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09-22 投稿


spectroscope 发音

英:['spektr?sk??p]  美:['sp?ktr?skop]

英:  美:

spectroscope 中文意思翻译



spectroscope 词性/词形变化,spectroscope变形

形容词: spectroscopic |副词: spectroscopically |

spectroscope 短语词组

1、comparaton spectroscope ─── [建] 比谱分光镜

2、prism spectroscope ─── 棱镜分光镜

3、photographic spectroscope ─── [医] 照相分光镜

4、mass spectroscope ─── [化] 质谱仪 ─── [医] 质谱镜

5、acoustical spectroscope ─── 声学分光镜

6、constant deviation spectroscope ─── [化] 等偏分光仪

7、comparison spectroscope ─── [化] 比谱分光镜

8、electron spectroscope ─── 电子光谱仪

9、wavelength spectroscope ─── [医] 波长分光镜

10、infra-red spectroscope ─── 红外分光镜

11、autocoliimation spectroscope ─── [机] 自准直分光镜

12、direct vision spectroscope ─── [化] 直视分光镜 ─── [医] 直视分光镜

13、diffraction spectroscope ─── 衍射分光镜

14、acoustic spectroscope ─── 声谱仪

15、hand spectroscope ─── 手动分光镜

16、interference spectroscope ─── [化] 干扰光谱仪

17、autocollimation spectroscope ─── [化] 自准直分光镜

18、grating spectroscope ─── 光栅分 ─── 光镜

19、emission spectroscope ─── [化] 发射分光镜

spectroscope 相似词语短语

1、stethoscope ─── n.听诊器

2、spectroscopist ─── n.[光]光谱学家;光谱学工作者

3、spectroscopy ─── n.[光]光谱学

4、metroscope ─── n.子宫镜;测长机

5、synchroscope ─── n.同步检定器;[电子]同步示波器

6、electroscope ─── n.[电]验电器

7、spectroscopic ─── adj.光谱学的;分光镜的

8、electroscopes ─── n.[电]验电器

9、spectroscopes ─── n.[光]分光镜

spectroscope 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The spectroscopic analysis carried on Ni-based alloy visible spectrum with grating spectroscope and prism spectroscope and color spectrum had been taken, characteristic of visible spectrum was studied in Ni-based alloy. ─── 摘要使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜对镍基合金可见光谱进行看谱分析,摄制彩色图谱,研究基体元素镍和各成分元素的可见光谱特征。

2、Raman spectroscope ─── 拉曼光谱

3、line width of NMR spectroscope ─── 核磁共振谱线宽度

4、sector-field spectroscope ─── 扇形场分光镜

5、Keywords frozen maize;near-infrared spectroscope;partial least-squares (PLS);basic data;quantitative model; ─── 冻玉米;近红外光谱仪;偏最小二乘法;基础数据;定标模型;

6、The chemical structure and micro morphology of NBR/polychloroether (PCMO) blend were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscope (FTIR) and phase contrast microscope (PCM). ─── 利用傅立叶转换红外光谱仪和相差显微镜等仪器对NBR/氯化聚醚(PCMO)共混物的化学结构和微观形态进行分析。

7、microwave spectroscope ─── 微波分光镜

8、constant deviation spectroscope ─── 恒偏分光镜

9、optical spectroscope ─── 光学分光镜

10、The traditional jadeite identification methods mainly relied on refractometer,gemological microscope,Chelsea color filter and spectroscope,all these methods identified bleached jadeite(so called B jade) is very difficult. ─── 传统的翡翠鉴定方法 ,主要依赖于折射仪、宝石显微镜、滤色镜和分光镜进行检测 ,而所有这些方法对于鉴定处理翡翠 (所谓的 B货翡翠 )十分困难。

11、We put an infrared microscope—a spectroscope—on tiny tiny bits of paint. ─── 我们把红外线显微镜——一个分光镜——放在很少很少的一点颜料上。

12、Spectroscope application in chemical analyses with high demand UV/IR-range has proven as one unique field. ─── 应用于化学分析,具有高紫外/红外范围要求的分光镜应用被证明是一项独特的领域。

13、littrow spectroscope ─── 利特罗光谱仪

14、The expression of the optical path is educed when the spectroscope in Michelson interferometer is reversed. The reason of the appearance of elliptic or hyperbolic interference fringes is explained. ─── 推导了迈克耳孙干涉仪分光镜放反的情况下光程的表达式,解释了出现椭圆干涉条纹或双曲线条纹的原因.

15、MIR spectroscope ─── 中红外光谱

16、reversion spectroscope ─── 反转分光镜

17、The spectral characteristics of Zn and other components of the alloys were investigated using grating spectroscope and prism spectroscope and color spectra were taken. ─── 使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜对锌合金可见光谱进行分析研究,并摄制了彩色图谱。

18、prism spectroscope ─── 棱镜分光镜

19、Hartridge's reversion spectroscope ─── 哈特里奇(氏)反转光谱仪

20、The principle and apparatus of laser-induced breakdown spectroscope was presented in this paper. ─── 本文介绍了本单位自主研制的一种新型的激光诱导击穿光谱仪。

21、before the spectroscope .man did not know what kind of gases was in the sun or other stars.without the radiotelescope.we did not know that radio noises came from far out in space. ─── 在出现分光镜之前.人类不知道在太阳或者其他星球上有何种气体.如果没有射电望远镜.我们不知道无线电噪音来自遥远的空间.

22、hand spectroscope ─── 手提式分光镜

23、These composites are of interest to engineers in their own right, but when Dr Broomell and Dr Waite stuck ragworm jaws in an X-ray spectroscope they found no sign of mineralisation at all. ─── 不过当布鲁梅尔博士跟瓦特博士将沙蚕颌齿放到分光仪里时,他们连一丁点的矿化迹象都没发现到。

24、electrochemical impedance spectroscope ─── 交流阻抗

25、FFT spectroscope apparatus ─── 傅里叶红外光谱仪

26、emission spectroscope ─── 发射分光镜

27、The visible spectrums of ferroalloys were analyzed and investigated with optical grating spectroscope,and the color spectrograms were taken. ─── 使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜对铁合金可见光谱进行了看谱分析研究,摄制了彩色图谱。

28、Spectrometer: a spectroscope equipped with scales for measuring wavelengths or indexes of refraction ─── 分光计,装有测量折射波长或折射率的标尺的分光镜

29、Keywords Cl2/TiCl4 initiating system;IBVE;Living polymerization;Cationic polymerization;UV spectroscope; ─── 4引发体系;异丁基乙烯基醚(IBVE);活性聚合;阳离子聚合;紫外光谱;

30、The spectroscope consists of diaphragm and light filter sheet. ─── 其特征在于分光系统由一个光栏和滤光片组成。

31、Of course the principles of spectral analyses aren’t always so cleat to beginning students, so Virtual Spectroscope offers a new approach to studying spectra and spectral intensity graphs. ─── 当然这个原则的光谱分析并非总是如此,以便开始提供虚拟光谱技术提供了一种新的方法来研究光谱和光谱强度的图形。

32、wavelength spectroscope ─── [医] 波长分光镜

33、To simulate the related photoacoustic (PA) angular spectroscope experiments on the bigratings surfaces two-dimensional distortional function profiles are presented. ─── 为了模拟实验栅格,引入一种二维准正弦栅格剖面模型。

34、SONG Shi-zhe,TANG Zi-long.Electrochemical impedance spectroscope of aluminum in 3.5% NaCl solution[J].Journal of Chinese Society for Corrosion and Protection,1996,16(2):127-132. ─── [9]宋诗哲,唐了龙.工业纯铝在3.5%NaCl溶液中的电化学阻抗谱分析[J].中国腐蚀与防护技术,1996,16(2):127-132.

35、The visible spectrums of ferroalloys were analyzed and investigated with optical grating spectroscope, and the color spectrograms were taken. ─── 使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜对铁合金可见光谱进行了看谱分析研究,摄制了彩色图谱。

36、The review focuses on the 30-years' development of atomic fluorescence spectroscope technique in China,based on the published literature statistics. ─── 原子荧光分析方法的研究开发与应用在中国已有30年的历史。

37、Keywords cosmetics;Sr;atomic absorption spectroscope; ─── 化妆品;锶;原子吸收分光光度计;

38、double wavelength spectroscope ─── 双波长光谱法

39、photoelectron spectroscope ─── 光电子分光镜

40、The spectroscope shows the center of the galaxy as a white band and the movement of stars around the core is traced by a dark vertical line. ─── 从分光镜中可以看到,星系中心象一条白带,而星体围绕中心的旋转则描绘成一条黑色的垂直线.

41、Characteristic of visible light spectrum was studied on nickel in ferroalloy with grating spectro- scope and prism spectroscope. ─── 使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜对合金中铌元素可见光谱进行看谱分析研究,摄制了彩色图谱。

42、rotary-scanning spectroscope ─── 旋转扫描分光镜

43、The use of infrared spectroscope for in vivo measurement of the corneum moisturization after application of cosmetic preparations was a new method. It was simply introduced in this paper. ─── 应用红外光谱仪对皮肤角质层的活体测定是一种新的方法,本文对该方法作了简要介绍.

44、autocoliimation spectroscope ─── [机] 自准直分光镜

45、Wedge and strip anode position sensitive detector for electron momentun spectroscope ─── 楔条型位置灵敏探测器的特性

46、interference spectroscope ─── 干扰光谱仪

47、The structures and compositions of pyrite surface before and after high energy electron beam irradiation were investigated by applying X ray photoelectron spectroscope(XPS)and X ray diffraction(XRD). ─── 利用X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和X射线衍射(XRD)对高能电子束辐照前后晶体黄铁矿的表面结构进行了分析。

48、grating spectroscope ─── 光栅分光镜

49、Micro Spectroscope ─── 显微分光镜

50、From this, about 1750, the spectroscope was developed ─── 大约在1750年,据此发展了分光镜。

51、But inside, a hard-traveling team of art conservators packs an arsenal of high tech gear: an atomic-force microscope, a micro-Raman spectroscope, a nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometer. ─── 但在其内部,一个长途旅行的艺术品保护小组携带着许多高科技仪器:一架原子力显微镜、一台核磁共振松弛测量仪。

52、Spectroscope is the basic study of spectrum and spectroscopic analysis of light and specifically for us, the light from stars. ─── 光谱学基本上就是研究光谱的和深入研究光线,而对于我们来说就是来自恒星的光线。

53、semicircular spectroscope ─── 半圆形光谱仪

54、By combining the Raman spectroscope with a self-built Fiber-optic probes,we has established the site size Raman spectroscope. ─── 我们把拉曼光谱仪与实验室自制的光纤探针结合起来,建立了微区拉曼光谱系统,并基于此装置进行了实际测量,效果较好。

55、Effect of oxide film on the corrosion behaviors of B510L hot rolled steel was investigated by potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscope (EIS). ─── 摘要用极化曲线和交流阻抗等电化学方法研究了B510L热轧钢板表面氧化膜对基体钢板腐蚀行为的影响。

56、The Determination of Oxygenates in Clean Gasoline by Mid- Infrared Spectroscope ─── 中红外光谱法测定汽油中含氧化物含量

57、Auger spectroscope ─── 俄歇分光镜

58、Key words: Cavity ring-down spectroscope (CRDS); ─── 关键词: 光腔衰荡光谱技术(CRDS);

59、Precision values of atomic masses are measured in a device called a mass spectroscope ─── 原子质量的精确值是用一种称为质谱仪的装置来测量的。

60、Transformation of dopant iodine in nickel phthalocyanine due to seasoning was studied withFTIR and resonance Raman spectroscope. ─── 本文报道用富里叶变换红外光谱及激光拉曼共振光谱研究了真空老炼导致的杂质碘在酞菁镍中存在形态的变迁。

61、echelle spectroscope ─── 中阶梯光栅分光镜

62、photon correlation spectroscope ─── 光子相关光谱学

63、When making grating, there is an accompany grating because of spectroscope. ─── 在制作光栅中,由于分光镜的使用,有一伴随光栅存在。

64、X-ray fluorescence spectroscope ─── X(射)线荧光分光镜

65、interferenc spectroscope ─── 干涉分光镜

66、In the process of coal oxidized spontaneous combustion under different temperature the gaseous product was studied by the FTI spectroscope experiment. ─── 摘要应用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪实验研究了煤在氧化自燃过程中不同温度下生成的气体产物。


68、infrared Raman spectroscope method ─── 拉曼红外线光谱法

69、Prism Polarizing Spectroscope ─── 棱镜偏振分光镜

70、a spectroscope by which spectra can be photographed. ─── 光谱能够被拍下来的一种分光镜。

71、The turbidity of barium sulfate was determined with a spectroscope,and then garlicin content was calculated.This method is simple,fast,accurate,and without the need of standard sample. ─── 建立了吸光比浊法测定大蒜中大蒜素含量的新方法,该法不需大蒜素标准样品,简单、快速、实用,结果与定硫法(重量法)基本一致。

72、prominence spectroscope ─── 日珥分光镜

73、The impurity elements on the surface of the silicon sample corroded were analyzed by an energy dispersive spectroscope. ─── 用能谱仪对腐蚀后的硅表层杂质元素进行分析;

74、optical microwave spectroscope ─── 光学微波分光镜

75、He drew a line on the chart; The substance produced characteristic lines on the spectroscope. ─── 他在图上画了一条线。

76、Keywords thinnings wood of Cunninghamia lanceolata;ACQ preservative;UF resin;compound modification;anti_draining;X_ray fluorescence spectroscope; ─── 杉木间伐材;ACQ防腐剂;UF树脂;复合改性;抗流失性;X-射线荧光光谱仪;

77、Kinetic Study of the Metastable Ammonia Cluster Ions Using Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectroscope ─── 应用反射式飞行时间质谱仪研究氨团簇离子解离动力学

78、atomic fluorescence spectroscope ─── 原子荧光分析法

79、Loop frequency locking technique in phase modulation spectroscope technique R-FOG system has been researched. ─── 对基于调相谱检测技术R-FOG系统中的环路频率锁定技术进行了研究。

80、rotary scanning spectroscope ─── 机械扫描分光镜

81、spectroscope prism ─── 光谱棱镜

82、Since 1814, an instrument called the spectroscope has been used to watch sunlight. ─── 西元1814年起,人们开始使用分光镜来观察太阳。

83、The spectrophotometer for bioanalyzer was designed with concave holographic aberration-reduced grating as spectroscope and photoelectron diode array as detector. ─── 分光光度计采用全息凹面平象场光栅为分光元件、以硅光电二极管阵列为探测器。

84、radio spectroscope ─── 无线电分光镜

85、spectroscope analysis ─── 光谱分析

86、Making use of a sectional and multi-function grating spectroscope, the bromine tungsten lamp and absorbing pond, an analysis of cosmetics for the property to defend the ultraviolet ray is accomplished. ─── 摘要利用组合式多功能光栅光谱仪、溴钨灯和吸收池,对遮阳品进行光谱特性分析。

87、acoustic spectroscope ─── 声谱仪

88、The characteristics of visible spectra of Sn and Fe in Ti-based alloys were studied with grating spectroscope and prism spectroscope. ─── 使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜研究了钛合金中锡、铁元素的可见光谱线特征。

89、cavity ring-down spectroscope (CRDS) ─── 光腔衰荡光谱技术

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