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07-01 投稿





英:  美:


n.输出, 出口, 输出品


v.输出, 出口


动词现在分词: exporting | 名词: exportability | 动词第三人称单数: exports | 形容词: exportable | 动词过去分词: exported | 动词过去式: exported |


1 、The export trade subjects to many risks.───出口贸易常常遇到许多风险。

2 、Our products are exported to Europe and North of Merica country.───主要销往欧洲及北美等十几个国家。

3 、He oversees the export department.───他掌管出口部分。

4 、Nanjing THC Machinery Import and Export Co., Ltd.───南京泰合顺机械进出口有限公司。

5 、To help cut a big trade deficit, nearly 1m tonnes was exported.───为了有助于减少大的贸易赤字,近100万吨的小麦都用于了出口。

6 、When goods are exported, foreign exchange is earned.───出口了货物,收进了外汇。

7 、The wiretaps show that he was exporting something illegal.─── *记录也指出他非法出口

8 、Hello. This is Jim Brown of the export department. May I speak to Mr. Wang?───喂,我是出口部的吉姆布朗,请找一下王先生好吗?

9 、Includes exported functions in the map file.───在映射文件中包含导出函数。

10 、OK. This is the newest style for export this year.───好的。这是今年出口的最新款式。

11 、Cuba's biggest export is sugar. I'm a firm no.─── 古巴出口最多的就是蔗糖 我不会同意

12 、So he exports violence and imports misery.─── 也就是说他出口暴力进口折磨

13 、Do you happen to remember the name of the export agency?───你记得那个出口**公司的名字吗?

14 、Congolese minerals and timber are exported through Rwanda.───刚果的矿产资源与木材要经过卢旺达才能出口。

15 、But it's our best selling export line as well.─── 也是我们销量最好的产品线

16 、They have exported a lot of goods but they will export more.───他们已外销大量货物,但他们将会出口更多物品。

17 、You can't export all the workers, automate all the positions.─── 你不能解雇所有工人 把一切都交给机器人

18 、Main base for assembly of any export goods.───出口产品的最主要组装基地。

19 、So, currently, we're exporting all this all over the world.─── 所以 目前我们正向全球各地出口这些鱼

20 、Encrypt exported data using the destination key management service.───使用目标密钥管理服务加密导出的数据。

21 、20% paid to me of your export business.─── 你出口生意的20%要归我

22 、Our offer is subject to approval of export licence.───"出口许可证准许签证,我方报价才有效. asasdfas"

23 、Large industrial capital is exported to developing countries.───大量的工业资本输出到发展中国家。

24 、I'm sorry the export of these curios is prohibited.───对不起,这些古玩是禁止出口的。

25 、Official export inspection certificate C.───官方重量检测证明。

26 、Suffer losses in the export market.───在出口市场中亏损。

27 、Chinese commodities available for export are varied.───中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。

28 、Our products are mainly exported to Middle East,South Esat Asia.───产品远销中东、东南亚、英、韩、比利时等十几个国家和地区,并在国内享有盛誉。

29 、OTL exported over USD 630 million in 2005.───2005年公司进出口总额6300万美元。

30 、In the past several months, the export volume fell.───在过去几个月,出口额下降了。

31 、Above may present some solution prevent our one sided export.───以上可能是防止我们单方面出口的一些办法。

32 、Encryption keys were exported the night of the hack.─── 密钥在入侵当晚已经被转移

33 、The culture of one country can be exported in many ways.───一个国家的文化可以以多种方式输出。

34 、China has agreed to prohibit lead paint on toys exported to the US.───中国已经同意不再将含铅的玩具出口到美国。

35 、The volume of annual exported craftwork to Japan dropped drastically last year.───去年销往日本的工艺品数量锐减。

36 、They sell to the home market,but they don't export.───他们向国内市场销售,但不出口。

37 、The company's gearing up for the big export drive.───公司正为大规模输出作好准备。

38 、What articles are allowed to be exported free of charge?───哪些物品允许免税出口?

39 、Type a name for the exported file, and then click OK.───为已导出的文件键入一个名称,然后单击“确定”。

40 、Export growth has started to flatten out.───出口增长已逐渐缓了下来。

41 、The committee's term of reference do not cover export.───委员会的授权范围不包括出口事宜。

42 、All goods exported to Japan.───商品全部销往日本。

43 、Jiaxing Hifine Import And Export Company Ltd.───嘉兴海发进出口有限公司。

44 、They are engaged in import and export.───他们做进出口贸易。

45 、Jilin Carbon Import And Export Co.───吉林炭素进出口公司。

46 、Portable Contraband Alarm Exported to South Africa.───便携式违禁品报警仪已出口南非。

47 、Export trade is falling off.───出口贸易减少了。

48 、Some products are exported to USA, Southeast Asia etc.───“天宝”牌商标被授予江苏省著名商标。

49 、Precision Plate exported to the U.S.───出口美国精密板。

50 、They're mainly for export to earn foreign exchange.───它们主要用来出口创汇。

51 、All cement jumbo bag for Export are waterproof.───出口水泥大包装袋全部采用防水包装。

52 、We have continued to optimize our export mix.───出口商品结构不断优化。

53 、Under Look in, move to the location where you exported the file.───在“查找范围”之下,**到Visual Studio安装目录中的以下位置

54 、Before the Second World War the American exported jazz and the blues.───在第二次世界大战之前,美国人把爵士乐和布鲁斯音乐传播到国外。

55 、Export have suffer during the last six month.───前6个月内,出口已蒙受损失。

56 、Russia exports more timber than any other country.─── 俄罗斯是世界上木材出口量最大的国家

57 、The chaotic competition of export market.───出口市场无序竞争。

58 、They exported commodities there without restriction.───他们出口商品到那里没有限制。

59 、The system of refunding taxes on exported goods.───出口退税制度。

60 、He is familiar with export procedure.───他对出口程序很熟悉。

61 、The exposition about exported goods started yesterday.───出口商品交易会昨天开幕了。

62 、After that it began to import more than it exported.───六十年代以后,粮食有进有出,进大于出。

63 、Bracius is a food import and export business.─── 布拉修斯是家食品进出口公司

64 、A duty or tax imposed on imported and, less commonly, exported goods.───关税对进口货物且很少对出口货物征收的一种税

65 、The export of farm produce needs to be expanded.───努力扩大农产品出口。

66 、Export lists may be had for the asking at the office.───出口商品目录向办公室索取即可获得。

67 、Can generate export documentation automatically.───会自动产生出口证。

68 、Export Database to CSV format in plain text format.───出口数据库到在普通文本格式的CSV格式。

69 、If this button is clicked, no speed vectors will be exported.───如果这一个按钮被点下,没有速率矢量将会被输出。

70 、An internal service can be exported for outside consumption.───内部服务可以被导出供外部调用。

71 、Fixed an issue with CSV files being exported incorrectly sometimes.───修正了一个与CSV文件错误有时出口。

72 、Export sales were up by 32% last year.───去年出口销售额增长了 32%。

73 、They have exported a lot of goods but they will export more .───他们已外销大量货物,但他们将会出口更多物品。

74 、China prohibits export of products made with prison labour.───中国禁止劳改产品出口。

75 、A null field descriptor is the descriptor that forms the blank division in export.───一个空白字段描述符是在输出中形成空格的描述符。

76 、As mentioned before, the entire production is exported.───上文曾提及整个墓碑产品都是出口。

77 、Dongying port tyre export achieves new high.───东营口岸轮胎出口创新高。

78 、Most of SF6 recovery devices used in domestic are exported.───国内使用的SF6回收装置主要依赖进口。


80 、Last week, India imposed a 15% duty on exported steel.───上周,印度开始对出口钢材征收15%的关税。

81 、He noted that VAT was reimbursed once goods were exported.───他指出,货物一经出口即退还增值税。

82 、One twentieth of the total output was exported.───产量中有二十分之一出口。

83 、Collages can be exported as editable projects or single images.───你能够也输出它如桌面壁纸,或者印刷,或者通过电子邮件送信。

84 、Why didn't you tell us if there is export company.───为什么没告诉我们是经过出口公司出货呢?

85 、Oil has supplanted coffee as our main export.───原油已经取代咖啡成为我们的主要出口货物。

86 、He bought two pieces of goods exported under special licence.───他买了两件特许出口商品。

87 、The export business is just a smokescreen for his activity as a spy.───他做出口生意只是为他的**活动打掩护。

88 、China Nan'guang Import and Export Corp.───中国南光进出口总公司

89 、We must settel all export procedure for you?───出口手续有我们办吗?

90 、It is more profitable to export crops.───出口粮食可以获得更多的利润。


汉堡的英文单词:Hamburger;读音:英 ['h?mb??ɡ?(r)] 美 ['h?mb??rɡ?r] ;相关短语:;

1、Hamburger University 汉堡大学 ;

2、Hamburger Morgenpost 汉堡早邮报;

3、hamburger bun 汉堡面包;

4、Chicken hamburger 鸡腿汉堡 ;常见句型:;1、He ordered a hamburger.;他要了一份汉堡包。;2、I can hot the hamburger up in a minute.;我马上就能把汉堡包热好。;3、She ordered a hamburger and French fries.;她叫了一客汉堡包和炸薯条。;4、I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg.;我吃一个汉堡包,一个炸鸡腿。;


;相近词义单词;burger;英 ['b??ɡ?(r)] 美 ['b??rɡ?r] ;n. 汉堡包;无牛肉馅的三明治;相关例句:;1、The vegetarian burger was an innovation which was rapidly exported to Britain.;素食汉堡是一种新食品,很快就传到了英国。;2、Cook the burger evenly on both sides.;汉堡包两面要烤均匀。

ship out 和export 区别

ship out

英 [ʃip aut]   美 [ʃɪp aʊt]  


例句:Sailors hung about while they waited to ship out. 



英 [ˈekspɔ:t]   美 [ˈekspɔ:rt]  

vt.& vi.






例句:It has exported inflation at times. 


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