwise while air is being exhausted from Port A. ─── 失气时,由于弹簧的作用使两活塞向中心移动,输出轴顺时针方向转动,空气由A口排出。

22、double-reduction spur pinion ─── 复式减速小正齿轮

23、Inside each gearbox, a pinion gear spins a ring gear attached to ball diff. ─── 变速箱内的每一个齿轮旋转的齿轮一齿圈重视球差异。

24、propeller shaft pinion flange ─── 传动轴主动齿轮凸缘

25、rear axle bevel gear and pinion set ─── 后桥主动及被动伞齿轮

26、pitting process the face width of the pinion employed was half that of the wheel. ─── 点蚀过程中的小齿轮面宽度雇用了一半,该轮。

27、Based on the surface equation of the helical involute pinion, the equation of the face gear was deduced by the theory of gearing and the conditions of nonundercutting and nonpointing were studied. ─── 在形成斜齿圆柱齿轮齿面方程的基础上,采用啮合原理推导了面齿轮的齿面方程,讨论了面齿轮根切和齿顶变尖的条件。

28、pinion type cutter for timing belt pulley sprocket ─── 同步带齿形轮插齿刀

29、driver cannon pinion friction spring ─── 传动分轮摩擦簧

30、mainshaft differential spider pinion ─── 主轴差速十字架小齿轮

31、Seal air is injected into the labyrinth seals located at the main motor shaft (top and bottom) and at the pinion shaft driving the motor. ─── 密封空气被注入到主马达轴(顶部和下部)和驱动马达的齿轮轴的迷宫式密封里。

32、The large machined main gear and standard15 tooth pinion gear comprise the rotor head drive system on the Synergy N9. ─── 大型机械齿轮、准主要包括1915年牙杯头插齿传动系统的协同N9号.

33、Usually, we adopt pinion drive for large mills. ─── 大型磨机我们通常采用边缘驱动。

34、Forward extruding for hollow pinion gear, compound extruding for housing gear and upending extruding for shaft gear and their forming conditions and processes were analyzed. ─── 介绍了带孔小齿轮的正挤压直接成形、带壳小齿轮的复合挤压成形和带轴齿轮的镦挤成形等传统冷挤压方法,以及上述各类齿轮的冷挤压成形条件和工作过程。

35、Air to Port B forces the pistons inwards,causing the pinion to turn clockwise while the air is being exhausted from Port A. ─── 压缩空气由B口输入,使左右活塞向中心移动,输出轴顺时针方向转动,两活塞中间的空气由A口排出。

36、AGMA standard, built-in precision helical gearing consisting of a bull-gear and three individual pinion gears sized. ─── AGMA标准制造,精密制造的斜齿轮系由一个大齿轮和三个各自独立的小齿轮组成。

37、Refer to Drive Pinion Bearing Pre-Load Adjustment. ─── 参阅驱动小齿轮轴承预荷调整。

38、Air to Port A forces the pistons outwards, causing the pinion to turn counterclockwise while the air is being exhausted from Port B. ─── 压缩空气有A口输入,使左右活塞向相反方向运动,输出轴逆时针方向运转,两活塞侧面的空气由B口排出。

39、The wings of the ostrich flap joyously: Are they the pinion and plumage of lovingkindness? ─── 13鸵鸟的翅膀欢然扇展,岂是显慈爱的翎毛和羽毛么?

40、Rack and pinion telescoping section ensures proper load alignment. ─── .齿轮齿条套车部件,保证荷载同轴。

41、Remove pinion gears from differential case. ─── 从差速箱处拆卸主动齿轮。

42、By analyzing the push force to pinion gear bearing, the impact of the push force to bearing on the preload of pinion assembly of truck is confirmed. ─── 介绍了中空装配式凸轮轴的滚花连接机理,采用有限元数值模拟分析了滚花连接压装力的影响因素,并进行了凸轮和轴体的压装试验。

43、Mainly by motor, framework, other tube body, put on, turn tube, empty mandrel, big gear wheel, pinion, move it jaw board and quiet jaw board make up round in grades. ─── 它主要由电动机、机架、外筒体、分级罩、回转筒、空心轴、大齿轮、小齿轮 、动颚板和静颚板组成。

44、pinion type cutter for block chain sprocket ─── 块环链链轮插齿刀

45、threw the machine's pinion out of gear. ─── 使机器的小齿轮脱开啮合。

46、drive pinion cone bearing cup ─── 传动小齿轮锥形轴承杯

47、intermediate wheel and pinion ─── 中心齿轴

48、Remove the depth shims from rear pinion bearing cup bore in axle housinRecord the thickness of the depth shims. ─── 从轴管里的后小齿轮轴承盖孔拆卸限深垫片。记录限深垫片厚度。

49、An internal centre aligns the pinion shaft. The clamping function occurs by means of a tapered collet activated by machine hydraulics. ─── 内部的顶心用于小齿轮定心.筒夹通过机床液压系统操纵,实现夹紧,带动小齿轮轴转动.

50、Variable-ratio rack and pinion steering (thankfully not electrically assisted) showed the Camaro was willing to go to extremes before the Pirelli P-Zeros protested. ─── 变比齿轮齿条式转向(幸好没有电动辅助)显示,卡玛洛愿意走向极端之前,倍耐力的P-零点抗议。

51、The four main types of gears (spur, helical, worm, and bevel)and a rack and pinion are shown in Figure 7. ─── 图7所示是四种主要的齿轮(巨齿轮,斜齿轮,蜗轮和伞齿轮)以及齿条和小齿轮。

52、On Problems about Starter Driving Pinion ─── 也议起动机驱动齿轮工作问题

53、A steel pinion snapped and its attached marine ply then broke, half of it to float away. ─── 船舵上的一块钢质前翼折断了,与它连接的舵板裂开了,有一半随海水漂走了。

54、rear axle differential spider pinion ─── 后桥差速器行星齿轮

55、The Study on EHL of Plastic Pinion Engaging with Steel Gear ─── 塑料与钢制齿轮啮合的弹流润滑研究

56、minute pinion friction spring ─── 分齿轴摩擦簧

57、When on music's mighty pinion souls of men to heaven rise,then doth vanish earth's dominion man is native to the skies. ─── 在音乐强大的感染力以下,人们的灵魂向天堂升腾,大地消失,人们仿佛置身于天穹之下.

58、The large machined main gear and standard 15 tooth pinion gear comprise the rotor head drive system on the Synergy N9. ─── 大型机械齿轮、标准主要包括1915年牙杯头插齿传动系统的协同N9号.

59、The application of the induction heating technology by variation of power and moving speed for quenching pinion was introduced. ─── 介绍了变功率、变移动速度感应加热淬火技术在小齿轮高频淬火中的应用。

60、pinion type cutter for internal gear ─── 内齿齿轮型切割机

61、Install the pinion mate gears and thrust washers. ─── 安装小齿轮配合齿轮和止推垫圈

62、Install the pinion mate shaft lock screw finger tight to hold shaft during differential installation. ─── 在差速器安装期间,安装小齿轮配合轴锁螺丝,用手紧固它,以把握住轴。

63、Within the gear carrier unit, taper roller bearings are employed almost universally for carrying the input pinion. ─── 在齿轮承运人股,圆锥滚子轴承受雇几乎普遍进行输入齿轮。

64、New “X” servo motor, new spindle bearings, new pinion &gear drive in 2007. ─── 2007年配新“X”伺服电机,新主轴轴承,新小齿轮和齿轮驱动。

65、Keywords optimization; pinion cutter; helical gear; ─── 优化;插齿刀;斜齿轮;

66、Pinion by the press of men around them, they are unable to move. ─── 周围的人群挤压著他们,使他们动弹不得。

67、He is held with his arms pinion together behind his back. ─── 他被捉住反剪著双臂。

68、11、Vendor Shirley Pinion displays her wares in Dade County, Ga. ─── 乔治亚州戴德县的卖主在展示她的货物。

69、Install pinion front bearing, if necessary. ─── 如需要,安装小齿轮前轴承。

70、The starter motor is a simple direct current (DC) motor which has a pinion gear attached to its shaft. ─── 启动电机是一个简单的直流电机,在它的轴上有一个小齿轮。

71、An over-running clutch on the drive pinion prevents the starter from being driven by the engine once it starts. ─── 在驱动小齿轮上的一个超转离合器可避免启动马达被引擎带动,一旦引擎启动了。

72、The ring gear is attached to the differential case so that the ease rotates with the ring gear when the latter is driven by the drive pinion. ─── 冠状齿轮与差速器壳相连,这样当冠状齿轮由传动齿轮驱动转动时,差速器壳也转动。

73、"The ostriches' wings flap joyously With the pinion and plumage of love, ─── 伯39:13鸵鸟的翅膀欢然扇展、岂是显慈爱的翎毛和羽毛麽。

74、At this point, the rollers move back into the shell, and the pinion gear turns faster than the armature shaft. ─── 在这一点上,滚轮向后移动到壳体、小齿轮转动速度比电枢轴。

75、Twin guide bars on pistons assure optimum rack and pinion engagement. ─── 在活塞上配置双导杆,确保优化齿条和齿轮啮合。

76、Air to Port A forces the pistons outwards, causing the springs to compress, The pinion turns counter-clockwise while air is being exhausted from Port B. ─── 压缩空气有A口输入,使左右活塞向相反方向运动,输出轴逆时针方向转动,两活塞侧面空气由B口排出。

77、Amending the Shape of Pinion and Reducing the Round-gear Error ─── 修正小齿轮表面齿形降低圆弧齿轮传动误差

78、The proposed algorithm makes it possible to decrease the dimensions of machines that are used for gear and pinion tooth generation. ─── 该推荐算法可以用来使滚切大、小齿轮轮齿的机床尺寸减小。

79、bevel pinion and bevel gear set ─── 主动小锥齿轮和被动大锥齿轮副

80、pinion type cutter for external gear ─── 外齿轮插齿刀

81、If an oil slinger is used behind the inner pinion bearing cone, deduct the thickness of the slinger from the dial indicator reading and use that total for shim selection. ─── 如果抛油环用在内侧驱动小齿轮内圈的后面,从针盘指示表读数中扣除抛油环的厚度,垫片的选择用这个总数。

82、The 1st reduction gearing is epicyclic type with an extended 1 st reduction shaft pinion coupled from the AC motor and driving the 1 st planets. ─── 周转齿轴与交流电动机耦合,驱动一级行星齿构成第一级减速。

83、I thought the temps and flight times would get better with a lower pinion but it did not. ─── 我本来想齿数少的温度和飞行时间要好过齿数多的,但不是。

84、Air to Port A forces the pistons outwards,causing the pinion to turn counterclockwise while the air is being exhausted from Port B. ─── 压缩空气由A口输入,使左右活塞向相反方向运动,输出轴逆时针方向运转,两活塞侧面的空气由B口排出。

85、intermediate axle bevel gear and pinion ─── 中桥主动及被动伞齿轮

86、The involute pinion cutter grinding experiment made in the laboratory and the measuring results prove that the former calculate result is valid . ─── 在实验室进行的渐开线插齿刀磨齿实验的测量结果证实了上述计算结果的正确性。

87、Gear reduction system may consider to be pinion transmition in stead of planetary system to saving spacing . ─── 为节省空间起见,降齿系统可以考虑采用小齿传动,而不用星系系统。

88、Air to Port A forces the pistons outwards,causing the springs to compress,The pinion turms counter-clockwise while air is being exhausted from Port B. ─── 压缩空气由A口输入,使左右活塞向相反方向运动,输出轴逆时针方向转动,两活塞侧面空气由B口排出。

89、Among ways to provide rotational control of the rims within the frames are a pinion and gear system or a chain and sprocket system. ─── 在方法之中在框里面提供边缘的旋转控制是小齿轮和传动机构系统或链条和链轮系统。

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