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07-01 投稿




英:[?'pr??t?]  美:[??pr??t?]

英:  美:


v.靠近, 接近, 接洽, 要求,达到, 动手处理

n.途径, 方法, 接近, 接洽, 要求,路径, 进场着陆, 相似的事物


动词过去分词: approached | 动词第三人称单数: approaches | 动词现在分词: approaching | 动词过去式: approached |


approach to

1. 接近

The number of new workers this year approaches to three thousand.



advance | coming | draw near | approach path | glide slope | methodology | inlet | tackle | manner | course | avenue | approximate | set about | near | approaching | means | tactic | attitude | understanding | advent | style | fashion | plan of attack | mode | border on | passageway | technique | go about | come on | reach | go up | greet | slant | method | accession | overture | program | come near to | line | come | entry | access | attack | glide path | contact | way | come near | line of attack | approach shot | move toward | feeler | talk to | entrance | speak to


part | separate | leave


1 、He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection.───他因怕遭拒绝决定不再去找她。

2 、Your strength: Your bold approach to life?───强项:大胆的生活?

3 、He still had not the courage to approach her.───他仍没有勇气靠近她。

4 、While on land I feared to approach you.───在岸上时,我不敢来接近你。

5 、A good leader is easy of approach to the people.───好的领导平易近人。

6 、They've taken a very cautious approach.───他们采取了十分谨慎的态度。

7 、He had an even-handed approach to the negotiations.───他对这些谈判采取不偏不倚的态度。

8 、A still speculative method may supplant that approach, however.───不过,一个仍在构想阶段的方法也许可以取而代之。

9 、His approach was anything but subtle.───他的方式直截了当。

10 、They approach the calf and then they discover each other and this looks like a *all greeting, but then they go back and follow the calf, who's probably heard from its mother in the meantime and is approaching its mother.─── 他们朝小象走来 并看见了彼此 这段似乎是个碰头 然后带着小象往回走了 其间可能是 听见了母象的呼唤 向母象的方向去了

11 、This approach has one small drawback, though.───不过这种方法有一个很小的缺点。

12 、The latter approach may be preferable.───后一办法也许更可

13 、London-based Ovate takes a different approach.───位于伦敦的Ovate采取了不同的方法。

14 、An eclectic taste in music; an eclectic approach to managing the economy.───对音乐有所选择的品味; 以综合各派的方式来处理经济事务

15 、I'm impressed by your approach to business.───你们经营业务的方法给我留下了很深的印象。

16 、He presents a new approach to foreign languages.───他提出学习外语的新方法。

17 、At her approach the children ran off.───她走近的时候,孩子们都跑了。

18 、Principles of the business rule approach II.───业务规则方法原理2。

19 、Few actors approach him in ability.───在才华方面很少有演员可与他媲美。

20 、Reduce to your minimum approach speed.───减至你的最小进近速度。

21 、Such people as are friendly are easy to approach.───亲切之人容易接近。

22 、Her approach to the job lacks purpose.───她干这项工作缺乏毅力。

23 、It is advisable to take an open- minded approach to new idea.───对新思想采取不存先入之见的态度是明智的。

24 、Did he approach you about borrowing money?───他有没有跟你接洽借款的事?

25 、I'm still confident that my approach, which you approved, is the only sound approach.─── 我仍然相信我的方法 你认可的方法 是唯一可行的方法

26 、He always plucked up at the approach of danger.───他总是临危不惧。

27 、Have you found a correct approach to the subject?───你找到解决这个问题的正确方法了吗?

28 、The RI approach has one major disadvantage.───剩余收益衡量方法有一个主要的缺点。

29 、Be sure to slow your car down aw you approach that dangerous curve.───当你驶进那危险的弯道时,千万要放慢车速。

30 、That Acer has come this far is something of a testament to the drive and unconventional approach of the43-year-old Mr.Shih, who has become the Steve Jobs of Taiwan.───宏碁能有今天的成就,应该可以证明43岁的施先生努力不懈和创新的经营方法。他已为台湾的贾提夫。

31 、Company Six blocked the enemy's path of approach.───六连挡住了敌人的来路。

32 、She is extremely professional in her approach to her job.───她对工作极为精通。

33 、On first sight,you may feel he is hard to approach.───乍一看,你还以为他是难以接近的人。

34 、As the great moment approach, she grow more and more nervous.───她因那重要时刻渐近而越来越紧张。

35 、He presented a new approach at the meeting.───他在会议上提出一个新的方法。

36 、Approaching the house. I repeat, they are approaching the house.─── 正在接近房子 重複 正在接近房子

37 、However, with LVM there is a better approach.───不过,如果使用LVM,会有更好的方法。

38 、Q. How often does an NEA make a close approach?───一个NEA多久非常靠近一次?

39 、A new approach of keyboard process in DSP systems.───DSP系统中键盘处理的一种新方法。

40 、I'll approach my brotherinlaw, if you approach your mother.─── 如果你找*帮忙 我就找我姐夫帮忙

41 、Slow, but I'm still confident that my approach, which you approved, is the only sound approach.─── 进展缓慢 不过我仍然相信我的方法 你认可的方法 是唯一可行的方法

42 、He took a different approach to it than I did.───他采取跟我不同的方法处理那件事。

43 、His book presents a new approach to the difficulty.───他的书对于该项难题提出新的处理方法。

44 、How dare you approach the ogre's castle?───你怎么敢到魔宫来?

45 、Her nearer approach made the guess a certainty.───她走得更近了,猜想被证实了。

46 、The club has made an approach to a local business firm for sponsorship.───俱乐部已试探向本地一家公司寻求资助。

47 、So I tried a different approach to the problem.───于是,我试用了不同的办法来解决这个问题。

48 、One who advocates a moderate or conservative approach, action, or policy, as in a political or governmental organization.───保守派,少数派在政治或政府组织中宣扬中间或保守的路线、行动或政策的人

49 、She made a sign for me to approach her.───她对我发出靠近她的暗号。

50 、An analytic mind; an analytic approach.───善于分析的头脑; 分析方法

51 、Got two groups one approaching from behind, one approaching from in front.─── 有两群 一群正从后方接近 另一群从前方

52 、Maybe you will find out that I'm easy to approach.───你会发现我是个很容易相处的人。

53 、However, there is an alternative approach.───不过,可以采用另一种方法。

54 、Did he approach you about lending him some money?───他有没有向你开口借点钱?

55 、Use an engineering approach to failure prevention.───使用工程的手法来预防错误。

56 、You can't take a one-sided approach to the problem.───你不能片面地看这个问题。

57 、She made a sign that I approach.───她以动作示意我靠过去。

58 、A new approach to urban renewal is needed.───因此,我们需要以一个新的方式去进行市区重建。

59 、It's very important to remember that you never approach royal, you always wait to be approached.─── 要记住的很重要的一点 你永远不能主动去接近王室 要等着王室来接近你

60 、He took a very scientific approach to management.───他采取了一种非常科学的管理方法。

61 、Her approach always galvanized him into new and spasmodic life.───她每次走进来都使他感到一阵阵振奋激动。

62 、A "classic" approach works best with a Libra boss.───对天秤座的老板来说,“典雅的”方式是一种最好的办法。

63 、Logical approach to the problem.───对问题的逻辑解决步骤。

64 、She used to get into a state as exam approach.───她以前在考试到来之前总是非常紧张。

65 、You approach it in a different way than I do.───你对待这个问题的态度和我不一样。

66 、Few writers approach his richness of language.───他语言之丰富很少有作家能望其项背。

67 、Was the initial approach appropriate?───初步工作方法是否适宜?

68 、He is systematic in his approach to work.───他工作起来井井有条。

69 、He approach the bank with a re-quest for a loan.───他与银行洽谈申请贷款事宜。

70 、My father's approach to machinery was similar to his approach to his family if you don't like how something works, keep banging on it until it does what you want.─── 我父亲对待机器的态度 跟对待家人的态度是一样的 不喜欢什么事情 就一直打到它听话为止

71 、He has a philosophic approach to life.───他对待生活非常达观。

72 、The emollient approach of a diplomatic mediator.───官方调停者的缓和方法

73 、He is an iceberg,very difficult to approach.───他是个冷淡而高傲的人,很难相处.

74 、Cleared for a practices ILS approach.───允许练习盲降进近。

75 、In this article I propose an alternative approach.───在本文中,我将建议一种替代的方法。

76 、An iron golf club that has more loft than a driver and less than a three iron, used for medium fairway shots and long approach shots; a two iron.───2号铁头球棒铁制高尔夫球棒,其高击斜面大于发球球棒小于3号铁头球棒,用于击中远球和长距离球; 2号铁头球棒

77 、They approach him but he snaps at them.───他们接近了他却被他厉声斥责了。

78 、Between your nononsense approach and my theregularamountofnonsense approach, we make a pretty good team.─── 结合你的非荒谬型方案 和我的正常程度荒谬型方案 我们是个很棒的团队

79 、One could approach this problem in a random fashion.───人们可以用随意的方式研究这个问题。

80 、Your approach to teaching differs nothing from hers.───你的教学方法同她的教学方法并无不同之处。

81 、An alternative approach using pendulums and dashpots is often used.───叠代法中往往使用单摆和冲击板。

82 、Did he approach you about a loan ?───他与你谈了借款的事了吗?

83 、Whenever you are approaching someone, they are approaching you, reading you, searching you for a weakness to exploit.─── 当你接近一个人时 他们也在接近你 分析你 寻找你的弱点加以利用

84 、The other ladies had fallen back at her approach.───她走近时别的妇女都不约而同地后退一步。

85 、Their approach to life is refreshingly naive.───他们对待生活的态度天真率直,令人耳目一新。

86 、He is rather difficult to approach .───他很难相处。

87 、Talking excitedly they watched Jurek approach.───他们一面兴冲冲议论,一面瞧着朱理克走过来。

88 、The process of defining the software architecture, components, modules, interfaces, test approach, and data for a software system to satisfy specified requirements.───为使一软件系统满足规定的要求而确定软件体系结构、部件、模块、接口、测试方法和数据的过程。

89 、One possible method is the pay-as-you-go approach.───一个可行的方法是pay-as-you-go方法。

90 、The driver toots his horn as he approach the bend.───开车的人在快要转弯时按响了喇叭。



Way:表示做事的方式、方法、手段,常常用来描述做事的具体步骤。例如:The best way to learn English is to practice speaking it every day.(学习英语的最佳方法就是每天练习说英语。)

Method:表示一种系统化的方法来解决问题或者完成某件事情。它通常是指一系列的步骤或程序,使事情按照特定的顺序进行。例如:The scientific method is a systematic way of making observations and conducting experiments.(科学方法是一种系统的方法,用于进行观察和实验。)

Approach:通常意味着一种方式或者方法来处理或处理某些事情,但是不像"Way"和"Method"那样具体。"Approach"侧重于表达抽象的思想或者概念。例如:Our approach to problem-solving involves looking at the issue from multiple angles.(我们解决问题的方法是从多个角度看待问题。)




1. Way:指达成某个目标的途径或手段,通常表示具体的行动方式,与目标本身的相关性不强。例如:the best way to learn English; the way to success.

2. Method:指一种固定的、有系统的做事方式或行动步骤,常常强调实际操作和执行的过程。例如:the scientific method of research; a method for solving mathematical problems.

3. Approach:指达到某个目标的方法或方式,但更侧重于思考和分析的过程。它强调的是某个问题或任务解决的思路和方法,比较抽象。例如:a new approach to solving the problem of unemployment; a creative approach to teaching.


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