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06-29 投稿




英:[??:t?'kr?t?k]  美:[??:t?'kr?t?k]

英:  美:


adj. 独裁的, 专制的, 独断专行的


副词: autocratically | 形容词: autocratic |


1 、He threw political leaders behind bars, banned political parties, and installed an autocratic party-less Panchayat system in 1960.───他把政治领袖们逮捕起来,禁止政党活动,并且在1960年实行了一party专政的农村行政系统。

2 、Mr Ozawa's style, however, if occasionally brilliant, is also thin-skinned and autocratic: he does his deals in the shadows without consulting colleagues.───尽管如此,虽然小泽有时候会有明智之举,但他的作风还是肤浅而专制的:他不会咨询同事的意见,而选择在暗地里干他想干的事。

3 、The Scolars is a monumental masterpiece which ruthlessly exposes and criticizes the autocratic rule of the feudal cociety.───儒林外史》是一部无情揭露和批判独裁专制的封建社会的巨著。

4 、Instead of sounding like a Tsar, high above the crowd, he's beginning to sound like just another nervous autocrat.───听上去倒不象一个高高在上的沙皇,而是听上去象另一个恐慌中的专制君主。

5 、The president veers between social democracy and a more autocratic, radical brand of leftism.───厄瓜多尔总统从社会民主主义突然转向更为专制的集权主义,这是标准的急进主义。

6 、Those of us with no inkling of power on a grand scale often forget how hard it must be to believe in oneself as monarch or autocrat.─── 像我们这样的 对这个级别的权力毫无概念的人常常会忘记 相信自己是天生的君王和统治者是多么的困难

7 、It marks China's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocratic politics to people's democratic politics.───中国实现了从几千年的封建专制政治向人民民主政治的伟大跨越。

8 、With its centralised power structure and ability to mobilise resources, the autocratic Chinese government excels at disaster relief operations.───借助其集中的权力结构和动用资源的能力,威权的中国政府在救灾行动方面表现出色。

9 、It was the proprietary appellation of peer still at this time, but enhance with the Chinese autocratic and centralized feudal society it became a symbol for political position only.───“家”是贵族之家的专有称谓,但随着专制主义中央集权的加强,“家”仅仅成为了一种政治地位的象征;

10 、Cozying up with China and the autocratic Gulf states looks less malevolent when those countries are the main lenders to the U.S.Treasury.───当中国和海湾专制国家成为美国财政部主要贷款者时,他们看起来也不那么讨厌。

11 、He then left the Academy and spent the next three years in Asia Minor, devoting most of his attention to scientific studies.He became a friend of a local autocrat, Hermias, whose niece he married.───他在那里潜心科学研究,与当地的一位专制君王赫米艾斯结为朋友,并娶该国王的侄女为妻。

12 、and rigid, autocratic monarchies were built in the 17th century.───强硬的、专制的君主制度在十七世纪大行其道。

13 、Some historians of China think they see the telltale signs of dynastic decline: government corruption, social discontent (especially in the countryside), autocratic rulers and a militarizing state.───中国的一些史学家认为他们看见暴露出的这个王朝走下坡路的征兆:政府腐败,社会不满(特别是农村),独裁的统治和一个军事化的国家。

14 、Autocratic Monarchy System in china───中国君主专制制度

15 、of the nature of or relating to an autocrat───属于或关于独裁者本性

16 、Don't play into the hands of this autocratic Chinese regime.───别被独裁的中国政权玩弄了。

17 、Their academic system functioned both in drawing up the rules for the kings and limiting the power of the autocratic monarchy, did have a major influence on the future generations.───其学术体系功能具有为王者规范天下和限制君主专制权力的两面性,这种思想体系对后代有深远影响。

18 、Similarly, in any autocratic regime, the holders of power become increasingly tyrannical with experience of the delights that power can afford.───同样,在任何专制政权中,掌权者由于权力赋予他的快乐而变得越来越专横。

19 、But his devotion to socialist principles and indiscreet hostility to Stalin's autocratic rule led to his undoing.───但由于对社会主义的忠诚和对斯大林独裁的不满,最终让他走上异见道路。

20 、Zeus was not an autocrat by any standards───宙斯绝不是一位独裁者。

21 、The local boss, however autocratic he may be in the larger sphere of the city with the power he gets from the neighborhood, must always be in and of the people.───当地的一些头面人物,不论他在城里多么专横跋扈,他在自己邻里中必须与同伴永远平等相处,因为他的权力是邻里赋予他的。

22 、Well, I know which one makes this heartless autocrat of a hu*and glad he's not dead.─── 我知道哪件能让这位残酷的*丈夫 很高兴他没有死

23 、Dr. Sun Yatsen, China's forerunner of the democratic revolution, was the first to put forward the slogan of " rejuvenation of china."He led the Revolution of 1911 to overthrow the autocratic monarchy lasting several millennia in China.───中国民主革命的先行者孙中山首先提出“振兴中华”的口号,他领导的辛亥革命,推翻了在中国延续几千年的君主专制制度。

24 、autocratic monarch───君主专制

25 、The three most commonly used leadership styles are autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire .───三种最常用的领导风格是独裁式、民主式与放任式。

26 、It seems to me that you talk like a great autocrat───你说话活象个专制的暴君。

27 、The power to make decisions has remained an absolute one, though the autocrat could exercise the power every day whereas the whole population do so only once in four years.───尽管一人做主所行使的做主权力天天都存在,而全民做主则只是四年行使一次权力,但所行使的权力也是绝对的。

28 、autocratic culture───专制文化

29 、autocratic feudalism───封建专制

30 、Taiwan's history of being invaded and colonized will not be repeated, and autocratic rule that goes against the will of Taiwan compatriots will not reappear.───台湾被宰割、被殖民的历史将不会重演;违背台湾同胞意愿的专制政权将不会再现。

31 、Putin’s is a new and subtler game: he is the autocrat who calls on the widow of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.───同这样的人打交道,需要高超的政治技艺,而我们现有的政治家还远远达不到这个水平。

32 、But in a family state the social organization is autocratic and hierarchic, because in a family the authority of the father is naturally superior to that of the son.───但是在一个家邦里,社会组织就是独裁的,分等级的,因为在一家之内,父的权威天然地高于子的权威。

33 、In 1911, he led a bourgeois democratic revolution, bringing to an end the autocratic monarchical system that had been in place for several millenniums.───1911年,他领导了资产阶级民主革命,结束了在中国存在数千年之久的封建君主专制制度。

34 、Necessarily, if it is based on our world, a shift in emphasis of control, e.g. to corporations, autocratic cliques or bureaucracies.───如果**是根据我们的世界,一些强调控制的改变是必需的。例如政治体系,独裁派系或官僚政治。

35 、On Autocratic Monarchy in the Feudal Society and the Functional Theory of Art and Literature───封建社会的君主专制与文艺功能论

36 、The autocratic rule of the emperors and nobility has been overthrown, and in its place there have arisen first the warlord bureaucrat rule of the landlord class and then the joint dictatorship of the landlord class and the big bourgeoisie.───三、帝和贵族的专制政权是被推翻了,代之而起的先是地主阶级的军阀官僚的统治,接着是地主阶级和大资产阶级联盟的专政。

37 、Mr. Harling, therefore, seemed to me autocratic and imperial in his ways───因此,在我看来,哈林先生那一套有点专制和唯我独尊的味道。

38 、When Sengir Autocrat leaves play, remove all Serf tokens from the game.───当辛格氏独裁者离场时,将所有农奴衍生物移出游戏。

39 、Fromm demanded that the society is obliged to meet the basic mental needs of human beings.But Mencius asked people to abide by the autocratic hierarchy.───前者要求社会必须满足人的基本精神需要,后者要求人必须服从专制的等级制度。

40 、It is different from the suffering consciousness of the political foundation of moral character and the dark consciousness regarded as the autocratic political foundation.───它不同于作为德性政治基础的忧患意识,也不同于作为专制政治基础的阴暗意识。

41 、He proved particularly autocratic in 2004, when he announced a plan to keep failing students from advancing to the next grade.───2004年,他表现得尤为专制,在那年他宣布了一项计划,要把那些成绩不合格的学生留级。

42 、Autocratic rule has been imposed in the name of unification.───假统一之名,行独霸之实。

43 、He was an accomplished politician and a crafty autocrat.───他是个杰出的政治家,也是个狡黠的独裁者。

44 、The present anti-Japanese united front still lacks a political programme to replace the Kuomintang's policy of autocratic rule, a programme accepted by both parties and formally promulgated.───今天的抗日统一战线,还没有一个为两党所共同承认和正式公布的政治纲领,去代替国民党的统制政策。

45 、In my opinion, an autocratic system of coercion soon degenerates;force attracts men of low morality...───我强烈地向往着俭朴的生活,并且时常为发觉自己占用了同胞的过多劳动而难以忍受。

46 、You might be sent to a country with an autocrat for a ruler.───制服很干净,但远谈不上前卫。

47 、Mugabe, 84, has been in power since independence in 1980 and went from being praised as a liberator to being vilified as an autocrat.───84岁的穆加贝自津1980年独立以来一直在位,因其解放津巴布韦而广受赞誉,同时也因其独裁统治受到谴责。

48 、Any autocratic country can't last long.───任何一个专制主义盛行的国家都不能千秋万代。

49 、Destruction of Autocratic Monarchy System in Modern Times of China───中国近代君主专制制度的覆灭

50 、I know people who consider me autocratic.─── 我知道有人认为我专横跋扈

51 、An autocratic Chinese government is unsafe to the Chinese people, unsafe to world peace, and unsafe to the U.S. and the American people.───专制的中国政府对中国人民是不安全的,对世界和平是不安全的,对美国和美国人民也是不安全的。

52 、One is the five autocratic ’stans of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan).───其一,中亚的五个集权“斯坦”国(哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦,塔吉克斯坦,土库曼斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦)。

53 、The 65-year-old former army chief came to power in a bloodless coup in 1999 by deposing a civilian government led by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that was criticized as autocratic and corrupt.───今年65岁的穆沙拉夫是1999年在一场不流血政变中上台的,当时,身为军队**的穆沙拉夫罢免了时任总理谢里夫(NawazSharif)领导的独裁、腐败的平民政府。

54 、In a city state the social organization is not autocratic, because among the same class of townsmen, there is no moral reason why one should be more important than, or superior to, another.───在一个城邦里,社会组织不是独裁的,因为在同一个市民阶级之内,没有任何道德上的理由认为某个人应当比别人重要,或高于别人。

55 、The abnormal participation of MISHU in decision-making was to the advantage of emperors' dictatorship, therefore, it enhanced the autocratic monarchy in Ming Dynasty.───密疏政治的非常制参与,更加有利于皇帝对决策权的专断,从而强化了明代的专制皇权。

56 、The people were against autocratic monarchy.───人民反对君主专制。

57 、He had an autocratic way of doing his job───他办事独断独行。

58 、Republican in title he was, but an autocrat at heart───他名义上是共和主义者,但内里却是个专制君主。

59 、But his popularity in the countryside was matched by growing criticism in the cities, where activists and intellectuals portrayed him as an autocrat masquerading as a democrat.───他在乡下固然民望很高,却饱受都会活跃分子和知识分子抗议,这些人认为,他是假民主之名行专制独裁之实。

60 、The emperor was an autocrat, answerable to none, like a Hellenistic monarch. But he was a Christian ruler of a Christian state───如希腊化时期的君主一样,皇帝是个没有商量余地的独裁者,但他是一位基督教国家的基督教统治者。

61 、Collision of Sima Qian's Legal Ideals with Autocratic Monarchy───司马迁的法治理想与君主专制制度的碰撞

62 、of the nature of or relating to an autocrat.───属于或关于独裁者本性。

63 、the expansion of autocratic regality───君权扩张

64 、to slacken the influence of the autocratic system───减小专制制度的影响

65 、When Sengir Autocrat comes into play, put three 0/1 black Serf creature tokens into play.───当辛格氏独裁者进场时,将三个0/1黑色农奴衍生物放置进场。

66 、While the feudal state was torn apart into rival principalities in the period before the Chin Dynasty, it became autocratic and centralized after the first Chin emperor unified China, though some feudal separatism remained.───如果说,秦以前的一个时代是诸侯割据称雄的封建国家,那末,自秦始皇统一中国以后,就建立了专制主义的中央集权的封建国家;同时,在某种程度上仍旧保留着封建割据的状态。

67 、Tom is considered an autocratic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.───在句子或段落种,若两个事物、现象之间构成因果关系,偶们可以根据这种逻辑关系推知生词词义.

68 、In the 1990s, the democratic world, led by the United States, toppled autocratic governments in Panama and Haiti and twice made war against Milosevic's Serbia.───20世纪90年代,以美国为首的民主主义国际推翻了巴拿马与海地两国的政府,并两度掀起了对塞尔维亚的战争,矛头直指米洛舍维奇的政府。

69 、Yet the policy of autocratic rule remains unchanged.───可是统制政策依然没有改变。

70 、No doubt the American government operates with a double standard when dealing with autocratic regimes, tolerating Saudi abuses of human rights while condemning Cuban abuses, for example.───在对付独裁政权的时候,美国政府无疑本着双重标准行事,比如,容忍沙特对人权的虐待却谴责古巴的虐待人权行为。

71 、He was an accomplished politician and a crafty autocrat───他是个有造诣的政治家,也是个狡黠的独裁者。

72 、It is widely believed that the Peugeot family tired of Mr Streiff's autocratic ways and penchant for confrontation.───人们普遍认为标致家族已经受够了斯特雷夫独断专行的作风和与人争执的嗜好。

73 、In a succession of parties, he has ever since vowed to bring the LDP down, arguing for a reformed politics that his autocratic style suggests he is unlikely to provide.───在后来的党派中,他一直发誓要让自民党下野,有争议认为对一个改革派而言,小泽的专制风格意味着他不可能会进行革新。

74 、an autocratic style of leadership───专制的领导作风

75 、Angleton was an autocratic man───安格尔顿是个专横霸道的人。

76 、If you are an autocrat but want to run a system of sham democracy, it is a boon if the opposition is divided.───如果你是一个独裁统治者,又想实行一套伪民主政策,把反对派划分出来则不失为一条上策。

77 、Cozying up with China and the autocratic Gulf states looks less malevolent when those countries are the main lenders to the U.───中国和海湾地区的主权国家现在是美国的主要债权人,拉拢这些国家对美国而言并不算太坏。

78 、autocratic monarch; despotic emperor───专制帝王

79 、The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table───n. 《早餐桌上的霸主》,奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯(Oliver Wendell Holmes)著

80 、Qu Yuan displays the typical psychology of the literati under the autocratic monarchy in his book by using the folk style of offering a rite to God and describing many lovers who are very much in love with each other.───《九歌》是屈原借用楚国民间祭神形式和诸多苦恋者形象展现了君权制统治下士大夫的典型心态,其情感曲折深微、婉悲凉。

81 、Emperor Nero was an autocrat .───尼禄皇帝是一个专制独裁者。

82 、Not a government of national defence based on democratic centralism, but an autocratic government of bureaucrats, compradors and big landlords.───不是民主集中制的国防性的政府,而是一个官僚买办豪绅地主的专制政府。

83 、She wrote a lot of books that exposed the avarice of the authoritarian .the autocracy of the autocrat and the falsity of the autonomy.───她写了许多书,暴露了权力主义者的贪婪,独裁者的独裁政体和自治权的虚伪。


A Brief Chinese Chronology

夏Xia DynastyC.2100-C.1600 B.C.

商Shang DynastyC.1600-C.1100 B.C.

周Zhou Dynasty

-西周Western Zhou DynastyC.1100-771 B.C.

-东周Eastern Zhou dynasty770-256 B.C.

-春秋Spring and Autumn period770-476 B.C.

-战国Warring States475-221 B.C.

秦Qin Dynasty221-206 B.C.

汉Han Dynasty

-西汉Western Han206 B.C.-24 A.D.

-东汉Eastern Han25-220 A.D.

三国Three Kingdoms


-蜀汉Shu Han221-263


西晋Western Jin Dynasty265-316

东晋Eastern Jin Dynasty317-420

南北朝Northern and Southern Dynasty

-南朝Southern Dynasty





-北朝Northern Dynasty

--北魏Northern Wei386-534

--东魏Eastern Wei534-550

--北齐Northern Qi550-577

--西魏Western Wei535-556

--北周Northern Zhou557-581

隋Sui Dynasty581-618

唐Tang Dynasty618-907

五代Five Dynasties

-后梁Later Liang907-923

-后唐Later Tang923-936

-后晋Later Jin936-946

-后汉Later Han947-950

-后周Later Zhou951-960

宋Song Dynasty

-北宋Northern Song Dynasty960-1127

-南宋Southern Song Dynasty1127-1279

辽Liao Dynasty916-1125

金Jin Dynasty1115-1234

元Yuan Dynasty1271-1368

明Ming Dynasty1368-1644

清Qing Dynasty1644-1911

中华民国Republic of China1912-1949

中华人民共和国People’s Republic of China1949-

*C.:Century 世纪

B.C.:Before Christ 公元前

A.D.:Anno Domini 公元



Qin Dynasty

The Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC) was the first unified dynasty in the history of China developed by the Qin State in the Warring States Period. 



Han Dynasty

The Han Dynasty (202-8 years ago, 25-220 years ago) was a unified dynasty after the Qin Dynasty. It was mainly divided into the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty.



Jin Dynasty

Jin Dynasty (266-420 years), a dynasty in Chinese history, was divided into two periods: the Western Jin Dynasty and the Eastern Jin Dynasty. 



Sui Dynasty

The Sui Dynasty (581-618 or 619) was a unified dynasty in Chinese history, which inherited the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Tang Dynasty.



1、Tang Dynasty

The Tang Dynasty (618-907) was a unified Central Plains Dynasty after the Sui Dynasty. It had twenty-one emperors and enjoyed the country for 289 years.






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