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06-28 投稿




英:['sp?:t?]  美:[?sp?rt?, ?spor-]

英:  美:


adj.像运动员的, (衣服)轻便的, 赛车的


形容词最高级: sportiest | 副词: sportily | 名词: sportiness | 形容词比较级: sportier |


1 、Casual and sporty is your style, and no one looks better than you do in a T-shirt, cutoff shorts and baseball cap, whether you are a female or male Archer.───射手:随性、直爽是你的风格。因此,没有人比你更适合配以T恤、短裤及棒球帽这样的运动装扮了,无论你是男性还是女性射手座。

2 、Ding fulfilled every requirement, even though he admits he's not a "very sporty boy.───丁符合所有的要求,虽然他认为自己不是一个“有运动天赋的男孩”。

3 、With the sporty M mode, this smart transmission allows easy gear shifting through the shift level or the steering-wheel shift paddle, giving you new driving pleasure.───M 挡的智能手自排一体变速箱,通过排挡杆或者方向盘换挡功能,让您感受全新的驾驶乐趣。

4 、In sporty SS guise, the HHR (Heritage High Roof) is the closest thing to a Cobalt SS hot hatch you'll find from the Detroit automaker.───在运动党卫军幌子,在和记港陆(文物高屋顶)是最接近真实的一个钴不锈钢热舱口你会发现从底特律的汽车制造商。

5 、More arty than sporty, if you know what I mean.─── 比起运动 更喜好文艺 你懂的

6 、Are they sporty?Are they IT?───是从事电脑行业的吗?

7 、sporty resort───娱乐胜地

8 、I am sporty and like to spend time outdoors.───我是一个特别喜欢运动的人,特别喜欢户外运动。

9 、The entire fascia panel is trimmed in leather, while the use of chrome, aluminium and black lacquered fittings creates a sporty, upmarket impression.───整个筋膜小组裁剪皮革,而使用铬,铝及黑色雕漆配件制造跑车,高档的印象.

10 、Unlike its somewhat plump competitor, the upcoming BMW 5-series Gran Turismo, the A5 Sportback looks sleek, with low, sporty lines.───不同的有点胖的竞争对手,即将举行的宝马5系列赛车,外观的A5跑车流线型,低,运动线。

11 、New alloy and rubber matches perfectly to the new E350.The suspension system is also tuned to give a more dynamic and sporty feeling to the driver.───全新的合金轮圈及车胎完美地配搭了更新了的E350,车辆的避震及悬挂系统亦被调校至运动模式以至车主能更淋漓尽致地享受驾驶乐趣。

12 、, which combined a sporty front end (similar to that of the XL series) with the frame and powertrain of the FL series.───摩托车,它将运动型前端(类似于XL系列)与FL系列的车架和动力系集为一身。

13 、But thanks to the new R line, the rest of the VW range can get that sporty look and feel without the associated costs of the more expensive R models.───但由于新的R线,其余的范围内能得到大众的运动外观和感觉,但相关费用较昂贵的R模式.

14 、"Even in its standard version the Seat Leon is a dynamic, sporty vehicle and a real head-turner.───即使是在标准版的座椅莱昂“是一个动态的,运动车和一个真正的负责人瞩目。

15 、Some rumored models include a sporty cabrio, a five-door MPV, and possible Audi version, all previewed here in these latest computer generated renderings.───一些传言型号包括运动敞篷,一个五门MPV车型,并可能奥迪版本,所有在这些预览最新的计算机生成的效果图。

16 、Dashan: I like them. That style is very popular in Canada. Young Canadians like sporty, comfortable clothes.───大山:我觉得挺好.这个式样在加拿大很流行.加拿大的年轻人都爱穿休闲,舒适的衣服.

17 、Equally the interior is made to be stylish while sporty.───同样是将时尚,而运动。

18 、Some of its features will include a glass panoramic roof, sporty alloy wheels, and Kia's new H-pattern grille.───它的一些功能将包括一个玻璃车顶,运动合金轮毂,和起亚的新的H型格栅。

19 、For the interior Volvo has continued the sporty theme by adding aluminum inserts in the steering wheel, door mouldings and the stylized center stack.───为室内沃尔沃继续运动主题加上铝**入方向盘,门装饰和程式化的中控台。

20 、The front with it's sporty headlights,the short overhangs,the striking bonnet.───当兵的时候....南沙太平岛....那里没有冬天(北纬10度)....母海龟一年4季晚上会爬上来下蛋

21 、No, he thinks he's not a sporty kid, and that kills me, because I don't want him to label himself at such a young age.─── 不 只是他自己这样认定而已 就是这样我才难过 因为我不希望他这么小就给自己定性

22 、On this one, it's biased more towards the back which is, of course, very sporty.─── 而在这辆车上 后轮分配的比例要更大 也就是 会更运动一些

23 、Nike Little Sunray Sandals - PinkElastic upper stretches for a snug, sporty fit.Soft footbed cushions every step.Flexible outsole ensures a comfortable stride.───Details: Elastic upper Flexible outsole --editor:chenke --editor:chenk 快乐购母婴用品频道提供各类婴儿,幼儿,孕妇生活用品价格信息。

24 、With the sporty appearance, powerful 1.4L engine, and responsive handling, the AVEO can help young consumers, who seek new experiences and a carefree lifestyle, express their personalities and drive into a land of pleasure.───它以动感的外形、高效的 1.4L 动力和灵活敏捷的操控,让讲求炫酷、享受随兴生活的年轻消费者能够更加自由地驶出自我,奔向更广阔的欢乐天地。

25 、Most notable is the completely undisguised grille, and the sporty new front and rear bumpers.───最值得注意的是完全不加掩饰的格栅,以及运动新的前部和后部保险杠。

26 、The engine is located centrally, thus giving the car sporty proportions and dynamic volumes.───发动机位于中央,从而使汽车运动的比例更对称和更动态。

27 、Funny, sporty and practical. Will not be easy to let himself as he likes.Enoy his own life or job when we are not with each other.───有责任感,不会随意放纵自己。有趣,喜欢运动。最好有一项爱好,不管是工作还是其它。

28 、You guys need a mud room for sporty people in your family who arrive with gear.─── 你们需要一个沾泥衣物存放室 给携带装备到你们家来做客的运动爱好者

29 、"Hot rod: Automobile rebuilt or modified for high speed, fast acceleration, or sporty appearance."───减重高速汽车:自行改造或变更设计的汽车,以求得速度加快、起动加速或轻便外观。

30 、This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Ford Capri, a sporty four-seater that was popular with younger buyers across Europe.───今年是40周年福特卡普里,运动四个座位是深受年轻买家欧洲各地。

31 、I look at the mirror, I have a lot of spirit indeed, seem more sporty and smart.───我看着镜子中的我,的确精神了许多,看起来也英俊潇洒多了。

32 、Citified yet sporty, the product range from this firm includes footwear bottoms for men and women in materials such as TR, PVC and TPU.───很都市化但也颇似运动鞋。该司的产品包括适合男、装鞋的大底,其所采用的材质有TR,PVC,及TPU。

33 、Thus, we should discontinue our oldest models and concentrate instead on manufacturing sporty cars.───因此,我们必须中止我们最古老的车型,将注意力转而集中在运动型汽车的制造上。

34 、a sporty Mercedes───一辆又快又靓的梅塞德斯汽车

35 、The interior also gets a modest makeover thanks to the addition of sporty bucket seats, a redesigned instrument cluster, a flat bottomed steering wheel, and plenty of aluminum trim.───内部也得到适度的改造由于增加了运动桶形座椅,重新设计的仪表一个平底方向盘,和大量的铝装饰.

36 、It switches smoothly from sporty to relaxed driving and translates each movement of the steering wheel precisely to the road───您可以在运动状态和休闲巡航之间自由转换,而且敏锐的转向系统会将方向盘的每一个细微动作转换到路面上。

37 、Together with the 16-inch six-spoke aluminum alloy rims and the clean-cut rear appearance, the entire car demonstrates the style of a European sporty sedan that stresses power amidst its bright character, and is dynamic and trendy.───匹配16寸六幅铝合金轮辋,以及简洁利落的后方造型,整车表现出强调力量的欧洲运动轿车风格,个性俊朗,不失动感时尚。

38 、He always chooses sporty, comfortable attire, which is clearly the best way to dress on days when he has to train.───他总是选择运动装,舒适的着装,这无疑是他在训练的时候最好的着装方法。

39 、It's good news for the more sporty types, but nearly half the class haven't made the grade.─── 对于擅长运动的同学而言这不成问题 可还有将近一半的人没能及格

40 、sporty population───体育人口

41 、Look, I know you would love for him to be into basketball, but he's just not a sporty kid.─── 我知道如果他喜欢篮球的话你会很开心 但他不是运动型的孩子

42 、Our car had to be obviously sporty and distinctively styled, with just a dash of nostalgia───我们的车当然要象跑车,车型要别树一帜,还要有一点怀旧的色彩。

43 、She's very sporty.───她非常爱好文体活动。

44 、“The sculpture had to have a celebratory theme and it also had to encompass the qualities of the Audi brand: sporty, prestigious and progressive.───“雕塑都必须有一个庆祝主题,它也包括素质的奥迪品牌:运动,声望和逐步.

45 、Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities, from downtown to uptown;───发达国家运输和传统的冒险和运动使许多美国人从农村迁移到城市,从市区到小区;

46 、A few years later, a smart and sporty picture of the visitor comes Clinton County home.───数年之后,一位英俊潇洒、神态威严的客人光临林顿家。

47 、The cams are different, the VTR's ones being more "sporty", as you would expect.───凸轮是不一样,就如你所预期的那样,VTR的更运动化。

48 、For the lady who loves that nautical look: Our 14K yellow and white gold bracelet is an elegant yet sporty design.───专为热爱大海的女士所设计:此款14K黄金,14K白金手链的设计优雅又不失动感。

49 、It is elegant, sporty,high tech.───是典雅、运动和高科技。

50 、They may prefer sporty car, huge house rather than the organic food which looks no difference with the non-organic one.───他们宁可购买跑车、大宅也不愿意花费在与非有机食品没有任何差别的有机食品上。

51 、The interior shows sporty pedals, and black leather seats and carpets stitched with the Hamann logo.───内部显示运动踏板,黑色真皮座椅和地毯缝合与哈曼标志.

52 、A: Wow, look at your gear! You look really sporty! Where are you going?───哇,看看你这一身行头!看起来很[行]!你要去哪儿?

53 、who is needy, sporty or brainy enough to get a scholarship;───·那些非常穷、体育很好或者十分聪明因而能得到奖学金的人也可以上大学;

54 、I cried at the tiniest things -- when I saw a monkey on TV that I knew he'd laugh at, or when I smelled a whiff of his sporty deodorant at Duane Reade.───他们会认为,浪漫是结婚前的事情,结婚就没必要了。这样说可能会让我的先生感到委屈,而事 实是,每当我提出要去酒吧坐坐,或者一起骑自行车出去转转。

55 、Favorite Perfume: Sporty colognes for the day while working. Exotic, oriental and woody fragrances for the evenings.───喜爱的香水:工作时白天用运动古龙水。晚上用具有异国情调的东方的树木香型的香水。

56 、Some sporty or racing cars do have in the middle on rear back.───我咋不知道有中间的,还是正中间?哪在那儿?

57 、The students' assignment was to develop aesthetic approaches that reflect the new ecological, technical and social issues while also portraying an Audi as an attractive, sporty automobile.───学生的任务是制定审美方式,以反映新的生态,技术和社会问题,同时也描绘了奥迪作为一个有吸引力的,运动型汽车。

58 、so surely the members were the sporty group,───所以里面的成员都是运动发烧友。

59 、1 A pair of gym shoes: a pair of comfortable sports shoes is a pleasant gift for any sporty Dad.───一双运动鞋:一双舒适的运动鞋对任何喜欢运动的老爸来说都是一个很令人高兴的礼物.

60 、Like the Mustang, it had a sporty look.───与野马车一样,它有赛车的外观。

61 、In this sporty automobile we have no intention of buying.─── 根本不打算買的跑車去兜風

62 、Boasting a sporty design, this Kawasaki ATV also features a wide stance, larger tires, and full floorboards, which ensures that kids enjoy a stable ride.───它拥有一个运动型的设计,这川崎亚视还具有广泛的立场,更大的轮胎,并充分地板,确保孩子们享受一个稳定的旅程。

63 、But the Abt AS4 Cabriolet doesn't just have a sporty side to it.───但阿布特AS4敞篷车的不只是一个运动的一面。

64 、Men's daywear was either business-like or sporty.───日常男装无外乎工作装和休闲装。

65 、particularly sporty cars these days have got exhaust systems that sort of make a racket when you put your foot down or when you start them up.─── 所谓的跑车的排气系统 在你踩踏板或是起步的时候 都会发出叮叮咣咣的声音

66 、The quality of materials and craftsmanship of the Audi Q7 interior is highlighted elegant and sporty aluminum trim on the door panel interior beltline, and center console.───奥迪Q7的内部材料和技艺质量体现在门板嵌条和中心操控台的优雅和运动型的铝制内饰。

67 、Inside, the Typhoon's cockpit can be upgraded with accessories such as an ergonomically shaped sport steering wheel, a Typhoon-design speedometer and a number of sporty aluminum accessories.───内,该台风的驾驶舱可升级的配件,如符合人体工程学的运动型方向盘,台风,设计车速和一些运动铝配件。

68 、'The thing about the Buick HRV is that it has a sporty look, but the engine is gutless,' Mr.───徐晨曦说,别克HRV虽然具有运动型外观,但发动机的马力太小。

69 、In the 1960s he saw that Americans' taste in automobiles was moving toward small, sporty models.───60年代,他看到美国人对汽车的品位正向小巧、娱乐型转变。

70 、I am driving something low and fast and sporty, with music blaring.───我时快时慢有时还放纵地开着车,车内飘荡着音乐;

71 、Domenico prefers dressing sporty during the day, while he dresses more elegantly in the evening. He's very particular about the shoes he wears: they always need to match the suit.───在日常生活中,多梅尼克喜欢穿运动装,在晚上的时候他会穿的很正式。他对自己穿的鞋子很挑剔:鞋子必须和他穿的别的衣服搭配。

72 、grand sporty───华丽娱乐车

73 、Kia's first attempt to make a saloon car that's sporty, rather than sensible.─── 起亚用运动感 而不是理智去制造四门轿车的第一次尝试

74 、The key looks of the new FRANK WALDER collection team loose, swingy skirts with sporty jackets.───FRANK WALDER新一季的主要外观是宽松,轻快的裙子搭配运动感的夹克。

75 、Sunglasses: sporty, with wrap-around shapes and big logos.───太阳镜。运动型的、带有大标志的宽包边墨镜。

76 、We should discontinnue oldese models and concentrate instead on manufacturing sporty cars───我们应该中止最古老的车型,将注意力转而集中在运动型汽车的制造上

77 、Chassis balance better suited to sporty riding───更适合运动竞赛的超平稳底盘

78 、I like them. That style is very popular in Canada. Young Canadians like sporty, comfortable clothes.───我觉得挺好。这个式样在加拿大很流行。加拿大的年轻人都爱穿休闲、舒适的衣服。

79 、So, to find out if they've succeeded, we need to do something sporty.─── 所以 要判断他们是否做到了 我们需要做点运动了

80 、Mercedes is apparently hoping that the originality of a sporty shooting brake will match the success currently enjoyed by the CLS.───奔驰显然是希望独创性运动射击制动将匹配成功目前所享有的华彩。

81 、Wow, look at your gear! You look really sporty! Where are you going?───哇,看看你这一身行头!看起来很[运行]耶!你要去哪儿?

82 、I'm not very sporty.───我不擅长体育运动。

83 、She is pretty sporty.───她是运动型的。

84 、The interior of any Mercedes gains a lot of sporty character with the MKB sports steering wheel, the MKB gear lever and MKB carbon applications.───MKB人体工程学赛车型方向盘、MKB挡把及MKB碳纤维组件,为奔驰座舱带来更多运动元素,营造完美、动感的驾驶感受。

85 、Advantages sporty, cheap, economic, chick magnet Disadvantages wipers, can be a bit cramped───优点:动感,便宜,经济,吸引女孩缺点:奇怪的雨刮

86 、He almost always chooses to dress casual and sporty, but he's aware that in certain situations dressing elegantly is a necessity.───他总是选择休闲装和运动装,但是他知道在特定的场合穿着得体是必要的。

87 、Mr Fellows is also looking to turn Callaway into a lifestyle brand by stretching it beyond golf into sporty clothing.───弗洛茨先生也想通过生产不是高尔夫器具的运动服饰,将卡拉威转化为生活方式品牌。

88 、The integrated sporty deflector was custom designed for the AVEO.───专为乐骋度身定制的一体式运动扰流板

89 、The additional weight does not impair the dynamic character of the BMW 5-Series and the security vehicles thus provide the sporty feel which is characteristic of BMW.───增加的重量不影响该动态特性宝马5系列和安全的车辆,从而提供了运动的感觉这是宝马的特点。

90 、With its dynamical design it harmonizes perfectly with the sporty vehicle character - steering wheel, gear shift knob and centre console are kept in exclusive carbon-leather optics.───凭借其动力是相协调的设计完美的运动车辆特征-方向盘,换档把手和中控台都放在专用碳皮革光学。





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