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06-29 投稿




英:['w??r?n?s]  美:[ ?w?r?n?s]

英:  美:


n. 疲倦, 厌倦, 疲劳


1 、One other way he deals with weariness is to peek at his wedding photo that hangs around his neck.───一路上,他都把结婚照挂在脖子上,看一眼就能提神解乏。

2 、So he thought in rare moments of lucidity, but his usual state of mind was one of weariness and a tender pity for himself because of that weariness.───因此,他认为,在罕见的时刻洞察力,但他一贯的精神状态是一个厌倦和招标惋惜,因为自己的疲惫.

3 、Flushed with victory, the soldiers knew no weariness.───士兵们因胜利而兴奋,一点也不觉疲惫。

4 、And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.───圣经云:我儿,还有一层,你当受劝戒:著书多,没有穷尽;读书多,身体疲倦。”

5 、The ramifications or the mystery of a syllogism can become a weariness and a bore.───三段论证法的分歧或者神秘会变成一种无聊、一种麻烦。

6 、In the night of weariness let me give myself up to sleep without struggle, resting my trust upon thee.───在这困倦的夜里,让我帖服地把自己交给睡眠,把信赖托付给你。

7 、His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down and rest in the first convenient shade.───他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。他于是下了决心,一碰到舒适的阴凉处,就坐下来休息。

8 、Every increase possession loads us with a new weariness .───多一份财富多一份烦恼。

9 、Actually I think they always involve a feeling onthe weariness of reality.Maybe we should search some historical tracesagain, and maybe we need to look back to some things.───其实我觉得都有一种对现实的厌倦的情绪在里面,我们可能要重新寻找一些历史的痕迹,也许是需要回头看一些东西。

10 、At the end of his journey he feels a delicious physical weariness.───在他旅途的终点,他感到一种愉悦的生理疲惫。

11 、The dazzled bewilderment was fading, a numbness and lethargy that was not so much a weariness of body as it was a weariness of spirit that made her feet seem too heavy to lift, her heart too heavy to bear.───使人眩目的困惑已经消退,随之而来的是麻木与倦怠,那并非躯体上的疲劳而是源自灵魂,使她的双腿无力支撑,她的心理无力负担。

12 、Anyway, there he was, tucked away comfortably, but with an air of weariness as usual.───他还是露面了,刚刚大吃大喝了一顿,不过像往常一样显得疲惫不堪。

13 、When we are weary, and in need of strength.─── 当我们疲惫不已 需要力量

14 、She only knew she had left her tired body and floated somewhere above it where there was no pain and weariness and her brain saw things with an inhuman clarity.───她只知道自己摆脱了疲乏的身躯,飘浮到上边什么地方,那里没有痛苦和辛劳,她的脑子能以超凡的透明度洞察周围的一切。

15 、Function description: Open meridian, eliminate weariness, motivate metabolism, accelerate slough of aging keratinized cell, whiten and soften hand skin.───功能说明:疏通经络,消除疲劳,提高新陈代谢,加速老化角质细胞的脱落,美白柔嫩手部肌肤。

16 、His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.───他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。他于是下了决心,一碰到舒适的阴凉处,就坐下休息。

17 、She succumbed to weariness and went to bed.───她疲惫不堪,上床睡觉了。

18 、Most praise addicts who fast go through severe withdrawal pangs, including intense anxiety, inexplicable rage, and terrible weariness.───多数进行”斋戒“的表扬上瘾者会渡过严重的”撤药“阵痛,包括,极度焦虑、费解的愤怒还有糟糕的疲劳。

19 、Break Line Accident Probe Caused by Lead Weariness Vibration───从两起断线事故探讨导线疲劳振动

20 、All this endless fighting leaves me weary.─── 我已经厌烦了这些无休止的争斗

21 、A few around the table showed signs of weariness.───在座的人有几个已面带疲倦。

22 、to keep the weary pilgrim on the road.─── 支撑疲惫的朝圣者继续前行

23 、He soon fell asleep with weariness.───他疲倦地很快就睡着了。

24 、He worked so hard that the weariness pervaded his whole body.───他努力工作,以致全身疲惫。

25 、The evening has come. Weariness clings round me like the arms of entreating love.───夜来到了,困乏像爱的恳求用双臂围抱住我。

26 、Then, at last, some weary figures appear.─── 终于 几个疲惫的身影出现了

27 、There is no weariness among them, and no man is feeble-footed: they come without resting or sleeping, and the cord of their shoes is not broken.───其中没有疲倦的,绊跌的,没有打盹的,睡觉的。腰带并不放松,鞋带也不折断。

28 、A kind of thorough marrow of melancholy and weariness.───一种深入骨髓的忧郁和疲倦。

29 、In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.───27受劳碌,受困苦,多次不得睡,又饥又渴,多次不得食。受寒冷,赤身露体。

30 、His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a “global nomad.───他咆哮般的口音是通晓多种语言的人独有的特点,散发着一种被他称为“全球流浪者”所独具的疲惫感。

31 、The Duke tonight pleaded weariness, and saw your Majesty not farther than to the street, leaving to the officers of his household the task of conveying you to your lodgings.───今晚公爵推说疲倦,只送陛下到街上,而让王室的官员送您到住宅。

32 、He was already watching for signs of retreat: impatience, condescension, a certain weariness.───他听到她跟另一个女侍应说俄语。

33 、And the weariness of the cell is the vigor of the organism───一个细胞的衰变正是机体的活力。-你们会失败的。

34 、"My genius?" she echoed with a sudden note of weariness.───“我的天才?”她突然用厌倦语调重复道。

35 、Tonight you may discover that your weariness is a result of swimming against today's current.───今夜也许你会发现对抗现实的结果就是疲惫不堪。

36 、His cheerful joke made us forget our weariness.───他讲的令人愉快的笑话使我们忘记了疲劳。

37 、However, the long trip of train and bus exhausted us.The weariness soon drew all of us into dreamless sleeping, shielding us from the tire.That was really good sleep.───但是,长途跋涉已经令我们疲惫不堪,并很快带我们进入了梦里他乡。

38 、His eyes were half closing in weariness.───他疲倦得眼睛都快睜不开了。

39 、The evening has some. Weariness clings around me like the arms of entreating love.───夜晚来临,必备如同求爱的手臂紧紧箍着我。

40 、His face sagged with weariness.───他的面容因疲倦而委顿。

41 、Weariness from overwork, pain, injustice, this all doesn't consider as what, but be can not stand him indignity person!───劳累,辛苦,委屈,这都不算什么,但就是受不了他侮辱人啊!

42 、He is so robust and never has a trace of weariness.───他非常健壮,从不显示一丝倦意。

43 、His weariness determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.───他感到疲惫,因此下决心,一遇到就近的荫凉处就坐下来休息。

44 、The weariness of the cell is the vigour of the organism.───一个细胞的衰变正是机体的活力。

45 、He could forget, in a measure, the weariness of the street and his tiresome searches.───他可以忘掉一些街上奔波的疲乏和四处找寻的劳累。

46 、Go to work after three months, this strain feeling already pursue Zhe disappear, but have a little weariness, so in subconscious hope have an opposite sex concern.───上班三个月后,这紧张感已逐浙消失,可是有点疲倦,所以潜意识里希望有个异性关怀。

47 、To reward yourself for successful performance is a way to maintain learning enthusiasm and overcome weariness.───为自己的成功表现奖励自我是保持学习积极性,克服厌学情绪的一种途径。

48 、Her weariness only because once buried too many fallen petal for her.───她疲倦,只因为她葬过太多的落花。

49 、Function description: Deep supplement water and nutrition to skin, provide deficient nutrient due to excessive weariness of hands, quickly leave skin lustrous and roseate.───功能说明:深层补充皮肤营养和水分,提供手部因过度疲劳而需要补充的养分,迅速使肌肤恢复光泽。

50 、lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness.───因为疲惫、疾病或者忧愁而缺乏活力。

51 、It's a weary march back to where they started from.─── 返回原来的位置是一趟疲惫的旅程

52 、And David, with four hundred men, went on: but two hundred of them were overcome with weariness, and not able to go across the stream.───10大卫却带著四百人、往前追赶,有二百人疲乏、不能过比梭溪、所以留在那里。

53 、Forgetting the weariness of the streets and the degradation of search, he would sometimes prick up his ears. It was as if he said: "I can do something.───一旦忘记了在街上到处奔波的疲劳感和四处寻找的落魄相时,他有时就会竖起耳朵,仿佛听见自己在说:“我还是有事可做的。

54 、Then Gideon came to Jordan and went over it with his three hundred, overcome with weariness and in need of food.───基甸和跟随他的三百人到约但河过渡,虽然疲乏,还是追赶。

55 、In great distress and weariness───困苦劳顿

56 、"Only a rich cunt can save me now," he says with an air of utmost weariness.───他显出极其疲倦的样子说,“现在,只有一个阔女人才能救我。

57 、He uncovered layer on layer of hidden weariness.───他隐藏着的厌烦一层一层地暴露出来了。

58 、But, if visitors to Iran are struck by anything, it is the dominant mood of weariness.───但如果有什么东西会雷到在伊朗的游客,那一定是浓厚的反战情绪。

59 、your trials have left you weary, I'm sure.─── 经历如此艰险 你肯定疲惫不堪了

60 、I was weary from my trip. I've been in my chambers.─── 我旅途劳累 一直在房间里

61 、They were done with hunger and weariness.───他们又累又饿。

62 、The work of the foolish will be a weariness to him, because he has no knowledge of the way to the town.───凡愚昧人,他的劳碌使自己困乏,因为连进城的路,他也不知道。

63 、War weariness was all-pervasive───厌战情绪笼罩一切。

64 、lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness───因为疲惫、疾病或者忧愁而缺乏活力

65 、I see the weariness in your eyes, the mistrust.─── 我在你眼中看到了疲倦 怀疑

66 、He turned away with a sense of utter weariness.───他疲惫不堪地转身走开了。

67 、The Design of Oil Extracting Poles at the Point of Weariness───基于疲劳强度的抽油杆杆柱设计

68 、7. A little wariness prevents great weariness.───一点点的谨慎避免莫大的疲劳。

69 、Lack of sleep,much weariness or drinking too much may cause headaches.───只是初二的一道题,这里却无人能帮我答出,

70 、You're my best vitamin. As soon as I see you, I'm filled with excitement and all of my weariness is gone.───你就是我最好的维生素。一看到你,我就充满兴奋,所有的辛苦都没了。

71 、It sounded strange, but so pleasant that they forgot all their weariness and stepped quickly onwards.───乐声很怪但又如此悦耳,以致他们忘记了疲劳,赶紧向前走去。

72 、But with the growth of grades some problems have begun to emerge.For example, the increase of weariness, the dislike of school, the inadaptation of learning and so on.───但随着年级的上升,一些问题开始暴露出来,例如厌学情绪的增长,不喜欢就读的学校,不适应现在的学习,等等。

73 、Until your mind is weary, and your bones ache.─── 直到精疲力竭 筋骨作痛

74 、Your love is comfortin in sadness,quietness in tumult,rest in weariness,hope in despair.───你的爱是悲哀中的慰藉,喧嚣中的宁静,疲惫中的憩息,绝望中的希翼.

75 、Do not understand the weariness of my infatuation;───不懂我痴心的疲惫;

76 、The life of Man is a long march through the night, surrounded by invisible foes, tortured by weariness and pain, towards a goal that few can hope to reach, and where none may tarry long.───人的一生是穿越黑夜的长途跋涉,周围有许多看不见的敌人,经受着劳累和痛苦,走向一个很少有望达到的目标,即使达到了也没有谁能呆得长。

77 、There's twice a day it's only weariness stops me doing it myself.─── 我每天两次想自己了断 只是累得没力气做

78 、Tito had at that moment a nauseating weariness of simulation───在这个时候,蒂托对于弄虚作假感到厌烦了。

79 、And he said to the men of Succoth, Give bread cakes to my people, for they are overcome with weariness, and I am going on after Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian.───基甸对疏割人说、求你们拿饼来给跟随我的人吃.因为他们疲乏了、我们追赶米甸人的两个王西巴和撒慕拿。

80 、Weariness pervaded his whole body.───他全身疲倦。

81 、In hard work and weariness, in frequent watchings, going without food and drink, cold and in need of clothing.───受劳碌、受困苦,多次不得睡,又饥又渴,多次不得食,受寒冷,赤身露体。

82 、Flushed with victory,the soldiers knew no weariness.───因胜利而兴奋,战士们一点儿也不觉累。

83 、It was not long, however, before the old worry was back for consideration, and with it what weariness!───可是没过多久,他的思路又回到了老问题上,真让人厌倦!

84 、If you do this, and God gives approval, then you will be able to go on without weariness, and all this people will go to their tents in peace.───你若这样行,神也这样吩咐你,你就能受得住,这百姓也都平平安安归回他们的住处。

85 、Utter weariness overtook me an hour later.───一小时之后,我感到困乏极了。

86 、Long lines of soldiers were passing, dust covered, sodden with weariness.───一队队满身尘土、精疲力竭的士兵从那里经过。

87 、You have been told also that life is darkness, and in your weariness you echo what was said by the weary.───你又常听别人告诉你,生命即黑暗,在你疲倦时,就附和那些疲倦者的说法。

88 、Once more, the weariness of a few minutes earlier engulfed him.───他又一次显出刚才那种疲倦不堪的神情。

89 、Because of the crowd, I couldn't thank everyone properly, and I couldn't help but showed my weariness, I had to hurry and sign all the albums.───因为(来签名会的)人实在太多了,我没有办法好好地对每个歌迷说谢谢,还有我实在很不愿意但又无法遮掩我的疲倦。

90 、Let me carry the weariness at the time of in the dead of night of you go home.───在夜深人静的时候让我背着疲倦的你回家。


world-weariness_翻译world-weariness 英[w??(r)ld ?w??r?n?s] 美[w?rld ?w?r?n?s] n. 厌世;



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