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laminaria 发音

英:[[l?m?'ne?r??]]  美:[[?l?m?'ner?r]]

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laminaria 中文意思翻译



laminaria 短语词组

1、Laminaria saccharina ─── [医] 糖昆布

2、genus Laminaria ─── [网络] Laminaria

3、Laminaria japonica ─── [医] 昆布, 海带

4、laminaria tent ─── [医] 昆布塞条

5、laminaria sound ─── [医] 昆布探子

6、Laminaria digitata ─── [医] 掌状昆布

laminaria 相似词语短语

1、laminarise ─── 层流

2、laminar ─── adj.薄片状的,由薄片组成的;层流的;层状的,板状的

3、lacunaria ─── n.花格平顶,(花格平顶的)嵌板(lacunar的变形)

4、luminaria ─── 墨西哥的传统圣诞灯;n.(Luminaria)人名;(意)卢米纳里亚

5、laminary ─── adj.由薄片组成的(等于laminar);薄层的

6、laminarize ─── 使层化

7、laminarian ─── n.昆布多糖

8、luminarias ─── 墨西哥的传统圣诞灯;n.(Luminaria)人名;(意)卢米纳里亚

9、laminarin ─── n.[有化]海带多糖(一种抗凝剂)

laminaria 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The contents of the Common chemical components including moisture, iodine, mannital, alginic acid, crude fat, crude protein and soluble protein in 5 species of Laminaria from Japan were determined. ─── 摘要本文报导5种从日本引种的海带及一种当地养殖海带藻体基本化学成分及过氧化氢酶活力。

2、laminaria japonica juice ─── 海带汁

3、Dried laminaria, when inserted into the cervix, causes it to open and, over a period of hours, gradually stretchs the cervical canal. ─── 当把干的昆布塞入宫颈,在几个小时内它引起宫颈张开,逐渐拉长宫颈道。

4、Determination of L-fucose content in polysaccharide extracted from Laminaria japonica using capillary gas chromatography ─── 毛细管气相色谱法测定海带提取多糖中的L-褐藻糖含量

5、Keywords Laminaria;Polysaccharide;Cell wall;Thrombus formation;Blood coagulation; ─── 关键词海带;多糖;细胞壁;血栓形成;血液凝固;

6、Enriched Laminaria ─── 富硒海带

7、laminaria tent ─── [医] 昆布塞条

8、laminaria digitate ear dilating bougie ─── 掌状昆布耳扩张探条

9、Some cultivated seaweeds such as Laminaria japonica, Gracilaria lemaneaformis and Porphyra yezoensis are of very high productivity and may absorb large quantities of C, N, P. ─── 海带、龙须菜、条斑紫菜等大型海藻,生产力很高,在生长过程中可大量吸收C,N,P等生源要素,在水生态系统碳循环和减缓富营养化方面有很重要的作用。

10、Laminaria digitata ─── [医] 掌状昆布

11、Extraction of Sulfate Radical Polysaccharide from Laminaria Japonica Enhanced by Ultrasonic Wave in an Air-lift Reactor ─── 气升式反应器超声破碎海带提取硫酸酯多糖

12、Correlation of viable bacterial number as well as heterotrophic bacterial number on the surface of Laminaria japonica and in its cultivation seawater system was significant. ─── 养殖水体与海带表面细菌生物量变化的相关性的研究表明,病烂过程中养殖水体与海带表面的总活菌数数量变化正相关,两者的异养菌的数量变化也呈正相关。

13、Relationship between resistance against alginic-acid-decomposing bacteria and antioxidative activity in Laminaria japonica ─── 海带对褐藻酸降解菌的抗性与其抗氧化能力的相关性分析

14、ingredients: seaweed,soy sauce,mushroom extract,laminaria seaweed extract,amine acid,sale,sugar. ─── 成份: 紫菜,酱油,香菇汁,海带汁,氨基酸,食盐,砂糖.

15、laminaria culture ─── 海带养殖

16、Keywords air-lift reactor;ultrasonic wave;extraction;Laminaria japonica;sulfate radical polysaccharide; ─── 气升式反应器;超声破碎;浸提;海带;硫酸酯多糖;

17、Fucoidan Extracted from Laminaria japonica Aresch and Its Function of Health Care ─── 海带(Laminaria Japonica Aresch)中的褐藻聚糖(Fucoidan)及其保健功能

18、In the improved experiment, though the laminaria japonica weight is not increased, the accuracy of result and the effect of the experiment are raised apparently. ─── 通过对原实验的改进,在未增加海带用量的情况下,使实验结果的准确性和实验效果得到了明显的提高。

19、Laminaria japonica extract ─── 海带提取物

20、Laminaria japonica ─── [医] 昆布, 海带

21、Acute Antihypertensive Effects of Fucoidan Oligosaccharides Prepared from Laminaria japonica on Renovascular Hypertensive Rats ─── 岩藻聚糖硫酸酯低聚糖降压作用的初步研究

22、solid laminaria tent ─── 实芯昆布塞条

23、Keywords Laminaria japonica;fucoidan;acetylation;antioxidation; ─── 海带;褐藻多糖硫酸酯;乙酰化;抗氧化;

24、Keywords laminaria;ultrasonic extraction;orthogonal design;hydroxyl free radical; ─── 海带多糖;超声波提取;正交实验;羟基自由基;

25、Laminaria Japonica A resch ─── 海带多糖

26、Laminaria saccharina ─── [医] 糖昆布

27、Keywords Laminaria Sp.;fucoidan;isolation; ─── 海带;岩藻聚糖硫酸酯;分离;

28、Laminaria, abundant along the Pacific coasts and the British Isles, is a source of commercial iodine. ─── 太平洋沿岸和英国许多小岛上丰富的海带属藻类是商用碘的来源。

29、kelp (Laminaria japonica ) ─── 海带

30、Oil Extracts of Laminaria Digitata and Spirulina, Hazelnut Oil, Tocopherol Acetate, Sweet Almond Oil, Squalene. ─── 昆布萃取精华油、蓝绿藻萃取精华油、维生素E、甜杏仁油、角鲨烯。

31、Influence of laminaria japonica polysaccharides on arterial blood gas of mouse and its fatigue resistance effect ─── 海带多糖对小鼠动脉血气影响及抗疲劳作用

32、laminaria sound ─── [医] 昆布探子


34、Keywords polysaccharides from Laminaria japonica;hyperlipidemia;hemorheology;microcirculation; ─── 海带多糖;高脂血症;血流变;微循环;

35、From field observation and experimental results it is argued that the Laminaria sporophytes under present cultivation are genetically mixed,possessing high degree of he-terozygosity. ─── 几百年来,我国市场上的海带主要来自日本。解放以后,在党和政府的关怀和支持下,海带养殖事业有了很大的发展。

36、The laminaria can be removed and the woman's cervix allowed to closenaturally, as the fetus continues to develop. ─── 昆布条会被移除,妇女子宫颈自然合拢,胎儿继续发育。

37、Dried laminaria, when inserted into the cervix, causes it to open and, over a period of hours, gradually stretches the cervical canal. ─── 当把干的昆布塞入宫颈,在几个小时内它引起宫颈张开,逐渐拉长宫颈道。

38、Laminaria religiosa ─── n. 皱海带

39、Laminaria polysaccharide sulfate was degraded by free radical, then isolated and purified through agarose gel electrophoresis and gel chromatography. ─── 分别利用硫酸酚法和明胶比浊法,测定糖的含量和硫酸根的含量;

40、In order to gain the optimum extracting condition ,we had sieved the extracting and separating out by ethanol of Laminaria Japonica Aresch polysaccharide through deproteinization and decolorization. ─── 本文采用水法浸提海带多糖,对海带多糖的最佳浸提及醇析条件进行了筛选,并对海带多糖进行了脱蛋白和脱色研究,以优化其提取条件。

41、Accumulation and biotransformation of selenium in kelp Laminaria japonica ─── 日本真海带对硒的积累和生物转化

42、The Isolation from Laminaria Japonica and Anticoagulant Activities in Vitro of Fucan ─── 海带中褐藻多糖硫酸酯的提取及抗凝血活性的测试

43、Studies on Isolation and Purification of Fucoidan from Laminaria sp. ─── 海带岩藻多糖的分离与部分性质研究。

44、On early infective stage the production rate of ROS had a close relationship with the infection-resistant activity of Laminaria japonica. ─── 在感染早期,海带活性氧产生速率的高低与海带的抗感染能力密切相关。

45、Studies on Isolation and Purification of Fucoidan from Laminaria sp. ─── 海带岩藻多糖的分离与部分性质研究。

46、Keywords laminaria japonica polysaccharides;irradiation;lymphocyte;apoptosis apoptosis-related genes; ─── 海带多糖;辐射;淋巴细胞;凋亡;凋亡相关基因;

47、Relationships between antioxidant activities and heat-resistant features of two Laminaria japonica strains ─── 不同海带品系抗氧化系统活性与耐热性的相关性研究

48、Scavenging effects of fucoidan fractions of low molecular weight extracted from Laminaria japonica on radicals of active oxygen and antioxidation in vivo ─── 低分子量海带岩藻聚糖硫酸酯的清除活性氧自由基和体内抗氧化作用

49、Keywords Laminaria japonica.;L-fucose;Colorimetry;Gas Chromatography;Acid degradation.; ─── 海带;L-褐藻糖;比色法;气相色谱法;酸降解;

50、Laminaria is a genus to which diverse brown macroalgae belong.The members of this genus have a life cycle consisting of a monoploid gametophyte generation and a diploid sporophyte generation. ─── 摘要海带具有异型世代交替,其配子体在单独分离培养时可进行营养生长,形成无性繁殖系(克隆)。

51、Keywords Laminaria japonica;fucoidan;enzymatic hydrolysis;isolate; ─── 海带;岩藻聚糖硫酸酯;酶解工艺;分离;

52、Keywords laminaria japonica;mercury;biosorption; ─── 海带;汞离子;生物吸附;

53、ObjectiveTo study on ultrasound extraction of fucoidan from Laminaria Japonica process with water. ─── 目的研究以水为溶剂超声波强化提取海带褐藻糖胶的工艺。

54、Study on the extracting condition and deproteinization of laminaria japonica aresch polysaccharide ─── 海带多糖提取条件的优化和脱蛋白研究

55、Laminaria spp. ─── 昆布;海带;

56、Supersonic Extraction of Laminaria and Scavenging Action to Free Radical ─── 海带多糖的超声波提取及对自由基清除作用研究

57、Keywords Laminaria japonica;Alginic acid decomposing bacteria;Infection;Reactive oxygen;Polyphenol,Cell structure; ─── 海带;褐藻酸降解菌;感染;活性氧;多酚;细胞结构;

58、The Regulation of Laminaria japonica and Undaria pinnatifida to Mice's Milk Gland ─── 海带和裙带菜对鼠乳腺发育调控的研究

59、Effect of Laminaria Japonica Polysaccharides on Radioprotection and Splenic Lymphocyte Apoptosis ─── 海带多糖的抗辐射作用与脾细胞凋亡

60、Relationship Between the Polyphenol Generation and Resistance Against Infection by Acid Decomposing Bacteria in Laminaria japonica ─── 海带多酚的产生与抗褐藻酸降解菌感染的相关性

61、Keywords Laminaria Japonica Aresch polysaccharide;extracting condition;deproteinization;decolorization; ─── 海带多糖;提取条件;脱蛋白;脱色;

62、The production of reactive oxygen species in Laminaria japonica during infection of alginic acid decomposing bacteria was demonstrated universally. ─── 4、海带在褐藻酸降解菌感染下活性氧的产生具有普遍性。

63、Keywords laminaria japonica polysaccharides;irradiation;immunoloregulation;splenic lymphocyte;apoptosis; ─── 海带多糖;辐射;脾淋巴细胞;凋亡;

64、The paper shows the distribution and contents of REE in different components of Laminaria japonica by fractioning and extracting and determined the contents by ICP-AES. ─── 本文通过对海带组分的分离提取和稀土含量的测定,初步阐述了海带各组成成分中的稀土含量和分布。

65、Among the most effective for cervical dilationis LAMINARIA,a marine plant whose stem gradually expands when it is moist. ─── 使宫颈扩张最有效的植物之一是一种海洋植物昆布,当它潮湿时茎干逐渐膨胀。

66、In the improved experiment, though the laminaria japonica weight is not increased, the accuracy of result and the effect of the experiment are raised apparently. ─── 本文通过对原实验的改进,在未增加海带用量的情况下,使实验结果的准确性和实验效果得到了明显的提高。

67、Genetic relationship among brown seaweed Laminaria longissima and various cultivars of L. Japonica in China revealed by isozyme and RAPD markers ─── 中国海区不同养殖品系海带与长海带之间的遗传关系

68、This paper reported the studied results oning funcoidan from the kelp Laminaria japonica Aresch. ─── 本文报道了福建地产海带提取岩藻聚糖的研究结果。

69、Among the most effective for cervical dilation is LAMINARIA, a marine plant whose stem gradually expands when it is moist. ─── 使宫颈扩张最有效的植物之一是一种海洋植物昆布,当它潮湿时茎干逐渐膨胀。

70、Laminaria cloustonii ─── n. 克氏海带

71、In this study, 12 strains of alginic acid decomposing bacteria in surface of Laminaria japonica were isolated using microbiological methods.Five strains of them exhibited highly infective activity. ─── 本文利用微生物学的方法对病烂海带表面的褐藻酸降解菌进行了分离和筛选,得到五株强降解能力的菌株。

72、Keywords Fucoidan;Fucan structure;NMR;Methylation;Anticoagulant activity;Laminaria japonica; ─── 岩藻聚糖硫酸酯;结构分析;核磁共振;甲基化;抗凝血活性;海带;


74、Laminaria longissima ─── n. 长海带

75、Achievements and Advancements in the Biological Study of Brown Algae in Genus Laminaria ─── 海带属褐藻生物学研究成就与进展

76、Effects of constant nitrate and phosphate concentration on perfusion culture of Laminaria japonica gametophytic cells in stirred-tank photobioreactor ─── 氮、磷浓度对灌注搅拌式光生物反应器连续培养海带配子体细胞的影响

77、Keywords Laminaria polysaccharide;compound enzymes;extracting condition; ─── 海带多糖;复合酶;提取条件;

78、There are Enteromorpha, Ulva, the film reefs, seaweed, Shihua Cai, Gracilaria, Hai Luo, Laminaria, Undaria, Sea Hao Zi, Sargassum, sea water-Wo, Cai Deng Antlers. ─── 主要有浒苔、石莼、礁膜、紫菜、石花菜、江蓠、海萝、海带、裙带菜、海蒿子、羊栖菜、海禾水子、鹿角菜等。

79、Keywords Laminaria japonica;fucoidan;extraction;purification; ─── 海带;褐藻糖胶;提取;纯化;

80、Objective The functional activation of dietary fiber(DF) from Laminaria japonica and its laxative effect were studied. ─── 目的研究海带膳食纤维的功能活化及其通便作用。

81、There are rich substances in Laminaria japonica aresch which have biological activity,such as algin,fu-coidan and laminaran. ─── 海带中富含功能性物质,其中海带多糖主要包括褐藻胶、褐藻糖胶、褐藻淀粉三种,其分离提取工艺还不是太成熟。

82、Deioned Water.Pheofiltrat De Laminaria Digitata.Sodium Hyaluronate .Gamma-Polyglutamic Acid .Beta-Glucan .Ruscus Aculeatus.Aesculus Hippocastanum .Centella Asiatica. ─── 成分: 消脂藻浓缩液 .玻尿酸钠 .聚麸胺酸.燕麦贝它多醣体 .六种植物萃取.酿酒酵母.初乳蛋白 .甘草根粹取 .

83、Laminaria angustata ─── n. 狭叶海带

84、Development of pharmacological effect of laminaria japonica polysaccharides ─── 海带多糖药理作用的研究进展

85、washed Laminaria residue contains 20% of crude protein, and the palatability of the feed for Tilapia nilotica would be improved with this residue as a component. ─── 洗涤后的海带渣含20%粗蛋白,用作罗非鱼饲料组分,可以改善饲料适口性。

86、ingredients: ingredients:seaweed,soy sauce,mushroom extract,laminaria seaweed extract,amine acid,sale,sugar,chili,wasabi seasoning. ─── 成份: 紫菜,酱油,香菇汁,海带汁,氨基酸,食盐,砂糖,辣椒,芥末料.

87、Antioxidative ability in Laminaria japonic against infection of alginic acid decomposing bacteria in different periods ─── 活性氧在海带抗褐藻酸降解菌感染中不同时期的抗氧化能力

88、Action of Reactive Oxygen Species in Laminaria japonica Against Infection by Alginic Acid Decomposing Bacteria ─── 活性氧在海带抗褐藻酸降解菌感染中的作用

89、The enzymatic-chemical extraction method was studied for the production of dietary fiber from Laminaria japonica. ─── 以海带为原料,研究了酶与化学结合法提取膳食纤维的工艺技术。

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