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07-02 投稿




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英:  美:





Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves.

1. 积少自然成多。


school pence
Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.
-[谚]节约便士, 金镑自会积累; 积少成多。
take care of the pence
Peter's pence
-(旧时英国)每户每年呈给罗马教皇的一便士献金; 天主教徒献给罗马教皇的年金
peter pence
-(旧时英国)每户每年呈给罗马教皇的一便士献金; 天主教徒献给罗马教皇的年金


1 、She didn't charge me a pence eventually.───她最后也没有收我一毛钱。

2 、But I'll pay you six pence for every girl you send 'round.─── 但是你每介绍给我一个姑娘 我就付你六便士

3 、A hundred pence make one pound.───一百便士为一镑.

4 、Fifty pence for a can of lemonade is highway robbery, yet that is what the street vendors charge.───50便士一罐柠檬水真是漫天要价,然而那是街上摊贩们要的价钱。

5 、On his way to a sweetshop, he dropped his 50 pence and it bounced along the pavement and fell into a culvert.───在他去糖果店的路上,50便士掉在地上,在人行道上跳了几下,掉进了阴沟里。

6 、After all, it only costs the reader two pence.───不管怎么说,读者只须花两个便士就可以买到呀!

7 、At one time you could go to the pictures for half a crown(121/2 pence).───从前有个时期,你可以花上半个克朗(12。5便士)看上一场**。

8 、The beggar tapped me for 20 pence.───乞丐向我讨了20便士。

9 、She counted out fifteen pence and passed it to the salesgirl.───她数出十五个便士交给女店员。

10 、As from Sunday,May 1st,all fares on the corporation's transport services will be increased by ten pence in the pound.───从5月1日即星期日起,本公司运输费将每磅提高10便士。

11 、Fifty pence for a can of lemonade is highway robbery,yet that is what the street vendors charge.───50便士一罐柠檬水真是漫天要价,然而这就是街上摊贩们要的价钱。

12 、Your few pence will go towards a new radio for the hospital.───你那几个便士将用来给医院买台收音机时凑个数。

13 、A formerly used British gold coin worth one pound and five pence;a guinea.───基尼从前英国的金币,一基尼值一英镑或五便士

14 、At one time you could go to the pictures for half a crown (12 1/2 pence).───从前有个时期,你可以花上半个克朗(12.5便士)看上一场**。

15 、I should be without pence were it not for his assistance.───如果不是他的接济,我现在会差不多囊空如洗。

16 、Potatoes are 20 pence a pound.───土豆每磅20便士。

17 、"Never mind," answered the officer, "take your two pence between your hands; now rattle them loudly.───"不要紧,"警察回答道,"把你的两个便士用双手捂着;现在使劲把它们咔嗒咔嗒地摇出声音来。

18 、He paid 50 pence for the book.───他付了50便士买这本书。

19 、Would you mind giving me the six pence in coppers?───劳驾给我6便士的铜币。

20 、Prices range from 50 pence to 70 pence.───价钱在50便士到70便士之间。

21 、The children each subscribed 5 pence to buy a present for Nick in hospital.───孩子们每人出五便士为住院的尼克买礼品。

22 、Are not five sparrows sold for two pence? and not one of them is forgotten in the sight of God.───五个麻雀、不是卖二分银子麽.但在神面前、一个也不忘记。

23 、Two years ago, Merrick lived in a shop near the London Hospital.For two pence, people could see him and laugh at him.───两年前,麦里克住在伦敦医院附近的一家商店里,花二个便士,人们就可以看到他、嘲笑他。

24 、In 1971 Britain changed over from pounds, shillings, and pence to the new decimal money system.───一九七一年英国把英镑、先令、便士改为新的十进位币制。

25 、He could not find his fifty pence piece everywhere, and what is more, he could not get his arm out.───他哪里(摸了半天)也找不到那五十便士,更糟糕的是,他不能把他的手弄出来了(他的胳膊反倒拿不出来了)。

26 、They charged eighteen pence an hour.───他们每小时收费l8便士。

27 、One hundred pence make one pound.───一百便士是一英镑。

28 、Brushing your teeth comes at 32 pence -- perhaps hard to find someone to do it for you for less.───刷牙需要32便士-可能不会有人愿意出再低的价来帮你刷牙。

29 、Increases in compulsory contributions range from 30 pence to one pound.───义务捐款的增长从30便士到1英镑不等。

30 、He wouldn't even lend me ten pence;how mean can you get?───他连十便士都不肯借给我,你看他有多小气

31 、She paid50 pence for the book.───她花五十便士买了那本书。

32 、He offered six pence to help me on my way, at which excess of goodness I knew not what to do.───他拿出六个便士,送给我路上零花,而对这种非凡的好意,我简直不知道该怎么办才好。

33 、A formerly used British gold coin worth one pound and five pence; a guinea.───基尼从前英国的金币,一基尼值一英镑或五便士。

34 、Payments such as annates and "Peter's Pence" were forbidden.───但一个人用一个卷线杆一次只能纺一根线。

35 、That is equivalent to just 25 pence, but it pays for a bag of rice.─── 只约合25便士 但这能买到一袋米

36 、He wouldn't even lend me ten pence; how mean can you get?───他连十便士都不肯借给我, 你看他有多小气?

37 、You have never, ever had to sell yourself for pence or beg for food.─── 那样你就再也不用出去卖 也不用乞食

38 、There are 100 pence to every pound.───1英镑有100便士。

39 、They made believe to be generous, but they gave him only two pence.───他们假装很慷慨,但他们只给他两个便士。

40 、Instead he bought himself fifty pence worth of trouble.───却拿这钱给自己买了50便士的麻烦。

41 、A hundred pence makes one pound.───一百便士为一镑。

42 、Six pence says you can't make it from where you stand.─── 赌六便士 你从那里 尿不到杯子里

43 、They make a profit of ten pence on every copy they sell.───他们每售出一本获利十便士。

44 、If fifty pence pieces are not exchanged for sweets, they rattle for months inside money boxes.───如果50便士不拿来换糖吃,则可以放在储蓄罐里叮当响上好几月。

45 、There are 100 pence in one pound.───一英镑有一百个便士。

46 、For pence rate a premium would be added and a discount deducted.───凡远期汇率标价位“平价”者,就是说远期汇率和即期汇率一样。

47 、They sell oranges, five pence each.───他们卖橘子,一个五便士。

48 、She was slammed for increasing the price of school meals to sixty pence a week.───她因决定把学校的伙食费提高到每周六十便士而受到了猛烈抨击。

49 、In the early trading session at the stock market, the BA shares rose 2.6% to 241.75 pence.───在股市早盘中,英航股价上涨百分之二点六,达到二四一点七五辨士。

50 、Either pay attention or reimburse me the 69 pence.─── 要么乖乖听话 要么赔我69便士

51 、Betty: sound poor monster down is caught in the tapit they are to put a pence around the tapit.───听着好像一个怪物被缠住了,他们用栅栏把它围住。

52 、Offer subject our confirmation 100000 tons cotton 24 pence propound fob Alexandria Feb shipment.───兹报盘以我方确认为准100000吨棉花每24便士亚历山德里亚船上交货价二月装船。

53 、A little old woman with a wrinkled face as brown as a berry told us fortunes for ten pence.───一位身材矮小、满脸皱纹、皮肤黑黑的老妇人给我们算命,收了10便士。

54 、226 pounds, 17 shillings, and 6 pence.─── 226英镑17先令6便士

55 、He played on with spirit, and in half an hour had earned in pence what was a small fortune to a destitute man.───他兴致勃勃地演奏着,半小时之内就赚了一大堆便士,这对一个一文不名的人来说,等于是一笔巨款。

56 、They want nine hundred and fiftyseven pounds and eightynine pence.─── 他们要九百五十七镑 八十九便士

57 、He begged a few pence of us .───他向我们讨了几便士。

58 、If it costs 25 pence and you give her a pound you should get 75 pence change.───如果这件东西值二十五便士,而你给他一镑,应找回七十五便士的零钱。

59 、He wouldn't even lend me ten pence; how mean can you get ?───他连十便士都不肯借给我,你看他有多小气?

60 、Your few pence will to towards a new radio for the hospital.───你那几个钱用来给医院买台新收音机时凑个数吧。

61 、No,you keep the change; we're not going to fall out for twenty pence!───不,你拿着找头,我们不会为20便士闹翻的!

62 、It's daylight robbery to charge 50 pence for a cup of water.───一杯水竟要价50便士,简直是白日抢劫。

63 、It costs 10 pence to travel three stages.───10便士可以乘三站。

64 、For the sake of a few pence, almost any coolie will run an imminent risk of death.───仅仅为了几便士,几乎所有苦力阶层的人都会把性命置之度外。

65 、She is never happy unless she succeeds in knocking the bill down by a few pence.───如果她不能比帐单少付几个便士,她决不会高兴的。

66 、Could you make it 40 pence per yard. C.I.F London?───你能否把价格订在每码40便士,C。I。F伦敦?

67 、A deduction of seventy-five pence was made from the price realized, to cover expenses.───从卖价中扣除75便士来支付开支。

68 、Pence represents Indiana and Cantor is from Virginia.───便士代表印第安纳州和康托尔是从弗吉尼亚州。

69 、Could you make it 40 pence per yard. C. I. F London?───你能否把价格定在每码40便士,C. I. F 伦敦?

70 、Um, 50 pence a pop. I owe you... 65 quid.─── 50便士一支 那就是65英镑

71 、He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle children out of a few pence.───他就是这种货色,会不顾廉耻去从孩子手中骗取几个零钱。

72 、A little old woman with a wrinkled face as brown as a berry told us our fortunes for ten pence.───一位满脸皱纹皮肤黝黑的小个儿老妇人向我们索取十便士,替我们算命。

73 、He was undercharged (by) 10 pence.───他被少索取十便士。

74 、Its not worth haggling over a few pence.───中文:为几便士争论不休实在不值得.

75 、Can you let me have twenty pence for a cup of tea,Mister; I've been down on my luck lately.───先生,给我20便士买杯茶喝吧,最近我没钱。

76 、Will you let me have three (cucumbers) for two pence?───两便士三个(黄瓜)可以吗?

77 、He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle old people out of a few pence.───他就是这么个家伙,自甘堕落去骗老人们的几文钱。

78 、There you go, sweetheart... 19 pounds... 50 pence.─── 给 亲爱的 19磅50便士

79 、That will be 45 pence, please.───一共是45便士。

80 、How many pence go to the pound?───多少便士是一英镑?

81 、I am desperate. I don't care an English Two pence for myself.───“今天我豁出去了,我愿拿这条不值两便士的命拼了。

82 、He offered me six pence to untie him.─── 他说给我六便士 叫我解开他

83 、The shares are currently being quoted at 54 pence share.───中文:该股票现在的报价是每股54便士.

84 、There are 100 pence to the &.───一镑有一百便士。

85 、It's daylight robbery to charge 60 pence for a cup of tea.───一杯茶卖60便士,简直是漫天要价。

86 、Packaging can add several pence to the price of food.───包装会使食物的价格增加几个便士。

87 、How many pence are there in a pound?───一英镑有多少便士呢?

88 、Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.───[谚]节约便士,金镑自然会积累起来。

89 、It's not worth haggling over a few pence.───为几便士争论不休实在不值得。

90 、Twenty-four old pence is epual to two shillings.───二十四旧便士等于二先令。


Pence指的是Mike Pence,他在特朗普(Trump)任美国总统期间担任副总统。

在美国总统的政治体制中,副总统是一个重要的角色。副总统不仅是总统的助手和顾问,而且在总统无法履行职责时,副总统将接任总统的职务。Mike Pence作为当时的副总统,与特朗普总统共同构成了美国政府的最高领导层。

Mike Pence是一位经验丰富的政治家,他在加入特朗普政府之前,曾在国会众议院和印第安纳州政府任职。作为副总统,Pence在特朗普的许多政策倡议中发挥了关键作用,包括国内政策、外交政策和经济政策等。他经常代表总统出席各种国内和国际活动,展示美国政府的立场和政策。









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