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09-22 投稿


Latakia 中文意思翻译



Latakia 相似词语短语

1、Latakia ─── n.土耳其产上等香烟;拉塔基亚(叙利亚港市)

2、pataka ─── n.储存粮食的高跷建筑

3、latria ─── n.专对天主的礼拜;对上帝之最高崇拜

4、Antakiya ─── 安塔基亚

5、Jataka ─── n.本生经(记叙佛陀547个转世故事)

6、karakia ─── n.祈祷

7、karakias ─── 国王

8、Slovakia ─── n.斯洛伐克(捷克斯洛伐克一地区)

9、Lattakia ─── n.拉塔基亚(叙利亚一海港);拉塔基亚烟草(土耳其优质烟草)

Latakia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Latakia, Turkish and red Virginia. ─── 2、简介:Blakan crumble cake.

2、For the connoisseurs of full-bodied tobacco.Choicest small Latakia impart a rich nutty flavor and coolness. ─── 我感觉Latakia是965的基调,Cavendish是变化的主因,而Oriental构成变化的余韵。

3、The sources said the air battle took place when Israel Air Force fighter-jets buzzed the Syrian city of Latakia, a port used by Iran for the shipment of weapons to Hizbullah. ─── 消息人士说,空中的战斗发生在以色列空军歼击战斗机的贾米拉叙利亚城市拉塔基亚,港口使用的伊朗运送武器给真主党。

4、Wednesday's find came a day after SANA reported that archaeologists had found a Roman-era cemetery in Latakia, northwest of Damascus. ─── 周三的发现紧接前一天叙利亚通讯社报道的考古学家在拉塔基亚发现一个罗马时代的古墓,它位于大马士革西北方。

5、Mature Virginia and Oriental tobaccos spiced with a pinch of Latakia. ─── 英文简介: A classic English with a beautifully refined flavor.

6、Three protesters were reported to have been killed in a district of Damascus and at least two more in Latakia. ─── 另据报道,在大马士革地区已经有三名示威者被打死,而在拉塔基亚则至少有两个被打死。

7、Brigadier:[/B] Latakia, cubed Burley, Perique, toasted brown Cavendish with a light fruit flavor. ─── 拉塔吉亚+B白肋+C酒味卡文迪尼,配以轻微的果核口味。

8、In an ominous sign for the president, new protests have already been reported in Deraa and Latakia. ─── 而总统的恶兆是,已有报道称德拉(Deraa)和拉塔基亚(Latakia)爆发新的抗议活动。

9、Rich with Latakia, spiced with the finest Oriental leaf, mellowed with Stoved Virginia and aged into a deeply satisfying, harmonious blend. ─── 再说若喜欢上L的话 一段时间内 一定会去追求更高L比例的草 McClelland 5110 Full English Dark Full English.

10、characteristic English Mixture, developed from mellow Georgian Virginias, Black Cavendish, Mexican Burley's and Cyprian Latakia, a classic. Mild to medium strength. ─── 英国混合的特征,从柔和的格鲁吉亚维吉尼亚,黑卡文迪西,墨西哥芭里和塞浦路斯拉他吉亚,轻度到中等强度。

11、The United Nations said it was gravely concerned at the shelling of a Palestinian refugee camp in Latakia. ─── 联合国称,他们对位于拉塔基亚的巴勒斯坦难民营遭遇炮击事件非常关注。

12、A full English style flake with a healthy dose of Cyprian Latakia. ─── 一个完全的英式风格切片配合有利健康的塞浦路斯拉他吉亚。

13、Soft and sweet, rich in light Orientals and Carolina tobaccos, with somewhat less Latakia than 2040. A fine medium mixture. ─── 软又甜,富含轻东方烟草和南卡罗来纳州烟草,不超过2040的拉塔·吉亚。一款美好的中度混合物。

14、Most worrying for Mr Assad, they also broke out on a large scale in the port city of Latakia, leaving another score of people dead. ─── 最令BasharAssad忧心的是,抗议行动也在港口城市Latakia大规模爆发,造成另外二十多人丧生。

15、Mr Assad's response was to intensify his assaults against unarmed civilians, notably in the Mediterranean port of Latakia (see article). ─── 阿萨德先生的反应是增强对手无寸铁平民的袭击,尤其是地中海港口城市拉塔基亚(Latakia)港的平民(见文章)。

16、The content of this page is from the LATAKIA port or LATAKIA customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自LATAKIA港口或LATAKIA海关的进出口公司目录;

17、Latakia is home to a diverse mix of religious groups, with mostly Sunni Muslims in the urban core and Alawites in the countryside. ─── Latakia是宗教混杂的地区,大多数逊尼派穆斯林住在城里,而阿拉维派则在乡下。

18、A lavishly flavorful Balkan blend using the finest dark frangrant, cool-smoking Syrian Latakia, and seasoned with top-grade Louisiana Perique. Rich and mellow. ─── 口味中型,丰富地运用了巴尔干独特的黑暗基调,口感丰富醇厚,配以路易斯安那特有的浓黑色烟草,口味醇香甘美,回味无穷。详细描述

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