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09-22 投稿


looper 发音

英:[?lu?p?r]  美:[?lu?p?(r)]

英:  美:

looper 中文意思翻译




looper 短语词组

1、geometrid looper ─── 几何活套

2、boss looper ─── 凸台活套

3、mechanical looper ─── 机械活套

4、android looper android looper

5、video looper ─── 视频活套

6、simple looper ─── 简单活套

7、music looper ─── 音乐活套

8、cabbage looper ─── 甘蓝银纹夜蛾

9、looper vs theshy looper vs Thesy

looper 词性/词形变化,looper变形

动词过去式: looped |动词现在分词: looping |动词第三人称单数: loops |动词过去分词: looped |

looper 相似词语短语

1、loopier ─── adj.多圈的;呆头呆脑的(loopy的变形)

2、loopers ─── n.打环的人;打环装置;尺蠖(等于measuringworm);n.(Looper)人名;(英)卢珀

3、Cooper ─── n.(美、加、英)库珀(人名);n.(cooper)制桶工人,修桶匠;v.(cooper)箍桶,修桶,制桶

4、looter ─── n.抢劫者

5、blooper ─── n.大挫折;引起杂音的收音机

6、hooper ─── n.桶匠;n.(Hooper)(美、加、英)奥佩尔(人名)

7、looped ─── adj.成圈的;酩酊大醉的;v.成圈;打环(loop的过去式和过去分词)

8、looser ─── adj.更松动的;更散开的;更未被关住的;更不严密的;更不坚实的;n.(Looser)(美)洛塞(人名)

9、looker ─── n.检查员;观看者;美人(口语);n.(Looker)人名;(英)卢克

looper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Band: Custom Injected Polyurethane With Patented Locking Looper. ─── 带:自定义注入聚氨酯具有专利锁活套。

2、By using practical date and analyzing the coupling process of the looper system, a dynamic mathematical model of the controlled object is given. ─── 摘要通过对活套系统动态耦合过程的分析,在工作点附近,以实际热轧现场数据为依据,建立控制对象的动态数学模型。

3、looper driving crank ─── 套口机驱动曲柄

4、The calculation precision of the looper's capacity for strip will not only affect the length of the mill,but its production rhythm as well. ─── 活套储存带钢的容量计算是否正确,一方面会影响机组的长度,同时还会影响机组的生产节奏,因此需要在机组总体设计初期进行计算。

5、mulberry looper ─── 桑尺蛾

6、The Looper Thread Take-up can make it up and down for threading easy. ─── 升降式底线分线盘,使穿线更容易。

7、looper point ─── 套口针片

8、looper feed eccentric ─── 套口机进给凸轮


10、looper shaft ball thrust bearing ─── 套口机止推滚珠轴承

11、Automatic velocity control system for the continuous tandem cold mill let the rolling mill work continuously by using the looper to keep the uncoiling operation separating from the rolling process. ─── 全连续冷连轧机的自动速度控制系统要求通过活套分离开卷运行过程和轧制运行过程以实现全连续轧制。

12、For replacing part(s) of needle, presser foot, throat plate, looper, spreader, feed dog, needle guard, folder, cloth guide etc. ─── 更换机针、压脚、针板、弯针、分离器、送布牙、护针器、支架、布导向器等时。

13、mechanical looper ─── 机械传动的活套挑

14、Describing working principle and method of new hydraulic looper control system supplied by Germany. ─── 论述了从德国引进的新型的液压活套系统的工作原理和控制的实现方法。

15、support table, looper roll and four-point centering device. ─── 支撑台,跳动辊,四点对中装置。

16、Taiwan STRONG H industrial sewing machine Gauge sets, Knives and Looper, Hemmers. ─── 台湾“强信”工业用针位组,刀及各种弯针,喇叭

17、The looper thread trimmer is able to be fine tuned, offering steady trimming and convenient adjusting. ─── 底线切线刀可微调,切线稳定、校调方便。

18、looper thread guide ─── 套口线导板

19、looper toggle link ─── 套口机肝杆

20、horizontal looper ─── 卧式活套

21、looper shaft ─── 套口机轴

22、The Constant Tension Control of the Uncoiler and Hydraulic Looper in the PS Line ─── PS板生产线入口段开卷机及液压活套的恒张力控制

23、Application of the Fuzzy Self-Tuning PID Control Technique to the Control System of Looper of Wire-rod Mill ─── 模糊自校正PID控制技术在线材活套控制中的应用

24、The Measuring-controlling Techique for Plate Position in Looper of Cold-rollde Steel Strip Production Line ─── 冷轧带钢生产线活套钢板位置测控技术

25、This paper first described that litchi looper Thalassodes proquadria larvae were prey to bug Cantheconidae furcellata . ─── 报道了叉角厉蝽捕食荔枝绿额翠尺蛾幼虫 ,并以叉角厉蝽捕食荔枝绿额翠尺蛾幼虫为对象 ,研究了在不同的实验条件下猎物的虫龄等级捕食作用。

26、looper arm ─── 撑套杆

27、The flexible thread take-up eyelet holder, to offer the looper thread tension and release more details adjustment. ─── 可微调的底线过线架,可针对底线的收放与松紧,做更精细的调整。

28、cotton scmi looper ─── 棉小造桥虫

29、looper shaft bushing front ─── 套口机前轴瓦

30、The looper is the offensive counterpart to the pick hitter.He uses the loop until the ball pops up enough to kill. ─── “弧圈型”选手是削中反攻型选手的有力敌手,他们常常利用弧圈球使对手回球过高,此时再以扣杀得分。

31、The locust looper, Ectropis excellens Butler, is an important insect pest in China. In 1988, a virus was isolated from a diseased larva of locust looper. ─── 1988年从危害刺槐的外斑埃尺蠖(Ectropis excellens Butler)病死虫中分离出一株病毒。

32、Keywords TSPP caps;metal flow;looper line;defect; ─── 关键词防盗盖;流纹;环状线;缺陷;

33、Hydraulic looper automatic control at CSP line ─── 包钢CSP生产线中的液压活套自动控制

34、Control method for hydraulic looper of rolling mill based on RBF-NN ─── RBF-NN多模型切换的轧机液压活套控制方法研究

35、For threading needle(s), looper, spreader etc. and replacing bobbin. ─── 机针、弯针、分离器等穿线和更换旋梭时。

36、looper feed fork ─── 套口机进给叉

37、looper setting collar ─── 套口机固定轴圈

38、Being aimed at the fluctuation of the looper angle and the strip steel tension in the traditional looper control, the tension-weighted control and the state feedback control strategies were proposed. ─── 摘要针对传统的活套控制中带钢张力及活套角度波动问题,提出了张力加权控制和状态反馈控制方法。


40、looper shaft bushing ─── 套口机轴承

41、looper control ─── 套口控制器

42、For hydraulic looper system in the hot strip finishing mill,the nonlinear model of looper rising up was built by studying on moment relations in rising up and valve-hydraulic cylinder model. ─── 对于带钢热连轧机的液压活套系统,为了更好地控制其起套,通过对起套过程力矩关系及伺服阀-液压缸模型的分析,建立了活套起套过程的非线性模型。

43、looper feed shaft ─── 套口机进给轴

44、looper shaft set collar ─── 套口机轴圈

45、lower looper ─── 下套口机

46、Android: Shutting down thread and Looper correctly? ─── 安卓:关闭线程和活套正确吗?

47、looper setting shaft ─── 套口机固定轴

48、Considering the probably"necking down"caused by the impact of looper wh... ─── 介绍了精轧机组无活套机架和粗轧机组模糊微张力控制的方法。

49、Occurrence regulation of leaf looper in date and its control ─── 枣尺蠖的发生规律与防治方法

50、Independent looper make it easier for adjustment, needle quard move by feed dog to stitch light or heavy materials. ─── 弯针独立,便于调整,针受随送金送后移动,薄或厚皆可适用。

51、circular looper ─── 圆型缝袜头机

52、looper side cover stopper ─── 套口机侧盖挡块

53、looper shaft spacer ─── 套口机轴垫

54、looper' s capacity ─── 活套容量

55、Using polyester as needle thread and elastic thread as looper thread Utilizing varied modal cams,andcombining these cams with ornamental thread,could create the varied smocking patterns. ─── 此机上线采用普通线,下线采用松紧线。运用多款式样的凸输花盘,再与装饰线互相搭配,创造出种类繁多且吸引人的花样图案。

56、Keywords uncoiler;looper;constant tension control; ─── 开卷机;活套;恒张力控制;

57、DDRT-PCR technique was used to explore the differential gene expression profiles analysis of tea plant induced by tea looper (Ectropic oblique) attack. ─── 摘要利用DDRT-PCR技术初步研究了茶树被害虫茶尺蠖取食后基因表达谱差异。

58、A certain nonlinear approach controller is introduced to meet the requirement of a special control in the process when a hydraulic looper is approaching strip steel. ─── 基于液压活套在趋近带钢阶段的特殊控制要求,介绍一种非线性趋近控制器,分别就其数学模型、动态特性进行了描述和分析,并介绍了其硬件、软件的实现过程。

59、variably colored looper; larva of Paleacrita vernata. ─── 变化颜色的尺蠖;春尺蠖蛾子的幼虫。

60、This paper deals with the uncertainty of parameters in the looper control in rolling mills and the multi-objective robust PID control is proposed. ─── 摘要针对热连轧活套控制中的模型参数不确定性问题,文章建议采用多目标鲁棒PID控制算法处理这类问题;

61、Looper's crouching, animals hibernate, musk deer off navel Nam display wounds are ways to protect themselves. ─── 尺蠖的蜷缩,动物的冬眠,麝的断脐,蚺的显示创伤,都是保护自己的办法。

62、evonymus looper ─── 大叶黄杨尺蛾

63、looper course ─── 套口横列


65、Studies on predicting the optimum control period by the thermal constant for the tea looper, Ectropis obliqua Warren ─── 有效积温法预测茶尺蠖防治适期的研究

66、Renovation of looper control system in 1 700 mm hot strip mill of Wuhan Iron and Steel Co ─── 武钢1 700 mm热连轧机活套控制系统改造实践

67、The adjustment mechanism is inter-stand tension modifications through changing looper motor currents and angles . ─── 调节的机理是通过改变活套电机电流和角度来调节精轧机架间的张力。

68、After that, the strip is passivated and dried. Then the strip goes into exit looper. ─── 之后,带钢经钝化、烘干进入出口活套。

69、Design and calculation of 1550 continuous hot galvanizing line entry looper of Baoshan ISC. ─── 宝钢1550连续热镀锌机组入口活套设计计算。

70、Keywords looper position control synchro Control speed control tension control.; ─── 活套;位置控制;同步控制;速度控制;张力控制;

71、Available with the driving device for microadjustment of the looper movement pring.The ideal stitch can be obtained as the needle of different size is used. ─── 具有可对弯针运动轨迹进行微调的传动机构,在使用不同规格的机针时,都能得到理想的缝纫线迹。

72、Keywords intelligent control;looper;self-learning; ─── 智能控制;活套;自学习;

73、Prevention and cure of looper on the anise ─── 八角尺蠖的防治

74、Tension control models of two kinds of looper ─── 两种类型活套的张力控制模型

75、After the previous coil is run out, the entry section is stopped (the process section still runs with the strip from entry looper). ─── 等前一卷带钢用完后,入口段停车(工艺段继续运行,带钢取自入口活套)

76、rear looper shaft bushing ─── 套口机后轴瓦

77、looper toggle link complete ─── 套口机肘杆组件

78、looper thread take-up ─── 套口机悬臂

79、looper holder ─── 套口机支架

80、The basic principle for the looper control of the high speed wire pre-finishing rolling mill has been described in this article,as well as the form and the reason of the looper fluctuation. ─── 介绍了高速线材预精轧机活套控制的基本原理及活套波动现象的形成原因,分析了工艺影响因素及其控制方法。

81、He'll play against a Russian right-handed shakehand looper in this group. ─── 他将在这个小组与一位俄罗斯右手横拍两面反胶弧圈球选手对阵。

82、"The strip goes to exit part after exit looper for oiling, recoiling, cut into final coils. The final coils are discharged, packaged and delivered into storage. " ─── 带钢在出口段经涂油、剪切、卷取后成为成品卷,成品卷被卸下、包装送去存储。

83、tower type looper ─── 塔式活套

84、looper shaft connecting arm ─── 套口机连接臂

85、According to the model of finisher master speed and looper in hotstrip mill, it is finished that master speed setup and looper height close loop control by computer control system and C language. ─── 根据带钢热连轧机精轧机组主速度链及活套控制模型,用C语言软件实现了主干速度设定和活套控制功能。

86、Tussock moth of looper of main comfortable Yu Yang, dance and poplar fan boat moth sends an area badly with how. ─── 主要适于杨尺蠖、舞毒蛾和杨扇舟蛾严重和多发区。

87、looper feed shaft support ─── 套口机进给轴支架

88、looper clip ─── 套口机剪线装置

89、looper connecting rod guide ─── 套口机连杆

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