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07-02 投稿





英:  美:


n. 投资者


1 、A Board Resolution from the corporate Funder granting the Applicant powers over the funds as defined and agreed within the Principal Agreement.───来自资金人公司的董事会决议授权申请人在主合同约定的范围内对资金有权限。

2 、Since then, there have been all kinds of rumors about the buyer. Initial reports said the buyer was Russian. Other reports said it was a British hedge funder.───关于这艘船的买家,后来出现了各种各样的八卦消息。开始有消息说买家是俄国人,另外有消息又说是英国一位做对冲基金的人士。

3 、Once the initial prize is created and opened to the public, anyone can jump in as a funder pushing the prize amount higher.───一旦初期奖是创造和向公众开放,任何人都可以跳转在作为出资推动奖金额更高。

4 、Yuan Yunfu is a famous artist and educator in decorative art, craft art and public art fields.He is the funder and advercator in the field of public art in China.───袁运甫是我国著名装饰艺术家、公共艺术家、艺术教育家,也是中国现代公共艺术的主要奠基人和倡导者。

5 、Somehow the government has to fix the foreclosure problem, they have to fix the credit problem and then they have to be the funder of last resort to get this thing going again.───不管怎样,政府必须解决丧失房屋赎回权的问题,必须解决信贷问题,然后,他们必须为让经济重新转好而成为最后一着的投资人。

6 、FUNDER Human Resources Management Co., Ltd. is one of the leading executive search firms.───方尔达企业管理有限公司是一家专业的人力资源管理公司。

7 、FUNDER(Guangzhou)Human Resources Management Co., Ltd. is one of the leading executive search firms in Guangzhou.FUDER (Shanghai)Human Resources Management Co.───方尔达人力资源有限公司是一家专业的人力资源公司,我们主要从事猎头服务。

8 、Ironically, the Federal government is the chief funder of predator control programs.───具有讽刺意味的是联邦政府是食肉动物控制项目的主要资金提供者。

9 、The India Indian conglomerate enter entered into a partnership with DreamWorks Studios last year , as it is go funder its co founder, Steven Spielberglooks the , looked for capital for new projects.───去年这家印度联合企业与梦工厂**制片公司已经达成合作关系,梦工厂的共同创始人斯皮尔伯格为新项目而募集资金。

10 、Somehow the government has to fix the foreclosure problem, they have to fix the credit problem and then they have to be the sort of funder of last resort to get this thing going again.───莫名奇妙的,政府必须要解决房子被没收拍卖的问题,政府要解决信贷问题,然后政府必须要成为那种资金提供者:最不会求助于事情重新变好。

11 、The business line leader/project funder says, "Get creative.───业务部门领导/项目资助方说:“要有点创意”。

12 、, Ltd. has just set up ,We will recruit staff for FUNDER Shanghai Human Resources Management Co.───上海方尔达人才服务有限公司已在筹备当中,我们诚邀优秀的人才**我们的队伍。

13 、By reading every bit of information you can find on the funder, you will see recurring topics and themes.───尽你所能找到关于出资人的点滴信息加以研读,你就会注意到反复呈现的题目和主题。

14 、Given that Sony Pictures is a major funder, this could finally be the vehicle to break out Chow worldwide.───给予的索尼公司照片是主修科目赞助,这可以最后是车辆爆发吃饭全世界的。

15 、The Hong Kong Pride Parade Committee is non-profit making, all of the costs are from donations only without receiving any form of sponsorship from the Government or funder.───预计活动制作费$100,000,包括起点及终点场地舞台音响费用、游行及场地保险、游行物资及纪念品、宣传物资等等。

16 、As we have explained in detail in our other books, you must meet the funder's agenda to receive an award.───正如我们在其他书中作出的详细解释,你必须满足出资人获得回报的议事安排。

17 、Markwick A J,Lolait SJ,Funder JW.Immunoreactive arginine vasopressin in the rat thymus.Endocrinology,1986,119:1690.───李丕鹏,邓泽沛,王平.蛇胸腺的神经内分泌细胞.解剖学报,1997,28(4):429.

18 、The chapter mainly deals with the classification. slective pronciples and general funder mental design cquations or chemical reactors.───本讲主要讲述化学反应器的分类,化学反应器的选择原则及一般化学反应器的设计基础方程式。

19 、The London Development Agency is the mayors agency for business and jobs and the principal funder of Think London.───伦敦经济发展署是市长办公室负责商务和劳务市场的机构,同时也是伦敦投资局主要的资助机构。

20 、I've got major funders pulling out already.─── 今天已有几个大金主退出了

21 、Not surprisingly, many voices were urging the organization to expand, including one funder that was particularly enthusiastic about seeing the training program established in a new geographic region.───自然而然地,在许多的声音要求该组织扩张,其中包括一位对该训练项目的在新的地理区域的建立抱有极大热情的赞助者。

22 、he on a regular basis was coming up with potential funders.─── 他经常 提出潜在的投资者

23 、I feel like I'm looking for a phantom approval from trust funders and *s.─── 我就像是在尋求來自信託基金 和那些*的虛幻的認可一樣

24 、FUNDER(Guangzhou)Human Resources Management Co., Ltd. is one of the leading executive search firms in Guangzhou. FUDER (Shanghai)Human Resources Management Co.───We are inviting the calibers to fill in the following openings owing to the quick business expansion: 方尔达人力资源有限公司是一家专业的人力资源公司,我们主要从事猎头服务。

25 、Scientists founded funder by the National Institute of Mental Health have found that enzyme called J-S-K-3-b GSK3B mate might play a big part in depression.───由美国精神健康研究所所资助的科学家们发现一种叫做GSK3B的酶在抑郁症中起了很大作用。

26 、Somehow the goverment has to fix the foreclosure problem, they have to fix the credit problem and they have to be the sort of funder the last resort to get things going again.───无论如何政府必须解决止赎权的问题,解决信用问题,而且要成为使市场可以恢复的最终求助资金源。

27 、CIHR, a major funder of health research in Canada, has just implemented a policy that encourages open public access to research and scholarship funded by CIHR.───CIHR是加拿大的一个主要研究健康保健的机构,它刚刚实施了一条政策,鼓励开放公众资源用于研究并以CIHR的名义成立了一项奖励基金。

28 、The WTO fund found Beijing had been wrong to ignored ignore the vast trade in CDs and DVDs , but that had not been passed by the state censorship system. * funder Correspondents say the ruling * in U.───世界贸易组织发现北京不理会未通过审查体系的大量CD、DVD销售事件。

29 、Being a funder also means that you get a vote in who wins the prize.───作为一个供资,也意味着你一票,谁胜奖。

30 、It is an issue that is critical to the funder.───这个问题对出资人至关重要。

31 、2 Funder, D. The Personality Puzzle. New York: Norton, 1997.───1陈仲庚,张雨新人格心理学。沈阳:辽宁人民出版社,1988

32 、Perhaps the funder is particularly interested in diversity, or projects that promote pre-ventive health care, or projects that promote family unity.───也许出资人对多种多样的项目,或促进预防卫生保健的项目,或促进家庭和睦的项目颇感兴趣。

33 、Somehow the government has to fix the foreclosure problem, they have to fix the credit problem and then they have to be the sort of the funder of the last resort to get the this thing going again.───政府必须解决丧失房屋赎回权的问题,必须解决信贷问题,他们必须要成为让经济重新转好的最后一道防线。

34 、The Hout Bay Music Project currently practices at a communty community hall, but that my might change is as a private funda funder is planning to build them in a music school.───胡特湾音乐计划目前正在社区音乐厅联系,但是由于私人捐助计划建立一个音乐学校因此可能会改变。

35 、The Funder's order immediately upon the satisfactory validation of the documents by the Escrow Agent.───因此只要第三方**证实文件的有效达到他们的满意,所安排的费用就付给资金持有人。







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