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07-02 投稿




英:[?si:l??]  美:[?sil??]

英:  美:


n. 密封, 堵塞, 补铸件的漏洞



动词现在分词: sealifting | 动词过去式: sealifted | 动词过去分词: sealifted | 动词第三人称单数: sealifts |


1 、And we can't seal them all manually.─── 我们也没法手动把它们全部封好

2 、Make sure you've signed the cheque before sealing the envelope.───一定要在支票上签了名再封信封。

3 、Checking of the sealing injection pump body.───对喷油泵进行密封性试验。


5 、The letter bore the president's seal.───信上盖有总统的印章。

6 、The seal was in Chinese and was used locally.───公章是中文的,只在当地有效。

7 、He broke the seal of the letter.───他把信的封口拆了。

8 、But other than that, they are to remain sealed.─── 除此之外 带子不得外泄

9 、Knowledge in waterproof, dust proof and sealing.───具有防水、防尘和密封方面的知识。

10 、The Seal Lock is now available in the Cash Shop.───封印锁现在在购物商城有售。

11 、Sampling and sealing specimens are needed in type test.───型式检验需抽封样品。

12 、He impressed the wax with a seal.───他把图章印在蜡上。

13 、Both families have set their seal to the marriage.───双方家庭都同意了这门亲事。

14 、We seal up the windows when winter comes .───冬天来临时,我们密封窗户。

15 、Short and narrow packing chamber improves sealing effectiveness.───又短又窄的填料腔改善了密封性能。

16 、QGF barreled drinking water auto washing, filling and sealing unit.───QGF型自动桶装饮用水冲洗、灌装、封口机组。

17 、He impressed his seal on the wax.───他在火漆上盖了他的私章。

18 、FengHua Feigu Kaiheng Seal Technologies Co., Ltd.───奉化市飞固凯恒密封工程有限公司。

19 、Whole pneumatic cylinder design for sealing and stretching.───封口、拉伸采用双缸联体设计,合二为一,有利于产品成型。

20 、A seal. The seal wants to play with Pluto.───噢!一只海豹。海豹想跟布鲁托玩,但布鲁托不想跟海豹玩。

21 、We seal up the windows when winter comes.───冬天来临时,我们密封窗户。

22 、He affixed his seal to the deed .───他在契约上盖了章。

23 、They provide a seal of approval.───品牌意味着一种认同。

24 、There's nothing wrong with that, but we use this to seal in all the flavors: vegetables, herbs, spices, marinades, anything you want sealed in.─── 这点没有什么异议 但我们用这个把各种口味融进去 蔬菜 香草 香料 腌汁 任何口味都可以

25 、The Seal"means the Common Seal of the Foundation.───公章"指基金会的公章。

26 、The seal pressure indicators in the contaminated zones are showing traces of sublimated polymer near the partition seal.─── 污染区域的密封压力指示器 显示在密封条附近有聚合反应的趋向

27 、Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices.───一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。

28 、The seal has worn and the machine is losing oil.───密封处已经磨损,机器漏油了。

29 、Press the flange and replace the side sealing ring.───压紧法兰(均匀用力)更换侧密封圈。

30 、Seal of Command: Clarified tooltip.───命令圣印:修正说明。

31 、Ning Seal Factory Labor Service Co.───宁证章厂劳动服务公司。

32 、He picked up a piece of seal meat.───他又捡起一块海豹肉。

33 、Putting the seal of approval on the scheme fell outside his province.───对这个计划拍板定案超出他的职权范围。

34 、Address, seal, and stamp the love letter.───信封上写好地址,密封好之后贴上邮票。

35 、Perfect sealing ring on bearing allows no leak of oil.───完全密封的轴封:完全密封,无渗油。

36 、He impressed his seal on the melted wax.───他在熔软的火漆上盖章。

37 、Their handshake was a seal of friendship.───他们的握手是友谊的象徵。

38 、A round seal affixed to a papal bull.───印玺一个圆形的教皇的正式宣布训令或法令的封印

39 、The full series are structure of tri-eccentric and hard sealing.───全系列均采用三偏心硬密封结构。

40 、The leather straps would crack in the heat in the summer, freeze very hard in the winter and rats used to eat it, because they'd softened it with tallow to make it seal better, so they couldn't make a proper seal.─── 皮带在夏天遇热会裂开 在冬天又会冻住 他们为了更好地密封 选用了牛脂来软化皮带 所以老鼠很喜欢啃食它们 所以最终不能实现严格的密封

41 、Good sealing,wear-resising,longer service life.───密封可靠,耐磨损,使用寿命长。

42 、Remove check valve and valve seal from booster.───从倍力器上卸去逆止阀和阀门密封。

43 、He affixed his seal to the document.───他在文件上盖了印。

44 、Yours is sealed, as is your sister's.─── 你的命运已被决定 你妹妹的也是

45 、A special retainer ring holds the two sealing ring faces together.───一个特殊的固定环将密封环的表面靠在一起。

46 、After sealing on the letter,he asked Jane to take to Mr. Jones.───封上信以后,他让简带给琼斯先生。

47 、Bolt load nominal to create initial seal.───一般情况下,螺栓负载产生初始密封。

48 、He impressed the pot with his seal.───他把他的印记印在罐子上。

49 、Head of DelegationCoach Manager Seal or Signature.───团长教练领队印章或签字。

50 、Just ask the under manager for permission-he'll set his seal on anything.───去问经理助手是否行——他一般会同意的。

51 、Sealing effect of ChemFil on the access opening.───ChemFil封闭髓腔入口效果的研究

52 、Shanghai Free Travel Seal Company.───上海驿通密封件有限公司

53 、Exposed aluminum foil tape sealing gasket needed.───外露的垫片需用铝箔胶带密封。

54 、The Great Seal is affixed to proclamations.───国玺加盖在公告上。

55 、The envelope rs seal was torn open.───信封封缄被撕开了。

56 、Preserved at a cool dry, evades light place, seal.───于阴凉干燥处密封置放,避光保存。

57 、If this monster isn't entirely imaginary, it is nothing more extraordinary than a common or garden seal.───如果这个怪物不是凭空想出来的,那它只能是一只普通的海豹。

58 、A seal poked its head out of the water.───一只海豹把头探出了水面

59 、A male animal that does not mate during the breeding season, especially a young male fur seal kept from the breeding territory by older males.───尚未交配的小雄兽在繁殖季节中未交配的雄性动物,特别指被较年长的雄性拒于交配领地之外的年轻的雄性海豹

60 、The hard sealing gasket also can absorb the noise and vibration.───密封垫圈也可吸收噪音及振动。

61 、He told me this under the seal of secrecy.───他告诉我这件事,约定要严守秘密。

62 、So when they say juvenile records are sealed, guess they don't mean sealed sealed.─── 所以他们说少年犯档案是密封的时候 看来他们是在忽悠我

63 、He broke the wax seal and unrolled the paper.───他揭去封蜡,把纸卷展开。

64 、After seal the letter, he go to post it.───他把信封上之后便去寄信。

65 、The seal pup's body elongates as it grows older.───小海豹随着年龄的增长身子越长越长。

66 、Shanghai Maizhihua Sealing Spares Co., Ltd.───上海麦之华密封件有限公司。

67 、She forgot to seal her letter before mailing it.───她忘记在寄信前将信封上。

68 、Is The Sealing Sample Made Here?───寄送之样板是否在此制作?

69 、Sealing forces due to pressure.───压力带来的密封力。

70 、Do you know how much a seal coat is?───你知道海豹皮大衣多少钱一件?

71 、In that moment, his squeamishness, whatever the *, in that moment, he sealed his fate and he should have sealed hers.─── 那一刻 他的小心翼翼 管*是什么 那一刻 他决定了他自己的命运 而他本该决定她的命运

72 、A fitted covering used to seal a well or large pipe.───封闭盖用以封闭井或大管子的盖子

73 、The sealing lip is flat as for the CT1 design.───密封唇是平的,与CT1设计一样。

74 、A stamp or seal meant to be impressed.───图章用来盖戳的图章或印章

75 、Shanghai Yusheng Sealing Material Co., Ltd.───上海宇晟密封材料有限公司。

76 、He produced a written contract under seal.───他出示一张盖有印信的合约。

77 、Hermetic: Airtight sealing of an object.───全密封:一种对物体不透气的密封。

78 、Short and narrow packing chambers improve sealing.───又短又窄的填料腔改善密封性能。

79 、Hawaiian monk seal on the beach in Kauai.───一只僧海豹躺在夏威夷,考艾岛的沙滩上。

80 、To cover, protect, or seal with a cap.───加帽于用帽或塞来遮盖、保护或密封

81 、To enhance the sealing effect and improve the quality of products.───为了加强二极管的焊接效果,提高产品质量。

82 、An agreement or promise made orally or in writing not under seal; a contract.───协定口头或书面未经盖印的协议或许诺; 协定

83 、Two sealing blocks are needed for both upper and lower surfaces.───上下翼面各需要用两个密封嗔块。

84 、They tried to seal his lips with a bribe.───他们企图以贿赂封住他的嘴。

85 、I took your advice, and I sealed the deal. It is sealed.─── 我接受了你的建議 一舉攻城了 真的

86 、The presence of numerous international golfers set the seal on the tournament.───大批国际高尔夫球手前来参加这次锦标赛,使其获得世界公认。

87 、The king put his seal to the document.───国王在公文上加了封

88 、Resembles the square-shaped official seal.───像一个方形的知府大印。

89 、The dark head of a seal bobbed up a few yards away.───在几码远处一只海豹的黑脑袋猛地钻出水面。

90 、Seal or no seal, he'll see the letter's a forgery.─── 不论有没有他的章 他都会发现信是伪造的


roofs n. 屋顶( roof的名词复数 ); (1) 顶板(2)顶(巷道); 有…顶的; 洞顶;The paper was used for sealing up holes in walls and roofs.这些纸用来封住墙壁和屋顶的洞。



seal 英[si:l] 美[sil] n. 密封; 印章; 海豹; 封条; v. 密封; 盖章; 决定; 封上(信封); [例句]He sealed the envelope and put on a stamp 他封住信封并贴上一张邮票。

[其他] 第三人称单数:seals 复数:seals 现在分词:sealing 过去式:sealed过去分词:sealed

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