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07-01 投稿




英:[?p?m?s]  美:[?p?m?s]

英:  美:



n.浮石, 浮岩


形容词: pumiceous | 动词现在分词: pumicing | 动词第三人称单数: pumices | 动词过去式: pumiced | 名词: pumicer | 动词过去分词: pumiced |


1 、The under floor heating uses an old Roman system that combined pumice and a marine aggregate clay laid on the floor.A highly efficient wood burning stove provides the heat for the under floor system.───地板下面的热化,采用一种古老罗马的系统,将轻石和海粒料黏土铺在地面上,用一个具有高效率的烧木火炉,为地板下面的系统提供热度。

2 、Pumice light - weight aggregate───浮石轻骨料

3 、pumice cone───浮石火山锥浮石锥

4 、If you accidentally add too much pumice, add more alcohol and work the excess pumice to an area of the guitar that needs additional pumicing.───如果不小心加了太多浮石粉,多用一点酒精,把多余的浮石粉推向需要继续填孔的地方去。

5 、pumice tuff───浮石凝灰岩

6 、Pumice Medicated Acne Scrub is a highly effective medicated scrub and cleanser for the treatment of acne, razor bumps, and rough skin of the face and body.───含过氧化苯的磨砂,适用于暗疮、刮刀刮伤、或面上身体上的粗糙皮肤,能消除暗疮及防新暗疮的形成。

7 、natural pumice powder───天然浮石粉

8 、pumice concrete───浮石水泥

9 、pumice slab───浮石板

10 、Pumice stone, crude or in irregular pieces───原状或不规则碎块状浮石

11 、Before modern technology developed the fine sandpapers that are common in the marketplace today, pumice along with many other materials were used as abrasives.───在现代科技造就的砂纸问世之前,浮石粉和其它一些材料就被用来当做研磨剂。

12 、Our company supplies various types of brush, foot file, pumice.───我们公司供应各类刷子,足档案,浮石。

13 、5. It is essentially composed of perlite rock which is heated to form a light, fluffy material similar to pumice.───它基本上是由珠光岩构成的。当珠光岩受热时,形成轻的,松散的类似浮石一样的物质。

14 、The pumice for the wood finisher was ground and filtered into many different grades and sizes much the same way as we buy different grades of sandpaper today.───木质涂漆者用的浮石粉是颗粒状的,被过滤分成不同的等级和型号,就类似我们买不同粗细的砂纸。

15 、In order to determine the time sequence of recent eruption in Tianchi volcano, the TL thermal-stability has been investigated for pumice and sanidine phenocryst within the volcanics.───为厘定天池火山近代喷发的时序,对碱流岩中的浮岩和透长石斑晶进行了热释光(TL)信号热稳定性研究。

16 、Cleaning materials: pumice, dampening solution, liquid, and wipe.───冲洗质料:沉石粉、润版原液、胶液、和擦布。

17 、As with most other volcanoes in the Cascade Range Mount St.Helens is a large eruptive cone consisting of lavarock interlayered with ash pumice and other deposits.───周日的傍晚,我们又开了几个小时,从原始森林穿过,到火山的另一侧。

18 、If eugenol-containing temporary cement was used, clean the preparation with pumice to remove all traces of the cement.───如果使用含有丁香油酚成分的暂时性粘固材料,需要使用浮石粉清洁预备面以去除所有的粘固成分。

19 、Keywords TiO2 Pb2+ Natural Pumice Photocatalyst Dyestuff wastewater;───天然浮石;光催化剂;染料废水;

20 、Pumice is a good choice and is available in the foot care section of many pharmacies.───浮石是比较理想的实验材料,可以从许多药店的足疗用品区域购买到。

21 、Air eraser: Miniature sandblasting hand appliance, using compressed air and pumice for removing superfluous lithographic images from the plate. It erases the images without destroying the texture of the plate.───擦版气笔:手提的小型喷砂器,用压缩空气和浮石粉去除平版上多余的印纹。它擦去画像而不影响版面上的纹理。

22 、pumice grinding grease───浮石研磨膏

23 、Air eraser Miniature sand-blasting hand appliance, using compressed air and pumice for removing superfluous lithographic images from the plate. It erases the images without destroying the texture of the plate.───擦版气笔手提的小型喷砂器,用压缩空气和浮石粉去除平版上多余的印纹。它擦去画像而不影响版面上的纹理。

24 、Analysis of Hot-working of Energy-efficient Wall Built by Pumice Stone Hypo-weight Concrete Small Hollow Block───浮石次轻混凝土小型空心砌块节能墙体建筑热工实测分析

25 、In just 24 hours it spewed 4 billion tons of pumice,rock and ash into the sky,burying the twin towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum under 25 metres of volcanic debris.───小普利尼对这次惊天大灾难的描述至今仍存在。通过其描述,现场掘出的尸体及工艺品,提供些叫人可望但不可及的线索,使庞贝城最后一天跃然于今。

26 、pumice soap───浮石皂

27 、The muneca is touched to a bit of pumice on paper. The pumice is then distributed over the surface of the muneca with a finger.───浮石粉撒纸上,用涂施包沾少量。然后用指头来涂匀浮石粉。

28 、Favourite coral heads are used like pumice stones, helping to shed off old skin.─── 他们最爱的珊瑚岬被用做磨砂石 帮助他们去除老皮死皮

29 、Some white specks are mineral deposits usually found in hardwoods and can be mistaken for pumice specks.───有一些白色斑点是硬木中一些矿物质显现的色彩,也常被误认为是浮石粉。

30 、Adding pumice directly to the wood surface will result in the particles of pumice showing through the finish.───如果直接在木材表面撒浮石粉来填孔,透过漆层看浮石粉颗粒会很明显。

31 、Add a small drop of oil and a very small amount of pumice.───加一小滴油和很少一丁点浮石粉。

32 、Permeability of anisotropic tube pumice: Model calculations and measurements───各向异性管子浮石的渗透性:模式计算和测量

33 、2)All over Pompeii,people lay down on beds of pumice stones,overwhelmed by the gas,and death came quietly to them.───在整个庞贝城,人们躺在浮石床上,被毒气笼罩,死亡悄悄向他们走来。

34 、pumice flow───浮石流浮石流浮岩流

35 、pumice polishing grease───浮石抛光膏

36 、pumice sand───浮石砂

37 、powdered pumice───浮石粉

38 、Any excess pumice can be moved to an area of the guitar that needs the additional pumice.───任何多出的浮石粉可以被转移到需要填孔的部位上去。

39 、Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are all featured including basalt, breccia, chert, gneiss, granite, limestone and pumice.───对火成岩、变质岩以及沉积岩(包括玄武岩、黑硅石、片麻岩、花岗岩、石灰石、浮石)作了更为详细的说明。

40 、No doubt, at some time during sanding, it was discovered that the pumice not only acted as an abrasive but filled the wood grain at the same time.───毫无疑问,在打磨时,人们发现浮石粉不仅有研磨作用,而且可以填充木材表面的孔隙。

41 、Add only a little alcohol and pumice as you work.───每次只要加很少的酒精和浮石粉。

42 、In just 24 hours it spewed 4 billion tons of pumice, rock and ash into the sky, burying the twin towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum under 25 metres of volcanic debris.───仅二十四小时,火山就向天喷出四十亿吨浮石、岩石和灰烬,让庞贝城及赫库兰尼姆双城深埋于火山岩屑二十五米下。

43 、Research on the Performance of Pumice Concrete and Its Building Block───浮石混凝士及其砌块性能研究


45 、Preparation and Construction of Pumice Concrete in Construction of Nuclear Powerplant Project───核电工程浮石混凝土的配制与施工


47 、The wood finisher used a felt block and often a leather-covered block with pumice powder to sand the wood smooth.───木质涂漆者经常用一个软打磨垫块和一层皮子包裹的打磨块沾浮石粉来打磨木材表面。

48 、Pumice digital visual design industry is the application of technology services company.───浮石数码是设计行业视觉技术的应用服务公司。

49 、pumice aggregate───浮石骨料

50 、platinum pumice───披铂浮石

51 、Beware of clever gimmicks such as powder puffs and "pounce bags" used to add pumice directly to the surface of the instrument.They are unnecessary and silly.───注意不要耍小聪明用浮石粉去打光或者直接撒到乐器表面去填孔,这些都是错误的方法。

52 、Pumice is an ideal natural lightweight aggregate, the lightweight aggregate concrete made in it has some virtues such as lightweight, heat-insulation, adiabatic.───浮石是一种比较理想的天然轻骨料,用它制作的浮石混凝土具有“轻质、保温、隔热”等优点。

53 、Pumice stones are used in the wash to create a worn look.───水洗时用浮岩石头会带来一种破旧的感觉。

54 、Lake Taupo's shore is covered with pieces of pumice .───整个陶波湖岸边覆盖着一块块浮石(火山石)。

55 、Pumice stone, crude or in irregular pieces","───原状或不规则碎块状浮石"

56 、Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay,───就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边,

57 、Use a butter knife to tear the Brie into pieces: the pieces should resemble volcanic pumice stones.───他们看上去就像火山岩石一样。

58 、pumice stone concrete───浮石混凝土

59 、pumice fall deposit───浮石下落堆积层浮岩雨沉积

60 、pumice insulation brick───浮石保温砖

61 、I suspect that this is the pumice showing through the finish.───我怀疑这是浮石粉透过漆显示出来的。

62 、I'm gonna get the pumice stone and let you go to town on my rough areas.─── 我要去拿磨脚石 你帮我磨磨老茧

63 、pumice trough───(氤光)浮石粉槽

64 、If eugenol containing temporary cements were used, use pumice to thoroughly remove all traces of cement.───如果使用的是含丁香酚的暂时性粘结材料,用浮石粉彻底的清除所有的粘结材料。

65 、Mounds of pumice and volcanic ash mark its center, where the volcano remains.───浮石和火山灰的土墩标志着它的中心,是火山的遗迹。

66 、Characterization of medicinal pumice with different causes of formation───不同成因药用浮石的表征

67 、pumice fall───浮岩雨

68 、pumice stone───浮石轻石

69 、"Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's Bay, And saw in sleep old palaces and towers Quivering within the wave's intenser day,"───就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边,它梦见了古老的宫殿和楼阁在水天辉映的波影里抖颤

70 、There is evidence that another person has been using our bathroom lots of tiny soaps, pumice toothpaste, the towels *ell like patchouli.─── 有证据表明有另外的人 在使用我们的卫生间 有很多小肥皂 美白牙膏 手指闻上去好像是广藿香味的

71 、When the muneca runs dry, recharge with alcohol and add a "bite" of pumice.───如果涂施包干了,就用很少的酒精和浮石粉补充。

72 、You can minimize the possibility of pumice speck showing through the finish by "clearing" the pumice before application.───你可以在填孔后仔细擦除多余的浮石粉然后才开始涂漆。

73 、A luscious exfoliator with crushed apricot seeds and natural pumice help washes away surfaces impurities, leaving skin polished.───杏脯碎粒和天然浮石帮助洗涤去除皮肤的污垢杂质,把皮肤擦亮。

74 、2.Later in the day, pyroclastic floes of hot gas, ash, and pumice boiled from the newly formed crater and fanned out over the debris avalanche at the base of the volcano.───当天晚些时候,夹带碎屑的炽热气体、尘埃和石流从新形成的火山口沸腾而出,并且在火山脚下雪崩的火山灰上形成一块扇行区域。

75 、Pumice concrete after being close-grained and molding is not sensitive to maintaining conditions, and this idiosyncrasy can predigest maintaining measures and reduce lacuna.───浮石混凝土在密实成型后,其凝结硬化过程中对于湿养护的敏感性较小,这有利于简化施工养护措施和减少早期混凝土缺陷的产生。

76 、Set of 6-7 bath items in wooden or straw basket: wooden comb, coloured sponge, pumice, foot massager, bast shaped as a fish or sea-star, coloured head band───木质或草编篮内的6-7件套:木梳,彩色海绵,浴用浮石,足底按摩器,鱼或海星状的水晶彩皂(或浴盐),彩色头巾。

77 、Timely thick syrup dipped in pumice water rolls of dirty water, frequently to ensure good roll with hydrophilia.───准时用浓药火蘸浮石粉不兵火辊暗不天的不朱不净拔除,必然冲洗火辊,包管精良的潮火本能机能;

78 、You should be able to see any excess pumice on the surface of the guitar.───填完部分孔之后你应该能在吉他表面发现多余的浮石粉。

79 、Add a bit of pumice and rub it into the cloth until it "clears.───加一点浮石粉揉动它们,直到它们接近透明。

80 、Be especially careful not to add too much pumice.───一定注意浮石粉用量不要太多。

81 、Fragrant Patchouli, Orange Oil and natural Pumice work together to leave skin awakened, invigorated and sublimely soft with a natural glow.───含天然磨砂精华、香橙及广藿香精油,温和地去除老化角质,令肌肤细致光滑。

82 、pumice in lumps───块状浮石

83 、During the Roman Empire, Roman concrete was made from quicklime, pozzolanic ash/pozzolana, and an aggregate of pumice;───我花了一个多月的时间,去进一步分析和理解国内的弱电系统方法,改正项目所采用的模板和内容,计划如何培育技术人员走上管理的途径。

谁能帮我鉴赏下雪莱的 西风颂 的最后两句话,用英语、.

Analysis of Percy Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind”

In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Percy Bysshe Shelley tries to show his desire for transcendence,by explaining that his thoughts and ideas,like the 'winged seeds' are trapped.The West Wind acts as a force for change and forward movement in the human and natural world.

Shelley sees winter not just as the last season of vegetation but as the last phase of life.Shelley observes the changing of the weather from autumn to winter and its effects on the environment.Shelley is trying to show that a man’s ideas can spread and live on beyond his lifetime by having the wind carry his 'dead thoughts' which through destruction,will lead to a rebirth in the imagination,and in the natural world.Shelley begins his poem by addressing the 'Wild West Wind'.He then introduces the theme of death and compares the dead leaves to 'ghosts'.The imagery of 'Pestilence-stricken multitudes' makes the reader aware that Shelley is addressing more than a pile of leaves.His claustrophobic mood is shown when he talks about the 'wintry bed' and 'The winged seeds,where they lie cold and low/ Each like a corpse within its grave,until/ Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow'.In the first line,Shelley used the phrase 'winged seeds' which presents i


The 'closing night' is used also to mean the final night.The 'pumice' shows destruction and creation because when the volcano erupts it destroys.This acts as an introduction and a foreshadow of what is to come later.' also helps the reader prepare for the climax which Shelley intended.It seems that it is only in his death that the 'Wild Spirit' could be lifted 'as a wave,a leaf,a cloud' to blow free in the 'Wild West Wind'.The 'pumice' is probably Shelley's best example of rebirth.As the rising action continues,Shelley talks about the 'Mediterranean' and its 'summer dreams'.Again,he uses soft sounding words to calm the reader into the same dream-like state of the Mediterranean.He then writes like a mourning song 'Of the dying year,to which this closing night/ Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre/ Vaulted with all they congregated might'.Percy sees his ‘dome’ as a volcano and when the 'dome' does 'burst,' it will act as a 'Destroyer and Preserver' and creator.In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Shelley uses the wind to represent driving change and a carrier for his ideas.











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