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09-22 投稿


koumiss 发音

英:[?k?m?s]  美:[?ku?m?s]

英:  美:

koumiss 中文意思翻译



koumiss 短语词组

1、kefir koumiss ─── [医] 发酵乳霉乳酒

koumiss 相似词语短语

1、plumists ─── 羽状体,

2、koumis ─── 十月

3、volumist ─── 体积

4、kumiss ─── n.马奶酒;霉乳酒(等于koumiss)

5、koumyss ─── 库米斯

6、volumises ─── 体积

7、volumists ─── 体积

8、volumise ─── 增大音量

9、to miss ─── 错过

koumiss 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Study on fermented milk koumiss ─── 发酵牛乳酒的研制

2、Keywords kefir grains koumiss fermentation; ─── 开菲尔粒;马奶酒;发酵;

3、During spring and summer, the most popular drink is "Airag" , fermented horse milk. The Russians call it "Koumiss" . ─── 在春天和夏天,最流行的饮料叫艾日格(Airag),这是一种发酵的马奶,俄国人称之为酸马奶。

4、Keywords Cream Liqueurs;Imitation Koumiss;Imitation Cheese; ─── 奶油利口酒;仿制酸马奶酒;制仿干酪;

5、Study on antibacterial biochemical characterization of enterococcus faecalis in the koumiss ─── 酸马奶酒中粪肠球菌抑菌特性的研究

6、Keywords HPLC;organic acids;fermented yak milk;fermented goat milk;Koumiss; ─── 高效液相色谱;有机酸;酸牦牛奶;酸山羊奶;酸马奶;

7、Analysis of chemical composition and microorganism flora of traditionally home-made Koumiss in Xinjiang ─── 新疆维吾尔自治区酸马奶化学组成分与微生物学分析

8、Keywords fruity koumiss;streptococcus lactis;production techniques; ─── 果酸乳酒;乳链球菌;生产工艺;

9、Isolation and identification of Lactobacillus from koumiss collected in Inner Mongolia and People's Republic of Mongolia ─── 不同地区酸马奶中乳杆菌的分离及其生物学特性的研究

10、Keywords koumiss;Enterococcus faecali;antibacterial factor;extraction and purification; ─── 酸马奶酒;粪肠球菌;抑菌物质;提取与纯化;

11、Keywords koumiss;yeast;isolation;identification; ─── 酸马奶;酵母菌;分离;鉴定;

12、This paper introduced koumiss making method in different parts of ancient times. It is of great importance to study, develop and utilize the resource of mare milk in China. ─── 本文分析远古各个时期我国制作马奶酒的方法。这对我国研究、开发、利用马奶资源具有重要意义。

13、Keywords MOLONG alcohol KYLIN DRINK;Actinidia koumiss Amino acid; ─── 墨龙醇;麒麟玉液;猕猴桃乳酒;氨基酸。;

14、Keywords Koumiss;BSH;Lactobacillus;Mongolia Horse; ─── 酸马奶;BSH;乳酸菌;蒙古马;

15、Keywords Koumiss;Imitated mares milk;Lactic acid bacteria;Yeast;Antibacteria characterization; ─── 酸马奶酒;模拟马奶;乳酸菌;酵母菌;抑菌特性;

16、Keywords Koumiss;Lactic Acid Bacteria;Biodiversity; ─── 酸马奶;乳酸菌;生物多样性;

17、Organic acids in koumiss had apparent inhibitory effect to bacillus subtilis, in them, lactic acid was most important whereas acetic acid and alcohol had synergistic effect. ─── 研究结果表明,有机酸对枯草芽胞杆菌有抑菌作用,其中乳酸起主要作用,醋酸和酒精起增效作用。

18、Keywords Koumiss;Lactic acid bacteria;Antibacterial characterization;Stability; ─── 酸马奶酒;乳酸菌;抑菌特性;稳定性;

19、Isolation and Identification of Yeast in Koumiss ─── 酸马奶中酵母菌的分离提纯及鉴定

20、Keywords lactobacillus;microzyme;fermented milk koumiss; ─── 乳酸菌;酵母菌;牛乳酒;

21、Selection and Identification of Yeasty for Koumiss which is fit for koumiss producing ─── 适合乳啤生产的乳酒酵母的分离鉴定

22、For three factors which affect quality of fermented milk koumiss ultimately, the optimalfermentation conditions of Kefir fermented milk koumiss are determined by using orthogonal experiments L9(34). ─── 针对影响牛奶酒制品最终品质的三个因素,采用三因素三水平L9(34)正交试验确定了功能性开菲尔牛奶酒的最佳发酵条件。

23、Study on lactobacillus acidophilus in fermented milk koumiss ─── 嗜酸乳杆菌混合发酵乳酒的研究

24、Identification and biodiversity of yeasts isolated from Koumiss in Xinjiang of China ─── 新疆地区酸马奶中酵母菌的鉴定及其生物多样性分析

25、Koumiss transmits wildness, boldness and hospitality of Mongolian, Qingke barley beer ferments simple character of the Tibetan. ─── 马奶酒传递出蒙古族人豪爽粗犷、热情好客的民风;青稞酒则酿出了藏区人的淳朴性格。

26、koumiss is also called Mongolia Wine and brewed from mare's milk by the fermented of inoculums.It is a very popular traditional drink of mongolia. ─── 咖啡奶酒奶酒不仅可以和其他的酒一样单独饮用,还有它的独特饮用方法。

27、koumiss is also the most special scene in the wine culture of Mongolia. ─── 果汁奶酒可以加各种果汁,如:草莓汁、葡萄汁、橄榄汁等,成为果汁奶酒;

28、The purpose of the study was to evaluate the inhibitory power of koumiss and analyze the role of organic acids in bacterial inhibition. ─── 了酸马奶酒中有机酸和酒精的组成,据此配制了人工模拟酸马奶酒,评价酸马奶酒中有机酸、精对细菌的作用。

29、Screening of Acid Tolerance of Lactobacillus helveticus Isolated from Traditionally Koumiss ─── 传统发酵酸马奶中瑞士乳杆菌耐酸性的筛选

30、Keywords Koumiss;Lactic acid bacteria;Antibacteria characterization;Bacteriocin;Spectrum; ─── 酸马奶酒;乳酸菌;抑菌特性;细菌素;抑菌谱;

31、Mongol children, nourished by fermented mares' milk called koumiss, quickly learned to rifle and like their parents became more at home on horseback than on foot. ─── 蒙古孩子是喝发酵的马奶(被称为马奶酒)长大的,所以很快就学会了骑马,并且与父母亲一样,更善于骑马而不是走路。

32、Study on Alcohol Content Variation in Fermentative Koumiss ─── 酸马奶发酵中乙醇含量变化研究

33、Keywords koumiss;Enterococcus faecali;antibacterial factor;extration;characteristics; ─── 酸马奶酒;粪肠球菌;抑菌物质;粗提;特性;

34、probiotics koumiss tablets ─── 益生菌酸马奶片

35、Keywords Koumiss;Immobilization;Lactic acid bacteria;Yeast;Alginate;Antibacteria characterization; ─── 酸马奶酒;固定化;乳酸菌;酵母菌;海藻酸钠;抑菌特性;

36、Keywords koumiss;lactic acid bacteria;isolate and purify;biochemical identification; ─── 酸马奶;乳酸菌;分离纯化;生化鉴定;

37、Keywords milk protein peptides;protein enzyme;enzymolysis;mixing fermentation;koumiss; ─── 乳蛋白多肽;蛋白酶;酶解;混合发酵;乳酒;

38、In this paper,39 strain yeasts were isolated from 4 samples of koumiss. ─── 实验从4个酸马奶样品中分离得到的39株酵母菌,并对其进行属的鉴定:包括形态学和生化鉴定。

39、Study on antibacterial biochemical characterization of enterococcus faecalis in the koumiss ─── 酸马奶酒中粪肠球菌抑菌特性的研究

40、Keywords koumiss; organic acids; alcohol; artificially acidify; bacteriostatic action; ─── 酸马奶酒;有机酸;酒精;人工模拟;抑菌作用;

41、Keywords koumiss;distillation;production technology; ─── 乳酒;蒸馏型;生产工艺;

42、The purpose of the study was to evaluate the inhibitory power of koumiss and analyze the role of organic acids in bacterial inhibition. ─── 测定了酸马奶酒中有机酸和酒精的组成,据此配制了人工模拟酸马奶酒,评价酸马奶酒中有机酸、酒精对细菌的作用。

43、Keywords Koumiss;Lactic acid bacteria;Optimization of culture medium;Antibacterial substances; ─── 酸马奶酒;乳酸菌;培养基优化;抑菌活性物质;

44、Keywords Koumiss;lactic acid bacteria;antibacterial characterization;culture medium optimization; ─── 酸马奶酒;乳酸菌;抑菌活性;培养基优化;

45、A Koumiss of Mongolian ─── 蒙古族的马奶酒


47、This paper introduced koumiss making method in different parts of ancient times.It is of great importance to study,develop and utilize the resource of mare milk in China. ─── 本文分析远古各个时期我国制作马奶酒的方法。这对我国研究、开发、利用马奶资源具有重要意义。

48、Study on the Fermentable Properties of Lb. Acidophilus Isolated from Traditional Koumiss of Mongolia ─── 蒙古族传统酸马奶中嗜酸乳杆菌发酵特性研究

49、kefir koumiss ─── [医] 发酵乳霉乳酒

50、Study on Alcohol Content Variation in Fermentative Koumiss ─── 酸马奶发酵中乙醇含量变化研究

51、Koumiss Mold Mushroom Spawn's Immobilization Research Forecast ─── 酸马奶酒菌种的固定化研究

52、During spring and summer, the most popular drink is "Airag", fermented horse milk. The Russians call it "Koumiss". ─── 在春天和夏天,最流行的饮料叫艾日格(airag),这是一种发酵的马奶,俄国人称之为酸马奶。

53、Keywords koumiss;enterococcus faecalis;antibacterial factor; ─── 酸马奶酒;粪肠球菌;抑菌特性;

54、In this paper, fermented milk koumiss was produced through two step fermentation, using lactococcus and yeastswhich are separated from Kefir grains. ─── 本文利用开菲尔粒中分离的酵母菌和乳球菌采用两步发酵法研制开菲尔牛奶酒。

55、Optimization of the Fermentation Conditions of the Functional Kefir Fermented Milk Koumiss ─── 功能性开菲尔牛奶酒最佳发酵条件的研究

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