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08-01 投稿


grieving 发音

英:[?ɡri?v??]  美:[?ɡri?v??]

英:  美:

grieving 中文意思翻译




grieving 短语词组

1、grieving patient ─── 悲痛的病人

grieving 同义词

offend | sorrow | brood | suffer | languish | wound | distress | bleed | sigh | feel sad | depress | over | brood over | oppress | aggrieve | pain | lament | hurt | upset | afflict |mourn | sadden | mope

grieving 反义词

delight | please

grieving 词性/词形变化,grieving变形

动词现在分词: grieving |动词过去分词: grieved |名词: griever |动词第三人称单数: grieves |副词: grievingly |动词过去式: grieved |

grieving 常用词组

grieve over ─── 哀悼

grieve for ─── v. 哀悼

grieving 相似词语短语

1、scrieving ─── vi.快速滑动,迅速移动

2、aggrieving ─── v.使悲痛,使受折磨;给……造成伤害;侵害……的合法权利

3、rieving ─── 瑞文

4、grievingly ─── 悲痛地

5、engrieving ─── 说明

6、-lieving ─── 说谎

7、-riving ─── v.裂开;扯裂(rive的ing形式)

8、grievings ─── v.感到悲痛;(因某人的去世而)悲伤;(使)悲伤(grieve的现在分词);adj.(因某人去世而)悲痛的

9、shrieving ─── 尖叫

grieving 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Beatriz Manz, "Genocide of Mayan People: Grieving and Recovery in a Guatemalan Village," in Hinton, ed. ─── Annihilating Difference: The Anthropology of Genocide (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 即将出版).

2、And there shall be no more a pricking brier unto the house of Israel, nor any grieving thorn of all that are round about them, that despised them;and they shall know that I am the Lord GOD. ─── 25主耶和华如此说,我将分散在万民中的以色列家招聚回来,向他们在列邦人眼前显为圣的时候,他们就在我赐给我仆人雅各之地,仍然居住。

3、envying or grieving at the deserved credit of any, endeavoring or desiring to impair it, rejoicing in their disgrace and infamy; ─── 对别人所当得的功劳,嫉妒愤怒,妄图予以削弱、损害;别人蒙羞受辱,则高兴欢喜;

4、All had relatives and sweethearts whose lives were shattered and who may be grieving even now. ─── 他们家人、爱人因之而崩溃,至今可能还在痛心悲伤。”

5、What is Anders doing when he drunkenly falls and breaks his leg while grieving for Kara? ─── 当他为卡拉哀悼的时候,安德斯醉倒跌伤了他的腿,当时他在做什么?

6、Within the last few days a terrible event has happened in the world, an event saddening to every heart and grieving every spirit. ─── 出于爱,友谊和与你们在一起的愿望,我来到这里再一次和大家谈一谈。

7、"Where you see his Great Gold Tomb, you may hear among the pines A bird grieving in the wind that the Emperor's horses are gone." ─── 君不见,金粟堆前松柏里,龙媒去尽鸟呼风。

8、One was grieving his deceased wife. ─── 一个人在哀悼他逝去的妻子。

9、Sing the song of sorrow and grieving, ─── 唱一首关于忧愁与悔恨的歌曲

10、When people feel lonely, are grieving the loss of a loved one, or are struggling to make ends meet, their bodies go into threat mode. ─── 当人们感到孤独,为失去所爱的人而悲伤,或为维持生计而挣扎时,他们的身体就会进入威胁状态。

11、Wan Guan Zhong, Wan Biao's grieving father, said he and his wife were on a train when he received a cellphone call demanding an $800,000 ransom for his son. ─── 万贯中(音)-万飚的父亲,说他和孩子他妈当时正在火车上,手机里传来绑匪索要80万新西兰元赎金的声音。

12、In Chinese classical literature, imperishable works tend to exhibit the misery caused by the limit in freedom and energy, expressing the libertine and grieving feelings. ─── 在中国古代文学史上,千古流芳的忧生之作,往往比较多地表现对生命不自由和生命活力不能张扬的痛苦,表现由此而产生的旷达不羁、慷慨悲凉之情。

13、But have you lived your life? Or have you been lived by it? You stand outside your life, grieving, for some life that you never lived. ─── 但你是在过你的生活,还是活在你的生活里?你站在你的生活之外,为你从来没有过过的生活悲伤。

14、a person who is grieving over someone who has died. ─── 为某人的死而悲痛伤心的人。

15、You'll be dancing once again, and the pain will end. You will have no time for grieving. ─── 你将再一次起舞,伤痛也将结束。你将不会再次沉浸于悲伤之中。

16、Dress like a Sheriff and crucify some poor, grieving father, just for old time's sake, you know? ─── [穿的像个警长一样,摧残某个可怜的悲痛的父亲,看在以前的份儿上,明白?

17、She was grieving for her dead baby. ─── 她为死去的孩子悲伤。

18、They really turned up for us on this thing. It's really important, especially while America's mourning and grieving... ─── 他们在这件事上非常支持我。这非常重要,特别是在美国出于悲痛和忧伤中时...

19、It is to be filmed, on national television, grotesquely exposing a grieving family's most private and sensitive moments to millions of greedy, curious eyes. ─── 国家电视台要将葬礼拍成纪录片,将悲痛中的家人的私密情感放大给成千上万双好奇贪婪的眼睛。

20、Grieving is a natural human reaction to the loss of a pet. ─── 当宠物离世后,我们感到悲痛是一件自然的事情。

21、Bree's mother-in-law, Phyllis continues to drive Bree crazy with her melodramatic grieving, and Carlos makes an unusual request of Gabrielle. ─── 其母亲与冰暂住,但这位麻烦奶奶却令忍耐力惊人的冰也感到十分为难。丈夫身在狱中的嘉碧继续为卡奴在狱外奔波以确保他能安全出狱。

22、And there shall be no more a pricking brier unto the house of Israel, nor any grieving thorn of all that are round about them, that despised them;and they shall know that I am the Lord GOD. ─── 四围恨恶以色列家的人、必不再向他们作刺人的荆棘、伤人的蒺藜、人就知道我是主耶和华。

23、If your sadness stops evaporating, if a certain amount of it just isn't budging, simply grieving may not be enough. ─── 如果你的悲停止蒸发,如果一定数量的悲就是不做让步,那么单单地悲伤也许还不够。

24、If the disaster involved the death of a close family member, untangling the grieving process from the traumatic circumstances of the loss becomes an important part of the assessment. ─── 如果灾难包括近亲的死亡,那么从灾难情景中化解悲伤的过程则是评估的重要部分。

25、There was a living air about the grieving angel, as if its arms could really reach out and grab you if you weren't careful. ─── 有关于追悼的天使的生存空气,好象它的胳膊可能真正地提供援助和劫掠您,如果您没有小心。

26、Tom came up to the fence and leaned on it, grieving, and hoping she would tarry yet awhile longer. ─── 汤姆走到栅栏前,倚在栅栏上,悲痛欲绝,希望她再多呆一会儿。

27、grieving, and hoping she would tarry yet a while longer. ─── 他很伤心,希望她再多留一阵子。

28、Game theory makes demanding assumptions about human rationality that may not apply to grieving fans. ─── 博弈论需要的是人类理性,可能并不适用于悲伤的歌迷。

29、The huge void in my life, this intense grieving. ─── 强烈的空虚无助、强烈的痛苦占据我的生活。

30、Nothing except the knots of grieving relatives mourning their dead, the red-clad rescue workers searching the ground for human remains and the tons of mud and rubble where once the village lay. ─── 仅有那一群群悲伤的亲人悼念亡者,那些穿著红色服装的救难队员在地面搜寻遗骸,还有在曾是村庄的位置上数以吨计的泥浆与碎石。

31、Counselors agree that a period of grieving is critical. ─── 专家们赞同,哭上一段时间是至关重要的。

32、But as the first grieving fades, and all those people Jackson's lawyers paid to keep quiet get other people to pay for their stories, the tabloid tattling will return. ─── 但是,在最先到来的悲伤褪去之后,所有接受过杰克逊律师支付费用的人正安静等待其他人来买他们的故事,小报八褂将卷土重来。

33、One trick is to find ways to donate items the hoarder cares about -- particularly if he is grieving for a lost loved one. ─── 一个技巧是找到捐赠囤积者关心的物品的办法,尤其是如果他是因失去亲人感到悲痛而囤东西的话。

34、Hillel, the head of the Sanhedrin, was unable to offer any solace to the grieving heart of Jesus regarding the blood-ceremony when the lad sought his assistance. ─── 希勒尔的负责人公会,无法提供任何安慰悲痛的心耶稣关于血液仪式时法援署寻求他的协助。

35、She has earned a place in heaven as our time of grieving and mourning is over. ─── 她赢得了地方在天堂我们的时间悲痛和哀悼结束。

36、While some supported Bush's attempt to safeguard the privacy of grieving families, others criticized the order for whitewashing the brutality of combat. ─── 一些人支持老布什保护阵亡士兵家人隐私的努力,另外一些人则批评该项禁令有粉饰战争残酷性之嫌。

37、If grieving seriously interferes with everyday life, you may need to be treated for depression. ─── 如果悲伤严重地影响了日常生活,你就要治疗抑郁症了。

38、This memorial may bring you great comfort during the grieving period, and can be removed once your life starts getting back to normal. ─── “纪念角”能够在你最悲痛的日子里给你带来极大的安慰;等到你的生活恢复正常,即可将其撤去。

39、Everyone seems good.Everyone talks about celebrating Gramm's life, not grieving her death, she was beloved. ─── 大家坐在一起缅怀纪念奶奶的一生,没人触及她已辞世这一悲伤的话题。

40、She is still grieving for her dead husband. ─── 她仍在为死去的丈夫伤心。

41、Grieving, like physical caretaking, differs from case to case. ─── 像实际的照料一样,悲伤也要具体看情况。

42、The Ultras have been widely commended for the banner they unveiled in a moving show of support of their grieving tactician. ─── 但球迷发出的如雷般的掌声,已经证明了一切,他们支持他们的主教练在悲痛中制定出的战术。

43、Piers has been helping the grieving families and trying to be strong. The memorial service was very moving and very necessary. I was in floods of tears. ─── Piers一直在帮助这些悲痛的家庭,并努力显得坚强。悼念仪式非常感人,也非常必要。我当时泪如潮涌。

44、There's no use grieving over it. ─── 为此难受也没有用。

45、And they are grieving over the loss of a loved one in the family. ─── 她们因着失去一位挚爱的亲人而哀伤。

46、As it dripped slowly down the soles of the young boy's feet, I found I was crying and turned away in shame from the grieving mothers nearby. ─── 当消毒药水顺着一个男孩的脚底慢慢滴下来的时候,我发现自己忍不住哭了,羞愧地从那些悲伤的母亲身旁走开。

47、It was a sad time to come to England, in many ways, and despite the excitement of her day in the palace, a part of Nora was grieving over her betrayal by Cal. ─── 在很多方面,这都是英格兰忧伤的时刻,虽然她在宫廷里快乐,而卡巴顿的背叛始终使她忧伤。

48、The bodies of fourteen people abducted and killed by gunmen south of Baghdad on Friday were received by grieving relatives on Saturday. ─── 周五在巴格达南部被持枪歹徒绑架并杀害的14人的遗体于星期六交给了悲伤的家属。

49、grieving over the departing spring ─── 伤春

50、4.The notion of ENVYING Catherine was incomprehensible to him, but the notion of grieving her he understood clearly enough. ─── 嫉妒凯瑟琳的说法他不太理解,但是说道凯瑟琳伤心,他却非常清楚。

51、She wept freely, grieving for her lost home, for her beloved parents, who had been so tender, caring and supportive. ─── 她自由地哭泣,为她不再的家园哀悼,为她挚爱的、温柔的、有爱心的、支持自己的父母哀悼。

52、Angry and grieving over the recent death of her son, she eventually becomes a surrogate mother to her new housemates. ─── 由于对儿子刚死感到愤怒和悲痛,她最终成了三位新房客的干妈。

53、They are still grieving for their dead child. ─── 他们还在为死去的孩子伤心。

54、Adams was disappointed in losing to Jefferson, but was also grieving the loss of his son Charles when Jefferson was sworn in. ─── 亚当斯对输给杰佛逊非常失望,但杰佛逊宣誓就职时,亚当斯在哀悼他过世的儿子查尔斯。

55、Don't waste time grieving over past mistakes learn from them and move on. ─── 刚自学,你可要多帮我。早一点脱离菜鸟的称号。

56、They will often shoot young elephants to draw in a grieving parent, which is then killed for its tusks. ─── 他们往往会先射杀幼小的大象,引出悲痛的母象公象,然后捕杀它们以谋取象牙。

57、"If you don't have another baby, my sister will be grieving her whole life," Mr Luo's brother-in-law warned him.Mr Luo said he was shocked by the tactlessness of the suggestion. ─── “如果不再有另外一个孩子,我姐姐也许将悲伤一辈子”,罗先生的舅姥爷警告他,罗先生被这个不是很成熟的建议震惊了。

58、It so happened that Baoyu had just arrived in the garden. For he was still grieving so much over Qin Zhong's death that the Lad Dowager often told his servants to take him there to distract him. ─── "可巧近日宝玉因思念秦钟,忧戚不尽,贾母常命人带他到园中来戏耍."

59、To Maiev's relief, the prospect of revenge sufficed to motivate the grieving Malfurion, just as it kept Maiev herself going. ─── 令玛维欣慰的是,复仇的期望让悲伤的玛法里奥重新振作起来,就像玛维自己一样。

60、” Her throat, full of aching, grieving beauty, told only of her unexpected joy. ─── 她的声音哀艳动人,可是她吐露的只是她意外的喜悦。

61、McWhorter acknowledges that formal language is not strictly necessary, and proposes no radical education reforms—he is really grieving over the loss of something beautiful more than useful. ─── 承认正式的语言并不是绝对必要的,也没有提出任何激进的教育改革——他实际上是在为失去一些美丽但相对不实用的东西而悲伤。

62、Hearing your leaving news, there was not much surpriesd reflection on me, and just grieving, paly sad for your inexorability, and also for hearing nothing like a bouncing "Bye". ─── 听到你走的消息,我没有任何诧异,只是伤心,为你的冷酷,为没能听到一声跳跃的“再见”。

63、12.No matter how you heart is grieving, if you keep on believing,the dream that you wish coe true. ─── 不管你的心理有多么悲伤,只要信念坚定,梦想就会变成现实。

64、But at these words he was saddened, and he went away grieving, for he was one who owned much property. ─── 他听见这话,脸上就变了色,忧忧愁愁的走了。因为他的产业很多。

65、Dysfunctional grieving ─── 功能障碍性悲痛

66、I was secretly pleased that New York appeared to be grieving along with me; that the city seemed as frozen as I felt. ─── 纽约城看来和我的心一样冰冻了,它在和我一起哀伤,我居然暗自有些欢愉。

67、A grieving couple plunged to their deaths at Beachy Head clutching a rucksack containing the body of their five-year-old boy after he died of meningitis, it emerged today. ─── 今日消息:五岁男童因脑膜炎早夭,痛不欲生的父母怀抱装有他遗骸的帆布包在比奇角跳崖身亡。

68、If the midlife crisis is inevitable, the Z4 eases the grieving. ─── 如果中年危机是不可避免的,简化了的Z4悲痛。

69、Shanghai was assigned the responsibility for post-quake construction in Dujiangyan, where over 1000 students died in 3 collapsed schools. Pray for grieving parents. Jer. 31:18 ─── 上海被指派负责都江堰地震后重建工程。都江堰三所学校倒塌,1000多位学生丧生。为哀悼中的父母祷告。耶31:18

70、Because I went through a similar loss of my own teenage daughter a few years ago, I was able to offer some advice to this stunned and grieving church. ─── 因为我自己在几年前,也经历了丧失年少的爱女之痛,所以,在这个震惊和难过的时刻,我能给予这个教会一点建议。

71、Sing a song of sorrow and grieving ─── 唱著哀伤苦恼之歌

72、Meanwhile at Charles de Gaulle airport outside of Paris, the grieving continues. ─── 另一方面,在巴黎的戴高乐机场,悲痛欲绝的场面仍然四处可见。

73、And I've no doubt you'll be a great comfort to the grieving widow. ─── 我肯定你还会是那位丧偶的寡妇最好的慰藉。

74、Their daughter died over a year ago, but they are still grieving ─── 他们的女儿死去已一年多了, 但他们现在仍很悲痛.

75、Perhaps, as in one case that I know of, a distant, rejecting wife turned out to be a very sad woman, grieving the loss of her mother. ─── 冷淡、有排斥心理的妻子原来是一个非常悲伤的女人,因为失去母亲而肝肠寸断。

76、It's no use grieving about past errors. ─── 为过去的错误懊悔不已是无济于事的。

77、Most often, heartbroken people are unknowingly grieving a loss or trauma rooted in childhood or adolescence. ─── 多数时候,心碎的人们会不知不觉地在对起源于童年或青春期时期的一次失去或创伤感到悲伤。

78、People would think me very childish if they saw me grieving like this for the death of such a woman; but people could not know what I made that woman suffer,how cruel I was,how good and uncomplaining she was. ─── 一个陌生人看到我为这样一个姑娘的死如此悲痛,可能会觉得我太傻,那是因为他不知道我过去是怎样折磨这个女人的。那时候我是多么狠心啊!她又是多么温柔,受了多大委屈啊!

79、Sing the song of sorrow and grieving carried away by a moonlight shadow. ─── 在晚上耳语的树,被一种月光影子带走。

80、It is also important to acknowledge that living with a disease can bring a certain amount of loss and grieving. ─── 同时必须承认,患病确实会给你带来很多失落和悲伤。

81、Hearing your leaving news,there was not much surpriesd reflection on me, and just grieving, paly sad for your inexorability,and also for hearing nothing like a bouncing "Bye". ─── 听到你走的消息,我没有任何诧异,只是伤心,为你的冷酷,为没能听到一声跳跃的“再见”。

82、Researchers might not ever know how much of the chimpanzees' behaviors were stemming from emotions analogous to grieving humans. ─── 研究人员恐怕还无法知道黑猩猩的这些行为中有多少是出自于那种和悲伤中的人相类似的情感的。

83、Grieving the end of a relationship is a gradual process of extracting the "I" from a vanishing "we. ─── 为一段关系的结束而悲伤,是一个逐渐把“我”从正在消失的“我们”中抽出的过程。

84、Tony was injured and died on the island where he was buried by his grieving father. ─── 受伤并死亡,被他悲伤的父亲埋在沙漠里。

85、You will have no time for grieving ─── 你将没有时间悲伤

86、It was a grieving moment beyond any description, even now when I recollect it. ─── 在那一刻真的很难用言语来表达什么,即使是在现在。

87、The notion of ENVYING Catherine was incomprehensible to him,the notion of grieving her he understood clearly enough. ─── 嫉妒凯瑟琳的说法他不太理解,说道凯瑟琳伤心,他却非常清楚。

88、Culturalgroups have considerable variation regarding views of loss, death, home, the family, spiritual practices, grieving, celebrating, mental health, and helping. ─── 不同文化的群体对失去、死亡、家、家庭、精神体验、悲伤、仪式、心理健康、援助这些词的理解有一定的差异。

89、It's important to find the right Mesothelioma lawyer before your state's statutes of limitations expire, leaving you and your family grieving and empty-handed. ─── 它必须找到合适的律师才贵间皮瘤国家法定时效届满,离开你和你的家人悲痛、空手。

谁能正确的翻译下这首歌David Cook - Light On












































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