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07-02 投稿




英:[?su:t?bl?]  美:[?sut?bl?]

英:  美:


adv.适当地, (与期望)相符地


副词: suitably | 名词: suitability |


properly | rightly | aptly | appositely | fitly | fittingly | appropriately | well | befittingly




1 、Any obsolete documents retained for legal and/or knowledge-preservation purposes are suitably identified.───为法律或知识保存目的而保留的任何过时文件,应予以适当标明。

2 、May not "now" the boundary be self sufficient, does not put out "the present" endeavor, stratagem "future" development. Suitably makes good use of "?───又不可以“今”境自足,毫不拿出“现在”的努力,谋“将来”的发展。宜善用“?

3 、Conclusion MT and EIW moderately moved suitably to externally had no bad effect on sinus ventilation, and it improved olfaction.───15侧(63%)各窦充气较术前好转。结论适度的中鼻甲外移在有开窗时并不影响窦腔通气,且明显有利于嗅觉改善。

4 、95% are rated as suitable for under18s.─── 95%的电子游戏都适宜18岁以下人群

5 、Compressed air, generated by the compressor and suitably treated, has to be distributed in workshops to be used by body technicians, mechanics, and tyre fitters.───压缩空气,被压缩机产生并且适合处理,必须被分配到工场的各个岗位给技师,技工和轮胎修理使用。

6 、The analyst is conjectural, gu Ge may be buy the home suitably, nevertheless cereal song high level rejects to publish a comment at this point.───分析师推测,谷歌可能是一个合适的买家,不过谷歌高层拒绝就此发表评论。

7 、The improved multi-stage MRC cycle is most suitabl e for mid-scale LNG plants.───分析表明,膨胀机循环适合于小型装置,经过改进的多级MRC循环则适于中型LNG装置。

8 、Thirdly, considering both difficulties of resection and his operation skill, the surgeons did not dare to enlarge resection scope suitably, so resections were not actually radical.───主观上手术医生因操作技巧问题不敢轻易扩大切除范围而导致手术不彻底的可能。

9 、Suitably cheered, the Santas promised bigger presents for children this year -- "if they've been nice.───值得欢呼的是圣诞老人们保证今年会给孩子们带来更大的礼物。

10 、Simultaneously controls company's scale and the investment suitably, lets the company stand firm in the slow accumulation, grows strong.───同时适当地控制公司的规模与投入,让公司在缓慢的积累中站稳脚跟,发展壮大。

11 、The proper supercharger and the exhaust system should be used to match each other suitably during the whole working condition and to improve the performance at a low speed or accelerated speed.───为了使其性能与柴油机在负荷和转速变化频繁的整个工作范围内有一良好匹配,需选用合适的增压器和排气系统等来提高其低速和加速性能。

12 、While makes up the calcium to insist is suitable the movement, may enhance organism to the calcium absorption use factor, and should sun suitably.───在补钙的同时坚持适宜的运动,可提高机体对钙的吸收利用率,并应适当地晒晒太阳。

13 、To spearhead our market expansion into PRC, we like to invite suitably qualified candidates to join us in our aggressive drive to promote our technology and solutions to China.───为了将我们的市场扩展至中国,我们诚邀高级人才加入我们公司,在中国**我们的技术和方案。

14 、Any type enterprise looks for the sunshine design suitably?───什么样的企业适合找深山设计?

15 、The aerial shall be suitably earthed to guard against lightning strikes and shall be securely mounted.───天线须适当地接地以防电击,并须牢固地架设。

16 、In the alternation of wetting-dry sulfate corrosion environment,the Portland cement concrete is not suitably used.───在干湿交替的硫酸盐侵蚀环境中,不宜采用普通水泥混凝土.

17 、A small rod is coated with a powdered form of the substance and subjected to suitably modified X-rays; the pattern of diffracted rings is used for identification.───一种小杆或棒被涂上粉状物质使其易于受到X-射线照射;根据分散的或衍射的环模式来鉴别。

18 、Then, accept. If the terms are suitable.─── 接受吧 要是条件合适的话

19 、Certainly wants the grain to raise, reduces the polished rice fine surface, must coordinate suitably.───一定要五谷为养,减少精米精面,要适当地配合。

20 、Trad itional design model can't represent fuzzy knowledge suitably,thus it can't solv e the design problems with fuzziness effectively.───传统的设计模型不能恰当描述设计中的模糊性,因而未能提供有效的处理带模糊性的设计问题的办法。

21 、Compressed air, generated by the compressor and suitably treated, has to be distributed inside the factory to the various machines and wherever else it is needed.───压缩空气,从压缩机产生并作适当处理,必须被分配到工厂内部的不同的机器上和其他任何需要的地方。

22 、She felt suitably humble just as she had when she had first taken a good look at her city self, hair waved and golden, nails red and pointed.───她感觉自己很卑微,就想她第一次看到自己一副城里人打扮时的那种感觉,当时她一头金**卷发,指甲又红又尖。

23 、Also available are extra speakers, fans and vibration packs, all of which can be triggered when necessary by suitably programmed games.───同样可利用的还有外置音箱、风扇和振动包,通过适当编程的游戏,这些都可以在需要时触发。

24 、This is more the politics of 18th-century English rotten boroughs than a mature modern democracy, though there were a few suitably modern touches this year.───与其说它是现代成熟的民主,还不如说是18世纪英国的“腐败选区”。今年即使增添了一些现代气息,也还是无济于事。

25 、Intermediate results are not indexed (unless explicitly saved to disk and then indexed) and often are not suitably sorted for the next operation in the query plan.───中间结果未经索引(除非已经显式保存到磁盘上然后创建索引),而且通常不为查询计划中的下一个操作进行适当的排序。

26 、During a holiday at Samos, Greece I found very suitably shaped pebbles just for the picking.───在希腊度假的时候,我发现了一种非常适合搜集的石头。

27 、A person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State.───一个合格的人来调查个人对国家的不满。

28 、Nothing can prepare you for the scale in which giant cruise ships are mere specks in the vast panorama of mountain and sound. It makes for a suitably grandiose ending to an epic trip.───你怎么都无法想象它的雄伟:巨大的游轮就好像是已融入群山与海峡中的一个微小墨迹,它为这次旅行划上了一个圆满的句号。

29 、Hybrid Enhanced Perforator, with the high ability of cracking and slug-eliminating, can suitably expand the gun diameter and reduce the damages to the casing.───双复射孔器可以适当扩大**径,提高了射孔**的承载能力,具有避免炸**、环空峰压减缓、作用时间加长等特点。

30 、This article introduces thesafekeeping meth-od sof the common using but not suitably long -placing liq uids in middle school chemistry laboratory.───介绍了中学化学实验室常用而不宜久置溶液的保管方法,可供同行参考。

31 、A strong specialized research unit would help foster research and also encourage suitably qualified people to choose the field currently regarded as obscure and difficult to approach.───一个强大的专门研究机构能够促进研究,并鼓励有相应资格的人选择现在被认为没有名气和难以进入的领域。

32 、Simultaneously it has also suitably considered the function that the human factor in the Hailiu clough debris flow forming process.───同时还适当考虑了人为因素在海流沟泥石流形成过程中的作用。

33 、However, United's squad has been suitably reinforced over the summer by the return of burgeoning talents such as Gerard Pique, Jonny Evans, Danny Simpson and Phil Bardsley.───不过今年夏天也有几个有天赋的年轻后卫如皮克、巴德斯利、埃文斯和辛普森的回归。

34 、In the long run, the policy effect will delay the speed which the house price falls, the turnover to restore suitably, the profession adjustment cycle elongates from this.───从长期来看,政策的效果将延缓房价下跌的速度,成交量将适当恢复,行业调整周期由此拉长。

35 、As long as you suitably choose the detergent, you are able to remove all those stubborn dirt easily.───只要适当选择上述去渍剂就能顺利地把各种顽固污渍除去。

36 、Different models should be suitably chosen to simulate the far-field behavior in the fast and slow axes of heterostructure laser diode at different power levels.───在不同功率水平下,异质结激光二极管快轴与慢轴方向的远场行为应选用不同的模型模拟。

37 、Prenatal B-ultrasonics shows that Caesarean birth indexes can be widen suitably.───产前B超提示脐带缠绕时可适当放宽剖宫产指征;

38 、We should be more than suitable for the task.─── 这任务对我们来说再合适不过了

39 、Kerberos is a authentication protocol based on KDC and symmetry key cryptography. It is used suitably in a physical insecurity network.───Kerberos是基于可信第三方KDC使用对称密钥加密算法的认证协议,适合在一个物理网络并不安全的环境下使用。

40 、and these super*art dolphins are suitably intrigued.─── 而这些绝顶聪明的海豚显然对其充满好奇

41 、He appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State.───他任命一个合格的人来调查个人对国家的不满。

42 、Insist that cutters or welders and their supervisors are suitably trained in the safe operation of their equipment and the safe use of the process.───坚持对切割工或焊工及其主管在其设备的安全作业及工艺的安全使用上做相应的培训。

43 、A new way to train innovative talent is apprehending the concept exactly, reforming teaching pattern deeply, and combining research-oriented teaching and study suitably.───培养创新型人才,必须准确把握创新型人才的内涵,深化教学改革,开展研究性教学与研究性学习,使之更好的结合,这是实施创新型人才培养的最新途径。

44 、China wished to cooperate with the masses of old and new customers loyally suitably, creates beautiful tomorrow.───中顺愿与广大新老客户忠诚合作,共创美好明天。

45 、He glanced at Juliet accusingly and she looked suitably abashed.───他怪罪的一瞥,朱丽叶自然显得很窘。

46 、She was suitably dressed.───她打扮得很得体。

47 、For the non-linear characteristics of parameters for the treatment of VOC waste gas by trickling biofilter, the treatment process can be suitably simulated using artificial neural network (ANN).───在生物滴滤塔处理有机废气过程中,参数非线性度大,其处理过程适合用人工神经网络(ANN)模拟。

48 、It's all about the importance of suitable protection.─── 适当的保护措施是很重要的

49 、But to sell its aircraft abroad, CACC will have to create a service and maintenance network, which will not be easy because of a shortage of suitably skilled staff.───但是要把飞机卖给国外,中国商用飞机需要建立一个服务和维修的网络,由于缺乏熟练的员工导致这并非易事。

50 、He believes women are partly escaping into fantasy because they cannot find suitably heroic partners in real life.───他认为,女性的部分原因是进入幻想,因为他们不能在现实生活中找到合适的英雄伙伴。

51 、Still, high speed impacts are suitably wince-inducing.───不过,高速撞击的部分依然有做适当的调配。

52 、She was dressed in grey and looked suitably subdued.───她身穿灰色衣服,看上去颜色柔和,很得体。

53 、This paper studied the water flow of SPAC system in Zoige wetland,so as to evaluate accurately and utilize suitably water resource of wetland.───为正确评价与合理利用若尔盖湿地水资源,对湿地SPAC系统的水分运移规律进行研究。

54 、He felt suitably chastened and apologized.───他相应地感到内疚并表示歉意。

55 、The history of the evolution of humankind shows that our ancestors, by nature, were vegetarians. The human bodily structure is not suitably designed for meat eating.───在人类的进化史上,显示人类祖先原本是素食的,人类的构造也不适合吃肉。

56 、This is the only suitably empty place in the area.─── 可这是这片区域里唯一合适的空地

57 、"Suitably cheered, the Santas promised Bigger presents for children this year -- "if they've been nice.───"值得欢呼的是圣诞老人们保证今年会给孩子们带来更大的礼物。

58 、Suitably rested, the 7th Armoured Division started out for Villers-Bocage at first light on 13 June.───在经过适当的休息后,第7装甲师在6月13日黎明向维雷布卡日前进。

59 、Strictly speaking, these observations cannot ever rule out the void model, because cosmologists could re-create any set of supernova data by choosing a suitably shaped void.───严格来说,这些观测永远无法排除空洞模型的可能性,因为宇宙学家可选择适当的空洞形状,来配合所有的超新星数据。

60 、She went home and returned more suitably clad.───她回家了, 回来时穿得比较得体了。

61 、If you re unable to provide a suitably coarse-grained Ajax interface for your application, then use call batching wherever possible to combine multiple remote calls into a single HTTP request.───如果不能为应用程序提供适当粗粒度的Ajax接口,那么只要有可能把多个远程调用组合到一个HTTP请求中,就请使用调用批处理。

62 、A superimposed circuit derived from two suitably arranged pairs of wires called side circuits, with each pair of wires being a circuit itself and at the same time acting as one conductor of the phantom circuit.───一种由称作半边电路的两对线路经适当安排形成的叠加电路。每一对线本身既作为电路,同时又充当幻象电路的一个导体。

63 、The winter weather is dry, while enjoys warm fully, must increase the indoor air humidity suitably, by against solid wooden furniture dehiscence.───冬季天气干燥,在充分享受温暖的同时,要适当增加室内空气湿度,以防实木家具开裂。

64 、East Asia is embedded with varieties of traditions and cultures and especially the different rooting of laws which has been used suitably to each own specific culture.───国有着不同文化是有着扎根于自己独特文化的法律渊源。

65 、GSM handset suitably matches the information, moves the handset support form the introduction, WORD.───GSM手机适配信息,移动手机支持格式的介绍。

66 、Buy Jiangsu early or late 50 model tractor 2, type of the rotary tillage machine that reachs its to be covered suitably, ploughshare is plowed, ditcher.───先后购买江苏50型拖拉机2台,及其相配套的旋耕机、铧式犁、开沟机。

67 、Selecting a suitably barren and unpopulated moon, Primus transferred part of his life force deep into its core.───元始天尊选择了一个适合展开行动的,荒芜不毛的卫星,并把他一部分的生命力量深深地传送到星球核心。

68 、She was suitably impressed(= as impressed as sb had hoped)with the painting.───她一如所期望的对那幅油画发生了兴趣。

69 、Part Jeeves, part clown, part aga, he can “produce, on order, ten tons of lead or a slinky evening gown” and is suitably smug about it.───他有时像一个忠实男仆,有时像个小丑,有时又像一名将军;他可以“根据订单造出几十吨铅或者一袭紧身晚礼服”,并为此感到洋洋得意。

70 、At last, this dissertation discusses how OSEM (Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization) can be applied in 3D reconstruction suitably.───6. 讨论了利用OSEM(Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization)算法进行物体的三维重建。

71 、As a result we could always find suitably qualified employees for our development department in Augsburg and our production facility in Mindelheim.───办事处的员工分别来自英国、法国、西班牙、美国、台湾、克罗地亚、丹麦、非洲及德国各联邦州。为了能够来摩莎集团工作,他们从世界各地聚集到巴伐利亚州。

72 、May not "now" the boundary be self sufficient, does not put out "the present" endeavor, stratagem "future" development. Suitably makes good use of "? .───又不可以“今”境自足,毫不拿出“现在”的努力,谋“将来”的发展。宜善用“?.

73 、Until then, that equipment is not suitable for you.─── 在那之前 那台设备不适合你

74 、I found a suitable body for the funeral.─── 我给葬礼找了一个相配的尸体

75 、The one step inverse forming finite element method based on deformation theory will became a quickly formability evaluation tool and it is applied suitably in part and die design phase.───基于形变理论的一步逆成形有限元方法作为一种可成形性的快速评价工具非常适合在零件设计阶段和模具设计阶段应用。

76 、Has to do when with the Brazilian, not suitably to its present handkerchief or knife.───与巴西人打交道时,不宜向其赠送手帕或刀子。

77 、The market for refrigerator, washing machine like these kinds of products is not saturated, but the prices are still too high, if not decreased suitably, it is hard to popularize.───像冰箱、洗衣机这一类产品的市场并没有饱和,但是价格还是太高,如果不下调,是很难进一步普及的。

78 、Has at the elsewhere forum holds the post of (Webmaster), for avoids working arduously, not suitably holds a concurrent post in the forum key version block (Webmaster).───在别处论坛有担任版主者,为避免工作繁重,不宜在论坛重点版块兼任版主。

79 、She dressd up suitably today.It shows her beautiful wrapped figure.───她今天穿的这件衣服非常合体,显出了她身材优美的曲线。

80 、75% of the beachnesting area is not suitable.─── 75%的海滩都不适宜孵化了

81 、On the other hand, reinforced concrete roofs, suitably covered, are often constructed nowadays, especially where there is a risk of fire.───另外,从防火要求考虑,目前多采用经适当覆盖的钢筋混凝土平屋顶屋面。

82 、However, there are some limitations and shortcomings in this.Firstly, some charts only expressed suitably at symmetric tolerances for the nominal-the-best processes.───可是他们的研究存在一些限制与缺点,第一,有些分析图表只能适用在具有对称望目型态品质特性的产品。

83 、So now that I ve been suitably negative, let me talk some about the right way to use these technologies.───之前,我一直在进行负面说教,现在来谈一谈使用这些技术的。

84 、It is appropriate that everyone be suitably attired.───人人穿戴得体是恰当的。

85 、Einstein realized that the equations describing the motion of an electron in fact could describe the nonaccelerated motion of any particle or any suitably defined rigid body.───做了一个假设“惯性系是相对的”,也就是否定了牛顿的“绝对时空观”。

86 、However, in some cases, the monosemous lexical relatives cannot be substituted by the target word suitably and then noises will be brought in.───为此,我们使用语言模型过滤这些噪声,达到净化训练数据,提高系统性能的目的。

87 、Henceforth, the number of branch institutions of foreign banks and insurance companies in China would also suitably increase, and at the same time would also prepare to expand experimentation of foreign banks handling RMB business.───今后还将适当增加外国银行和保险公司在中国的分支机构,同时还准备扩大外国银行办理人民币业务的试点。

88 、Inventing the Asian dollar market, the Singapore State segregates the domestic market with the offshore system, and serves the surviving goal very suitably.───国家机关藉掌握的资源为后盾,在境外市场吸引外商金融机构进驻,取得利基;

89 、In order to promote the brisk trade, after may lengthen the land racket hangs sells, the cost payment time suitably, or the permission pays by stages.───为促进市场活跃,可以适当延长土地拍挂出让之后地价款的支付时间,或者允许分期支付。

90 、Maybe they couldn't think of a suitable translation.─── 有可能他们不知道怎么翻译才好吧


事实包装的 比如说In a suitably fact-packed new report 意思是在一份用事实适当包装的新报告中


如果一个-ble结尾的形容词变成副词,-ble会变成bly。例子: possible 变成possibly,capable变成capably,probable 变成probably

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