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06-29 投稿




英:[?sa?np??st]  美:[?sa?n?post]

英:  美:


v.设路标, 指示, 引导

n.路标, 招牌柱,**柱,征兆, 迹象


名词复数: signories | 异体字: signiory |


1 、And there isn't even a plaque, signpost or statue of him in that town.─── 而在那城市中 没有任何纪念他的徽章或路标 或是他的铜像

2 、The flowers of the villages and towns, only hang the card and traffic signpost commonly.───乡镇花的应用,仅有公所内吊牌和户外交通路牌。

3 、We drove past a signpost I couldn't read.───我们驶过一块路标, 可是我读不懂。

4 、In my work with clients, I've come to see boredom as an important signpost.───在给我的顾客咨询当中,我开始把无聊看作一块重要的指示牌。

5 、The signpost indicates the right way to go───路标标示正确的前进路线。

6 、No signpost in the sea───海上无路标,也提到了孤独的灯塔

7 、e.g. A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.───路标给我们指出正确的路线。

8 、Taking away signpost from the colonial era is not de-colonization, it is simply de-historicalization.───去掉殖民年代的座标,不是去殖,只是去历史而已。

9 、The scope of business of our company involves having: 1.The intention, designing, making, issue in outdoor advertisements, such as floor body, lamp house, signpost, wall body,etc.───本公司业务范围涉及有: 1.楼体、灯箱、路牌、墙体等户外**的创意、设计、制作、发布;

10 、The Signpost, which appeared in 1909, had great influence on the transforming Russian literature.───摘要1909年诞生的《路标》文集对俄罗斯文学的转向起了巨大影响。

11 、Section of the road of life a signpost reads: endurance. Must have strong endurance to deal with life in the various difficulties and obstacles.───汉译:人生之路的第一个路标上写着:耐力。必须有顽强的耐力,用以对付生活中遇到的各种坎坷、障碍。

12 、A signpost indicated the right road for us───一个路标为我们指明了正确的路。

13 、Keywords Computer-controlled;Truck dispatching;Signpost;Communication;Operation style;───计算机控制;卡车调度;路标;通讯;作业方式;

14 、a signpost; a fingerpost; a guidepost; a destination board───指路牌

15 、I have already spoken of the Truth that is hidden within your body, but I will summarize for you again the lost teachings of the masters - so here is another signpost.───我已经说过那个隐藏在你体内的“真理”,但是我将再一次为你总结一下大师们那些失去的教义,所以,以下是另一个路标。

16 、Make a signpost where the road branches off to the city.───又要定出一条路,使刀来到犹大的坚固城耶路撒冷。

17 、8. He stood by the signpost and waited for a wagon to London.───于是他站在路标旁等候到伦敦的马车。

18 、You need to signpost for the reader the various points you are going to make.───你需要向读者介绍你将阐述的各个论点。

19 、signpost 标志,方向标(名词) (noun) A significant indication of direction EXAMPLE: Each of corporation's monthly sales totals was a signpost that management watched carefully before adjusting their strategies.───公司每月销售总计是一个方向标,管理层认真观察它们,以调整战略。

20 、"Son of man, mark out two roads for the sword of the king of Babylon to take, both starting from the same country.Make a signpost where the road branches off to the city.───人子阿、你要定出两条路、好使巴比伦王的刀来.这两条路必从一地分出来.又要在通城的路口上画出一只手来。

21 、One day Dick decided to go to London.He stood by the signpost and waited for a wagon to London.───有一天迪克决定到伦敦去,于是他站在路标旁等候到伦敦的马车。

22 、Not far from there, you'll see a signpost pointing to the town where you want to go to.───离那儿不远,你可以看到一个路标,指明你所要去的那个镇的方向。

23 、It looks like the kind of pointer I need a signpost to the other side.─── 真是我需要的地标 通往另一端的标识物

24 、"As for you, son of man, make two ways for the sword of the king of Babylon to come;both of them will go out of one land.And make a signpost;make it at the head of the way to the city.───人子阿、你要拍掌豫言.我耶和华要使这刀、就是致死伤的刀、一连三次加倍刺人、进入他们的内屋.使大人受死伤的就是这刀。

25 、Student association president elects on the propaganda fence presented Chinese, the classroom signpost also turned many kinds of languages, even the student cafeteria's menu was also changing.───学生会会长选举的宣传栏上出现了中文,教室标示牌也变成多种语言,甚至学生食堂的菜单也在发生变化。

26 、Whereas the hypothesis Mr.Wang Guowei has proposed of dual attestation is usually con sidered as a signpost, there are quite a few different viewpoints among scholars.───摘要王国维先生提出的二重证据法,被研究古史的学者奉为圭臬,但是对二重证据法的理解却各有不同,甚至有些学者在运用二重证据法时还出现偏差。

27 、This signpost tells the way to the zoo.───这个路标说明去动物园的道路。

28 、It appears that this is a signpost and a checkpoint on the way to the reef.─── 这里似乎就是去大堡礁路上的 指示牌和检查站

29 、A signpost on the path for your professor should we fail.─── 假如我们失败了 给你的教授的一个路标

30 、In the studio you'll film Lance hanging onto the signpost against a bright green backdrop.───在摄影场中,你就会发现兰斯在一块亮绿色的背景幕下抓着一个路标。

31 、When she drove the car first time, She was confused about the signpost at the roadside and she was off the highway through some wrong gates several times.───第一次开车上路的时候,她被路边的路标搞糊涂了,几次从错误的出口下了高速公路。

32 、The signpost pointed straight ahead.───路标直指前方。

33 、Tolstoyism is the signpost Tolstoy found for the life struggle after he profoundly thought over and experienced the life.───托尔斯泰主义是托尔斯泰对生命、生活进行深刻思考和体悟后为人生努力方向寻找的精神路标。

34 、In the map just north of the signpost there is a graveyard.───在地图中,往北的指路牌,有一个墓地。

35 、Here , we have signpost at each road crossing ;───在这里,每一个路口的路标,

36 、Play the video tape of lesson 3 up to the third signpost (Salvation in Covenant) as participants take notes on outlines.───播放录像直到第三个路标(约中的救恩),让听课人记下要点。

37 、Then you'll need an image of Lance holding on to the signpost to insert against the tornado backdrop.───然后你还需要一幅兰斯紧抱着路牌的图片来**在龙卷风作为背景的影像之中。

38 、After 3 miles, turn left at the signpost for Great Malvern.───膳食安排:早餐包括在房费内。

39 、They reached a crossroads marked by a signpost───他们到了一个设有路标的十字路口。

40 、This signpost tells the way to New York.───这个路标指示前往纽约的路。

41 、Make it the signpost that you never ignore.───使它成为路标,你永远不能忽视。

42 、Revisiting the teen tribes and threeminute hits of the '50s was a signpost on the road to punk.─── 重回青少年部落 以及五十年代的三分钟热门歌 是通向朋克之路的路标

43 、ANSWER:They need to stand the signpost up so that the arm reading Kaysville points in the direction of Kaysville,the town they had just come from.───根据这一名为类风湿性关节炎的治疗方法的报告,生物制剂受到限制主要是因为支付人偿付受限;

44 、Each signpost is a key leading to the aim .───每一个路标都是一把通向目标的钥匙。

45 、Near a signpost just outside of Myitkyina, General Pick, road engineer, jokes with a Chinese soldier., Jap tankettes and dead Jap soldiers were still lying at sides of road.───这时密支那刚刚被收复,日本人的小坦克和士兵的尸体就在路边随处可见。

46 、The signpost points in a westerly direction.───路标指向西。

47 、Though she offered a few signposts along the way.─── 虽然一路走来她确实给我指明了很多方向

48 、A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.───路标指给我们应走的路。

49 、The image of the entry is divided into a signpost and decorated archway.Except the original name of the place, most entries were decorated with badge and produce.───入口意象设置,分为地域路标和入口牌楼,除原有地名标示,多以徽章和物产作为装饰语汇。

50 、The table below lists useful expressions that you can use to signpost the various parts of your speech.───下面是你在演讲过程中,对你演讲各个部分向听众导航的实用套句表达。

51 、Signpost is a covert action and collection operation against Iran.─── 这是针对伊朗的秘密刺探和情报收集行动

52 、Took a couple photos of the famous Signpost Forest.───在一对夫妇的照片的著名路标森林。

53 、Exit left at the signpost for Funchal/ Hospital/ Porto.───所有个人资料会经过加密处理编成密码。

54 、There was a signpost where the two paths converged.───两条小路的相交处有一路标。

55 、The one major signpost is change.───一个主要的路标就是改变。

56 、Software Description: About Fascinating Bears, This screen saver features black bears fishing, coastal brown bears wrestling, interior grizzly bearscratching against a signpost and shots of cubs.───这个屏幕保护程序特别推出黑色的狗熊捕鱼,沿海岸褐色的狗熊摔跤。

57 、To Baekeland and others aiming to find commercial opportunities in the nascent electrical industry, that gunk was a signpost pointing toward something great.───但贝克兰和其他在刚起步的电力工业中寻求商机的人认为,这个黏糊糊的东西将导致某种伟大的发现。

58 、[8] To Baekeland and others aiming to find commercial opportunities in the nascent electrical industry, that gunk was a signpost pointing toward something great.───[8]但贝克兰和其他在刚起步的电力工业中寻求商机的人认为,这个黏糊糊的东西将导致某种伟大的发现。

59 、- At Dennehy's Cross, take a right turn and there will be a signpost for Hayfield Manor.───3.取消办法:请在取消前仔细查看酒店取消政策,并点击订单上的取消链接自助取消或登陆网站取消;

60 、Landgraf believes this dust cloud could be an important signpost in the search for other planets and life.───但它们现在仍然聚在太阳系周边的事实说明,其正在以每秒钟50吨的速度得到替换,天文学家称,它们是不停地由行星、彗星以及小行星碰撞产生的太空灰尘得到替换的。

61 、And finally she could also replace the signpost so that it correctly named the direction she had come from.───第三种方法是,她可以把路标扶起来,路标会准确地显示她来的方向。

62 、If the application has a toolbar, it should also be considered a recognizable signpost.───如果程序有工具栏,那么也应该将其当做可识别的标志。

63 、A signpost with variable number of signs that you can lengthen or shorten.───标志数量可变的标志柱,您可以将其加长或缩短。

64 、“It is a very prestigious achievement, even if it's only a signpost along the way.───但就我自身而言,我以平静的心态经历着这一切。”

65 、C.P. Tsai, S. Acharyya, C.Y. Yu, and H.P. Zhang (2002), "Tree-based Methods in Genetic and Genomic Studies", Recent Research Developments in Human Genetic, ISBN: 81-7736-107-4, Research Signpost, 137-145.───徐芳玲(2002),“以主成分分析应用在决策树名目属性值之二元分割上”,成功大学资讯管理研究所硕士论文。

66 、a signpost───路标

67 、"Along have China the socialism road of special features to stand down go to", flank signpost:"Here adjustable head".───"沿着有中国特色的社会主义道路走下去",旁边路牌:"此处可调头"。

68 、Yet there is still special significance to the 100th Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan, as a signpost in the conflict, as a reminder of the sacrifice, and a test of our national resolve.───虽然如此,第100个牺牲于阿富汗的战士也具有其独特意义,他是这场战争的标志,提醒着民众加拿大为此的牺牲,并是对我们全国人民决心的一次考验。

69 、signpost; street nameplate───路牌

70 、to signpost the main roads to the city───在通往城市的主道上设置路标

71 、The man set the boy on his way until he reached the signpost.───这人一直把孩子送到路标跟前。

72 、to signpost London with an arrow───用箭头标明伦敦的方向

路标 的 英语 单词 是什么,路标[公路] guidepost;[公路] road sign[网络短语]路标 Landmark or Waypoint,guide post,signpost什么意思,tap on the signpost 全部释义和例句>;>; 点击路标 signpost 英[?sa?npst]美[?sa?npo?st] n. 路标; 指示牌,标志杆 网络 标志杆; 指示牌;

taponthesignpost是什么意思,taponthesignpost全部释义和例句>;>;点击路标signpost英[?sa?np??st]美[?sa?npo?st]n.路标;指示牌,roadsign,第一个:state of the art technology, the key to the future,the essence of siemens 第二个:siemens, garranteed quality, satisfactory service.

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