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06-29 投稿





英:  美:





动词现在分词: astonishing | 动词过去分词: astonished | 副词: astonishingly | 动词第三人称单数: astonishes | 动词过去式: astonished |


flabbergast | amaze | take your breath away | dumbfound | stun | shock | startle | overwhelm | snow | daze | astound | surprise | knock for six


ease | relieve


1 、Even till this day, I'm just astonished astonished that the man was actively dying.─── 直到今天 我仍然很震惊 震惊他在我眼前死去

2 、It's leads to an astonish ending!!───一个令人惊愕的结局正等著她!

3 、It astonished her that he was able to survive.───他竟然活了下来,使她大为惊讶。

4 、"Violet marble " action is: Astonish, calm the nerves.───“紫云石”用作药材,它的作用是什么?

5 、He was astonished on seeing his father .───他看见他的父亲感到很吃惊。

6 、Kathy was astonished at Tony's having failed in the exam .───凯西对托尼考试不及格十分惊讶。

7 、Miss Crawford looked for a moment with astonished eyes at Mrs. Norris.───克劳福特**以吃惊的眼神看了一会诺利斯太太。

8 、Not that anyone admiring you should be astonishing.─── 我不是说有人喜欢你让人震惊

9 、He said at the meeting astonished everybody present.───他在会上所说的话使在场的人都感到惊讶。

10 、The revelation that he was her father astonished her.───他就是她父亲,这一意想不到的真相使她大为震惊。

11 、So the fact that I found you is astonishing.─── 所以我能找到你简直就是奇迹了

12 、Many peoples was astonished with his success.───他的成就使许多人刮目相看。

13 、He was astonished to learn he'd won the competition.───他听说他比赛赢了,感到很惊讶。

14 、Probably the daughter was astonished to see her father.───女儿见到她父亲时有可能会感到惊讶。

15 、We were astonished to hear that he had passed his driving test.───听说他通过了驾驶执照的考试,这真叫人意想不到。

16 、Surfing has created many unbelievable miracle, often makes people astonished.───冲浪运动曾创造了许多令人难以置信的奇迹,常使人惊讶不已。

17 、He was astonished beyond measure.───他万分惊讶。

18 、But results will come, and you will be astonished at the change.───但是一定会有成果的。而且你一定会对这些成果带来的变化感到惊讶。

19 、He turns to the astonished patrons.───余超人转向吃惊的观众们说.

20 、We are astonished at his ignorance of his duties.───他对自己职责的无知令我们惊愕。

21 、He was staring at her with an astonished look on his face.───他满脸惊讶,目不转睛地盯着她。

22 、He was astonished at Tony's having failed in the exam.───他对于托尼考试不及格十分吃惊。

23 、All the people were astonished and said, "Could this be the Son of David?───众人都惊奇,说:“这不是大卫的子孙吗?

24 、I'm astonished you would suggest such a thing.─── 我很吃惊你居然会提出这种建议

25 、Hoot astonished situation, determined to gas-ho.───叱诧风云,锐意气豪。

26 、He was both astonished and pleased.───他是又惊又喜。

27 、He was astonished to see his father.───他看到他父亲时很吃惊。

28 、We were all astonished at the unexpected news.───听了这个突如其来的消息,我们都很诧异。

29 、He astonished us by taking a stroll at midnight.───他午夜散步使我们惊异。

30 、He was astonished at the uncultivated desolation.───他吃惊的瞧着久未耕作的荒野。

31 、You look astonished at the news.───你对这消息似乎感到惊异。

32 、You have never to travel long without being pleasantly astonished.───你根本不用走多远就会有惊喜的发现。

33 、But the morality of you gentlemen astonishes me.─── 但你们这群绅士的道德准则真是让我惊讶

34 、He's astonished she can't see them. "Where! Everywhere," he replies.───他很吃惊,这些她居然看不见。他回答道:“哪里?!到处都是嘛!

35 、I was astonished to hear the news.───听到这消息我很惊讶。

36 、The ease and speed of it rather astonished Ron.───事情竟然如此神速且不费吹灰之力,确实让罗恩大吃一惊。

37 、I was astonished at the news of his escape.───听到他逃之夭夭的消息,我感到惊讶。

38 、I was astonished at their laughter and gaiety.───可是他们的快乐、欢笑,使我感到惊奇。

39 、He was astonished to hear it.───他听到这件事感到惊愕。

40 、To affect with great wonder; astonish.───使大为惊奇;使惊异感到非常好奇;吃惊。

41 、It will astonish you to hear what I paid for this ring.───听到我花多少钱买这枚戒指会使你大吃一惊。

42 、That'll astonish Timothy's weak nerves.───以悌摩西那样衰弱的神经,这件事准会吓坏他。

43 、They were astonished by what they found.───他们为他们的发现感到惊讶.

44 、His sudden death astonished us .───他突然逝世,使我们惊骇。

45 、We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion.───听说他们的足球队获得了冠军,这真叫人意想不到。

46 、The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.───天的柱子,因他的斥责,震动惊奇。

47 、His wife was astonished at the astronomical sum of money he had spent.───他的妻子被他花的天文数字的钱款惊呆了。

48 、We are astonished at his improvement.───他进步之快,令我们惊讶。

49 、What he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.───他在会上说的话令在场的人很吃惊。

50 、Did you notice his astonished face at that time?───你当时注意到他惊讶的面孔了吗?

51 、To affect with great wonder;astonish.───使大为惊奇;使惊异感到非常好奇;吃惊

52 、I was so surprised and astonished at his answer.───他的答复让我非常吃惊。

53 、He was astonished at what he found.───他发现的情况使他十分惊讶。

54 、We'll have a glorious drunk to astonish the druidy druids.───“咱们要豪饮一通,把那些正宗的德鲁伊特[47]吓一跳。

55 、He is astonished to hear he has got the job.───他听到获得了那份工作而感到惊讶。

56 、He astonished me by his appearance.───他的样子叫我吃惊。

57 、It astonish me that no one have think of this before.───以前谁也没想到这一点, 使我感到惊讶。

58 、And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power.───32他们很希奇他的教训,因为他的话里有权柄。

59 、And the disciples were astonished at his words.───可10:24门徒希奇他的话。

60 、Ashley appears to be very astonished and somewhat upset.───亚瑟利表现出特别的惊讶及稍有些意乱。

61 、And as he did so, he made an astonishing discovery.─── 在清除过程中 他有了惊人的发现

62 、"Admire me?" His tone was blank, astonished.───“赞赏我?”他的声音是不解的,惊讶的。

63 、He gave her an astonished look.───他惊异地看了她一眼。

64 、He was astonished to hear he had got the job .───听说自己得到了那份工作,他感到很惊讶。

65 、NIV] Look at me and be astonished; clap your hand over your mouth.───[和合]你们要看着我而惊奇,用手3捂口。

66 、He was astonished, but by no means dismayed.───他是惊讶的,但是一点也不惊慌。

67 、But results will come,and you will be astonished at the change.───但是一定会有成果的,而且你一定会对变化感到惊讶。

68 、Grace, I have the most astonishing news.─── 格蕾丝 我有个无比震惊的消息

69 、I'm astonished at Hatten's suddenly starting to take an interest in music.───哈顿突然对音乐产生兴趣,这真让我感到吃惊。

70 、All audiences and guests were astonished by SAKA's skillful performance.───在场的所有同业及观赏者们,无不叹为观止。

71 、I am astonished that he did not come .───他没有来使我感到惊讶。

72 、He was astonished to see his father here.───在这儿见到父亲他感到惊讶。

73 、He astonished us with his strange idea.───他出怪点子使我们惊讶。

74 、It astonished us to hear that you did not received our letter.───听说你还没收到我们的信,这使我们十分惊讶。

75 、His magic act will amaze and astonish you.───他的神奇表现将会令你惊叹不止。

76 、I was astonished at his rudeness.───他的粗野使我大吃一惊。

77 、His capacity for learning languages astonished me.───他学习语言的能力使我感到惊讶。

78 、To surprise tremendously; astonish.───使非常吃惊;使震惊

79 、It astonished me to learn that she was dead.───听说她死了,真使我惊愕。

80 、The scale of the project was astonishing.─── 这项工程的规模让人叹为观止

81 、"I still have money!" Again, we are astonished.───"我还有钱!"我们再次为之动容!

82 、I stand before you astonished and astounded.─── 站在你面前的我真是无比震撼惊讶

83 、Look at me and be astonished; clap your hand over your mouth.───你们要看著我而惊奇,用手捂口。

84 、He purposed to both charm and astonish me by his appearance.───他是想以他的外貌让我着迷,使我吃惊。

85 、They faced each other on the bright beach, astonished at the rub of feeling.───在明亮的海滩上他们对视着,为感情的龃龉而吃惊。

86 、You look astonished at the news .───你对这个消息感到惊讶。

87 、Bertha was too much astonished to reply.───伯莎惊愕得答不出话来。

88 、The earthquake astonished me.───地震使我惊慌失措。

89 、He was astonished that she was in Paris at all.───他诧异极了,她居然还在巴黎。

90 、What is astonishing is that they could not have had more opposite upbringings.─── 最让人感到不可思议的是 她们接受的教育方式几乎截然相反



He pats me on the shoulder.这句话中的pat就是及物动词,后面接me 这个宾语.

She is reading a novel.中的read 是及物动词.


如:She looked at me.中的look 是不及物动词.

The news of her sudden death astonished us.这句话中的astonish 是及物动词,后面接us做宾语.你的例句中的astonished 是他的被动语态,前面有were ,及物动词的被动语态自然后面就会加上相应介词然后才接宾语.


astonish 是及物动词, 使惊讶,句式是

sth astonishes sb.

The news of her sudden death

astonished us.

如果主语是 we,就变成了

We were astonished at the news at her

sudden death.

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