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06-28 投稿




英:['r??kl?s?f?'ke??n]  美:['r??kl?s?f?'ke??n]

英:  美:


n. 再分类;再次分级


1 、Reclassification has been a dead issue: virtually no area has been reclassified as either Class I or Class III───地区分类一直是个行不通的问题;实际上没有一个地区既划归一类又划归三类。

2 、Reclassification of figures of speech in the light of metaphorical study───隐喻研究背景下修辞格的重新归类问题

3 、reclassification entries───重分类分录

4 、At least the memo is candid when it concludes, "Bank customers are unaware that such reclassification is occurring.───至少备忘录是坦诚的,它总结道,“银行的客户们并没有意识到这种重新调整的发生。”

5 、During the allocation phase, the heuristic of nearest center reclassification (NCR) is adopted.───约束多设备韦伯问题包含了常见的不带约束的多设备韦伯问题作为它的特殊情况。

6 、“What worried me about the reclassification program is that it's just a small part of many other things that we have lost since 911, and which will make it very difficult to get these things back.───“对于重新保密这一计划,令我担心的事情是这仅是从911开始我们所丢失的许多其他东西的一小部分,这会使得重新得到这些东西变得非常困难.

7 、Reclassification of Fossil Orthophlebiidae(Insecta:Mecoptera)───化石直脉蝎蛉科再分类(长翅目)(英文)

8 、"What worries me about the reclassification program, is it is just a small part of many other things that we have lost since September 11th, which will make it very difficult to get these things back.───重新分类计划困扰我的是,这仅仅是我们从911事件开始失去的其中很小一部分,这让我们很难重新找回他们。”

9 、Types Reclassification in Cross- cultural Communication───关于跨文化交际失误类型划分的探讨

10 、Reach has now applied for reclassification of its Category B observation list routes as Category A routes, which are subject to less strict pricing regulations.───恒通公司现在申请就B类中的观察名单路由重新划分为A类路由,后者所受的价格管制更为宽松。

11 、Reclassification to R&D work flow process, on the basis of which, frame optimization and technical enhancement is studied.───对开发设计作业流程重新进行了阶段划分,并在此基础上实施了作业过程结构优化和成本技术改善。

12 、Orderliness are back on the Reclassification, is not one of the two back to back this call , What does it mean, look at the Association of the downtown?───有板眼就退唦,又不是一回两回这样喊,什么意思,闹给中协看的吗?”

13 、Note : The number of ISPs has been adjusted due to reclassification of service requested by some licensees.───註釋:互聯網持牌供應商的數目因供應商要求重新分類其服務而有所調整。

14 、Vesta is considered by some to be a candidate for reclassification into a planet.───按照最近可能通过的新的大行星分类法则,灶神星有可能被作为大行星的候选者。

15 、Approved Item Name Reclassification Program───核准的项目名称重新分类计划

16 、Reclassification has been a dead issue : virtually no area has been reclassified as either Class I or Class III.───地区分类一直是个行不通的问题;实际上没有一个地区既划归一类又划归三类。

17 、"What worries me about the reclassification program is it is just a small part of many other things that we have lost since September 11th, which will make it very difficult to get these things back.───“令我十分担忧的是重分类计划只是我们自911事件以所失去东西的一小部分,但是我们很难再把这些东西找回来了。”

18 、Such is the size of present-day book collections that the costs of reclassification can not be contemplated.───今天,图书馆的藏书规模过于庞大,重新分类的费用几乎无法估计。

19 、Navy Ammunition Reclassification───海军弹药再分类(细目)

20 、nearest center reclassification───最近中心再分组

21 、Study on Method of Slope Reclassification Database Construction in Investigation of Land Use Update───土地利用更新调查中坡度分级数据库建设方法研究

22 、Keywords full automated urine analyzer;reclassification function;microscopic quantitation in uncentrifuged samples;───尿沉渣分析仪;修饰功能;不离心标本镜检定量方法;

23 、The vote by astronomers on a sweeping reclassification of the solar system was described as a triumph of science over sentiment.───天文学家一面倒投票支持重新将太阳系分类,被指为科学战胜感性。

24 、A reclassification of the family Thelypteridaceae from the mainland of Asia.───亚洲大陆的金星蕨科的新分类系统.

25 、Critics of the reclassification program say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other U.S. spy agencies are the driving force behind the move to reclassify the documents.───对“重新分类档案”计划持批评态度的评论家认为中情局和其他国家**机构在背后对此施加了压力。

26 、reclassification function───修饰功能

27 、Astronomers' reclassification strips ninth planet of status in solar system.───国际天文学会对行星重新定义,剥夺了冥王星的地位。

28 、Pluto recent reclassification, by the International Astronomical Union, from planet to dwarf planet remains a topic of much debate.───最近国际天文联合会对通过冥王星重新分类,把它定义为矮行星,但这一定义仍存在很多争议。

29 、Besides reclassification of weak form efficient market, the text carries on empirical research about efficiency of our securities market.───本文的重点除了对弱势有效进行分类之外,还基于新建立的分析体系对我国证券市场效率进行了实证研究。

30 、reclassification of post───重新定职定级

31 、Waveform reclassification───波形再分类

32 、This paper aimed at understanding and re-evaluation in Chinese ancient history factual record of the reclassification of things, the rich connotations of this dimension.───本文意在重新认识和评价中国古代史传中“实录”叙事观中“所叙之事”这一层面的丰富内涵。

33 、reclassification track───改编线

34 、Critics of the reclassification program say the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other U.───评论家指出移走文件进行重新分类是中情局和其他**组织幕后操作所为。

35 、It shows the predominance of the reclassification of seismic facies in finely describing the geology body.───认为地震波形分类的再分类研究可以有效指导岩性油气藏的勘探与开发。

36 、The FWS fully expects the reclassification proposal to pass this spring and hopes to delist the populations in the Northwest and Midwest in the next year.───FWS满心期望重新分类的提案可在今春(2003)通过,并在明年将西北与中西部的族群从濒临绝种名单上除名。

37 、reclassification entry───录的重新分类

38 、A Research of the Auxiliary Words of Modern Chinese and its Reclassification───现代汉语助词及其再分类

39 、If they use mixtures, they will have until 1 June 2015 for reclassification and labelling.───如他们使用的混合物,他们将有直至2015年6月1日改叙和标签。

40 、Reclassification strips ninth planet of status in solar system.───国际天文学会对行星重新定义,剥夺了冥王星的地位。

41 、We also evaluated the relationship between sonographic findings and the histologic reclassification.───比较了二者在超声图像和组织学类型之间的关联。

42 、Reclassification of Postponed Manufacturing Based on the Customer Order Decoupling Point───基于客户订单分离点的延迟制造再分类研究

43 、At the heart of the reclassification debate is the question whether government can be truly opened and uncountable, when it suppresses the pubic right to know.───当政府限制公众的知情权时,政府能否真正地公开,这个问题是关于重新分级的争论的核心.

44 、Reclassification of pixel values, add, subtract, multiply, divide and exponentiate images on a pixel-to-pixel basis, or by a constant value.───重新分类的像素值、加、减、乘、除和指数运算,或者通过基础恒定值。

45 、At the heart of the reclassification debate is the question of whether government can be truly open and accountable, when it suppresses the public's right to know.───对于重分类问题的争论中心是当政府压制了公众的知情权时,政府还能否真正做到公开,负责。

46 、This reclassification may lead to the formulation of a new plan or a change in how the response goal is accomplished.───这样重新分类可能会导致制定一项新的计划或改变如何完成对应的目标。

47 、Vancanneyt M P.Segers U.Torck B Reclassification of Flavobacterium odoratum (Stutzer 1929) strains to a new genus,Myroides odoratus comb.nov.and Myroides odoratimimus sp.nov.Int 1996───徐力文.刘广锋.王江勇.王瑞旋.陈毕生杂色鲍育苗中"掉板症"的药物防治研究[期刊论文]-南方水产2004(4

48 、tariff reclassification───重订税则类别

49 、Reclassification of weak form efficient market and setting up a new analysis system can make effective and rational research to the poor efficiency of the new developing securities market.───对弱势有效的分类,建立一个新的弱势有效分析体系,能对新兴证券市场的低效率进行有效而合理的评价。

pragmatic failure是什么意思

pragmatic failure

语用失误; 语用失效;



Approaching the pragmatic failure of translation in public signs.



The problem of pragmatic failure has been holding an important position in thestudy of intercultural communication and pragmatics.


pragmatic failure是什么意思



pragmatic failure

语用失误; 语用失效;



Approaching the pragmatic failure of translation in public signs.



Cross-cultural pragmatic failure has recently drawn more and more attention from scholars at home and abroad as an important domain in both pragmatics and applied linguistics.



On redefinition and reclassification of cross-cultural pragmatic failure.


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