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06-28 投稿





英:  美:


n.学院, 学校, 枢机主教团,社团


动词过去式: collected | 动词现在分词: collecting | 动词第三人称单数: collects | 动词过去分词: collected |


hoard | assemble | treasure | pile up | store up | gather up | pick up | gather | heap | pull in | call for | roll up | store | pile | up | accumulate | garner | take in | amass | compile | COD | stockpile | save | pull together | bring together




1 、Some redneck beat up some noisy college student at the pub.───一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。

2 、Her brother sowed his wild oats while he was in college, but now he is a better man.───她哥哥在大学时代放荡不羁,但他现在行为检点多了。

3 、She graduated from an American college.───她从一所美国的学院毕业。

4 、A building or hall for dining, typically at a university or college.───大学内的餐厅吃饭用的建筑或大厅,通常在大学或学院

5 、They applied for a home equity loan to send their son to college.───为了送他们的儿子上大学他们申请了以房屋为抵押资产的贷款。

6 、When do you finish your college course?───你什么时候完成大学课程?

7 、He somehow bumbled through four years of college.───他胡乱地在大学里混了四年。

8 、Even if one graduated from college, he should still continue to learn.───即使大学毕业了他也要继续学习。

9 、He said he graduated from Oxford, while in effect, he never went to college.───他说他是牛津毕业的,但实际上他从没上过大学。

10 、If you leave college, all that money has gone down the drain!───你要是中断大学的学习,你花的钱就会都付诸东流了。

11 、A college prep course; did extensive prep work for the interview.───大学预备课程; 为会见作了全面的准备工作

12 、He was making a play for the prettiest girl in the college.───他挖空心思想勾引那所学院中最漂亮的女生。

13 、She studies at a medical college in New York.───她在纽约医学院就读。

14 、She has put in an application to the college.───她已提出进该学院深造的申请。

15 、He somehow bumbled through two years of college.───他胡乱地混过了两年大学生活。

16 、I was just offering. is what you do on a college tour because you're touring colleges.─── 我是好意 ...住在宿舍 因为这才是参观大学该干的事

17 、She and I were contemporaries at college.───她和我在学院里是同学。

18 、'cause she says I have to go to community college now instead of real college.─── 因为她说我必须去上社区大学 而不是真正的大学

19 、She somehow bumbled through four years of college.───她总算乱混过了四年大学。

20 、She has the qualifications for admission to the college.───她具备进入该学院的条件。

21 、He picked up the girl at a college disco.───他在学校的迪斯科舞会上偶然结识了那姑娘。

22 、He was tapped as president of the college.───他被选为该学院的院长。

23 、They made representations to the college cook about the bad food.───他们向学校厨师抗议伙食太差。

24 、From the middle school I went on to the Beijing Medical College.───中学毕业后我进北京医学院继续学习。

25 、A course of study for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in a college or university, conducted in the manner of a seminar.───大学研究生班大学里为研究生和高年级的本科生设的以研讨方式进行的研究班

26 、Students growing up from nursery school to college have trouble dealing with realities.───从幼儿园到大学的大学生在如何应付现实生活上都存在困难。

27 、He is studying in the theological college.───他在那所神学院学习。

28 、Financial aids generally taper off after the first year of college.───助学金通常在大学一年级之后逐渐减少。

29 、He covered himself with honours at college.───他在学院里获得多种荣誉。

30 、He was unemployed for two months after leaving college.───他离开大学后已有两个月没有工作了。

31 、As a college student, it is important to master a foreign language.───作为一名大学生,掌握一门外语是非常重要的。

32 、The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.───大学突然把他从讲师提升为正教授。

33 、She is a member of the Royal College of Nursing.───她是**护士协会的会员。

34 、Well, I was in college, and he was pretending to go to college to meet girls.─── 是我在上大学 他是假装上大学 为了把妹

35 、The college library is a favorite haunt.───大学图书馆是人们喜欢的地方。

36 、She has a talent and a passion, and college, a good college, is out of reach without this.─── 她有天赋和* 还想上大学 想上好的大学 不跑步是不行的

37 、Trinity College is an Equal Opportunities Employer.───三一学院是个给予均等机会的雇主。

38 、You're being seen through college by me!───你一直靠了我的资助念完大学!

39 、I don't wanna go to college, meet someone in college, marry them, stay in my hometown, have a bunch of kids.─── 我不想去念大学 在大学里找个男朋友 然后结婚 回老家生活 生一窝孩子

40 、She did a lot of acting while she was at college.───她在念大学时演过很多次戏剧。

41 、They all board in at the college.───他们都在学院里就餐。

42 、She want to do social work when she finish college.───她打算毕业后从事社会福利工作。

43 、The principal team representing a university, college, or school in sports, games, or other competitions.───大学代表队在运动会、游戏或其它竞赛中代表一所大学、大专或学校的主队

44 、You know that Bill was thrown out of college for failing his exams.───你知道吗,比尔因考试不及格而被大学开除了。

45 、They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son.───他们向学院赠送了一笔款项以纪念他们的儿子。

46 、He majored in international commerce in college.───他大学时的专业是国际贸易。

47 、Because this is a college seminar, and that's how college seminars work.─── 因为这是大学研讨班 这就是大学研讨班要做的

48 、Do you know that Bill got flung out of college for failing his exam?───你知道吗?比尔因考试不及格被学校开除了。

49 、He had passed the entrance examination of the college.───他已经通过了大学的入学考试。

50 、Came across my old college roommate in town today.───今天在镇上遇到我大学的老同学

51 、Right, because like a community college, it's great, go to college.─── 没错 因为像这样一所社区大学 因为上大上学是好事

52 、What's the point of going to college?───上大学有何用?

53 、He is at law college.───他在法学院读书。

54 、Big business culls the brightest from among college graduates.───大企业从大学毕业生中选拔最优秀的人材。

55 、He thought college would develop his intellect.───他认为上大学会发展他的才智。

56 、Four years of college gave her considerable polish.───四年的大学教育使她更加完美。

57 、She came to college early to look for housing.───她早早到校去寻找住房

58 、He was keen that she should go to college.───他渴望她能上大学。

59 、College students today have strong opinions about right and wrong.───今天的大学生们对是否问题有坚定的看法。

60 、She attended the summer session of college.───她上大学的暑期班。

61 、She enrolled in college yesterday.───她昨天注册入大学。

62 、He starts college in January.───他一月份开始上大学。

63 、He often cut recitation during his college days.───他上大学时经常无故旷课,逃避背诵练习。

64 、I thought we were going to actual college, not online college.─── 我以为我们要去真正的大学 不是在线大学

65 、Yeah, college is really hard 'cause he's in college.─── 大学真不容易 因为他是大学生

66 、Jim was sweating out the results of the college exams.───吉姆焦急地等待着大学考试的结果。

67 、Their son will start college in January.───他们的儿子将于一月份开始上大学。

68 、What do you plan to do after college?───你打算大学毕业後做什么?

69 、She is studying economics at college.───她在大学里读经济学。

70 、A library is indispensable to a college.───大学里图书馆是必不可少的。

71 、George decided to go into the Church, so his father sent him to a theological college.───乔治决定当牧师,因此他父亲把他送进一所神学院。

72 、He is fresh from college.───他刚从大学毕业。

73 、He edit a daily paper before he come to teach at our college.───他来我们学院任教之前充任过一份日报的主编。

74 、During his first year in college, he work as a bottle washer in a laboratory in the evening.───大学一年级的时候,他晚上在一个实验室里当洗瓶子的工人。

75 、College students have the run of the university library.───大学生可以自由地使用大学的图书馆。

76 、He dropped out of college after only two weeks.───他在大学只读了两个星期便退学了。

77 、When does he finish his college course?───他何时大学毕业?

78 、The college debating society was a natural springboard for her career in politics.───大学里的辩论社自然成了她从政的跳板。

79 、During his first year in college, he worked as a bottle washer in a laboratory in the evening.───大学一年级的时候,他晚上在一个实验室里当洗瓶子的工人。

80 、She used to run when she was at college.───她上大学时经常练跑步。

81 、Mr. Smith maintains his son at college.───史密斯先生供养念大学的儿子。

82 、He didn't get into any of the colleges he applied to, so backup plan was to take community college courses and transfer.─── 他申请的大学都没被录取 备选的计划是 去社区大学学课程然后再转学

83 、He desired a college education.───他想受到大学教育。

84 、His benevolence made it possible for many poor children to attend college.───他的善心使得许多穷孩子上大学成为可能。

85 、Their friendship flowered while they were at college.───他们的友谊在求学时已根深蒂固。

86 、He is on the college football team.───他是大学橄榄球队的队员。

87 、Dwelling within or having authority within the walls or buildings of a college.───关于学院住宿的住在大学校内的或对大学的建筑有管理权力的

88 、The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons.───大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运 动。

89 、I lived in Florida until I went to college.───在我读大学以前,我一直住在佛罗里达州。

90 、He interrupted college to serve in the army.───他中断大学学业到军队去服役。



College一词在美国的使用则要常见得多,它有好几个意思:一是宽泛意义上的“大学”这个概念(比如美国人会问:Do you want to go to college?即,你想上大学吗?而不是问Do you want to go to university?);另一个意思是本科学院,既可以指规模较小的不提供硕博课程的大学(如Middlebury College,明德学院这一全美顶尖的文理学院就是此例。但也有些本科大学在创立后又陆续加入了研究生项目,但名字却依然保留了College,比如Boston College,波士顿学院),也可以指综合性大学里的本科部分(如文首问题中提到的Harvard College,哈佛学院);还有一个意思则是大学中的某个专业院校,一般会在名字中附带一个综合而具有概括性的专业(如College of Medicine,医学院)。



而School除了常见的笼统意义上的“学校”之意外也可指院校,与College的第三个意思相近,有些大学还会在前面加上著名校友或赞助者的名字以示纪念(如纽约大学著名的Tisch School of Arts,帝势艺术学院,帝势就是最早的创始赞助者的名字)。因为避免和College一词连用产生歧义,综合性大学里面的硕士部分一般也称为Graduate School,后面视情况追加某个专业的名称。

再往下就是Department了,在大学层级中的意思是专业科系,这个词后面会加细分到某一领域的专业(如Department of Math,数学系)



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