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09-22 投稿


muddiness 发音


英:  美:

muddiness 中文意思翻译



muddiness 相似词语短语

1、moldiness ─── n.霉臭

2、faddiness ─── 时尚

3、smudginess ─── n.脏污;模糊不清

4、moodiness ─── n.喜怒无常;闷闷不乐

5、muckiness ─── 粘液

6、mouldiness ─── n.鱼雷(mouldy的变形)

7、curdiness ─── 凝乳

8、ruddiness ─── n.带红色;红色

9、giddiness ─── n.轻率;眼花

muddiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To get rid of impurities,blemishes,muddiness,or foreign matter. ─── 去除杂质、污渍、污泥或其它杂物

2、If coal gas excess, it shown dark red, muddiness, and the wall of combustion chamber could be seen hardly. ─── 如果煤气量过多,则呈暗红,混浊不清,难见燃烧室砖墙。

3、The corneal thickness gradually increased and directly related to the degree of the corneal muddiness. ─── 角膜混浊与角膜厚度呈正相关。

4、Color Associaton director Margaret Walch surveys the sheets from the table's perimeter and tries to clarify the muddiness. ─── 色彩协会会长玛格丽特。瓦曲在桌边检视纸张,试图从一团混沌中理出头绪。

5、All along the way, there are continuous ups and downs though the slopes are mild.The muddiness left by the rain added to the difficulties of the trip.How we got in, how we got out! ─── 所谓的平缓,也不过是比前一天上山的路好走而已,上上下下的缓坡仍然不断,加上前日下雨所留下的泥泞,整段过程还是不太好走。

6、To rid of impurities, blemishes, muddiness, or foreign matter. ─── 使完美去除杂质、污渍、污泥或外来事物

7、muddiness created by stirring up sediment or having foreign particles suspended. ─── 因沉淀物被搅起来或有外部的粒子悬浮而造成的不透明的状态。

8、The water's muddiness made it undrinkable. ─── 混浊的水不能喝。

9、muddiness created by stirring up sediment or having foreign particles suspended. ─── 因沉淀物被搅起来或有外部的粒子悬浮而造成的不透明的状态。

10、But I think something about my unusual right hand technique has helped me avoid that muddiness. ─── 但是我相信我的非常的右手技巧使我很好的避免了“浑”音的出现。

11、The pernicious microbe can break the colloid balance in beer,so as to the early muddiness and precipitation,the off-smell appear so in beer. ─── 有害微生物会破坏啤酒的胶体平衡,引起啤酒早期混浊和沉淀,产生异味等。

12、The equipment should cleanse usually, keep it clean, it need not has muddiness and seeper. ─── 设备应经常擦拭,保持清洁,不许有泥污积水。

13、4 Xiangwang was famous for his muddiness and been called by his country people the god of addlepated. ─── 象罔平时做事漫不经心,所以乡人给他一个绰号叫“糊涂神”,这回居然让他立下奇功。

14、"Muddiness" and "Obscurity"--Modern Features of the New Poem Occurring Twice in Literary History ─── "糊涂"与"朦胧"--新诗现代品质的二度萌发

15、Clearness and Muddiness, Yin and Yang to Transform All Things on Earth ─── 清浊阴阳化万物——日本与我国西南少数民族的创世神话比较

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