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07-01 投稿




英:[sn?k]  美:[sn?k]

英:  美:


n.小吃, 点心



动词第三人称单数: snacks | 名词: snacker | 动词现在分词: snacking | 动词过去分词: snacked | 动词过去式: snacked |


go snacks
-[口]均分, 分派[摊]
cocktail snack


1 、Both trains have dining cars and snack bars.───两趟火车都有餐车和小吃店。

2 、No, I was waiting for you to get snacks.─── 不 我刚刚在这里等你去买吃的

3 、Confectionery, Snack Foods, Sugar &Sweeteners (Importer, Ma...───印度公司求购糖果,休闲食品,糖,甜味剂

4 、Is the way you make bread the same as you make snack?───你做面包的手法是不是和做点心一样?

5 、A midday snack;midday meals.───中午快餐;中饭

6 、My hunger was curbed by the snack .───吃了点心,我的饥饿得到抑制。

7 、Do not eat, said a Tianjin snack a lot, you can taste the Shimo.───吃得就不说了,天津小吃很多,看你什莫口味了。

8 、I snack all day, but I've never quite snacked at a hole in a tree with a giant tarantula.─── 我经常吃零食 但我从来没有从树洞里取零食 吃如此巨大的塔兰托毒蛛

9 、A snack in the afternoon bridge the gap between lunch and supper.───在午餐和晚餐之间,下午吃些点心补充一下。

10 、I don't like a lot of sweets,but this way I have something to snack on.───你: 我不喜欢吃太多甜食,但这样的话我就有东西解解馋了。

11 、Do you know where I can get a quick snack?───你知道哪里有快餐可吃?

12 、Non-perishable food items, such as a snack bar.───不易坏的食物,如小吃等。

13 、Where can I get a quick snack?───哪里有快餐可吃?

14 、Do not spend too much time at the snack bar.───别在快餐店里待太久。

15 、You and your friend go to a snack bar.───你和你的朋友到快餐店买东西。

16 、No, I'm staying home, just had a shower and a snack, and you?───不,我不出去了,才刚洗完澡吃了点东西,你呢?

17 、I mean, he's driven around, he has his hair brushed, and they bring him breakfast and snacks and lunch and more snacks and then they bring him dinner, andand if he's cold, they wrap a coat around him and bring him a hot snack.─── 有人接送 有人替他梳理发型 有人给他带早餐和点心 午餐和更多点心 然后给他带晚餐 如果他觉得冷了 他们就给他裹上外套再给他带热点心

18 、An incessant craving to eat, usually snack food.───不停地想吃,通常是点心。

19 、Let 's go and get snow cone at the snack bar.───去小吃摊上买刨冰吧

20 、She prepared a snack with some cheese on toast.───她在把奶酪放到烤面包片上做成点心。

21 、Liz: Is it snack time for you?───丽兹:又到了你吃点心的时候吗?

22 、What's your favorite Chinese snack?───你最喜欢的中国零食是什么?

23 、My hunger was curbed by the snack.───吃了点心,我的饥饿得到抑制。

24 、She likes to snack while watching TV.───她喜欢一边看电视一边吃零嘴。

25 、A full lunch or just a snack?───伯恩: 是吃一顿正规的午餐呢,还是吃一顿快餐算了?

26 、Please don't snack; you will ruin your dinner.───别吃点心了,你会对正餐失去胃口的。

27 、It's healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate.───作为点心,水果比巧克力更有益于健康。

28 、Don't eat the snack all the days,let's eat some alible food.───不要整天吃零食了,咱们吃点儿有营养的东西吧。

29 、Paul: You mean I can eat a snack while I think about lunch.───保罗:妳的意思是说,我想吃午饭的时候就可以吃点心?

30 、If people want snacks, they can bring their own damn snacks.─── 如果大家想吃零食 他们可以自带零食

31 、Let's have a snack at the nearest restaurant.───咱们找个近便的饭馆吃点吧。

32 、He took a snack at 12 o'clock.───他十二点的时候吃了一份快餐。

33 、Would You And The Golden Girls Like A Snack?───你和几位黄金女郎要吃点零食吗?

34 、Would you like a snack?@ asks Mrs. Li.───“你们想吃快餐吗?” 李太太问。

35 、He ate a snack before resuming work.───他吃了一份快餐而后继续工作。

36 、Let 's goand get snow cone at the snack bar.───去小吃摊上买刨冰吧。

37 、Scrounging around the kitchenfor a late - night snack.───在厨房里四处寻找夜宵。

38 、Having a meal on the problem, snack face is father most Achates.───在吃饭问题上,快餐面是爸爸最忠实的朋友。

39 、Oh, I had a snack in the coffee shop around that corner.───哦,我在那个拐弯处的咖啡店里吃了一份快餐。

40 、What would you like for snack?───你想要吃些什么点心?

41 、What did he go to the snack bar for ?───他到快餐馆干什么?

42 、On some other trains they also serve midnight snack.───列车员: 在有些火车上还有夜宵。

43 、Lili: What snack do you like best?───丽丽:你最喜欢什么零食?

44 、Inferior snack box can affect health, how to choose?───劣质快餐盒会影响健康,如何挑选?

45 、I only have time for a snack at lunchtime.───中午,我的时间只够吃点心。

46 、I only have a snack at lunch time.───午饭我通常只吃一份快餐。

47 、Do not stay too long at the snack bar.───别在快餐馆耽误太长时间。

48 、Chuck gets his lunch at 1:00, he gets his snack at 2:30, at 3:00 he takes his nap so his snack must arrive at 2:30.─── 查克一点吃午餐 两点半吃零食 三点小憩一会 所以他的零食一定要在两点半送到

49 、I was wondering why I was getting snacks.─── 我还在想我为什么要去买吃的

50 、Xu Xian was senseless after the stroking of a big snack.───受到巨蟒的惊吓,许仙昏倒。

51 、Likewise, chew gum or eat a healthy snack to keep your mouth busy.───同样地,嚼口香糖或吃健康的零食保持嘴巴忙碌。

52 、Heehee, today's snack is all mine!───呵呵,今天的零食都是我的了!)

53 、No,I'm going to the snack bar to get a doughnut and some milk.───不,我要到小吃店买一个油炸圈饼和一些牛奶。

54 、What was Pierre Elliott Trudeau's favourite snack food?───什么是皮埃尔埃利奥特特鲁多的喜爱的休闲食品呢?

55 、There's no snacks out there. I'm starving.─── 你们这没有吃的 我快饿死了

56 、He's just fixing a snack.───他在准备一点小吃。

57 、He eats a snack before going to bed.───他睡觉前吃一份点心。

58 、How to eat: Roasted as a snack, or sprinkled on salad.───吃法:作为小点心烘烤,或者撒在沙拉上。

59 、A "golf" snack area's custom bleachers are reclaimed cedar.───一个“高尔夫”快餐区的定制台为再生雪松饰面。

60 、This is what happens when you stop for snacks on your way to stop for more snacks.─── 谁让你在去抢零食的路上 还浪费时间去买零食啊

61 、What about coming across the road for a snack?───到马路对面吃点好吗?

62 、Nobody ever tells dads what to do about snacks, and this is a good snack holder.─── 又没人告诉奶爸该怎么处理零食 这东西装零食还不错

63 、He converted his truck into a mobile snack bar.───他把货车改成流动小吃店。

64 、In places that produce rou dou kou, the pickled fruit are being eaten as snack.───一般在产地当水果用的肉豆蔻是用盐或糖或加醋腌过的果肉?毒性小。

65 、We provide a snack of a biscuit during each morning session.───在每天早班中,我们提供了一些饼干。

66 、But you've only just come. Wouldn't you like to stay for a snack?───但是你们才刚来呀。你们在这儿吃顿便饭吧。

67 、As snack, they offer us water biscuit with cheese spread .───作为小吃,他们为我们提供了带奶酪涂层的水面饼干。

68 、Yvonne nibbled on some carrot sticks as a snack.───伊冯娜一点点地啃着胡萝卜条,当作是在吃零食。

69 、The very famous local snack in Nanning is Laoyou Rice Noodles.───南宁最出名的小吃是老友粉。

70 、I am having a little snack, before having my other snack.─── 在享用你之前 我先来点零食

71 、So steam it, eat it raw as a snack, or add it to soups and salads.───因此要蒸食用,将其作为小吃生食用,或将其添加到汤或沙拉中食用。

72 、"Sichuan and Chengdu do snack, "which are spicy," and taste.───做川菜和成都小吃,“基本都是辣的”,味道不错。

73 、Ate lotz of snack on da way, shared w/ driver.───在的士吃了很多零食,还请司机吃。

74 、I reach for some snack and munchies.───伸手抓点心吃

75 、What would you want from the snack bar?───你要什么零食?

76 、Son: Look, Mom! It's my favorite snack!───儿子:妈,你看,这是我最喜欢的点心。

77 、That snack took the edge off our hunger.───吃了这点小吃,我们不那么饿了。

78 、Where shall we go to have a snack?───咱们去哪儿吃点儿东西呢?

79 、Foraged a snack from the refrigerator.───从冰箱中搜出些点心

80 、No, I'm going to the snack bar to get a doughnut and some milk.───不,我要到小吃店买一个油炸圈饼和一些牛奶。

81 、Lil'Debbie bka snack Queen aka Mz.───Smiley Face 有 46 位好友。

82 、There is pumpkin pie for snack.───今天的点心是南瓜馅饼。

83 、Lili: What kind of Chinese snack do you like?───你喜欢哪种中国零食?

84 、Don: Just having myself a little snack.───堂:只是给自己打点小吃。

85 、After the overwork, let us go to take midnight snack.───加完班,一起去宵夜。

86 、A snack in the afternoon bridges the gap between lunch and supper.───在午餐和晚餐之间,下午吃些点心补充一下。

87 、Mr Ley often used to come and have a snack with my father.───从前莱伊先生也经常来这里和我父亲一道吃快餐呢。

88 、There's a new Dicos snack at the corner of the street.───在街角有一家新开张的德克士快餐店。

89 、The snack bars at the night market all have sodium lamps.───夜市里的小吃摊儿都点着一盏盏钠灯。

90 、What snack can you serve right away?───你有什么小菜可以马上供应的?


snack 零食

零食 [ líng shí ]



[ líng shí ]




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