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06-29 投稿





英:  美:


n.风味, 特殊的滋味, 风格, 调味品

vt.加调料于..., 给...添加情趣


动词现在分词: flavoring | 动词第三人称单数: flavors | 动词过去分词: flavored | 形容词: flavorless | 动词过去式: flavored | 名词: flavorer |


1 、An edible, mild - flavored seaweed.───可食海草一种可食的,淡味海草

2 、He flavored his noodle with chili sauce, for he felt it was not peppery enough.───他在面条里面加了辣酱,因为他感觉面条不够辣。

3 、Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty.───乏味的缺少味道或滋味; 无味的

4 、And you, on the other hand, are the flavor of the month.─── 而你只是一个昙花一现的人物

5 、My wife wouldn't anything except with onion flavor.───我太太除了洋葱味外什么也不吃,

6 、Kunshan Maxim Flavor & Fragrance Co., Ltd.───昆山市曼氏香精有限公司

7 、You didn't say what flavor for your nephew.─── 你没说你侄子要什么口味的

8 、Spreads the stifling and crazy flavor.───挥发出让人窒息,让人疯狂的气息。

9 、A romantic set of delicious strawberry flavored body treats.───一个浪漫的一套美味的草莓味的机构对待。

10 、Catawba - A spicy flavored, red slip-skin grape.───卡托巴-阿辛辣味,红色滑皮葡萄。

11 、Elite Flavor Bioengineering Co., Ltd.───味研生物工程科技有限公司

12 、Any of several types of smooth, hard cheese varying in flavor from mild to extra sharp.───切德奶酪几种平滑、质硬的有从温和至极刺激的不同口味的干酪

13 、A fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and flavored with hops.───啤酒一种由麦芽酿制带有蛇麻草香味的发酵的含酒精饮料

14 、Boiled beets don't have the same flavor at all.─── 煮甜菜的味道并不千篇一律

15 、Experience: A thick milky flavor, soft and creamy.───感受:奶香浓郁,松软绵密。

16 、What flavor of ice-cream do you like?───你喜欢什么口味的冰淇淋。

17 、I like the flavor of chocolate.───我喜欢巧克力的味道。

18 、Stolichnaya Okhotnichya is a 90 proof, herb and honey flavored vodka.───它是一种45度的采用药本蜂蜜调味的伏特加。

19 、What flavor would you like? White or wheat?───你想要什么口味的?白面包还是全麦面包?

20 、Shanghai Oasis Flavor & Fragrance Co., Ltd.───上海绿洲源香料有限公司

21 、"I want one pile popcorn, be butyric flavor.───“我要一大堆爆米花,是奶油味的。”

22 、This Puerto Rican rum is flavored with a blend of clove, allspice and cinnamon.───哪一种波多黎各朗姆酒含有丁香和肉桂的味道?

23 、Flavor or interest; piquancy.───兴趣爱好或兴趣; 刺激

24 、Your flavor is the sweetest thing in life.───你的气味是我生命中最香甜的。

25 、Dunhuang Calligonum wine flavor.───敦煌酒枣风味独特。

26 、A sweetened, flavored preparation for chewing, usually made of chicle.───口香糖通常用糖胶树胶制成的一种加了糖及香料的咀嚼物

27 、Which flavor would, walnut or vanilla?───你喜欢哪一种口味的,核桃还是香草?

28 、I blend tea(s) so as to obtain a nice flavor.───我把不同的茶混合调制以使味道美好。

29 、A sweet food made from flavored milk and rennet.───凝乳食品、乳冻甜食一种甜食,用加了调料的牛奶和牛犊的胃中凝乳块制成

30 、Old news.Declan's her new flavor of this month.───已经是过去式了。戴克伦才是她这个月的新欢。

31 、A semisoft, creamy cheese of mild flavor.───明斯特干酪一种有温和香味的、半软的、多奶油的奶酪

32 、A DIY up a moon and see how the flavor?───一起来DIY一个月饼吧,看看味道如何?

33 、Any flavor can be given to your food.───任何滋味都能添到你的食物里。

34 、No, it's never in the bag, because there's so many complex flavors here with Indonesian cuisine, it's not as straightforward as you think, so, fingers crossed it'll all be down to the flavor.─── 从没有这种时候 因为印尼菜肴有许多复杂 多层次的味道 不如你想的那样直截了当 所以希望他们能喜欢我做的味道

35 、She hears the flavor of thing combustion.───她闻到东西燃烧的气味。

36 、Paul flavored the evening with a romantic movie.───保罗用一部爱情**给那一夜增添了风情。

37 、She flavored the fish with sugar and vinegar.───她用糖和醋给鱼调味。

38 、Which flavor would you prefer, walnut or vanilla?───您喜欢哪一种口味的,核桃还是香草?

39 、It masks bitter tastes and heightens flavor.───它掩没苦涩口味和升高味道。

40 、Shanghai Peacock Flavor & Fragrance Co., Ltd.───上海孔雀香精香料有限公司

41 、The difference in the flavor is extraordinary because it's highly concentrated so it just bursts with flavor.─── 跟普通芒果的味道天差地别 因为味道的浓度非常高 浓烈的味道在口中迸发

42 、Why? - It brings out the flavor in the champagne.───为什么?-能引发出香槟的香味。

43 、Original taste and flavor provides good nutrition.───原汁原味,营养丰富。

44 、Yep. That flavor is really in demand .───对呀。那个口味真的很受欢迎。


46 、Small particles of chocolate or flavored candy sprinkled on ice cream as a topping.───小糖粒巧克力的小颗粒或作为装饰物洒在冰淇淋上的可口的糖果

47 、I think the second dish had a high flavor.───我觉得第二道菜口味很重。

48 、A fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from maltand flavored with hops.───啤酒一种由麦芽酿制带有蛇麻草香味的发酵的含酒精饮料。

49 、Fry quickly to seal in the flavor of the meat.───快速把肉油煎一下,以保住其美味。

50 、Even so, it was the memorable flavor of childhood.───即使那样,还是值得追忆的童年的味道。

51 、A flavor of fear, both sweet and bitter.─── 恐惧的滋味 既甘甜 又苦涩

52 、You do not think about the *ell, it's the flavor.─── 别去想它的气味 重要的是味道

53 、Our special canning process seals the flavor in.───我们的特殊装罐方法可以把味道密封起来。

54 、A sweet, sassy sauce: Savor the flavor.───一种香甜,诱人的酱:尽情享受吧!

55 、I like vanilla flavored ice cream.───我喜欢吃香草冰激淋。

56 、Come to where the flavor is Marlboro Country.───动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

57 、They tasted crunchy and richly flavor of grass.───它们吃起来脆爽带浓浓的草香.

58 、You're right. So what flavor should we buy?───您说得对。那我们到底要买什么口味的?

59 、Feast on barbecued abalone and other delicacies flavored with soy sauce.───也可以坐下来享受一下令人垂涎的烤鲍鱼以及用酱油烹制的美味。

60 、Full flavored, velvet tannins enhance the long, sweet fruit finish.───丹宁柔和,突出了持久回味及甜润的果香。

61 、One mentholated cough drop, any flavor.───一片薄荷醇咳嗽糖,气味不拘。

62 、A dark molasses cake flavored with ginger.───姜味糕点,蛋糕一种有生姜味的黑糖蜜糕点

63 、What flavor would that be? I don't know.─── 那是什么滋味 我也不知道

64 、Cardamom has an intense, pungent, sweet flavor.───小豆蔻具有刺激性的气味,香甜的口感.

65 、It gives our little meals an eastern flavor.───它给我们的便餐增添了一种东方风味。

66 、A dessert consisting of sweetened and flavored crushed ice.───冰淇淋一种由加了糖和调味品的碎冰组成的甜点

67 、Few other tea can compare with ours either in flavor or in color.───在香味和色泽方面,很少有其他品种的茶可与我们的相比。

68 、My favorite soft drink is peach flavored tea.───我最喜欢的非酒精饮料是蜜桃口味的茶。

69 、The flavor of the Great is no inheritance.───伟人的一大优点是不留任何遗产。

70 、A flavoring simulating the flavor of many fruits.───什锦果味含有多种水果味的味道

71 、Tossed salad retains its original taste and flavor.───凉拌生菜,原汁原味。

72 、Our special canning process seals the flavor in .───我们的特殊装罐方法能保存味道。

73 、Strong flavor takes a few sips to get used to.───强烈风味需要品尝几小口去适应。

74 、You have your choice of three flavor of ice cream.───你可以选择3种风味的冰淇淋。

75 、I'd like the cayenne flavored diced chicken, but do not make it too spicy.───我想要份麻辣鸡丁,但不要太辣了。

76 、What kind of flavor do you want?───你要什么口味的?

77 、A coffee cake flavored with orange rind, rum, almonds, and raisins.───兰姆糕一种加有桔皮、兰姆酒、杏仁和葡萄干的咖啡蛋糕

78 、Strong and offensive in odor or flavor.───刺鼻的;难闻的气味或味道强烈或使人不舒服的

79 、I have never experienced such a flavor.─── 我从没有尝过这么棒的味道

80 、What flavor would you like? Chocolate or vanilla?───你要什么口味?巧克力还是香草?

81 、Lacking flavor or zest;not tasty.───乏味的缺少味道或滋味;无味的

82 、Not seeds, but maybe in the flavoring.─── 没有 但可能是芝麻口味的

83 、I don't like the flavor of onion.───我不喜欢洋葱的味道。

84 、When world tasteless,I have the lemon flavor.───当世界乏味时,莪有柠檬味道.

85 、What flavor of icecream do you like?───你喜欢哪一种味道的冰淇淋?

86 、Why does vodka have a neutral flavor?───伏特加为什么会有中性的味道?

87 、They're good in color , flavor, and taste.───它们是色、香、味俱全。

88 、The addition of cinnamon improved the flavor.───加入桂皮后,气味更好了。

89 、Are there any local flavor dishes here?───您这儿有什么地方风味吗?

90 、I like flavored coffee more.───我比较喜欢调味咖啡。


哈利波特怪味豆的全名是“Jelly Belly Harry Potter Flavored Jelly Beans”,意为“哈利波特口味果冻豆”。这是一种由美国知名糖果品牌Jelly Belly推出的哈利波特系列口味果冻豆,共有7种不同的口味,包括:巧克力蛋糕、柠檬汁、蜜饯、薄荷、桃子、苹果和姜饼。



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