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07-01 投稿




英:[temp??rer?l?]  美:[temp??rer?l?]

英:  美:


adv.暂时地, 临时地


副词: temporally |


in the short term | in the interim | in the meantime | for the moment | in the first instance | momentarily | for the time being | provisionally | pro tem | briefly




1 、Temporarily locked because of an ownership dispute.───因为存在所有权争议暂时被锁定。

2 、Your account has been temporarily suspended.───你的帐户有暂时被中止。

3 、She' s on attachment to ( ie temporarily working in ) the Ministry of Defence.───她暂时隶属於国防部.

4 、She's on attachment to (ie temporarily working in)the Ministry of Defence.───她暂时隶属于国防部.

5 、But why was the question settled only temporarily and not once and for all?───但是卢沟桥的炮声,为什么仅仅暂时地解决这个问题而没有最后地解决这个问题呢?

6 、The state or quality of being lodged or fixed even temporarily.───临时居住在某个地方。

7 、He is temporarily acting for me in that post.───他暂时代替我担任那个职位。

8 、When you delete a file, it's temporarily stored in the Recycle Bin.───删除文件时,它会被临时存储在“回收站”中。

9 、She abandoned her journey temporarily.───她暂时放弃了旅行。

10 、Oh, only temporarily, while I have all the other rooms redecorated.─── 暂时的 只是在我重新装修其它屋子期间

11 、Meanwhile, the battlefield temporarily spread to Shanghai.───与此同时上海也成为了战场。

12 、To temporarily store image files.───临时保存映像文件。

13 、A group of people gathered together temporarily; a crowd.───人群一群临时聚集在一起的人;人群

14 、He was temporarily deprived of the privileges of a peer .───他的贵族权力暂被剥夺。

15 、I suspect it temporarily weakened the toxin.─── 我推测这暂时削弱了那种毒素

16 、I'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock.───很遗憾,我们暂时脱销了。

17 、The meeting set for tonight is off temporarily.───定于今晚举行的会议暂不举行了。

18 、He was temporarily "rescued" by Quirrell c.1989.───大约在1989年他暂时被奇洛解救了一回。

19 、Tarried: (v.) To remain or stay temporarily, as in a place; sojourn.───(比如在一个地方)暂时地停留或驻留。

20 、To get out of it you need to temporarily change your routine.───为了改变,你得时不时的临时改变生活习惯。

21 、You wanted your future to disappear, but only temporarily.─── 你希望你将来的财富消失 但只是暂时性的

22 、Cows temporarily stalling the British assault.───奶牛暂时拖延英国攻击。

23 、Temporarily abandon, do not care on behalf of psychology?───一时的放弃,并不代表心理不在乎吗?

24 、Erected temporarily, as for support during construction.───临时装上去的在修筑过程中为支撑而临时建立的

25 、We apologize, but your account is temporarily unavailable.───我们很抱歉,但您的帐号暂时不可用。

26 、They lead a cat-and-dog life, so they decided to separated temporarily.───他俩老是吵架,于是决定暂时分居。

27 、Weather trend VIS 10km, temporarily down to 3km in rain showers.───天气趋势:能见度10公里,短时降到3公里有阵雨。

28 、You might temporarily put him up there.─── 你可以暂时把他的尸体放到那里去

29 、To live in a place temporarily.───寄宿暂时居于某地

30 、She went again, and in so doing temporarily recovered her equanimity.───她又去看了戏,而且这样一来又暂时恢复了她的平静。

31 、To achieve job target temporarily instructed.───完成临时交给的工作目标。

32 、And Kwun Tong Road will be temporarily closed for road works.───开源道的西面路旁行车线将会临时封闭,以便进行道路工程。

33 、To temporarily fix a variable in order that its address may be found.───临时固定变量以便可以找到其地址。

34 、Never block fire exits, even temporarily.───千万不要阻挡安全出口,哪怕是临时的.

35 、Called TK-X tank temporarily at that time, it means "the tank while testing".───当时暂称为TK-X坦克,意思是“试验中的坦克”。

36 、You must type the name of the local folder to temporarily stage application.───必须键入本地文件夹名来临时保存应用程序。

37 、Temporarily closed on orders from above.───奉上级指示,暂停开放。

38 、Will you need to temporarily get a second job?───你需要临时的第二职业吗?

39 、It was temporarily resurrected as the Cominform.───它暂时作为情报局重新出现。

40 、The process that makes a substance magnetic (temporarily or permanently).───使物质暂时或永久具有磁性的过程。

41 、No, it's just a friend who's staying with me temporarily.─── 不是那样 就只是一个暂时住我那里的朋友

42 、To have a greater future ,being in purgatory temporarily .───也许这才是我现在的心情写照吧.呵呵.

43 、In the case of a temporarily registered nurse the validity is three months.───对于临时注册的护士来说,有效期是三个月。

44 、Put the goods in storage temporarily.───先暂时把这些货物放入仓库。

45 、She was temporarily overcome while describing her life in those days.───在讲述那时候的生活时,她一时难受得讲不下去了。

46 、The act or practice of temporarily leaving a vehicle or maneuvering a vehicle into a certain location.───停车,泊车暂时停车或把车开进某一特定的地方的行为或实践

47 、Temporarily public opinion is big clang.───一时舆论大哗。

48 、A place where hats, coats, packages, or other items can be stored temporarily.───寄存处用来暂时存放帽子、大衣、行李或其它物件的地方

49 、Sorry, the blog is temporarily closed for maintenance.───很抱歉,目前网站主机维护中,请稍后再试!

50 、Clare nodded, temporarily unable to speak.───克莱尔点了点头,一时说不出话来。

51 、Stubbs Road Flyover will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic.───司徒拔道天桥将临时封闭,禁止所有车辆行驶。

52 、Teddy, I told you we're temporarily unemployed.─── 泰迪 我跟你说了 我们暂时没有工作

53 、What happens when a Web service host goes off-line temporarily?───当Web服务主机暂时脱机时会发生什么情况?

54 、Inflated plastic film can protect any structure from the rain permanently or temporarily.───充气膨胀的塑料薄膜能永久或暂时地保护任何结构物不受雨水侵袭。

55 、We're here to make a deal, but we need to be here temporarily.─── 我们是来做交易的 但我们暂时得待在这里

56 、What characteristic to have with the ground temporarily?───临时用地有哪些特点?

57 、How do I temporarily impersonate the original caller?───如何临时模拟原始访问者?

58 、Need not carry that Bacchic temporarily thin client computer again.───不必再提那喧闹一时的瘦客户机。

59 、The CPU contains an accumulator( AC) to temporarily store data.───cpu有一个累加寄存器用于临时存储数据。

60 、Both sides are agreeing with in solving the dissension temporarily.───双方对于纠纷的解决达成暂时协议。

61 、She's on attachment to (ie temporarily working in) the Ministry of Defence.───她暂时隶属於国防部。

62 、We temporarily plugged the hole with putty.───我们临时用油灰塞住那个洞。

63 、She is acting for temporarily is acting for me in that post.───她是暂时**我的职务。

64 、That is, let me temporarily forget the sad men?───叫上那个让我暂时忘记忧愁的男人?

65 、Alleged rosperous is only a temporarily phenomenon for them.───他们所谓的繁荣只是一个暂时的现象。

66 、Feature: Unlock menu can be temporarily switched off.───功能:解锁功能表可暂时关闭。

67 、Sorry, the number you have dialed is temporarily out of service.───对唔住,你刚才所打既**号码暂时停止服务。

68 、He is temporarily acting for her in that post.───他是暂时**她的职务。

69 、I kept getting a recorded message that your phone was temporarily out of order.───我一直听到一个录音,说你你的**暂时故障。

70 、She will temporarily assume the role of company secretary.───她将临时兼任公司的秘书。

71 、An AP may also temporarily indicate UNAVAILABLE during power cycles.───在循环通电期间,AP 也会暂时指示为 UNAVAILABLE。

72 、We regret this service is temporarily unavailable.───我们很抱歉暂时不能提供这一服务。

73 、VIS, temporarily reduce to 1km in rain showers.───在阵雨中能见度短时减小到一公里。

74 、We are in an elevator that is temporarily standing still.─── 我们在一架电梯里 现在暂时不动了

75 、Temporarily lacking consciousness.───不省人事的暂时失去知觉的

76 、The word," temporarily " you used is straight to the point.───你用的“暂时”这个词,非常到位。

77 、He was hired to work temporarily.───他被聘为临时工。

78 、He temporarily secured the piece to the core with a piece of tape.───他临时用一条带子把那部分彻底固定住。

79 、The daily flight to the city has been temporarily suspended because of the earthquake.───因为地震,每天飞往这个城市的航班暂停了。

80 、She told me that you moved back temporarily.─── 她跟我说过你搬回去住一阵子

81 、Temporarily suspended for breaking Terms of Use or game policy.───因为违反使用条款或游戏政策而被暂停。

82 、Tighten the N coupling nut on the AC servo motor side temporarily.───临时拧紧马达边的N型连接螺母.

83 、"We are temporarily relocating staff while we appeal this decision.───她说:“我们暂时在转移员工,同时我们也在上诉。

84 、Can you temporarily help me replace my work?───如果有同事向你说

85 、The condition of being temporarily set aside; suspension.───中止,搁置,保留暂时地搁置一边的状态; 延缓

86 、Temporarily assuming the duties or authority of another.───**的暂时承担他人义务或权力的

87 、Temporarily full-court in an uproar, the catcall below the stage.───一时全场哗然,台下嘘声一片。

88 、In the calculation of fixed end moments, joints B and C are temporarily locked.───在计算固端弯矩时,临时锁住共点b和C。

89 、Let's use this method temporarily.───我们临时就用这个办法吧。

90 、They're petitioning the governor to have me temporarily suspended.─── 他们请愿州长让我 暂时离职

暂时没有 英语怎么说,谢谢

It is not available at the moment.


暂时没有 英语怎么说,谢谢


For a time

There were no more rapids for a time.


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