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06-28 投稿




英:[?k?ns??kwen??l]  美:[?kɑns??kw?n??l]

英:  美:


adj.重要的, 间接的, 随之发生的, 自高自大的


名词: consequentiality | 副词: consequentially |


second | ensuant | attendant | subsequent | resultant | to | sequential | from | consequential | eventual | logical | derivable | ascribable | attributable | accompanying | resulting | sequent | concomitant | owing | ensuing | deductive | attributable to | following | due to | incidental | successive | due | inferential | owing to | educible




1 、consequential evolution───因果演化

2 、In no event shall either party be liable for special,indirect or consequential damages,whether or not caused or resulting from the negligence of such party.───任何一方均不对特殊,间接或继后的损害负责,不论其是否是因一方当事人过失而引起或产生。

3 、a consequential man in the field of international diplomacy───国际外交方面的一位重要人物

4 、EDTM, Inc. assumes no liability for the consequential damages of any kind through the use or misuse of the SD2400 product by the purchaser or others.───EDTM对于由客户或其他使用者不正确的操作或误用造成直接或间接损坏,不承担任何保固责任.

5 、She is injure and suffer a consequential loss of earnings.───她受了伤因而收入受损。

6 、Despite the negative effects of deforestation and the consequential decline of biodiversity, trees are cut down for an economic and consumer benefit.───尽管存在毁林造成的负面影响及因此引发的生物多样性衰退,人们仍然为了经济利益和消费者需求而不断砍伐林木。

7 、Skeptics view most of these as inconclusive or otherwise consequential.───怀疑论的观点是大多数这些东西是作为随机而发生,或者是相因而生。

8 、The Analysis of Multi-Stage Consequential Games for Inter-Firms Innovation Adoption───企业间创新采用的多阶段序贯博弈分析

9 、DAT is not liable for consequential damages arising out of any failure of the equipment to perform as intended.───我们不负责由于设备运行故障所引起的一系列问题,我们也不负责已售设备由于使用出现的问题。

10 、These results are simply because perpetual growth is unsustainable and bankruptcy, redundancy, foreclosure, administrations, liquidations, loan defaults and the raising of a country's debt ceiling, are all built in consequential and we should expect nothing else of this system.─── 这是因为无限增长无法持续 同时破产 裁员 抵押 执行 清算 贷款违约 以及提升国债上限等情形 都将因此而接连出现 除此之外我们不该对这个系统抱其他希望

11 、Today’s other big coastal manufacturing centers, such as Xiamen, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, and Shanghai, were for centuries consequential Chinese cities.───当今中国的其他沿海制造业中心,像是厦门、广州、杭州和上海,都已经作为中国名城有好几个世纪了。

12 、She be injure and suffer a consequential loss of earnings───她受了伤因而收入受损

13 、"The year's only really consequential legislation was the reform of Social Security" (New York Times)───“这一年中唯一真正重大的立法是对社会保险制度的改革”(纽约时报)

14 、In no event shall Seller be liable for any loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business, or indirect, special or consequential damages of any kind.───在任何情况下,卖方均不就利润损失、失去用途、业务中断、或者任何种类的间接、特殊或结果性的损失承担赔偿责任。

15 、The consequential adjustments by the natives and newcomers are often traumatic.───土生土长的人们和外来人口之间,所需要作出的相互调整和适应,往往是令人感到非常不愉快的经验。

16 、There are there theories on the concept of burden of proof: behavioral burden theory, consequential burden theory, and double meanings theory.───我国关于举证责任的概念存在三种学说:行为责任说、结果责任说、双重含义说。

17 、In the objective aspect, the basic criminal acts of Aggregated Consequential Offense have the inherent risk or the possibility of aggregative the result;───具体而言,在客观方面,结果加重犯中的基本犯罪行为具有加重结果发生的内在危险性或现实可能性;

18 、She's been involved in numerous deals and consequential in the success of more than a few.─── 她参与过许多交易 并在许多次成功中都扮演了重要角色

19 、consequential damages───[法] 间接损害, 后果的损害

20 、"In no event will Vasa, inc. be liable for inc.dental or consequential damages resulting from a defective unit or improper assembly or use."───Vasa公司在任何情况下对机器缺陷、装配或使用不当造成的附带损坏或间接损坏不负任何责任。

21 、In no event shall either party hereto be liable to the other for indirect, special or consequential damages or for loss of anticipated profits.───任何一方不能让对方承担这些间接的、特殊的或估算的损失,或承担预计中的利润损失。

22 、CFO is a consequential figure in realizing VBM.───CFO在VBM的实现中占据了举足轻重的地位。

23 、In no event, whether as a result of breach of contract, warranty, alleged negligence or liability without fault, shall the Seller be liable for special, indirect or consequential damages.───无论在何种情况下,无论是对于违约、担保、所谓的疏忽或者无过失赔偿责任所导致的结果,卖主将对特殊的间接损害不负有责任。

24 、Bentham talked about consequential morality, meaning the greatest good for the greatest number of people.─── 边沁曾讨论过*后果 让最多的人得到最好的结果

25 、Chances are, when the appointed time comes, the issues that plagued your thoughts earlier will seem less consequential.───当决定的时候到来时,你会发现先前的想法不是那么重要了。

26 、Reknowing the Consequential Aggravated Crime within the Theory of Criminal Law───关于刑法理论结果加重犯的再认识

27 、One of the most consequential acts is creating another human life.Kaito Nakamura is a father and with it comes consequences.───--生活中的任何事都是会有结果的.其中最重要的一个就是创造出另一个人类.

28 、But perhaps the most consequential effort being undertaken is the teaching of climate protection in schools.───但可能正在做的最重要的努力是在学校教授环境保护。

29 、I am but a humble guest, but please permit me to raise a glass to what I think we all can agree is the most improbable yet consequential occasion.─── 我只是一名普通的来宾 但是请允许我举起酒杯 敬这对公认最不可能结合 却偏偏永结同心的眷侣

30 、If we take a hypothetical hunk of DNA as software code, and alter it, there is a consequential body that must be grown before the effects of the alteration can manifest itself.───如果我们把一段假想的DNA当成软件代码,对它做一个改动,那么,在改动的结果能证明自己之前,必须先相应地发育出一个有机实体。

31 、6.The key problem is that equating probabilism with reason crowds out consequential thinking.───关键的问题是相等的或然率加上理性的群众,出来的往往是必然的想法。

32 、Marketing the development of competition as a historical process, we must change the environment in the market after the consequential changes.───市场营销竞争的发展作为一个历史的过程,必须在市场环境改变之后不断作出相应的变化。

33 、In fact, knowledge of this continental arc is fundamental for constraining the geodynamics of the northward Neo-Tethyan subduction, particularly its consequential effect on the magmatic evolution.───对此陆缘火山弧的瞭解程度,对于进一步探究新特提斯洋隐没的动力学机制,特别是造山活动对岩浆演化的影响效应,至关重要。

34 、On the Stiffer Penalty to the Consequential Criminal───也谈结果加重犯

35 、Criminal Illegality; Subjective Illegality ; Objective Illegality ; Behavioral Incrimination; Consequential Incrimination .───刑事违法性;主观违法性;客观违法性;行为无价值;结果无价值

36 、I am grateful for the honor of this hour, mindful of the consequential times in which we live and determined to fulfill the oath that I have sworn and you have witnessed.───我十分感激你们给我的这个光荣时刻,十分清楚地认识我们所处的这个伟大时代,并一定要实现我刚刚所作的、你们所见证的誓言。

37 、Several problems about abortive form of consequential offense───关于结果犯未遂形态的几个问题思考

38 、Therefore, the ultimate society is the social property sublimation of the consequential societies, that is, the qualitative leap of social properties.───所以,极限社会是序列社会的社会性质的升华,也就是社会性质的质的飞跃。

39 、Microsoft assumes no liability for incidental or consequential damages should the sample code be used for purposes other than as intended.───对于因将示例代码用于其他用途而出现的偶然或必然的损害,Microsoft不承担任何责任。

40 、Not only is wrath consequential, at the end of time the wicked will be unsheltered by divine grace -- there will be no protection from the evil one.───愤怒不单是行为的结果,在末后的时代,罪恶的人将不会受到恩典的保护,也因此不会受保护脱离撒但。

41 、” Or set aside 30 minutes late in the day to do nothing but ruminate.Chances are, when the appointed time comes, the issues that plagued your thoughts earlier will seem less consequential.───"要么在当天的晚此时候,腾出三十分钟专门来好好想想这件事.事情来临之时,这些早前困扰你的问题看来并没有那么严重.

42 、The specified consequence in the consequential offense can only he material results, which is the popular viewpoint in our country.───摘要我国居于通说地位的观点认为,结果犯的结果只能是物质性结果。

43 、Consequential Loss (CL)───后果损失

44 、Consequential evaluation and practical reason───后果评价与实践理性

45 、It must be exhausting, being so consequential.─── 你这么举足轻重 一定很累吧

46 、after reportedly missing a prearranged appointment last week, and then the consequential punishment run the next morning.───据说其错过上周一次预先安排的会议,然后又未参加随后第二天早晨的惩罚练习。

47 、consequential effect───后果

48 、consequential loss───从属损失, 间接损失

49 、consequential arc back───持续性逆弧

50 、To be sure, the consequential easy monetary conditions have been very helpful to the economy.───当然,这种宽松的货币状况有利本港经济。

51 、Teacher organizations are an important part of civil society in western developed countries, and they play a consequential role in the state political life and education reform.───教师组织是西方发达国家公民社会的重要组成部分,在国家的政治生活和教育改革与发展中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

52 、In no event is WL liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of your use of the Site or the content thereof, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages───在任何情况下,WL对由于您使用站点或其内容而导致的损害负责,包括直接、间接、偶发、后果或惩罚性的损害

53 、The CLP Group shall, under no circumstances, be responsible for any direct, indirect, consequential or special loss or damage arising out of the use of the CLP Group Website.───倘中电集团在网上收发讯息期间出现任何延误、删除、损失、改道、更改或损毁,因而令阁下招致损失,中电集团不会为此承担责任。

54 、Neither side shall raise any claim on the other for losses of use,profit or contracts,indirect and consequential loss arising under the law of contract or tort including negligence and breech of duty.───双方不得以产品损失,利润和合同,或是在法律和约和民事侵权行为包括疏忽责任在内而引起的间接损失,向对方增加任何索赔.

55 、liquidated and ascertained damages for delay, non-completion or non-compliance with contract conditions, loss of revenue, increased financing costs or any other consequential loss or loss of use;───因延迟、未完成或未遵守合同条件而发生的、根据合同事先确定的或已确定的赔偿金、收入的减少、财务成本加大、及其他后果损失或丧失使用的损失;

56 、In no event shall seller be liable for prospective profits, or indirect, incidental, or consequential damages for any breach of warranty.───卖家对预期利益,间接损失,偶然事件造成的损失不负责任。

57 、In no event shall the Seller be liable for lost profits, delay, injury to goodwill or any special or consequential damages howsoever any of the same are caused.───对于利润损失、延误、商誉损害或任何特别或间接的损害赔偿,不论任何原因引起的,卖方概不承担责任。

58 、We shall not be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, any lost, damage, or third party claims resulting from the use or misuse herein.───在您正确使用或不正确使用的过程中,我们没有任何的法律责任在任何特别的、偶然的、或持续性的损坏事故,包括不限于任何损失、毁损或第三者索偿。

59 、However, with the unemployment rate rising markedly since middle of the year and consequential to the shock from the September 11 incidents, consumer spending moderated distinctly in both the third and fourth quarters.───不过,随?失业率自年中起显着上升,加上九一一事件的冲击,令消费开支在第三及第四季明显放缓。

60 、Rosedale Hotel &Suites Guangzhou, therefore, is not liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages of information or data as arise out of data transmission to us.───所以珀丽酒店对任何直接或间接的资料损害或资料传送失败不承担任何的法律责任。

61 、Cloud chemistry model and some consequential advances in its researches───云化学模式及其若干研究进展

62 、Probably the biggest question Bush leaves behind is about the most consequential choice of his presidency: his decision to invade Iraq.───可能布什遗留下来的最头疼的问题,是他在任期内做得最重要的决定----发动对伊战争。

63 、Modus ponens from premises "if A, then C, A" can be suppressed with the introduction of the additional premise "if C, then Q , "when Q is a consequential conditionals with a negative outcome.───3.当引进了额外前提“如果C,那么Q,”而且这个额外前提是一个带有消极结果的结果性条件时,“如果A,那么C,A”肯定式会受到抑制。

64 、Party B shall not instigate the driver to drive by breaching relevant operation regulations, or otherwise all consequential loss and damages to Party A shall rely on Party B.───乙方不得唆使驾驶员违反相关操作规范,否则一切甲方所受损失和破坏均由乙方负责。

65 、Impact craters arise on the basic body so that in the course of time consequential damages could arise from material abrasion.───文章之前提到转动的力量可能会影响到机器的零件。

66 、...and though senses are not univocal nor absolute,they vary synchronically within limits too narrow to be consequential.───尽管感觉/感知不是单一,绝对的,但他们的瞬间变化(/限时变化)是微不足道的。

67 、Jurisprudence is a law branch on the conviction and the measurement of penalty.The disposition of the legal penalty of the consequential offense is both a theoretical problem and a practical problem.───刑法学是研究定罪与量刑问题的部门法学,结果犯这种犯罪的基本完成形态之一的法定刑是如何配置的,既是一个理论问题,也是一个实践问题。

68 、We will NOT be liable for special or consequential damages.───我方对特殊的或随之引起的损害不承担任何责任。

69 、In any case, due to the site direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive or exemplary damages, the website and its owners do not undertake any responsibility.───在任何情况下,因本网站造成的直接,间接,偶然,必然的,特殊的,惩罚性或惩戒性损害赔偿,本网站不承担任何责任。

70 、In no event shall USL be liable for collateral, special or consequential damages.───USL将不对特别的或者间接的损害负责。

71 、In No Event Shall ABC Be liable for Incidental or Consequential Damages to the Full Extent Such May Be disclaimed by Law.───在法律许可范围内,ABC将不对意外或间接损坏承担任何责任。

72 、'Possibly the most consequential economic question of the 21st century for the United States and for China is whether we get our economic relationship 'right.───21世纪对美国和中国提出的最具影响力的经济问题可能就是我们能否具有‘正确的’经济关系。”

73 、We can't have the country's most consequential busines*an taken by bandits.─── 我们可不会让全国 最举足轻重的实业家被土匪绑了

74 、A general average loss is a loss caused by or directly consequential on a general average act. It includes a general average expenditure as well as a general average sacrifice.───共同海损损失是由共同海损行为造成的或其直接后果所致的损失。它包括共同海损牺牲和共同海损费用。

75 、The Vampire Lord Giovanni, has been taming the lands around his kingdom, hoping to offer them as a consequential gift of affiliation to the chosen one.───吸血伯爵乔瓦尼一直在安抚王国周边的属地,希望能把它们作为归降时的见面礼送给神选者。


77 、I would never do anything so consequential without your approval.─── 我绝不会未经你同意 擅自做重要的决定

78 、No, no, what I mean ?is you're good at clarifying which ideas are, uh, heading in the right direction and mapping consequential results.─── 不是 我的意思是你很擅长理清 哪一个想法的方向是正确的 并预估相应结果

79 、consequential penalty───后果性惩罚

80 、Some states in america do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so these limitations may not apply to you.───在美国的某些州,不允许对于事故及其后果所造成的损失加以排除和限制,所以在这些州,不适用于这些除外条款。

81 、In the eyes of science historians, Darwin's most consequential claim was that the discontinuous face of life as a whole was an illusion.───在科学史家的眼中,达尔文最具结论性的主张,是他认为将生命视作整体时所呈现的间断割裂的面貌,其实是一种幻象。

82 、Shall be liable for any third party claims for loss of any nature, including but not limited to lost profits, punitive, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages.───将被任何第三方的任何性质的损失索赔,包括但不限于利润损失、惩罚、间接、特殊、附带或相应的赔偿。

83 、In no event will licensor be liable for special, incidental, or consequential damages even if licensor has been advised of the possibility that such damages may arise.───无论如何,许可人不负责赔偿特殊、杂项或结果性的损失,即使已通知许可人有可能发生该等损失的,也是如此。

84 、It was easily the most enlightening, consequential five days I've ever spent in a chalet.─── 那是我在小别墅中度过的 最有启发意义最为重要的五天

85 、* is not responsible for any lost data, income or any consequential damage howsoever caused.───*不对任何情况下导致的任何数据丢失、收益或任何间接损失负责。

86 、a consequential figure in the academic community.───学术界举足轻重的人物

87 、I'm grateful for the honor of this honor, mindful of the consequential times in which we live, and determined to fulfill the oath that I have sworn and you have witnessed.───我感谢这个时刻带来的荣耀,意识到我们时代的期盼并期待完成我的誓言,请你们作证。

88 、(HHK shall not be liable in any event for any consequential or special damages or other indirect loss, however arising whether or not HHK has know ledged that such damages might be incurred.───五、HHK 在任何情况下都没有责任承担由于重大事故、特别损害,或其他间接原因造成 的损失,不管 HHK是否认知这些损失可能产生。

89 、On June 28, 1999, Bill C - 67, An Act to amend the Bank Act, the Winding - up and Restructuring Act and other acts relating to financial institutions and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, came into force.───加拿大对外国银行分行准入曾经是采取禁止的态度,到1999年6月28日加拿大联邦立法机构通过了《第C-67法令》。


consequentiao 实际就是consequential 是从consequent衍生出来的.意思是

因之而起的,归结为,必然是.其近义词是 important, significant.反义词是






雅思大作文中有一类题目是因果关系类,具体包括三小类:cause and effect、cause and solution、problem and solution。这三小类问题也可以穿起来,即针对某个topic的cause—effect(即problem)– solution。无论哪种题目,写明因果关系很重要。关于因果关系的表达同学们都很熟悉,无非是BS(because / so),而且大家也一定很清楚的知道BS在英语中,用了前者就不能用后者的道理。例如:

Because further education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, an increasing number of people have degrees

Further education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, so an increasing number of people have degrees.



1. because of : because后接的是一个句子(主谓宾);because of 后一般直接跟名词。例如:

Because of the increasing number of machine—and as we noted before, machines magnify human effort—then anyone using a machine can

get a higher wage than anyone not using a machine.

2. as / since (除了“因为“外,还有”自从”的意思,使用时要注意避免歧义)

Hours spent on commuting, traffic jams, and fights for parking should diminish, since workers make fewer journeys or work staggered hours

Unfortunately, as the number of people living in the city increases, so do the different problems associated with population growth. (注意此句中的so不表示“所以”,而是“…也…”的意思)

3. thanks to (positive situations 通常适用于结果好的时候)

Thanks to new technology, it's easier than ever to work remotely.

due to (negative situations通常使用与结果不好的时候)

owing to / attributable to /on account of

Due to /… / On account of extreme weather conditions, damage to property occurs.

4. 当原因需要的表达较多时,我们还可以把以上表达改写为原因状语从句,使用thanks to the fact that /due to the fact that /owing to the fact that 或者on the grounds that ,,,

Will we live longer merely due to the fact that / on the grounds that technology, if implemented properly, will take stress away from our lives

5. caused by / result from 也表原因

Many car accidents were resulted from / caused by a lack of guardrails


1. thus/ therefore / thereby / hence

thus: 表示‘in this/that way’

As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these areas.

therefore: 表示 ‘for this reason’ /‘because of this or that’

Therefore, the influence of the peer group is important both for one’s own competence and for the relative evaluation of the process itself, given that one sees oneself in relation to others.

thereby: by that means, as a result of that

In some countries, reduced budgets have led to the elimination of busing systems, thereby increasing the use of cars and the congestion they create.

hence: 表示 ‘from this/that’

Drinking lots of water is healthy and reducing plastic waste is great for the environment. Hence, trendy reusable water bottles that you can refill yourself are health-promoting, eco-friendly, and green.

2. As a result / As a consequence

As a result, those people who were indoors had much lighter skin, which means that whiter skin is now associated with having a higher status than dark skin.

As a consequence, environmental health must address the societal and environmental factors that increase the likelihood of exposure and disease.

3. consequently /accordingly

Consequently 更偏重因果逻辑;accordingly 更偏重后续解决

Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world. This consequently harms human health and the natural environment.

Some of the laws were contradictory. Accordingly, measures were taken to clarify them.


1. cause (v.) 引起

The amount of garbage produced by the people also increases which causes sanitary landfills to fill up faster.

2. lead to/ result in 导致

注意这里是result in, 后跟结果,前面提到的result from后面跟的是原因。

The society’s attitude to food often leads to over-consumption.

3. bring about: to cause to take place 引起,带来(注意使用时更倾向于“带来“这个意思)

The internet technologies that have brought about so much social change were scarcely imaginable just decades before they appeared.

4.spark off 引发、引爆 ,具体指引发比较严重的后果、冲突等(=trigger / activate),或指”点燃“(=inspire)

Spark off a series of problems / a chain of events related to…

They can spark off each other's talents


1. Affect/influence

More likely than not, getting a vehicle from point "A" to point "B" involves combustion of a fossil fuel, a process that emits gasses and affects the environment and the ozone layer.

People's behavior is influenced by circumstances and events, friends and family, education, job prospects, income, housing and environment.

2.impact on 对…产生影响(impact 一般做名词使用,也可以作为动词

Over the last few decades, there has been a tremendous growth in information technology, which can impact on our everyday life.

3. give rise to 使发生

The decrease inthe number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems.


1. cause (of sth.)/ reason 原因

Obesity can be divided into three main causes – diet, lifestyle and education.

Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons.

2. result (for sth.)/ effect 结果

This is a difficult problem with many serious effects on the individual and country.

Another result is lack of self-esteem.

3. causality 因果关系(cause and effect) causation 原因

The correlation between population and housing price does not indicated causality, only the association. 这里的causality也可以换成:causal effect (因果效应)

Such a causality-driven, prevention-focused approach to homicide and other serious crime would revolutionize our conception of criminal justice, moving from the imposition of “just deserts” to the enlightened pursuit of a less violent society.

4. impact/influence 影响

This area is often overlooked but has a tremendous impact on your life

Friends have a big influence on the way that we use social media—from unwritten rules to buying decisions and so much more.

形容词系列(因果)表示因果的形容词不是很常用,使用时多和factor, element 结合

1. causal 原因的,因果的

Low income and elderly are among the potential causal factors of prevalence of obesity among adults

2.consequential 结果的,随之发生的

Measures other than ratings will prove more consequential

3.influential 影响的,有影响力的(大多数情况下使用第二个意思)

Family is the most influential factor on happiness.


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