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07-01 投稿




英:[ti:k]  美:[tik]

英:  美:


n.柚木, 柚木棕色


1 、In addition ,we also supply raw wood , spuare wood and veneer laminates (0.1---5mm thick) of teak.───另本公司大量供应柚木原材、柚木枋、柚木皮(厚度10-500丝)。

2 、Large integrated teak swim platform with adjacent swim and rinse hot and cold shower───带有冷热水淋浴的大型综合柚木游泳跳台

3 、Some of the old teak rice barges are still around, and a few have been converted into floating hotels.───一些运载柚木和稻米的旧时驳船仍到处可见,有的则已改装成了水上旅馆。

4 、We nursery area of 5000 square meters, professional cultivation of rare and valuable Huang Hainan rosewood (Dalbergia Dalbergia), Myanmar teak seedlings;───我们苗圃占地面积5000平方米,专业培育珍稀名贵的海南黄花梨木(降香黄檀)、缅甸柚木树苗;

5 、They are all constructed of solid pine with Dovetail joints, stained Rich Mahogany or Traditional Teak and finished with a high quality lacquer.───染色富桃花心木或传统的柚木和完成高质量的漆器。

6 、This Wednesday (24th) late Yijia 4th round, ac Milan away game 2:1 strength Krey bastard teak, obtains the league tournament 2 winning streaks as well as this season first away game victories.───本周三(24日)晚意甲第4轮,ac米兰客场2比1力克雷吉纳,取得联赛2连胜以及本赛季首场客场胜利。

7 、Research and Development of Teak in China───我国柚木的研究与发展

8 、bastard teak───吉纳

9 、When actually consumer is buying teak floor board, also be to the method discerns of true and false.───其实消费者在购买柚木地板的时候也是有方法辨明真假的。

10 、Thoughts on the Project of Planting and Managing Pear and Teak Trees in Shangrao City───上饶市建设梨柚工程的思考

11 、3 teak cultivation: sow seeds of later in the film entering soil, seed and seedbed flush, the upper nudity.───3柚木种植:撒播后用人工将种子拍入土中,种子与苗床齐平,上部裸露。

12 、But teak, camphorwood because environmental protection performance is high, although price is high, owner people demand is very big still.───但柚木、樟木因为环保性能高,虽然价高,业主们的需求量还是很大。

13 、Perish to the later period padauk teak massive inputs and the dynasty, only then scatters the folk, but the ordinary people cannot withstand.───到后期红木大量的输入及王朝灭亡,才流散到民间,但普通老百姓还是不能承受的。

14 、Lotus Village - Located in the heart of New Sukhothai. All rooms are in Thai style teak houses with verandas.───易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

15 、Abandoned based on the old wooden main Mesua ferrea, stone vertebral, Queensland Austin, teak, elm, etc., so that most of the old trees are more than a few dozen or a hundred years of history.───废弃的古旧木船主要取材于铁力木、石头椎、昆甸、柚木、榆木等,这样老木大多有几十或百年以上历史。

16 、A Discussion on the Development of Teak Plantation In Guangdong Province───广东发展柚木人工林的探讨

17 、We are going to buy Robinia, Teak or class 1 level of Robinia or plastic wood for playground use.───我们求购适用于运动场的洋槐、柚木、一级洋槐和塑化木。

18 、Its material basically is character: Wood of wood of pear wood, camphorwood, oak, cherry wood, basswood, Ju, oak, teak is waited a moment, in decorating a budget, sheet is an unit with square metre.───其材质主要为:梨木、樟木、柞木、樱桃木、椴木、榉木、橡木、柚木等等,在装修预算中,片材以平方米为单位。

19 、Jinhe Canton Wood Industry Co., Ltd. is operating in Myanmar teak flooring industry specialization-based company, owned by the State and private enterprises and other companies.───广州市金禾木业有限公司是以经营缅甸柚木地板为主业的专业化公司,由国资及民企等公司组成。

20 、I just made it to the top of my shop class, making birdhouses and, uh, a checkerboard made of teak.─── 我只能在木工课上拿优秀 靠的是制作鸟屋 还有一个用柚木做的棋盘

21 、Obviously, you've never tried to raise the jib on wet teak.─── 显然 你从未试过在潮湿船板上升过帆

22 、Throughout this process, Japan's civil officials frequently teak the lead ahead of the military.This reflects the depth of support for this policy in Japan.───在这一过程中,日本的文职官员在很多场合冲到了军人的前面,反映出日本决策背后的深刻背景。

23 、Veriety: Oak, Ash, Sapele, Thai teak, Black walnut, Rose wood, Red wood.───品种:柞木,曲柳,沙比利,泰柚,黑胡桃,花梨,红胡桃等。

24 、red Meranti, Keruing, Merbau, Mahagany,Teak, sapale,red oak, Maple and other woods from Indonesia, Africa, North America───枫木(欧洲普通枫木),樱桃木(欧洲野生),橡木(美洲红-起源:欧洲)

25 、POWER STAR TEAK VENEERS CO., LTD.───恩平力星柚木薄片有限公司。

26 、Other new materials, such as the teak and brushed steel, bring with them their own unique challenges.───其它新型材料,如柚木和亚光钢板,又给工人带来了不同寻常的挑战。

27 、Perhaps take a few water to be aspersed in floor surface, if water divides what was not absorbed and show bead shape to distributing to be teak, those who absorb is lotus of black core wood;───或者取少量水洒在地板表面,若水分未被吸收而呈珠状分布的为柚木,吸收的则是黑芯木莲;

28 、High quality &manifold wood products: FJL, flooring, stair, furniture by Oak, Ash, Teak, Walnut, Beech, Birch, Rubberwood,Maple,Cherry.───主要产品:地板;集成材;楼梯板;扶手;家具等等,产品出口到日本,美国,欧洲国家。主要木种:橡木;沙比利;柚木;榉木;桦木;

29 、The customer that likes quietly elegant is mixed with lilac teak striped floor photograph goes all out, added a few minutes again downy.───喜欢淡雅的消费者用淡紫色柚木和彩条地板相拼,又增添了几分柔和。


31 、Pericopsis elata [African teak]───凸圣豆

32 、teak froot juice───果柚汁

33 、Wood is durable, strong, as good as teak.───材质优良,可与柚木媲美。

34 、But some wood are planted floor stock is not much, so the likelihood does not clean out bargain, weigh formic wood, teak for instance.───但有些木种地板库存不多,所以可能淘不到便宜货,比如重蚁木、柚木。

35 、Narrow streets lined with ornately carved teak houses lie in the shadow of contemporary skyscrapers.───华丽雕刻的柚木房子整齐地排列在狭窄的街道上,街道掩映在现代大厦的阴影之中。

36 、Bintango ;Meranti;Teak wood;Rengas;Teak wood ;Marsawa ;Merpauh ;───主要产品:板材,实木地板,木材原料供应:Rubber wood;

37 、The research results of teak seedlings of 12 provenances inoculated artificially by 4 AMF showed all the inoculated treatments were with an infection rate of 70% 100%.───4个AM菌对 12个不同地理种源柚木苗人工接种的结果表明 ,全部处理均形成感染 ,感染率达 70% 10 0% ;

38 、Teak outdoor shower 1. Material: mat and stand are Teak wood, faucets are brass, spout tub is stai...───发布者:钟安德所在地:浙江宁波市行业:五金、工具职位:设计工作年限:二十年以上

39 、How can they afford all this teak? I don't know.─── 居然是柚木的 哪来的钱 不知道

40 、Teak, garapi, padauk, rosewood, and keyaki are the tree species selling best in the current market.───在实木地板方面,市场上以柚木、金檀木、花梨木、紫檀木及要榉木较好销。

41 、Further to this, when you finish the Royal Trouble quest, you can also get rare wood (teak and mahogany) and farming seeds.───促进到这,当你完成王室的麻烦探索的时候,你也能拿稀罕的木材(柚木和桃花心木)和耕作种子。

42 、ONE of the reasons tropical forests are being cut down so rapidly is demand for the hardwoods, such as teak, that grow there.───对硬木的需求是导致热带森林迅速减少的罪魁祸首之一,生长在热带森林的柚木就是实例。

43 、Pine be a soft wood and teak be a hard wood───松木是软木, 柚木是硬木

44 、Newly-married family is added with pink and tonal red berry teak flaxen striped, added warmth and romance;───新婚家庭以粉红色调的红莓柚木加淡**彩条,增添了温馨和浪漫;

45 、Use wood of teak, rosewood to wait commonly rare qualitative material makes advanced furniture.───一般都采用柚木、紫檀木等名贵质材制作高级家具。

46 、We continuously research and develop the professional yacht product, as now the indoor and outdoors decorations include: teak yacht floor, indoor furniture, indoor decorations, yacht port, yacht mat chair etc.───本公司研究和开发的专业游艇产品,目前主要有高端游艇室内外饰品有:柚木游艇地板,游艇室内饰条,游艇舱门,游艇室内家俱用品,游艇垫椅等.

47 、Teak, pine, cold Chinese fir and oak trees───意大利求购柚木、松木、冷杉木和栎木

48 、Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood───松木是软木,柚木是硬木。

49 、Teak was used because of its inherently hardy properties and its resistance to moisture and decay.───劳斯莱斯开发了特殊的木工工艺,可以使木料保持未经处理的自然外观,从而使柚木装饰尽可能保持木材原有特色。

50 、The plum tree and the teak tree disappear after years, but what is left are the small petals with faint scent of camphor.───李树和柚树随岁月消失之后,遍地只有细小而稀疏、着樟脑清香的落花。

51 、There was nothing to do but sit back in comfortable teak chairs and watch the city go by.───在船上唯一可干的就是靠坐在舒适的柚木椅子上,看着城市从旁掠过。

52 、Teak wood floors, hand knotted rugs and rich furnishings complemented by spectacular views make the rooms very special retreats.───木镶板和原始艺术品创造一个旧世界的魅力光环。

53 、For example, young couple decorates a building, preparation chooses teak floor board.───例如,年轻夫妇装修房子,预备选用柚木地板。

54 、More time we see is imported elevators, High teak floors, sanitary fittings, and other senior joint venture words simply do not know what brand.───更多时候我们看到的是进口电梯、高级柚木地板、高级合资卫生洁具等字眼,根本就不知道是用什么品牌。

55 、High quality &manifold wood products: FJL, flooring, stair, furniture by Oak, Ash, Teak, Walnut, Beech, Birch, Rubberwood, Maple, Cherry.───主要产品:地板;集成材;楼梯板;扶手;家具等等,产品出口到日本,美国,欧洲国家。

56 、We want to buy Lumber, Teak, Rosewood, Kwila, Merbau, Masawa, Timber, Timber Products and Plank───我们要采购木材,柚木,紫檀,木材,木材产品和厚木板

57 、The carpentry the lignin which brings hard, exquisite, the texture good padauk teak makes the furniture, the handicraft and the landscape design construction, after imperial palace emperor enjoys.───木工把带回来的木质坚硬、细腻、纹理好的红木做成家具、工艺品及园林设计建筑,供皇宫帝后们享用。

58 、Mainly based on old wooden Mesua ferrea, stone vertebral, Queensland Austin, Teak, Elm, etc.Most of these old trees are more than a hundred years of history.───古旧木船主要取材于铁力木、石头椎、昆甸、柚木、榆木等,这些老木大多有百年以上历史。

59 、Any species are available here in our factory, such as Oak, Jatoba, Merbau, Teak, Iroko, Walnut, Beech, Ash, Birch, Cherry,Doussie,Canadian Maple, etc.───常年供应三层、多层、仿古实木复合地板:木种如下:绿柄桑,菠萝格,加枫,沙比利,柞木,鸡翅、香二翅豆、水曲柳、黑胡桃、红檀香、缅茄、柚木、美国樱桃、相思木等,欢迎您的垂询!

60 、Varieties include: teak, rosewood-Laos, the car rosewood, red Item.───品种包括:柚木,老挝香花梨木,金车花梨木,红酸枝。

61 、Children room uses rural teak, light yellow and colorful striped be united in wedlock, lively and lively;───儿童房间用田园柚木,淡淡的**和多彩的彩条结合,活泼而明快;

62 、However, the premise is the team must work as one, looks like in our week to be able to defeat the thunder bastard teak to be the same.───不过,前提是球队必须齐心协力,就像我们周中能够战胜雷吉纳一样。”

63 、Make chest originally, with material most is joinery board, and at present, joinery board do stand wear and motherboard, shelf converts the real wood plank such as teak, camphorwood.───原本打造衣柜,用材最多的是细木工板,而眼下,细木工板做立架和底板,搁板改用柚木、樟木等实木板材。

64 、The message that therefrom comes out is: Teak price ascendant range is particularly distinct.───从那里传出的消息是:柚木价格上升幅度非凡明显。

65 、Our company produces a series of the engineered wood such as Padouk, Ebony, Walnut, Oak, Teak, Zebrawood, Wenge and Rosewood.───本公司自四月份投产以来,产品已销往上海、浙江、山东、广东、北京、四川等国内市场及韩国、日本、巴西、叙利亚等国际市场。

66 、Pile up all his tasteful teak furnishings and set them ablaze.─── 把他的高档木制家具堆起来 一次烧干净

67 、Our main products are all kinds of aluminum rattan, aluminum fabric structural toughened glass, and nature marble, teak for tabletop etc. leisure outdoor furniture.───主要产品有各种铝藤、铝布结构配以钢化玻璃、天然大理石、柚木为枱面等休闲户外家具。

68 、Material: All wood import from overseas. Main wood material from Burma like teak and Indonesia like Kwila. Teak and Kwila are rare plant in the world.───我们的产品材料:木材全部进口,主要是用缅甸柚木、印尼菠萝格等珍贵木材。

69 、Floor of cheap wood of northeast china ash also wants 100 yuan / square metre left and right sides, and if the floor such as teak wants,rare wood is planted 400 multivariate / square metre.───低档的水曲柳木地板也要100元/平方米左右,而珍贵木种如柚木等地板要400多元/平方米。

70 、We want to buy Tableware and Cutlery, Furniture, Furniture Fittings and Fixtures, Paintings and Sculpture, Exotic Chopsticks, Tableware, Bronze Statues, Teak Furniture───我们要采购餐具,家具,家具配件和设备,画和雕刻,无毒筷子,餐具,铜像,柚木家具

71 、A teak table and chairs furnish the roof terrace.───一套柚木桌椅装点着屋顶平台。

72 、What kind of wood would you like for your tea?table, padauk or teak?───您想用什么样的木材做茶几,红木还是柚木?

73 、“the thunder bastard teak has made many troubles for us, they kick very much have aggressiveness, but after being drawn level the score, we start to kick well.───“雷吉纳给我们制造了不少麻烦,他们踢得很有侵略性,但是被扳平比分之后,我们又开始踢得不错。”

74 、Major tree species in the southwest include the dragon spruce, fir and Yunnan pine, as well as teak, red sandalwood, camphor, nanmu and padauk.───其次为西南天然林区,该区主要树种有云杉、冷杉、云南松,还有珍贵的柚木、紫檀、樟、楠、红木等;

75 、A mahogany dresser with an inlaid teak design.───内嵌有柚木装饰的红木衣柜

76 、Teak bedside vanity with drawer───带抽屉柚木床头柜

77 、NBD employed waxed Brazilian teak for the stairs, floor, and mantel.───NBD公司采用了上过蜡的西班牙柚木装点楼梯、地面及壁炉架。

78 、Acrylic shower modules in 48- and 60-inch widths offer 17 colors, optional steam and body-spray systems, aromatherapy, eight-color chromatherapy lighting, and a spa-style teak floor insert.───压克力淋浴模块在48和60英寸的宽度之间,有17种颜色,可选的蒸汽和身体喷雾系统,芳香疗法,八色医光疗法照明,以及水疗式的柚木地板**入。

79 、EffectA beautiful teak wood paddle with three small holes is displayed, and shown on both sides.───一支美丽的柚木树木桨以三个小孔被显示, 和被显示在双方。

80 、We are a professional wooden outdoor furniture, the material is teak, kapur, chinese hard wood, fir etc. The typle is most. We also can basis of cilent request what finish.───我们公司专门供应户外家具原材料是柚木,卡普木,中国的硬木,杉木等等。款式多,也可以按照顾客的要求来订做。

81 、And also help them import raw wood materials from overseas such as burma teak logs, lumber, unfinished flooring strips from south America (Ipe, Jatoba, Cumaru etc).───协助工厂从国外进口原材料如缅甸柚木原木、枋材、板材以及南美地板坯料(主要品种为蚁木,南美柚和龙凤檀)。

82 、Finwood produces Engineered Wood Veneer and Engineered Wood Sawn Timber such as Oak、Ebony、Zebra、Wenge、Teak、Walnut、Cherry、Maple、Rosewood and so on.───公司主要出品橡木、檀木、斑马木、铁刀木、柚木、胡桃木、樱桃、枫木、玫瑰木等系列的科技木皮、木枋。

83 、Ma'am, that's a real steal for teak.─── 女士 这对柚木来说太便宜了

84 、Pine is a soft woodand teak is a hard wood.───松木是软木,柚木是硬木。

85 、My room, one of six, fit two people comfortably and was charmingly decorated in teak with silk cushions and Thai art.───我的房间是全船6个房间中的一间,可供两人舒适生活,用柚木装饰得漂漂亮亮的,并配有丝绸垫子和泰国艺术品。

Teak Wood Marble使用领域

Teak Wood Marble是一种广泛应用于各类住宅环境的优质材料,其多功能性和优雅的设计使其成为了许多空间的理想选择。首先,它在浴室中表现出色,无论是作为挂墙板还是台面,都能够提供出色的防潮性和耐用性,确保卫生间保持干燥清洁。其天然的木纹质感与大理石的结合,为浴室增添了一份温馨和豪华的气息。

在淋浴区域,Teak Wood Marble的使用不仅美观,而且易于清洁,减少了日常维护的麻烦。作为维石材料,它在浴室地板上展现出独特的纹理和色彩,增添了空间的艺术感,同时也提供了良好的防滑性能,保证了使用者的安全。

不仅如此,Teak Wood Marble还能用于住宅的其他部分。作为地板材料,它经久耐用,既能承受日常磨损,又能抵挡湿气和温度变化,为住宅的各个房间提供了稳定而舒适的环境。无论是客厅、卧室还是厨房,Teak Wood Marble都能增添一份自然与奢华的格调。

总的来说,Teak Wood Marble凭借其多功能性、美观性和实用性,成为了现代住宅装修中不可忽视的选择。无论是追求简约风格还是奢华装饰,这种材料都能完美融入,提升住宅的整体质感和居住体验。


  Teak Wood Marble



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