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lubricity 发音

英:[lu?'br?s?t?]  美:[l?'br?s?ti]

英:  美:

lubricity 中文意思翻译



lubricity 网络释义

n. 润滑能力;不稳定(性);狡猾;难以捉摸

lubricity 短语词组

1、die lubricity ─── 模具润滑性

2、dry lubricity ─── 干润滑性

lubricity 词性/词形变化,lubricity变形

异体字: lubricous |副词: lubriciously |名词: lubriciousness |

lubricity 相似词语短语

1、lubricator ─── n.润滑器;润滑物;油壶;加油工

2、publicity ─── n.宣传,宣扬;公开;广告;注意

3、lubricants ─── n.润滑油(lubricant的复数);[机]润滑剂

4、cubicity ─── 立方性

5、lubricate ─── vi.润滑;涂油;起润滑剂作用;vt.使…润滑;给…加润滑油

6、lubricated ─── adj.润滑的;喝醉了的;v.给…注润滑油;使…平滑;对…有帮助(lubricate的过去分词)

7、febricity ─── n.发烧;发热

8、lubricates ─── vi.润滑;涂油;起润滑剂作用;vt.使…润滑;给…加润滑油

9、lubricities ─── n.润滑能力;不稳定(性);狡猾;难以捉摸

lubricity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lubricity evaluation method of dimethyl ether(DME) fuel was investigated by correlation analysis on the basis of experiments. ─── 在试验的基础上,采用相关分析法研究了车用二甲醚(DME)燃料润滑性能的评定方法。

2、Keywords lubricity;water solubility;oiliness;active element; ─── 润滑性能;水溶性;油性剂;活性元素;

3、Features: with the feature of abrasive resistance corrosion resistance good hardness and dry lubricity it is beautiful and gorgeous. ─── 主要特点:膜层具有耐磨、耐蚀、硬度高、干润滑性,美观、华丽。

4、The results show that JLX can improve inhibitive,lubricity,HTHP stability and resistance against contamination such as Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ of polymer drilling fluid. ─── 实验结果表明,聚合醇能提高聚合物钻井液的抑制性,能大幅度提高聚合物钻井液的润滑性能,对聚合物钻井液有一定的稀释降粘作用,并能提高聚合物钻井液的高温高压稳定性;

5、Keywords tungsten disulfide;motor oil;coefficient of friction;lubricity; ─── 二硫化钨;发动机油;摩擦系数;润滑性;

6、Possess excellent lubricity and anti-wear properties in order to provide the high film strength and load carrying capacity necessary to prevent wear, excessive heat and buming of drill components. ─── 性能特征 具备优秀的润滑性和抗磨损性能,提供稳宏大的油膜强度及高负载量,从而防止磨损、产生过高热量和烧毁钻机的组件。

7、Keywords water base drilling fluid;nanometer emulsion liquid;lubricity;inhibition;horizontal well;large displacement well; ─── 水基钻井液;纳米乳液;润滑性;抑制性;水平井;大位移井;

8、Keywords oiliness &EP agent;emulsion;lubricity; ─── 油性极压剂;乳化液;润滑性;

9、The commercial application results indicated that the performance of HC-L200 volatile pressing oil,such as lubricity,volatility and anti-corrosion,met the service requirements of punch-press ope... ─── 工业应用结果表明,HC-L200挥发性冲压油的润滑性、挥发性、耐腐蚀性等性能完全能够满足冲压工艺用油的使用要求。

10、lubricity index ─── 润滑性指数

11、A low viscosity oil with good lubricity designed for punching, drawing & ironing processes for all aluminium and their alloys. ─── 具有良好润滑效果的低粘度金属加工油,适用于铝及其合金的冲孔、成型和拉延加工。

12、Barium Stearate is the stabilizer for PVC and the copolymer of chloro ethylene with excellent lubricity and long-term thermal stability. ─── 本品为聚氯乙稀及聚乙烯共聚物的热稳定剂,具有优良的润滑性,长期耐热性好。

13、Used to pump the medium with less lubricity and lower viscosity, such as heavy oil and fuel oil. ─── 可在较高压力下输送润滑性较差,或粘度较低的液体。如重油、燃油、柴油等。

14、Many engine OEMs specify the minimum equilibrium TBN of the used lubric, in addition to other parameters that should be carefully monitored in order to ensure the oil is in satisfactory condition . ─── 为确保润滑油处于满意的状况,除我们应注意观察的其他一些参数外,许多发动机制造商都为使用中的润滑油规定了最低均衡总碱值。

15、The paper studies the influence of polyalcohols JLX on the properties of polymer drilling fluid such as anti-sloughing,lubricity,rheology,loss and resistance against contamination in the lab. ─── 室内评价了聚合醇处理剂对聚合物钻井液防塌润滑性能、流变性、失水造壁性及抗污染能力的影响。

16、Study on Influence of Heavyweight Additives on Lubricity of Water-based Drilling Fluids ─── 加重剂对水基钻井液润滑性能的影响研究

17、It has exceptional lubricity and extreme pressure properties that give outstanding surface finishes as well as longer tool life. ─── 本产品不含有活性硫极压添加剂,但仍具备极佳的润滑和极压性能。

18、Keywords emulsification;cutting fluid;lubricity;antirust additive; ─── 乳化;切削液;润滑性;防锈剂;

19、Lubricity which is one of the important quality specifications of diesel fuels can be determined by ISO12156-1. ─── 摘要柴油润滑性是车用柴油的一项重要质量指标,该分析项目采用的测定标准为ISO12156-1。

20、l Provide excellent lubricity and high finishing. ─── 提供良好润滑性及光洁度。

21、14 Add PF-GLA for raise the resist caving capacity and lubricity. ─── 加入PF-GLA以增强泥浆的防塌润滑性能。

22、The ginseng ingredients collabrates with the skin physiology mutually to improve skin's tenderness and lubricity, and then delay it to becoming old. ─── 人参成份与皮肤生理相互协作,促进皮肤的柔嫩幼滑,延缓衰老。

23、l Special additives provide superior lubricity and reduce tool wear. ─── 含特殊添加剂,提供卓越润滑性,减低刀具磨损。

24、Up to now, the lubricity of diesel fuel is not a serious problem in China, however, it is still a hidden danger. ─── 我国柴油的润滑性也是一个潜在的重要问题。

25、A MMH polyol drilling fluid is develope-d, and this system maintains the excellent properties of MMH drilling fluid, improves the lubricity, and solves the problem of HTHP filtration. ─── 开发出了MMH正电胶多元醇钻井液。 该体系保持了MMH正电胶钻井液的优良特性,改善了润滑性能,解决了高温高压滤失问题。

26、Non-phenolic soluble cutting fluid,formulated from high quality base oil and emulsifier。Cutting performance are enhanced by its excellent lubricity。Very stable and long emulsion life。 ─── 不含酚水溶性切削液,由优质基础油及精选的乳化剂组合配制而成,拥有极佳的润滑性,增强了其切削效能。其乳化液非常稳定,延长了使用寿命。

27、Calcium Stearate is a non-poisonous thermal stabilizer for PVC with excellent lubricity. ─── 本品为聚氯乙稀的热稳定剂和润滑剂,无毒。

28、LM-R2 emulsified oil has advantages such as ed lubricity, strong corrosion-resistant and mildew-proof ability, fine permeability and cleaning ability and stronger solubility, etc. ─── R2乳化液具有润滑性好,抗腐抗霉能力强,渗透性、清洗性好,溶解性较强等优点,在降低表面粗糙度值,提高使用寿命,降低生产成本,提高生产效率等方面效果显著。

29、The results also showed that anti friction property of the materials added with several solid lubricants was superior to that of the material added with a single sol id lubric... ─── 另外,多组元固体润滑剂的“协同作用”比单一加入的减摩效果显著。

30、EMCYLDN oils have extra oiliness and separate easily from water, providing good lubricity and minimizing the wear in machine elements. ─── EMCYLDN具有极佳的油腻性,并容易自水分离,能提供优异的润滑性与降低机件的磨损。

31、The suction tray SPU used for sucking the work pieces with the lubricity appearance. ─── 吸盘SPU用于吸取光滑表面的工件。

32、Keywords refrigerant;lubricant;polyol ester;miscibility;lubricity;thermal stability;chemical stability;low temperature performance; ─── 冷冻剂;润滑剂;多元醇酯;可混性;润滑性;热稳定性;化学稳定性;低温特性;

33、Diesel fuel must have good lubricity properties, because the fuel lubricates the diesel engine. ─── 柴油燃料必须具备良好的润滑性能,因为它要对柴油发动机起到润滑作用。


35、Therefore, establishment of the test metho ds for controlling the lubricity of diesel fuels and development of high efficie ncy additives for improving their lubricity in China are proposed. ─── 在分析我国柴油润滑性的现状后,提出了控制柴油润滑质量的方法及开发高效润滑性添加剂的建议。

36、Keywords hydrocracking;diesel fuel;lubricity;influencing factor; ─── 加氢裂化;柴油;润滑性;影响因素;

37、D Punching Oil BS also contains anti corrosion & lubricity additives. ─── 壳牌冲孔油bs含有防腐蚀添加剂和油性添加剂.

38、High viscosity index and good lubricity. ─── 黏度指数高,润滑性佳。

39、STUDY ON THE LUBRICITY OF GASOLINE FUELS I A Preliminary Investigation on the Lubricity of European Gasoline Fuels ─── 汽油润滑性研究I.对欧洲汽油润滑性的初步考察

40、Keywords neopentyl glycol;azelaic acid;oleic acid;mixed ester;lubricity; ─── 新戊二醇;壬二酸;油酸;混合酯;润滑性能;

41、Punching Oil BS also contains anti corrosion & lubricity additives. ─── 壳牌冲孔油bs含有防腐蚀添加剂和油性添加剂

42、Study on Lubricity Improver of Dimethyl Ether as the Fuel of Compression Ignition Engine ─── 改进二甲醚燃料润滑性能的研究

43、Must have the very high oil film strength and the good lubricity. ─── 要有很高的油膜强度和良好的润滑性能。

44、A colorless, odorless, clear liquid noncombustible, thermostable, Very stable to various chenicals, having good lubricity &excellent dielectric properties, nonpoisonous &noncorrosive. ─── 无色无臭透明液体,不燃烧,对热稳定,对各种化学品高度稳定,具有良好的润滑性和优良的介电性,无毒,无腐蚀性。

45、lubricity additives ─── 抗磨剂

46、Materials of construction influence several aspects of the connection. Harder materials, such as stainless steel, have less lubricity than other metals, which causes higher friction in the thread engagement. ─── 建材影响接头的几个方面。较硬的材料,如不锈钢没有其它金属光滑,这导致了螺纹咬合的更大的摩擦。

47、By forming a thin film around the drill bit,drill assembly,thus preventing the balling of the drill bit and drill pipe,the ROP accelerators rendered the mud lubricity and incre... ─── 机械钻速提速剂能在钻头、钻具组合等金属表面形成一层薄膜,防止钻屑黏附于钻头和钻具上发生泥包,从而起到润滑的效果,提高了钻速。

48、Microprocessor-Based Measuring Lubricity of the Drilling Fluid ─── 基于单片机的钻井液润滑测试仪

49、Standard Test Method for Determination of Lubricity of Two-Stroke-Cycle Gasoline Engine Lubricants ─── 测定二冲程循环汽油发动机润滑剂润滑性的试验方法

50、It blends easily with petro-diesel and can be used as an additive to ultra-low sulphur diesel to increase lubricity. ─── 它可以很容易地与石油柴油混合,而且可以作为超低硫柴油的添加剂,增加润滑。

51、Zinc Stearate is the coordination thermal stabilizer for PVC with good lubricity, vulcanization-resistance, non-poisonous and inhibiting initial coloring. ─── 本品为聚氯乙稀的无毒稳定剂,主要用于软质制品。

52、Keywords water base grease;thickening agent;rust inhibiter;lubricity;stability;retention time;laboratory scale; ─── 水基润滑脂;增稠剂;防锈剂;润滑性;稳定性;保持时间;实验室规模;

53、Vegetable oils are promising substitutes for mineral lubricants because of their excellent lubricity, biodegradability, viscosity-temperature characteristics and low volatility. ─── 摘要植物油具有优良的润滑性能、生物降解能力、黏温特性和低挥发性,是一种非常有潜力的矿物润滑油替代产品。

54、The lubricity of hydrocracked diesel fuel in the presence of carboxylic acids with carbon number of 18 was investigated by using high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR) test. ─── 摘要 以高频往复试验机(HFRR)评价柴油润滑性能,考察了碳数为18的不同羧酸对加氢裂化柴油润滑性的影响。

55、The poor lubricity of low sulfur diesel fuel results in the bad wear of fuel pump. ─── 低硫柴油的润滑性差,导致燃油泵严重磨损。

56、The application tests of L-HL series hydraulic oil were performed,indic-ating that they posses good antioxidation,anti-rust,lubricity,water-separati-on and anti-foaming properties. ─── 对L-HL系列液压油进行了使用试验,证明它们具有良好的抗氧化性、防锈性、润滑性、抗乳化和抗泡沫性能。

57、Keywords engine;lubricant stock;lubricity;WS2;friction coefficient; ─── 发动机;润滑油料;润滑性;二硫化钨;摩擦系数;

58、Lubricity surface, an extension of vitality natural stream, this is extraordinary and wonderful. ─── 曲面圆润,自然延展源源活力精彩非凡,缔造产品恒久魅力。

59、We draw a conclusion that in the dectection of singular signal, wavelet function must be a 1 or 2 order of derivative of a lubricity function, and has regularity and compactly support set. ─── 本文主要侧重小波变换对奇异信号的研究,得出了结论:在检测奇异信号中,小波函数必须是某一平滑函数的一阶或二阶导数且具有较好的正则性或紧支性;

60、lubricity improver ─── 润滑剂

61、The antirust oil features excellent antirusting property and cleanable property and a certain degree of lubricity. ─── 本发明产品防锈性能优异,可清洗性能优良,并具有一定的润滑性。

62、It owns distinct effects to skin, truly a good sort of oils which can nourish and moist derma and let the skin turn to lubricity and soften. ─── 为有效之柔软剂,对肌肤有明显功效,是一种保养皮肤及滋润效果极佳的植物油。能使肌肤恢复光滑柔细,如果长期使用可以有效地消除妊娠纹。

63、Keywords dispersion;lubricity;alloy group;bridge flocculation;compatibilizer; ─── 分散性;润滑性;锚固基团;架桥絮凝;相容剂;


65、The lubricity of low sulfur diesel fuels tends to be poor due to deep desulfurization.In order to improve the lubricity of low sulphur diesel fuels, additives should be used on diesel fuels. ─── 摘要柴油深度脱硫导致柴油润滑性下降,为提高低硫柴油的润滑性,需在柴油中加入柴油润滑剂。

66、The invention relates to a succinimide lubricity additive for diesel fuel. ─── 本发明涉及用于柴油的琥珀酰亚胺润滑添加剂。

67、The experiment results in laboratory showed that ARJ had good performance in increasing viscosity, lubricity, and inhibiting a-bility. ─── 对ARJ进行了室内性能评价,实验结果表明,ARJ具有较好的增粘性、降滤失性、抑制性及润滑性。

68、The properties including inhibition,mud filtrate control capacity,rheology,lubricity and formation protection ability of the new drilling fluid were evaluated in laboratory. ─── 对聚醚多元醇钻井液的抑制性、流变性、滤失造壁性、润滑性以及对油气层的保护性能进行了室内评价实验,并分析了该钻井液的作用机理。

69、dry lubricity ─── 干燥润滑性

70、It blends easily with petro-diesel and can be used as an additive to ultra-low sulphur diesel to increase lubricity. ─── 它可以很容易地与石油柴油混合,而且可以作为超低硫柴油的添加剂,增加润滑。

71、Amorphous graphite fixed carbon content 50%--80%, dark gray color, oiliness luminosity, lubricity, refractoriness 2,200 degrees. ─── 无定形石墨粉,固定碳含量50%--80%,色灰黑,油亮光度好,润滑性好,耐火度2200度.


73、Our aviation fuel research team is world-renowned, particularly in the areas of thermal stability, lubricity, and fuel handling, and its facilities are second to none. ─── 壳牌航空的航空燃料研究部门也是世界闻名的,特别是在热稳定性、润滑性和燃料储运领域,它所拥有的设施也是世界一流的。

74、Keywords Water-based Cutting Fluid;Storage Time;Lubricity;Oily Agent; ─── 水基切削液;贮存期;润滑性能;油性剂;

75、Keywords water based hydraulic fluid;water content;lubricity;plunger pump;oilness additive; ─── 关键词水基液压液;水含量;润滑性;往复泵;润滑性能改进剂;

76、Tests at both laboratory and wellsite indicate that these fluids have the advantage of good inhibity , lubricity . and anti-caving property , they can satisfy the demand of drilling operation . ─── 此外,利用以前建立的水平井油气层损害评价方法对水平井进行室内评价,证明了经过合理设计的该完井液能很好地保护油层。

77、The continual descending of diesel fuels lubricity originated from large reduction of sulfur and aromatics in diesel fuels caused increased wear in high pressure injection system. ─── 柴油低硫低芳烃导致润滑性下降,高压燃油喷射系统的磨损问题突出。

78、Surface Lubricity Modification of Intervenient Catheter ─── 介入治疗导管表面润滑处理研究

79、Study on the Lubricity of Low-Sulfur Diesel Fuels ─── 低硫柴油润滑性的研究

80、The suction tray SPU used for sucking the work pieces with the lubricity appearance. ─── 吸盘SPU用于吸取光滑表面的工件。

81、Keywords low sulfur diesel fuel;lubricity;additive;polyol ester; ─── 低硫柴油;润滑性;添加剂;多元醇酯;

82、Solid lubricant film can be formed in deposits containing PTFE (with electroless or electrodeposition processes).It features good lubricity, less friction coefficient, nonadhesion and easy stripping. ─── 含有PTFE微粒的镀层(无电解镀、电沉积)可形成固体润滑膜,具有润滑性好、摩擦系数小、不粘着、易脱模等特性。

83、Features: with the feature of abrasive resistance, corrosion resistance, good hardness and dry lubricity, it is beautiful and gorgeous. ─── 主要特点:膜层具有耐磨、耐蚀、硬度高、干润滑性,美观、华丽。

84、We construct a new Lagrange interpolation method by piecewise and average in this paper.Some cases results indicate that it has a lower error and lubricity curve. ─── 摘要应用分段和平均的方法构造了一种新的拉格朗日插值法,案例研究表明:该法构造的插值误差小,且曲线相对光滑。

85、lubricity additive ─── 润滑性提高剂

86、Keywords EP Anti-wear Additive Water-glycol Hydraulic Fluid Dimer Acid Potassium Lubricity; ─── 极压抗磨剂;水-乙二醇液压液;二聚酸钾;润滑性能;

87、Also the NPC can be used to improve fuel lubricity. ─── 还可以使用NPC来改善燃料的润滑性。

88、3.14 Add PF-GLA for raise the resist caving capacity and lubricity. ─── 加入PF-GLA以增强泥浆的防塌润滑性能。

89、It is characterized by the lubricity of typical fluorocarbons. ─── 它的特点是具有典型氟碳聚合物的润滑性。

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